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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

A bit off-topic, but R. Mika was just confirmed in SFV and I'm in heaven right now :):D:cool:
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

This type of games sell, and as long as they sell, they will keep making them :p
Would like to see a poll of the favorite fetishes of the MnF community to get an idea of what people like.
I will see what I can do.

Far as MnF and their art,
Man I am fucking done defending MnF and their art, I don't make the shit, I just write a bit of it.

If you don't like the way MnF makes women.. stop playing their fucking game's!

I don't give a shit..

-And if your going "Damn Sin", I'm sorry.. just having a bad fucking day.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Far as MnF and their art,
Man I am fucking done defending MnF and they're art, I don't make the shit, I just write a bit of it.

If you don't like the way MnF makes women.. stop playing their fucking game's!

Go get a real gf, a hooker, fuck your aunt, your grandma, your sheep, I don't give a shit..

-And if your going "Damn Sin", I'm sorry.. just having a bad fucking day..

Looks like I pissed you off real bad.. :eek:
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Not even you Punisher,
You are a great fellow, so is Squall, Craw, jjmax, Madman, AngelofLove, and some other guys here.

It's just some other shit..

Sorry, just was not in the mood to stick up for MnF and their art/games, it is what it is, and if people think it's shit, then move on please.

It's like those people who fart and go "man that stinks" but then they keep smelling it.. lol
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Not even you Punisher,
You are a great fellow, so is Squall, Craw, jjmax, Madman, AngelofLove, and some other guys here.

It's just some other shit..

Sorry, just was not in the mood to stick up for MnF and their art/games, it is what it is, and if people think it's shit, then move on please.

It's about caring and not caring. About wishing to see them improve and not.. I'm here to see MNF improve. You think I fap to those games? No way..
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I'm glad you care, I care too, probably the most out of us fans.

If by improving you mean changing how each does art, well that won't probably happen, most artists do not change styles.
(Although I will say they will try and suit any requests made in a winning game idea.)

If by improving you mean smaller tits, more often, probably won't happen, since most of their big hits, have big tits, plus Vadim and Serega love making big tits.
(However I will say some are way too big sure.)

If by improving you mean HD games, that is one of the thing's that will come in the future.
(I personally don't see any problems with the definition.)

MnF needs money,
Money to move out of their homeland where they can be put in prison, for life, for what they do. Money to hire more artists like Pinoy, or perhaps a 3d artist. Money to buy better computers to make HD games on.
(Money, money, money, I know it sucks, but that's how the world works.)

Money for art lessons.. jk lol!
(Or am I?..)

Once they can do the above, you will see MnF improve. Until then we will all just have to deal with the crappy, big titted, non HD, big hip having, stuff we get now.

I don't fap to them either, but lots of others like to apparently.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

By improving MNF games, I mean, better models, with realistic big boobs (in relation to body size). I know for anything, you need money but for extracting money from my pocket they have to first show improvement.

HD quality is already achieved, so congrats to them for that.

I also mean, by improving, better stories... Some of the MNF scenarios are too hard to find compelling.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

See its hard to fit boobs to body size. Vadim has tried to compensate with making bigger bodies to match booby types, but people don't like that either.

Plus in the real world, at least here in the States, there is no realistic this, or normal that, there are so many different styles and types of women here it would blow your mind.

-But if you are trying to draw on the realism of if a woman had boobs as big as these girls they would fall over all the time, I'd reiterate, it is a game.

Just be real bro, say you like smaller tits, it's ok.

Otherwise show me some art to better support what you mean, and I will personally talk to the MnF guys for you Sir Punisher.

Far as the stories go,
That's on the other writers, you see me trying to do different from them, most writers only write what they want, and to hell with what others think, and that's ok I guess.. but I think it's better to include others in your ideas development myself.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I'm a fan of big boobs. So nothing wrong there. It's just the unrealistically big boobs that bother me.

If I gave an image to support my point, you'd say that they make 3d models, but I'm not saying that only 3d models can be realistic. Anyway, here's the images that I hope someday, MNF can achieve.

And yes, I can agree with you trying to make everyone happy with the story.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I fap to them, have no problem saying it.
I'm being honest. Not going to say " I play MnF to study the anatomy of women " or " I play MnF games because i like how they do the colors of the costumes ".



Fapped like hell :D






Well you get the idea by the sig, " Fap Material " :D
You can call me weird, freak, whatever, don't care. I'm a member of LoversLab community, an adult modding community of Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout and general stuff, and believe me, there are people there with the strangest kinks ever :D

Sin about the poll, i don't know how their forum work, but probably there is a section to talk about adult stuff. After all they are all adults i guess.
LoversLab has thread called " The hugest fetish you have? " where people talk about their kinks. Could be a nice guideline for future games.
They have 2 threads also, called " Things in porn that turn you off " and " Things in porn that turn you off " but that wouldn't work because there are some fetishes that work great in games and not so great in porn :D
Maybe a " Things that you like/don't like to see in MnF games ". If they are adults, they can keep a nice discussion without derailing the thread :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Those tits, the ones in your examples, I would consider on the smaller side, and those are actually about the same size juggs my wife has.

I can't do much with tits that small in real life bruh..
my dick is pretty big, and even with my wife's D size tits, it's not enough, tits that size barely fit around my dick.

My ideal tit size is like both of those tits in one. So like I said, I think your just into smaller tits Punisher, which is ok ;)

If you want tits that size I suggest you enter any ideas you want made for Kosmos, because he's the guy who makes realistic stuff.
(Vadim or Serega would make G size tits, if not bigger.)

:D am part of the others guys right Sin? lol
Of course you are Ace!
-And Haseo, Papanomics, and others, sorry there are so many great people here.

Oh I used to fap to them, but about two years ago I stopped, now I only write. Nothing wrong with fapping.
(Safest sex there is eh.)

I'll work on the fetish forum stuff.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Nah brother Sin, I know my taste. I just like the tits being realistic..

This is another image to better show my taste.

While this is what I consider small tits.

Big boobs is what makes MNF stand apart from the crowd, and I see nothing wrong with it. But improvement with relation to the body is what I had in mind when I said that I wanted to see MNF make realistic stuff.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Alright Punisher, I will agree with what you believe. However that unfortunately means you will most likely not agree with any size Vadim or Serega will ever probably make, since they mainly make unrealistic.

Vadim actually made smaller tits once.. can't remember which game, but he caught so much shit for it from MnF members, mainly Serrated.

-But like I said, if you ask for more realistic tits in your idea, and it wins, they will do their best to make the tits more realistic for you.

Here is a picture of the MnF forum:
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

About 2 more sets to go and we shall be done with Officer Juggs. For now just enjoy the doggystyle ;)

Like always, thanks Haseo! ;)

But like I said, if you ask for more realistic tits in your idea, and it wins, they will do their best to make the tits more realistic for you.

Here is a picture of the MnF forum:

I wouldn't ask that until they improve their quality a bit. If I ask for a realistic and a smaller pair of tits, it'd backfire on me.

And the image is too blurry to be able to see on my device, was it something special that you wanted us to see?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

lol Sin the image is too small :D
But the general discussion thread is the only thread there ?

About the unrealistic boob size, what defines this ? If it is the surgery enhanced ? there are many women who have natural books who can be " unrealistic " to some.

Hitomi Tanka
Lucy Wilde
Milena Velba

For me, small boobs are from this size to below this size


When i go find some porn and see videos with women like this and with the title " Huge tits bla bla bla fucked " i find it funny that there is a very big gap from my " huge " to other people " huge " :D
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Nope, Squall just said he didn't know what the MnF forums looked like, so I posted a picture.

There is just the general section, with a shit load of sub-threads in it.

Also Hitomi Tanaka is one of my favorites..

As far as tit sizes to me:
A-C small.
D-F Realistic or normal.
G-I Perfect for me.
J-L I can still work with.
M&Bigger too big for me.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

lol Sin the image is too small :D
But the general discussion thread is the only thread there ?

About the unrealistic boob size, what defines this ? If it is the surgery enhanced ? there are many women who have natural books who can be " unrealistic " to some.

Hitomi Tanka
Lucy Wilde
Milena Velba

By unrealistic I mean, the disproportionate boob size in relation to their body. I don't mean that big boobs are unrealistic, but the body of the host should fit accordingly to be realistic.

Okay, good night guys, too late past midnight. :)
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