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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

As somewhat of the messenger between the 2 sites I want to inform you about a nice eye candy in this submission round: Super Whore Family 2

Note – To try and avoid confusion, paragraphs with quotation marks “” are meant to be in-game text.

Note for Kosmos – During the sex scenes, like in the first one, could you leave the girls costumes on. Again, especially the gloves, boots and masks.

Justin – He’s 19 and is now working as a lab tech. He is 5’10’’ with a slim build, blue eyes and blonde hair.

Naomi / Shadow Minx – Justin’s aunt and his mother’s older sister. She’s 49, 6’4’’ with a lightly muscular/athletic build, light skin, long black hair, blue eyes, black lipstick and large breasts. Since she works out a lot, she’s less curvy and has smaller breasts than the standard MnF milf.

Paige / Pyro Vixen – Justin’s cousin. She’s 24, 6’1’’ with long, red hair, light brown eyes and red lipstick. Her breasts and arse are actually bigger than her mother’s.

Short Version:
With his mother and sisters away on some secret mission, a peculiar substance from work is going to make Justin’s stay with his aunt and cousin even more interesting.

Long Version:
“It’s been almost a year since Justin’s mother and sisters went off on some secret mission.”
“Since they left, he’s been staying with his aunt Naomi and cousin Paige. And, of course, just like the other women in his family, they’re superheroes.”
Show Justin’s aunt, kind of like how the characters are introduced at the beginning of A Nerd’s Sweet Revenge.
Note for Kosmos – This time, could you please show the girls from the front, rather than just the back.

“This is Naomi, Justin’s aunt and his mother’s older sister. During the day, she’s a no-nonsense personal trainer. When the sun sets, she’s the anti-heroine Shadow Minx. Her powers include invisibility, x-ray vision and limited telekinesis.”
“Though not as powerful as her sister, she is a master martial artist. She has even invented her own which utilizes momentum from the weight of her enormous breasts to increase the power of her strikes.”
“She has even taught it to certain members of law enforcement.”
Naomi’s picture fades and his cousin’s appears.
“This is his cousin Paige. She’s older than Justin and his sister’s and works as an investigative journalist. When not writing headlines, she’s making them as Pyro Vixen. She is able to fly and produce and manipulate fire.”
“Because of their opposing powers, she and Blizzard Babe have always been rivals.”
Paige’s picture fades and we move on to the first scene.

Scene 1: Sick Leave
Scene opens on Justin walking down a corridor. He’s wearing a white lab coat and carrying a small stack of folders.
“In the last year, Justin has graduated High School with honours, and now works in a government facility as a lab tech.”
“He is working for Professor Cole, a brilliant scientist who has made his name inventing the various gadgets used by many superheroes.”
“Professor Cole’s latest project is proving to be quite volatile, as Justin is about to find out.”
Justin steps through a sliding door.

Justin: Professor, I’ve got the research notes you ask...
Before he can finish, a glowing pinkish-purple rock comes flying and slams into his face.

Justin is now on the floor, rubbing his head. The folders and papers are strewn across the floor, the rock is in front of him and Professor Cole is standing over him.

Professor Cole: Justin! My word lad, are you alright?
Justin: Urrh... Yeah, I’m okay Professor. What hit me?
Professor Cole: Hm? Oh, that.
Professor Cole picks up the rock.
Professor Cole: Not a clue. Must be some kind of by-product from my latest experiment. Fascinating.
Justin is now standing next to Professor Cole. We can clearly see where the rock hit him on his forehead.
Justin: What kind of experiment were you doing?
Professor Cole: Hm? Oh that doesn’t matter. This... substance, is much more interesting.
Justin: Yeah that’s... great... Professor.
Justin puts a hand on his head and suddenly looks dizzy.
Professor Cole: Justin? Are you sure you’re alright lad?
Justin: It’s nothing. I’m just feeling a little dizzy.
Professor Cole: Uh-huh... Justin, I want you to head home, take the rest of the week off.
Justin: It’s okay Professor, I’m fine.
Professor Cole: I wasn’t asking lad. Now sit down before you fall and hurt yourself. I’ll have a car brought round for you.

Scene 2: Paige / Pyro Vixen
Justin is back at his aunt’s house. He’s sitting at a desk in his room, holding a small shard from the glowing rock.
A speech bubble appears from off screen.
????: Hiya Cuz.
Justin turns around, his cousin Paige has just come into the room.
Justin: Hi Paige.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: How come you’re home so early?
Justin: Something from one of Professor Cole’s experiments bonked me on the head. He told me to go home.
She come and stands over Justin’s shoulder, her breasts are right next to his head.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Oh no. Are you okay?
Justin: Yeah, I’m fine. I was feeling really dizzy for a bit, but that passed on the car ride home.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: What exactly hit you?
Justin: Some sort of glowing rock. I guess a small piece of it got caught in my cloths.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Ooh, can I see?
Justin: Sure. Here.
He hands the shard to Paige and she leaves the frame. His phone starts ringing. When he answers, Professor Cole is on the other end.
Justin: Hello.
Professor Cole: Justin, how are you feeling lad?
Justin: A lot better. Is something wrong?
Professor Cole: No, no, not at all lad. Well, maybe.
Justin: Professor, IS something wrong? Or are you experimenting with caffeine substitutes again?
Professor Cole: Don’t change the subject lad. I’ve been examining that peculiar substance. It would seem that it gives off some kind of low level energy. From what I can tell, this energy has no effect on normal people. However, the wave pattern would suggest it has some effect on Super’s. Given your parentage, I thought you should know right away.
Justin: Hold on Professor, what kind of effects?
Professor Cole: I have no idea. Just keep an eye out for anything unusual. See you around lad. SCIENCE AWAITS!!
Professor Cole ends the phone call and Justin puts his phone away.
Justin: Hey Paige, that was Professor Cole. He said that rock has some kind of effect on Super’s. Are you feeling alright?

Change to a shot of Paige standing next to the bed on the other side of the room. She’s blushing and fondling herself, squeezing her breast and rubbing her pussy through her costume. There are little hearts rising from her, like in Pulling Some Fairy Tail.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Yeah, I’m feeling fine. Although, I am feeling really hot all of a sudden. Think you can help me cool off?

Note for Kosmos – In 3 of the scene’s, I’ve given options for anal and in one of them I’ve stated Justin cums inside her arse. So could you actually include some anal this time, please.

Sex Scene 1
Paige is kneeling in front of Justin, about to give him a blowjob.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Blowjob – Stroke, Lick Tip, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Justin cums inside her mouth.

Sex Scene 2
Justin if lying on the bed, with Paige riding him cowgirl.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Play with Boob – Fondle, Lick Nipple, Suck Nipple
Justin cums inside her pussy.

Scene 3: Naomi / Shadow Minx
Justin and Paige are sitting at a table in the kitchen.
Justin: Well, at least I can tell the Professor what its effects on Super’s are.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Yeah, and we had a lot of fun figuring it out. Where’s the shard now?
Justin: I put it in my safe upstairs, until we can figure out what we’re going to do with it.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Well, we could...
Before she can finish, the door slams open and Aunt Naomi comes in. She’s wearing workout cloths and carrying a gym bag.

Paige / Pyro Vixen: Whoa Mom, are you OK?
Naomi / Shadow Minx: NOT NOW PAIGE!! My new client’s a fucking moron and I’ve been stuck with him all day. God, I hope there are plenty of idiots out tonight, I really need to hit someone.
She then quickly makes her way through the kitchen and heads upstairs.
Justin: You know, I’m really starting to worry about her.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: So am I.
Justin: All she does is get stressed out at work.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: And then she takes it out on the cities low level crooks. She never take’s any time for herself to relax.
Justin: If she keeps this up, she’s going to get into trouble.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: I wish there was something we could do about it.
Justin gets an idea, in the form of a light bulb in a thought bubble.

Cut to Naomi’s bedroom. She has changed out of her workout cloths into her Shadow Minx costume.
Justin: Hey, Aunt Naomi, I need to have a word with you.
Naomi / Shadow Minx: What is it Justin? Make it quick.
Justin: Paige and I have been talking. We’re worried about you. We want you to take a break and relax a little.
Naomi / Shadow Minx: Relax!? I don’t have time to relax. I’ve got too much to do to relax.
Justin: I knew you were going to say that. Plan B it is then.
Naomi / Shadow Minx: Plan B? What the hell are you on about?
Justin: This, is what I’m on about.

Justin holds up the shard and throws it to Shadow Minx.
Shadow Minx in now holding the shard.
Naomi / Shadow Minx: What the fuck is this Justin? I don’t have time for... stupid... tricks.
Naomi becomes aroused and starts fondling herself like Paige did before, with little hearts rising from her.

Sex Scene 3
Naomi is leaning against the wall. Justin is behind her, holding up one of her legs.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Justin cums inside her arse.

Naomi / Shadow Minx: Thanks Justin. You were right, I really needed that.
Justin: You’re welcome. Are you feeling better?
Naomi / Shadow Minx: A little, but I’m not really relaxed yet.
Zoom out to show Paige standing behind them.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Well then, I guess I’d better lend Justin a hand.

Sex Scene 4
Paige is lying on the bed. Naomi is on all fours with her face in Paige’s crotch. Justin is behind Naomi doggystyle.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Rub, Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Prod, Easy, Medium, Hard
Lick Pussy – Easy, Medium, Hard
Lick Asshole – Easy, Medium, Hard
There are two pleasure bars, one for Justin and one for Paige. Both need to be filled before the ‘Cum’ option becomes available.
Justin cums over his aunts back.

Note for Kosmos – This time, could you please include the epilogue scene, as it sets up the sequel.

Scene 4: Epilogue
Justin is sitting at the desk in his room. He is tinkering with some small gadget. Shadow Minx is standing in the doorway behind him.

Naomi / Shadow Minx: Hi Justin, I’ve got some good news for you.
Justin puts the gadget down and turns around.
Justin: What is it?
Naomi / Shadow Minx: Your mom and sisters are on their way back. They’ll be home in a couple of days.

End of game.
Options to play again and to repeat sex scenes.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

As somewhat of the messenger between the 2 sites I want to inform you about a nice eye candy in this submission round: Super Whore Family 2

Note – To try and avoid confusion, paragraphs with quotation marks “” are meant to be in-game text.

Note for Kosmos – During the sex scenes, like in the first one, could you leave the girls costumes on. Again, especially the gloves, boots and masks.

Justin – He’s 19 and is now working as a lab tech. He is 5’10’’ with a slim build, blue eyes and blonde hair.

Naomi / Shadow Minx – Justin’s aunt and his mother’s older sister. She’s 49, 6’4’’ with a lightly muscular/athletic build, light skin, long black hair, blue eyes, black lipstick and large breasts. Since she works out a lot, she’s less curvy and has smaller breasts than the standard MnF milf.

Paige / Pyro Vixen – Justin’s cousin. She’s 24, 6’1’’ with long, red hair, light brown eyes and red lipstick. Her breasts and arse are actually bigger than her mother’s.

Short Version:
With his mother and sisters away on some secret mission, a peculiar substance from work is going to make Justin’s stay with his aunt and cousin even more interesting.

Long Version:
“It’s been almost a year since Justin’s mother and sisters went off on some secret mission.”
“Since they left, he’s been staying with his aunt Naomi and cousin Paige. And, of course, just like the other women in his family, they’re superheroes.”
Show Justin’s aunt, kind of like how the characters are introduced at the beginning of A Nerd’s Sweet Revenge.
Note for Kosmos – This time, could you please show the girls from the front, rather than just the back.

“This is Naomi, Justin’s aunt and his mother’s older sister. During the day, she’s a no-nonsense personal trainer. When the sun sets, she’s the anti-heroine Shadow Minx. Her powers include invisibility, x-ray vision and limited telekinesis.”
“Though not as powerful as her sister, she is a master martial artist. She has even invented her own which utilizes momentum from the weight of her enormous breasts to increase the power of her strikes.”
“She has even taught it to certain members of law enforcement.”
Naomi’s picture fades and his cousin’s appears.
“This is his cousin Paige. She’s older than Justin and his sister’s and works as an investigative journalist. When not writing headlines, she’s making them as Pyro Vixen. She is able to fly and produce and manipulate fire.”
“Because of their opposing powers, she and Blizzard Babe have always been rivals.”
Paige’s picture fades and we move on to the first scene.

Scene 1: Sick Leave
Scene opens on Justin walking down a corridor. He’s wearing a white lab coat and carrying a small stack of folders.
“In the last year, Justin has graduated High School with honours, and now works in a government facility as a lab tech.”
“He is working for Professor Cole, a brilliant scientist who has made his name inventing the various gadgets used by many superheroes.”
“Professor Cole’s latest project is proving to be quite volatile, as Justin is about to find out.”
Justin steps through a sliding door.

Justin: Professor, I’ve got the research notes you ask...
Before he can finish, a glowing pinkish-purple rock comes flying and slams into his face.

Justin is now on the floor, rubbing his head. The folders and papers are strewn across the floor, the rock is in front of him and Professor Cole is standing over him.

Professor Cole: Justin! My word lad, are you alright?
Justin: Urrh... Yeah, I’m okay Professor. What hit me?
Professor Cole: Hm? Oh, that.
Professor Cole picks up the rock.
Professor Cole: Not a clue. Must be some kind of by-product from my latest experiment. Fascinating.
Justin is now standing next to Professor Cole. We can clearly see where the rock hit him on his forehead.
Justin: What kind of experiment were you doing?
Professor Cole: Hm? Oh that doesn’t matter. This... substance, is much more interesting.
Justin: Yeah that’s... great... Professor.
Justin puts a hand on his head and suddenly looks dizzy.
Professor Cole: Justin? Are you sure you’re alright lad?
Justin: It’s nothing. I’m just feeling a little dizzy.
Professor Cole: Uh-huh... Justin, I want you to head home, take the rest of the week off.
Justin: It’s okay Professor, I’m fine.
Professor Cole: I wasn’t asking lad. Now sit down before you fall and hurt yourself. I’ll have a car brought round for you.

Scene 2: Paige / Pyro Vixen
Justin is back at his aunt’s house. He’s sitting at a desk in his room, holding a small shard from the glowing rock.
A speech bubble appears from off screen.
????: Hiya Cuz.
Justin turns around, his cousin Paige has just come into the room.
Justin: Hi Paige.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: How come you’re home so early?
Justin: Something from one of Professor Cole’s experiments bonked me on the head. He told me to go home.
She come and stands over Justin’s shoulder, her breasts are right next to his head.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Oh no. Are you okay?
Justin: Yeah, I’m fine. I was feeling really dizzy for a bit, but that passed on the car ride home.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: What exactly hit you?
Justin: Some sort of glowing rock. I guess a small piece of it got caught in my cloths.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Ooh, can I see?
Justin: Sure. Here.
He hands the shard to Paige and she leaves the frame. His phone starts ringing. When he answers, Professor Cole is on the other end.
Justin: Hello.
Professor Cole: Justin, how are you feeling lad?
Justin: A lot better. Is something wrong?
Professor Cole: No, no, not at all lad. Well, maybe.
Justin: Professor, IS something wrong? Or are you experimenting with caffeine substitutes again?
Professor Cole: Don’t change the subject lad. I’ve been examining that peculiar substance. It would seem that it gives off some kind of low level energy. From what I can tell, this energy has no effect on normal people. However, the wave pattern would suggest it has some effect on Super’s. Given your parentage, I thought you should know right away.
Justin: Hold on Professor, what kind of effects?
Professor Cole: I have no idea. Just keep an eye out for anything unusual. See you around lad. SCIENCE AWAITS!!
Professor Cole ends the phone call and Justin puts his phone away.
Justin: Hey Paige, that was Professor Cole. He said that rock has some kind of effect on Super’s. Are you feeling alright?

Change to a shot of Paige standing next to the bed on the other side of the room. She’s blushing and fondling herself, squeezing her breast and rubbing her pussy through her costume. There are little hearts rising from her, like in Pulling Some Fairy Tail.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Yeah, I’m feeling fine. Although, I am feeling really hot all of a sudden. Think you can help me cool off?

Note for Kosmos – In 3 of the scene’s, I’ve given options for anal and in one of them I’ve stated Justin cums inside her arse. So could you actually include some anal this time, please.

Sex Scene 1
Paige is kneeling in front of Justin, about to give him a blowjob.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Blowjob – Stroke, Lick Tip, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Justin cums inside her mouth.

Sex Scene 2
Justin if lying on the bed, with Paige riding him cowgirl.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Play with Boob – Fondle, Lick Nipple, Suck Nipple
Justin cums inside her pussy.

Scene 3: Naomi / Shadow Minx
Justin and Paige are sitting at a table in the kitchen.
Justin: Well, at least I can tell the Professor what its effects on Super’s are.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Yeah, and we had a lot of fun figuring it out. Where’s the shard now?
Justin: I put it in my safe upstairs, until we can figure out what we’re going to do with it.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Well, we could...
Before she can finish, the door slams open and Aunt Naomi comes in. She’s wearing workout cloths and carrying a gym bag.

Paige / Pyro Vixen: Whoa Mom, are you OK?
Naomi / Shadow Minx: NOT NOW PAIGE!! My new client’s a fucking moron and I’ve been stuck with him all day. God, I hope there are plenty of idiots out tonight, I really need to hit someone.
She then quickly makes her way through the kitchen and heads upstairs.
Justin: You know, I’m really starting to worry about her.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: So am I.
Justin: All she does is get stressed out at work.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: And then she takes it out on the cities low level crooks. She never take’s any time for herself to relax.
Justin: If she keeps this up, she’s going to get into trouble.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: I wish there was something we could do about it.
Justin gets an idea, in the form of a light bulb in a thought bubble.

Cut to Naomi’s bedroom. She has changed out of her workout cloths into her Shadow Minx costume.
Justin: Hey, Aunt Naomi, I need to have a word with you.
Naomi / Shadow Minx: What is it Justin? Make it quick.
Justin: Paige and I have been talking. We’re worried about you. We want you to take a break and relax a little.
Naomi / Shadow Minx: Relax!? I don’t have time to relax. I’ve got too much to do to relax.
Justin: I knew you were going to say that. Plan B it is then.
Naomi / Shadow Minx: Plan B? What the hell are you on about?
Justin: This, is what I’m on about.

Justin holds up the shard and throws it to Shadow Minx.
Shadow Minx in now holding the shard.
Naomi / Shadow Minx: What the fuck is this Justin? I don’t have time for... stupid... tricks.
Naomi becomes aroused and starts fondling herself like Paige did before, with little hearts rising from her.

Sex Scene 3
Naomi is leaning against the wall. Justin is behind her, holding up one of her legs.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Justin cums inside her arse.

Naomi / Shadow Minx: Thanks Justin. You were right, I really needed that.
Justin: You’re welcome. Are you feeling better?
Naomi / Shadow Minx: A little, but I’m not really relaxed yet.
Zoom out to show Paige standing behind them.
Paige / Pyro Vixen: Well then, I guess I’d better lend Justin a hand.

Sex Scene 4
Paige is lying on the bed. Naomi is on all fours with her face in Paige’s crotch. Justin is behind Naomi doggystyle.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Rub, Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Prod, Easy, Medium, Hard
Lick Pussy – Easy, Medium, Hard
Lick Asshole – Easy, Medium, Hard
There are two pleasure bars, one for Justin and one for Paige. Both need to be filled before the ‘Cum’ option becomes available.
Justin cums over his aunts back.

Note for Kosmos – This time, could you please include the epilogue scene, as it sets up the sequel.

Scene 4: Epilogue
Justin is sitting at the desk in his room. He is tinkering with some small gadget. Shadow Minx is standing in the doorway behind him.

Naomi / Shadow Minx: Hi Justin, I’ve got some good news for you.
Justin puts the gadget down and turns around.
Justin: What is it?
Naomi / Shadow Minx: Your mom and sisters are on their way back. They’ll be home in a couple of days.

End of game.
Options to play again and to repeat sex scenes.

Wow, really hope this one wins, it's well-done.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I bring more pictures for everyone including the intro to Scene 3. That scene alone made the game for me. The girl, smaller breasts, clothing, and her look. Fucking awesome!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Lol, didn't quite recognize you there, Haseo. :p
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I actually liked college nurse a lot lol, also, I disliked Quantum Entanglement because of the strange colors :p Have to agree misty turns 18 was the absolute worst

The worst IMHO is Tsunade and the horse.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Hey I was wondering if you guys could help me out. My favorite games from this service are the glory hole games. Unfortunately they all have time restraints on the levels when I would like to go at my own pace.

I have tried many times to use cheat engine to no avail.
Anyone know of the trick for it?

So far i have searched for changed values, decreased values, and increased values starting from an unknown value. None of the left over numbers freeze the timers on anyone of the glory hole games though!

Hope you guys can help!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Hey I was wondering if you guys could help me out. My favorite games from this service are the glory hole games. Unfortunately they all have time restraints on the levels when I would like to go at my own pace.

I have tried many times to use cheat engine to no avail.
Anyone know of the trick for it?

So far i have searched for changed values, decreased values, and increased values starting from an unknown value. None of the left over numbers freeze the timers on anyone of the glory hole games though!

Hope you guys can help!

A guy on the old board was trying to do the same thing but I don't think he was able to do it.

Your best bet is use Notepad++ and see if there are hidden or misnamed values that may deactivate the timer. Since they are Russian and English isn't their native language they may have misnamed a value which is why you cannot use a cheat engine for that particular value.

Other than that I don't know what else you could do since MnF has the highest form of security out there so breaking open games and outright removing things (Gloryhole Timer) is insanely difficult to do.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

A guy on the old board was trying to do the same thing but I don't think he was able to do it.

Your best bet is use Notepad++ and see if there are hidden or misnamed values that may deactivate the timer. Since they are Russian and English isn't their native language they may have misnamed a value which is why you cannot use a cheat engine for that particular value.

Other than that I don't know what else you could do since MnF has the highest form of security out there so breaking open games and outright removing things (Gloryhole Timer) is insanely difficult to do.

Thanks for the quick reply.
How would I go about using notepad++?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Thanks for the quick reply.
How would I go about using notepad++?

Nevermind, that is not going to work. I just tried to open up multiple cracks with N++ and the entire source code is unreadable. Whatever values are there are buried under 700+ lines of gibberish.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Nevermind, that is not going to work. I just tried to open up multiple cracks with N++ and the entire source code is unreadable. Whatever values are there are buried under 700+ lines of gibberish.

Guess I will just have to deal with it.

Well thanks for trying.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Guess I will just have to deal with it.

Well thanks for trying.

No problem :D

Don't know if anyone else has had better luck but you can always stay hopeful.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I bring more pictures for everyone including the intro to Scene 3. That scene alone made the game for me. The girl, smaller breasts, clothing, and her look. Fucking awesome!

It's that girl who took the money of the guy on Xmas 5 :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Here are your daily pictures and the last small bit from Scene 3.

While I am here I am dropping off the next Poll for the next release. Vote away!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

She's doing it for the pot of gold. Gold Digger :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Even though I'm not one for bestiality I didn't find that one too bad, the ass licking was it's biggest turn off for me.

That is the main reason I hated the game. Plus the fact I used to go to my aunts home when I was 12 and ride her horse during the summer until it tried to bite me for not giving her more than one apple. I hit her with a broom upside her . the smell of horse poop and being bitten by a horse fly back in the day in North Carolina aren't fond memories either. :)