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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well, here's the rough draft of my new game idea. Hopefully now xXHaseoXx will see it and submit it to MNF games themselves. And of course fingers crossed everyone, they will like it and make a game out of it. :) PS: Before submitting please ask me for errors/details I might have made/forgot.

Title: Devil May Fuck Monster Girls
Start screen: Title is on the left. Logo is like the official Devil May Cry logo: [vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/d/d0/830px-DMCLogocopyag30fm4dn3ss.png/revision/latest?cb=20140224202832], except of course ''Cry'' is changed to ''Fuck'' and the female silhouette on the end is removed. Underneath the title are the words ''Monster Girls'', written in pink and white, simular to the official MonMusu logo: [vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/dailylifewithamonstergirl/images/f/f9/MonsterMusumeLogo.png/revision/latest?cb=20141209085936] On the right is Dante in the foreground with his arms crossed and a cocky smirk on his face with one eyebrow raised. Behind him are Miia, Centorea, Papi and Meroune looking at him.

Dante: [s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0a/fc/2e/0afc2e8948c7d3903a976af202f728b1--dante-devil-may-cry-anime-art.jpg]
Dante's demon form: [vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/6/65/DT_Rebellion.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130220015452], but remove the red aura, his sword, the thing on his right arm and give him yellow eyes with slit pupils
Miia: [img0.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/full/Monster-Musume-no-Iru-Nichijou-Anime-miia-Lamia-2037558.jpeg]
Centorea: [pm1.narvii.com/5842/f2664f56908dcaaa9e09887533a34cf5185dbfe5_hq.jpg]
Papi: [s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/af/7e/5b/af7e5b047d816c3d271812fb30ac1102.jpg]
Meroune: [vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/animevice/images/f/f9/Meroune_Lorelei_Concept_Art.png/revision/latest?cb=20150724025147], however she will be wearing this instead: [pm1.narvii.com/5864/6fb4c4353ccf96e7d081f947699d90d16576342f_hq.jpg]
Kuroko Smith: [s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/33/18/14/3318148fa8dca224a1888256ce374753--ms-smith-character-sheet.jpg]
Kimihito Kurusu(cameo): [mangachan.me/uploads/fotos/foto_146580.jpg]
If you need other/better images, tell me and I will try to find some.

(narration) ''The world is filled with monsters and demons. Many of them are evil and kill innocent people. Our hero Dante lost a family to demons and ever since then he has vowed to kill all monsters as vengeance. Surprisingly(or not) he's half monster himself, or half-demon to be more specific. However, despite this Dante's life is not any easier. He's always in financial dept and hasn't had sex in a long time. But very soon all of this will change and Dante will learn not all monsters in this world are evil...''
(Dante is in his office bored and depressed eating pizza, while sitting on a chair)
Dante: ''Oh crap... broke again. If I don't get a job soon, I'm screwed. And I could sure use some excitement as well...''
(door rings)
Dante: ''Shop's open... for now. Come in and make yourself at home.''
(a mysterious woman enters and walks towards him)
Dante: ''Nature calling? If so, the bathroom's in the back.''
(the woman smiles and greets him)
''Oh no, it's not that. Are you Dante, the Legendary demon hunter?''
(Dante raises an eyebrow)
''So what if I am? Who are you and what do you want?''
(the woman still smiling, introduces herself)
''My name is Mrs Kuroko Smith. I've heard you can help me...''
Dante(cuts her off): ''Help? What kind of help?''
Mrs Smith: ''Well, we have a problem involving monsters and you can handle these kinds of problems...''
Dante: ''Just tell me where they are and I'll go kill them.''
Mrs Smith: ''Oh no, not that. We need you to look after some female non-human exchange students in Japan, while their legal guardian Kimihito Kurusu is away on work. We will pay you handsomely if you accept.''
(Mrs Smiths hands him over some documents with pictures of Kimihito and the girls)
Dante(thinks to himself): ''Damn, this is not my kind of work. But I can't complain or refuse, since I need some money. Oh, well.. they do look hot though...''
Dante(now speaking): ''Very well, I accept.''
Mrs Smith(still smiling): ''Alright then. We will attend your trip to Japan when you're ready. Pleasure doing business with you.''
Japan-Kimihito Kurusu household
(Dante stands infront of the door, thinking to himself): ''This is the place. I hope the girls are home. Let's get this party started.''
(Dante rings the bell and the door opens; Miia, Centorea, Papi and Meroune are standing infront of Dante): ''Good day, who are you?''
Dante: ''The name's Redgrave. Dante Redgrave.''
Mero: ''Oh, you must be the person who Mrs Smith send to look after us while our Beloved us away. Come right in, Mr Redgrave.''
In the house
(Dante is sitting on a couch, while the girls are standing up and introducing themselves)
Miia: ''My name is Miia. I am a Lamia.''
Centorea: ''I am known as Centorea Shianus, but thou may call me Centorea. I belong to the proud centaur race.''
Papi: ''Happy the Papi is harpy to see you. Oops, I mean Papi the Harpy is happy to see you.''
Mero: ''And I am Meroune Lorelei, or Mero for short. As you can tell, I am a mermaid. It's an honour to meet you.''
Dante: ''Thanks for the introduction girls. Before we get acquainted, I need to use the bathroom. Could you please tell me where it is?''
(the girls tell him and he thanks them; while on his way to the bathroom, Dante thinks to himself): ''Wow, this would be easier than I thought. These girls are very nice for being monsters. And sexy too... too bad I haven't gotten laid in a while...''
Meanwhile, in the living room
(the girls are standing depressed and bored)
Centorea: ''I miss our Master...''
Miia: ''Well, Dante will take care of us now while Darling's away. Right?''
Centorea: ''It's not just that. I miss his love for us...''
Mero: ''Your ahem... primal urges are troubling you again, aren't they?''
Centorea(blushing): ''I beg your pardon?''
Mero: ''Don't worry. We are all with you. I need some... love as well. Oh, the tragedy of it all...''
Papi: ''Let's not think about it. We should have lunch now instead. I will go and ask Dante if he wants to eat with us...''
(Papi flies around searching for Dante and hears him in the bathroom; her curiousity overwhelms her and she looks through the door's keyhole)
(Dante is taking a shower in his demon form and his penis is visible; Papi gasps in shock and amazement, and flies away): ''Papi must tell the others.''
Papi(enters the living room): ''Everyone, hear this out... Dante is a demon!''
(all the girls gasp in amazement): ''Are you sure? How did you find out?''
Papi: ''Papi saw Dante taking a shower in his true form...''
Mero: ''Papi, that's not polite and...! Wait, is he hideous and does he have tentacles for raping?''
Papi: ''No, he doesn't. Infact Dante is very sexy for a demon.''
Miia(smirking): ''Girls, I think I found the solution to our predicament...''
Centorea: ''Thou are implying we have sexual intercourse with Dante? Surely you jest? Our hearts belong only to our Master!''
Miia: ''Our hearts, yes... But think of it as sort of a way to relieve the stress. We are all horny and Dante is the only male around. Plus you know, he seems nice and attractive... both in human and in demon form.''
(all the girls cheer up and smile)
Mero: ''You have a point. Also Dante not being human is a loophole to the interspecies relationship law.''
Miia(smirks): ''So it's settled then. We will all fuck Dante.''
Papi: ''But how?''
Miia: ''Easy. We will seduce and make him want to have sex with us. Everyone come here and listen, I have a plan...''
****Sex Scene 1: Centorea blowjob and titfuck
Dante(finishing his shower): ''Glad I scrubbed all of me, including the hard to reach places. Now to get back to the girls...''
(a female voice from behind interrupts him): ''One of them is already here, sir Dante.''
(Dante turns around and sees Centorea naked, her large breasts are hard to unsee)
Dante(confused): ''What the Hell? Centorea, we're both naked!''
Centorea(smiling): ''Please pardon me, sir Dante. But our Master never had any discomfort while he was here. We all mutually accepted our nudity. Are thou going to mock us for our unhuman anatomy?''
Dante(ashamed): ''Of course not. You look beautiful... ya know, for a centaur.''
Centorea(blushes): ''Thy compliments are truly chivalrous, sir Dante. Would thou mind if we clean each other?''
Dante(thinking to himself): ''Better not insult her again...''
Dante(speaking): ''Very well. What do we do?''
Centorea(smirks ad blushes): ''Oh, thou shall see sooneth enough...''
(Dante is sitting, while his penis is infront of Centorea's large breasts)
Dante: ''Um, Centorea... What are you doing?''
Centorea: ''We need to clean all of our body parts. Unless I make thou feel disgusted...''
Dante: ''Oh, no no... Go right ahead Centorea. Be my guest.''
(Centorea titfucks Dante)
Centorea: ''Would sir Dante mind if I use my mouth as well?''
Dante: ''Not at all.''
(Centorea blows Dante; he cums either via titfuck or via blowjob)
Dante: ''Whoa Centorea, that was amazing! But I think we should now take a shower...''
Centorea: ''Would sir Dante care to scrub my hindquarters? I can't reach them...''
Dante: ''It would be my honour.''
Centorea titfuck reference: [img.rule34.xxx//images/1658/1a690f216e989d3e0f5c1ce69ad14dd98eee79a6.jpg?1793519]
****Sex Scene 2: Papi anal doggystyle
Dante(walking down a hallway with his hands in his pockets, while thinking): ''Shit, I haven't had such a good fuck in ages! Though I have to admit that was strangely convenient...''
Papi(flies towards Dante): ''Could Dante please help Papi change clothes? When Boss was here he helped us do it all the time.''
Dante: ''Um, sure Papi... Why not?''
Papi(in her room naked while holding a blue school girl uniform, based on the one Aero from 12 Beast is wearing): ''Oh, no! Papi can't seem to put on her panties! Would Dante help Papi put them on?''
Dante: ''Whatever you say, Papi.''
(Dante is holding Papi's leg and thigh, while she is pressed against the wall; his penis is floating below her)
Papi: ''Dante should not touch Papi's front hole. That's where Papi lays eggs from.''
Dante: ''Sooo pooper it is then...''
(after Dante cums in Papi's ass): ''There, I helped you dress. Are you happy now, Papi?''
Papi: ''Happy is now a harpy Papi!''
Dante(deadpan): ''I'll take that as a yes.''
Papi doggystyle anal reference: [img.rule34.xxx//images/23/5d9fbb8c370d62604833c3a1ef78143f95ddb554.jpg?22261]
Aero school girl uniform reference: [vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/12-beast/images/b/b9/Chapter_1_Page_29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140419151635]
****Sex Scene 3: Meroune cowgirl midair
Dante(sitting on the sofa in the living room, thinking): ''That was not just luck. I had sex 2 times today. I am beginning to think the girls are trying to seduce me. If so, Mero would be next.''
(Meroune's voice is heard from her room): ''Dante, I need help. Would you be so kind to assist me? Thank you.''
Dante(enters her room and sees her naked lying on a towel; he asks annoyed): ''What seems to be the problem, Mero?''
Mero: ''Well you see, us merfolk can't survive on land. We need to regularly apply a special medicine on our skin. Beloved did it for me while he was still here and...''
Dante(still annoyed): ''As you wish. The sooner I finish this, the better...''
(Dante is rubbing the medicine on Mero's back)
Mero: ''Thank you, Dante. But If you don't mind, could you please rub it on one more part of my body? It's like an itch that is killing me...''
Dante: ''Meh, whatever. Let's get this shit over with...''
(Dante is holding Mero up in the air, while she has her arms wrapped around his neck; his dick is floating infront of her pussy)
Mero: ''I hope you don't mind us doing this. If only I wasn't a mermaid and could grow legs like in the ''Little Mermaid'' fairy tale...''
Dante: ''You know what... Actually I don't mind at all. I myself was feeling rather itchy.''
(after Dante cums inside of Meroune)
Mero: ''Thank you so much Dante! You're a real gentleman!''
Dante: ''And you're a real woman... well, half-fish half-woman. But you get the picture.''
Mero naked reference:[img.rule34.xxx//images/2061/e7ced736939f0c59a076fb1913c5f6a6.jpeg?2232606]
Mero cowgirl reference: [img.rule34.xxx//images/1688/809c091d49e4d4f8b274fb6c5d75fe7346ad4966.jpeg?1826370]
****Sex Scene 4(Last): Miia missionary
(Dante is looking at his sword and guns, while thinking): ''It's official. The girls are horny and without their legal guardian around, they are now trying to get into my pants instead. All that remains is one girl. I now stink of horse, bird and fish... and soon I will stink of snake as well.''
(Miia slithers through the door, holding a cooking pot)
Miia: ''Lunch is ready everyone! I hope you all like...''
(Miia trips over and falls on the ground; she drops the pot, but Dante catches it)
Miia: ''Oh, silly me. I tripped on my own tail again... And people say snakes bring good luck. Maybe to others, but not to ourselves...''
Dante(looks at Miia as she rises, lifts an eyebrow and smirks while crossing his arms): ''Maybe you are unlucky... Or maybe you did it on purpose?''
Miia(confused): ''W-what do you mean, Dante?''
Dante(sighs): ''There's no use hiding it. I know all of you are lusting after me and all day have been making lame excuses for me to fuck you.''
Miia(looks down sad): ''Forgive us Dante. We saw you in your true form and thought it would be nice to have sex with you. It's not our fault you're so handsome both in human and demon form...''
Dante(blushes and scratches his head): ''Ahem... truth be told, I also enjoyed it myself. All of you are such nice and cute monster girls that I couldn't help it. Besides, I myself haven't had a good time in years...''
Miia(cheers up): ''Really? Will you make love with me too, Dante?''
Dante(shrugs): ''If it makes you happy Miia, then yes.''
Miia(blushes and giggles): ''Thank you Dante! There's only one more thing I need to ask you... Could you please make love with me in your demon form?''
Dante: ''Sure, why not? Let's fuck, baby!''
(Dante is standing infront and above of Miia with his penis pointing at her vagina; Miia herself is lying with her back on a huge bed, her tail is wrapped around his legs and the tip is wiggling around in sexual ecstasy; Dante's front hand is on his hip, while his back one is on the bed; Miia's front hand is fondling her breast, while her back one is on Dante's shoulder)
Important note: during this scene, Dante can transform between human and demon form. Of course, the only change and difference is visual.
Miia: ''Oh, Dante... For a demon, you're so benevolent... and hot.''
Dante: ''And you are the nicest and most beautiful Lamia I've ever met. Well, you're the only Lamia I've ever met, but you understand what I mean.''
Miia: ''Please Dante... Make love with me NOW!
(after Dante cums all over inside and out of Miia, both covering and filling her with his seed either in human or demon form)
Miia: ''T-that was... the best sex in my whole life! Thank you Dante!''
Dante: ''And that was my best sex as well. Thank you Miia.''
Miia missionary reference: [img.rule34.xxx//images/2188/045d12f3b827184c788db7a7f5e8a8a9.png]
(All the girls are standing around naked covered and filled with Dante's sperm with blissful expression on their faces)
Centorea: ''Sir Redgrave, this female centaur warrior pledges her body to you...''
Papi: ''Papi is too exhausted to speak...''
Meroune: ''I am impressed. You know how to treat AND please a woman...''
Miia: '' We are already looking forward to our next little fun time Dante, you handsome devil...''
Dante(sitting naked on the sofa, eating a slice of pizza): ''It was my pleasure girls. If you ever need me, I'll come back. You know where to find me. After all if cute and nice monster girls like you are sad and horny, even a handsome devil like me may fuck.''

The End

Written by: GaroZeiram666

It looks great man! One thing though. I would replace every single picture link to that of Imgur or Postimage. MnF sites break anything bigger than 14 characters long in a link. It's so that MnF sees your pictures.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

It looks great man! One thing though. I would replace every single picture link to that of Imgur or Postimage. MnF sites break anything bigger than 14 characters long in a link. It's so that MnF sees your pictures.

Wait, so do you mean if the images I showed are on Imgur or Postimage instead of on their original sites, my idea will be ready to go? Could you please post these images on Imgur? I don't have an account/profile for neither websites. :(
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Wait, so do you mean if the images I showed are on Imgur or Postimage instead of on their original sites, my idea will be ready to go? Could you please post these images on Imgur? I don't have an account/profile for neither websites. :(

You don't need an account. Just save every single one of the pictures to your computer, then upload them to Imgur or Postimage. Just go to imgur.com and at the top left corner it will allow you to upload.

Also my next day off is Tuesday. The pictures for the next set will go live then!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

There, I posted 20 reference pics on Imgur. Hopefully this will be enough ahem... ''material''. Now fingers crossed everyone it's made into a game. But before it gets submitted, I have 2 conditions... First: The artist should be the one who drew ''Around the World in 80 Lays'', ''Legend of Zelda'', ''Super Princess Bitch/Nintendo X-Mas'', ''Amazon Island'', ''The Last Cockbender/Legend of Korra'', ''Milf Titans'', ''Overcrotch'', ''Mortal Cum Butt'', ''Hitomi Senpai'', ''Velma Gets Spooked'', ''Legally Blonde'', ''Officer Juggs'', ''Magic Book'', ''Halloween Adventure'' and so on(I think they are drawn by the same person). I like his style the best. And second: If possible, please make the sperm white with gray outline(like whipped cream), not pink(like strawberry ice cream). I prefer the first color version. Thank you. :)

Title: Devil May Fuck Monster Girls
Start screen: Title is on the left. Logo is like the official Devil May Cry logo:[i.imgur.com/4WM6DNL.png], except of course ''Cry'' is changed to ''Fuck'' and the female sillhouette on the end is removed. Underneath the title are the words ''Monster Girls'', written in pink and white, simular to the official MonMusu logo: [i.imgur.com/ZJRiMtO.png] On the right is Dante in the foreground with his arms crossed and a cocky smirk on his face with one eyebrow raised. Behind him are Miia, Centorea, Papi and Meroune looking at him.

Dante: [i.imgur.com/ex7k8vm.jpg]
Dante's demon form: [i.imgur.com/lwbfgDL.gif], but remove the red aura, his sword, the thing on his right arm and give him yellow eyes with slit pupils
Miia: [i.imgur.com/XYSFtVt.jpg]
Centorea: [i.imgur.com/mkd8wOL.jpg]
Papi: [i.imgur.com/GrTlnZB.jpg]
Meroune: [i.imgur.com/ttK9Jv9.png], however she will be wearing this instead: [i.imgur.com/jdBOil4.jpg]
Kuroko Smith: [i.imgur.com/Kzn7Ms9.jpg]
Kimihito Kurusu(cameo): [i.imgur.com/idVCn6R.jpg]
If you need other/better images, tell me and I will try to find some.

(narration) ''The world is filled with monsters and demons. Many of them are evil and kill innocent humans. Our hero Dante lost his family to demons and ever since then he has vowed to kill all monsters as vengeance. Surprisingly(or not) he's half monster himself, or half-demon to be more specific. However, despite this Dante's life is not any easier. He's always in financial dept and hasn't had sex in a long time. But very soon all of this will change and Dante will learn not all monsters in this world are evil...''
(Dante is in his office bored and depressed eating pizza, while sitting on a chair)
Dante: ''Oh crap... broke again. If I don't get a job soon, I'm screwed. And I could sure use some excitement as well...''
(door rings)
Dante: ''Shop's open... for now. Come in and make yourself at home.''
(a mysterious woman enters and walks towards him)
Dante: ''Nature calling? If so, the bathroom's in the back.''
(the woman smiles and greets him)
''Oh no, it's not that. Are you Dante, the Legendary demon hunter?''
(Dante raises an eyebrow)
''So what if I am? Who are you and what do you want?''
(the woman still smiling, introduces herself)
''My name is Mrs Kuroko Smith. I've heard you can help me...''
Dante(cuts her off): ''Help? What kind of help?''
Mrs Smith: ''Well, we have a problem involving monsters and you can handle these kinds of problems...''
Dante: ''Just tell me where they are and I'll go kill them.''
Mrs Smith: ''Oh no, not that. We need you to look after some female non-human exchange students in Japan, while their legal guardian Kimihito Kurusu is away on work. We will pay you handsomely if you accept.''
(Mrs Smiths hands him over some documents with pictures of Kimihito and the girls)
Dante(thinks to himself): ''Damn, this is not my kind of work. But I can't complain or refuse, since I need some money. Oh, well.. they do look hot though...''
Dante(now speaking): ''Very well, I accept.''
Mrs Smith(still smiling): ''Alright then. We will attend your trip to Japan when you're ready. Pleasure doing business with you.''
Japan-Kimihito Kurusu household
(Dante stands infront of the door, thinking to himself): ''This is the place. I hope the girls are home. Let's get this party started.''
(Dante rings the bell and the door opens; Miia, Centorea, Papi and Meroune are standing infront of Dante): ''Good day, who are you?''
Dante: ''The name's Redgrave. Dante Redgrave.''
Mero: ''Oh, you must be the person who Mrs Smith send to look after us while our Beloved us away. Come right in, Mr Redgrave.''
In the house
(Dante is sitting on a couch, while the girls are standing up and introducing themselves)
Miia: ''My name is Miia. I am a Lamia.''
Centorea: ''I am known as Centorea Shianus, but thou may call me Centorea. I belong to the proud centaur race.''
Papi: ''Happy the Papi is harpy to see you. Oops, I mean Papi the Harpy is happy to see you.''
Mero: ''And I am Meroune Lorelei, or Mero for short. As you can tell, I am a mermaid. It's an honour to meet you.''
Dante: ''Thanks for the introduction girls. Before we get acquainted, I need to use the bathroom. Could you please tell me where it is?''
(the girls tell him and he thanks them; while on his way to the bathroom, Dante thinks to himself): ''Wow, this would be easier than I thought. These girls are very nice for being monsters. And sexy too... too bad I haven't gotten laid in a while...''
Meanwhile, in the living room
(the girls are standing depressed and bored)
Centorea: ''I miss our Master...''
Miia: ''Well, Dante will take care of us now while Darling's away. Right?''
Centorea: ''It's not just that. I miss his love for us...''
Mero: ''Your ahem... primal urges are troubling you again, aren't they?''
Centorea(blushing): ''I beg your pardon?''
Mero: ''Don't worry. We are all with you. I need some... love as well. Oh, the tragedy of it all...''
Papi: ''Let's not think about it. We should have lunch now instead. I will go and ask Dante if he wants to eat with us...''
(Papi flies around searching for Dante and hears him in the bathroom; her curiousity overwhelms her and she looks through the door's keyhole)
(Dante is taking a shower in his demon form and his penis is visible; Papi gasps in shock and amazement, and flies away): ''Papi must tell the others.''
Papi(enters the living room): ''Everyone, hear this out... Dante is a demon!''
(all the girls gasp in amazement): ''Are you sure? How did you find out?''
Papi: ''Papi saw Dante taking a shower in his true form...''
Mero: ''Papi, that's not polite and...! Wait, is he hideous and does he have tentacles for raping?''
Papi: ''No, he doesn't. Infact Dante is very sexy for a demon.''
Miia(smirking): ''Girls, I think I found the solution to our predicament...''
Centorea: ''Thou are implying we have sexual intercourse with Dante? Surely you jest? Our hearts belong only to our Master!''
Miia: ''Our hearts, yes... But think of it as sort of a way to relieve the stress. We are all horny and Dante is the only male around. Plus you know, he seems nice and attractive... both in human and in demon form.''
(all the girls cheer up and smile)
Mero: ''You have a point. Also Dante not being human is a loophole to the interspecies relationship law.''
Miia(smirks): ''So it's settled then. We will all fuck Dante.''
Papi: ''But how?''
Miia: ''Easy. We will seduce and make him want to have sex with us. Everyone come here and listen, I have a plan...''
****Sex Scene 1: Centorea blowjob and titfuck
Dante(finishing his shower): ''Glad I scrubbed all of me, including the hard to reach places. Now to get back to the girls...''
(a female voice from behind interrupts him): ''One of them is already here, sir Dante.''
(Dante turns around and sees Centorea naked, her large breasts are hard to unsee)
Dante(confused): ''What the Hell? Centorea, we're both naked!''
Centorea(smiling): ''Please pardon me, sir Dante. But our Master never had any discomfort while he was here. We all mutually accepted our nudity. Are thou going to mock us for our unhuman anatomy?''
Dante(ashamed): ''Of course not. You look beautiful... ya know, for a centaur.''
Centorea(blushes): ''Thy compliments are truly chivalrous, sir Dante. Would thou mind if we clean each other?''
Dante(thinking to himself): ''Better not insult her again...''
Dante(speaking): ''Very well. What do we do?''
Centorea(smirks ad blushes): ''Oh, thou shall see sooneth enough...''
(Dante is sitting, while his penis is infront of Centorea's large breasts)
Dante: ''Um, Centorea... What are you doing?''
Centorea: ''We need to clean all of our body parts. Unless I make thou feel disgusted...''
Dante: ''Oh, no no... Go right ahead Centorea. Be my guest.''
(Centorea titfucks Dante)
Centorea: ''Would sir Dante mind if I use my mouth as well?''
Dante: ''Not at all.''
(Centorea blows Dante; he cums either via titfuck or via blowjob)
Dante: ''Whoa Centorea, that was amazing! But I think we should now take a shower...''
Centorea: ''Would sir Dante care to scrub my hindquarters? I can't reach them...''
Dante: ''It would be my honour.''
Centorea blowjob reference: [i.imgur.com/e2tGGTg.jpg]
Centorea titfuck reference: [i.imgur.com/jA4UmvT.jpg]
****Sex Scene 2: Papi anal doggystyle
Dante(walking down a hallway with his hands in his pockets, while thinking): ''Shit, I haven't had such a good fuck in ages! Though I have to admit that was strangely convenient...''
Papi(flies towards Dante): ''Could Dante please help Papi change clothes? When Boss was here he helped us do it all the time.''
Dante: ''Um, sure Papi... Why not?''
Papi(in her room naked while holding a blue school girl uniform, based on the one Aero from 12 Beast is wearing): ''Oh, no! Papi can't seem to put on her panties! Would Dante help Papi put them on?''
Dante: ''Whatever you say, Papi.''
(Dante is holding Papi's leg and thigh, while she is pressed against the wall; his penis is floating below her)
Papi: ''Dante should not touch Papi's front hole. That's where Papi lays eggs from.''
Dante: ''Sooo pooper it is then...''
(after Dante cums in Papi's ass): ''There, I helped you dress. Are you happy now, Papi?''
Papi: ''Happy is now a harpy Papi!''
Dante(deadpan): ''I'll take that as a yes.''
Papi doggystyle anal reference: [i.imgur.com/eGqujFs.jpg]
Aero school girl uniform reference: [i.imgur.com/iTLYGTD.jpg]
****Sex Scene 3: Meroune cowgirl midair
Dante(sitting on the sofa in the living room, thinking): ''That was not just luck. I had sex 2 times today. I am beginning to think the girls are trying to seduce me. If so, Mero would be next.''
(Meroune's voice is heard from her room): ''Dante, I need help. Would you be so kind to assist me? Thank you.''
Dante(enters her room and sees her naked lying on a towel; he asks annoyed): ''What seems to be the problem, Mero?''
Mero: ''Well you see, us merfolk can't survive on land. We need to regularly apply a special medicine on our skin. Beloved did it for me while he was still here and...''
Dante(still annoyed): ''As you wish. The sooner I finish this, the better...''
(Dante is rubbing the medicine on Mero's back)
Mero: ''Thank you, Dante. But If you don't mind, could you please rub it on one more part of my body? It's like an itch that is killing me...''
Dante: ''Meh, whatever. Let's get this shit over with...''
(Dante is holding Mero up in the air, while she has her arms wrapped around his neck; his dick is floating infront of her pussy)
Mero: ''I hope you don't mind us doing this. If only I wasn't a mermaid and could grow legs like in the ''Little Mermaid'' fairy tale...''
Dante: ''You know what... Actually I don't mind at all. I myself was feeling rather itchy.''
(after Dante cums inside of Meroune)
Mero: ''Thank you so much Dante! You're a real gentleman!''
Dante: ''And you're a real woman... well, half-fish half-woman. But you get the picture.''
Mero naked reference:[i.imgur.com/TdtgERM.jpg]
Mero cowgirl reference: [i.imgur.com/VoyczKb.jpg]
****Sex Scene 4(Last): Miia missionary
(Dante is looking at his sword and guns, while thinking): ''It's official. The girls are horny and without their legal guardian around, they are now trying to get into my pants instead. All that remains is one girl. I now stink of horse, bird and fish... and soon I will stink of snake as well.''
(Miia slithers through the door, holding a cooking pot)
Miia: ''Lunch is ready everyone! I hope you all like...''
(Miia trips over and falls on the ground; she drops the pot, but Dante catches it)
Miia: ''Oh, silly me. I tripped on my own tail again... And people say snakes bring good luck. Maybe to others, but not to ourselves...''
Dante(looks at Miia as she rises, lifts an eyebrow and smirks while crossing his arms): ''Maybe you are unlucky... Or maybe you did it on purpose?''
Miia(confused): ''W-what do you mean, Dante?''
Dante(sighs): ''There's no use hiding it. I know all of you are lusting after me and all day have been making lame excuses for me to fuck you.''
Miia(looks down sad): ''Forgive us Dante. We saw you in your true form and thought it would be nice to have sex with you. It's not our fault you're so handsome both in human and demon form...''
Dante(blushes and scratches his head): ''Ahem... truth be told, I also enjoyed it myself. All of you are such nice and cute monster girls that I couldn't help it. Besides, I myself haven't had a good time in years...''
Miia(cheers up): ''Really? Will you make love with me too, Dante?''
Dante(shrugs): ''If it makes you happy Miia, then yes.''
Miia(blushes and giggles): ''Thank you Dante! There's only one more thing I need to ask you... Could you please make love with me in your demon form?''
Dante: ''Sure, why not? Let's fuck, baby!''
(Dante is standing infront and above of Miia with his penis pointing at her vagina; Miia herself is lying with her back on a huge bed, her tail is wrapped around his legs and the tip is wiggling around in sexual ecstasy; Dante's front hand is on his hip, while his back one is on the bed; Miia's front hand is fondling her breast, while her back one is on Dante's shoulder)
Important note: during this scene, Dante can transform between human and demon form. Of course, the only change and difference is visual.
Miia: ''Oh, Dante... For a demon, you're so benevolent... and hot.''
Dante: ''And you are the nicest and most beautiful Lamia I've ever met. Well, you're the only Lamia I've ever met, but you understand what I mean.''
Miia: ''Please Dante... Make love with me NOW!
(after Dante cums all over inside and out of Miia, both covering and filling her with his seed either in human or demon form)
Miia: ''T-that was... the best sex in my whole life! Thank you Dante!''
Dante: ''And that was my best sex as well. Thank you Miia.''
Miia missionary reference: [i.imgur.com/MzoSxrX.png] and [i.imgur.com/rHLWLWp.png]
(All the girls are standing around naked covered and filled with Dante's sperm with blissful expression on their faces)
Centorea: ''Sir Redgrave, this female centaur warrior pledges her body to you...''
Papi: ''Papi is too exhausted to speak...''
Meroune: ''I am impressed. You know how to treat AND please a woman...''
Miia: '' We are already looking forward to our next little fun time Dante, you handsome devil...''
Dante(sitting naked on the sofa, eating a slice of pizza): ''It was my pleasure girls. If you ever need me, I'll come back. You know where to find me. After all if cute and nice monster girls like you are sad and horny, even a handsome devil like me may fuck.''

The End

Written by: GaroZeiram666

Now let's just pray MNF approves my idea and makes a game out of it. Papi certainly seems to like and approve it: [i.imgur.com/agQPOOQ.png]
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

There, I posted 20 reference pics on Imgur. Hopefully this will be enough ahem... ''material''. Now fingers crossed everyone it's made into a game. But before it gets submitted, I have 2 conditions... First: The artist should be the one who drew ''Around the World in 80 Lays'', ''Legend of Zelda'', ''Super Princess Bitch/Nintendo X-Mas'', ''Amazon Island'', ''The Last Cockbender/Legend of Korra'', ''Milf Titans'', ''Overcrotch'', ''Mortal Cum Butt'', ''Hitomi Senpai'', ''Velma Gets Spooked'', ''Legally Blonde'', ''Officer Juggs'', ''Magic Book'', ''Halloween Adventure'' and so on(I think they are drawn by the same person). I like his style the best. And second: If possible, please make the sperm white with gray outline(like whipped cream), not pink(like strawberry ice cream). I prefer the first color version. Thank you. :)
Ok, first: those games aren't made by the same artist.
Around the World in 80 Lays, Legend of Korra, Milf Titans and Magic Book 2 were made by Kosmos.
Legend of Zelda, Super Princess Bitch, Amazon Island, The Last Cockbender, Overcrotch, Mortal Cum Butt, Legally Blonde, Officer Juggs and Magic Book 3 + 4 were made by Serega.
And Halloween Adventure was made by Vadim.

Second, we don't really have any control what colour they make the cum. It's always white. And, to my knowledge, I can't think of any game where it's pink. :confused:
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Second, we don't really have any control what colour they make the cum. It's always white. And, to my knowledge, I can't think of any game where it's pink. :confused:
In some games Vadim made cum's colour something between brown and pink.
Also Kosmos did cum in Big Top Bangeroo something like brown as well.

Btw, did the current voting finished?
P.S. my membership ended yesterday so can't see it and not going to subscribe again till next game (well, also depending of what game we gonna take).
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Ok, first: those games aren't made by the same artist.
Around the World in 80 Lays, Legend of Korra, Milf Titans and Magic Book 2 were made by Kosmos.
Legend of Zelda, Super Princess Bitch, Amazon Island, The Last Cockbender, Overcrotch, Mortal Cum Butt, Legally Blonde, Officer Juggs and Magic Book 3 + 4 were made by Serega.
And Halloween Adventure was made by Vadim.

Second, we don't really have any control what colour they make the cum. It's always white. And, to my knowledge, I can't think of any game where it's pink. :confused:

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that. :( Please forgive me, I didn't mean to offend anyone! It wasn't on purpose! I am not here to make trouble. Very well, I choose Serega.

As for the jizz, I could swear I saw some pinkish colored sperm in some games, but can't remember which ones at the moment. Ok, whatever you say. That's not important now. All I want is my idea submitted and made into a game by MNF. Thank you. :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that. :( Please forgive me, I didn't mean to offend anyone! It wasn't on purpose! I am not here to make trouble. Very well, I choose Serega.

As for the jizz, I could swear I saw some pinkish colored sperm in some games, but can't remember which ones at the moment. Ok, whatever you say. That's not important now. All I want is my idea submitted and made into a game by MNF. Thank you. :)

Did you have an artist in mind? Kosmos, Vadim, or Serega?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Played new Vadim game. BCFS2, or whatever the acronym is. I personally liked it, the first pose was a new position I hadn't seen, so that was a thumbs up. Though I can understand your anger when one scene got deleted. Overall, I give this game a 7/10. I enjoyed the poses, the fluidity, and the conversations within the story. Can't wait to see his next project.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Did you have an artist in mind? Kosmos, Vadim, or Serega?

Uh no, I had no one specific in mind. I apologize because I confused them(thought all of the games I mentioned were drawn by the same person). I already said I now choose Serega.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Patreon? Seriously? I alredy told about patreon for mnf on Ace's forum, it won't work for them, they will die in patreon soonner that with CCBill.
Wanna help them then look for different bill company instead of that shit.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

^ I can recall that once but I don't remember it too well. The only thing I remembered was that it isn't too practical since they're Russians & that somehow affects them.

However, I don't see how Patereon could be any worse then CCBill' since it impedes a lot of their suggestions. Granted this won't exactly help me subscribe to them ever again with the exception of a few games in the future.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

^ I can recall that once but I don't remember it too well. The only thing I remembered was that it isn't too practical since they're Russians & that somehow affects them.

However, I don't see how Patereon could be any worse then CCBill' since it impedes a lot of their suggestions. Granted this won't exactly help me subscribe to them ever again with the exception of a few games in the future.
Dude! It's your hobby to cantradict my words or what XD

First of all, no one in patreon will pay 30$ per such small game.
Second, they will need to release game after recieving concrete cash (that's how patreon works), but I doublt they will release it.
Third, most people I know that goes to patreon considere mnf as wortless crap.

So, do they have future in patreon?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Patreon is definitely a risky path to take now. MnF have been losing popularity too, and, CCBill is clearly damaging their business.

Sandchainz is not entirely correct on how Patreon works, there are different ways to do things there. And if MnF decides to go on Patreon they will have to do something they never did, which is talk to the public. Also Patreon has a feedback system which would destroy MnF for numerous reasons.

MnF having to delete games and never talking about it is what bothers me the most. You subscribe to them and maybe tomorrow 5 more games will be missing. Like 30% of their games are compromised at this point because they have "rape", bestiality or incest.

Their art is not a problem, their attitude is.
This entire thing is so easy to solve but they would rather kill the website :rolleyes:
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Regarding the New Busty Cheerleaders Game from MNF... I knew I've seen those cheerleading moves before....

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Uh no, I had no one specific in mind. I apologize because I confused them(thought all of the games I mentioned were drawn by the same person). I already said I now choose Serega.

Serega comes along every now and again. Will let you know when it is up.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Serega comes along every now and again. Will let you know when it is up.


I am trying to help them in any way possible. You think CCBill will stop? No. I am just giving them ideas which is more than what you are doing.

I like this community. I don't want it to die because of a 3rd party.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Serega comes along every now and again. Will let you know when it is up.

My idea is now finally completed and ready to go. :) Here, you can submit it to MNF games. When something happens, either reply to this post and/or send me a PM. Granted this may be irrelevant, but I have a birthday on August 12. If MNF makes a game out of my idea around then, this would be the best birthday present in my whole life. All I have to do now is wait and pray I get lucky enough for my idea to be approved by Meet and Fuck.

Title: Devil May Fuck Monster Girls
Start screen: Title is on the left. Logo is like the official Devil May Cry logo:[i.imgur.com/4WM6DNL.png], except of course ''Cry'' is changed to ''Fuck'' and the female sillhouette on the end is removed. Underneath the title are the words ''Monster Girls'', written in pink and white, simular to the official MonMusu logo: [i.imgur.com/ZJRiMtO.png] On the right is Dante in the foreground with his arms crossed and a cocky smirk on his face with one eyebrow raised. Behind him are Miia, Centorea, Papi and Meroune looking at him.

Dante: [i.imgur.com/ex7k8vm.jpg]
Dante's demon form: [i.imgur.com/lwbfgDL.gif], but remove the red aura, his sword, the thing on his right arm and give him yellow eyes with slit pupils
Miia: [i.imgur.com/XYSFtVt.jpg]
Centorea: [i.imgur.com/mkd8wOL.jpg]
Papi: [i.imgur.com/GrTlnZB.jpg]
Meroune: [i.imgur.com/ttK9Jv9.png], however she will be wearing this instead: [i.imgur.com/jdBOil4.jpg]
Kuroko Smith: [i.imgur.com/Kzn7Ms9.jpg]
Kimihito Kurusu(cameo): [i.imgur.com/idVCn6R.jpg]
If you need other/better images, tell me and I will try to find some.

(narration) ''The world is filled with monsters and demons. Many of them are evil and kill innocent humans. Our hero Dante lost his family to demons and ever since then he has vowed to kill all monsters as vengeance. Surprisingly(or not) he's half monster himself, or half-demon to be more specific. However, despite this Dante's life is not any easier. He's always in financial debt and hasn't had sex in a long time. But very soon all of this will change and Dante will learn not all monsters in this world are evil...''
(Dante is in his office bored and depressed eating pizza, while sitting on a chair)
Dante: ''Oh crap... broke again. If I don't get a job soon, I'm screwed. And I could sure use some excitement as well...''
(door rings)
Dante: ''Shop's open... for now. Come in and make yourself at home.''
(a mysterious woman enters and walks towards him)
Dante: ''Nature calling? If so, the bathroom's in the back.''
(the woman smiles and greets him)
''Oh no, it's not that. Are you Dante, the Legendary demon hunter?''
(Dante raises an eyebrow)
''So what if I am? Who are you and what do you want?''
(the woman still smiling, introduces herself)
''My name is Mrs Kuroko Smith. I've heard you can help me...''
Dante(cuts her off): ''Help? What kind of help?''
Mrs Smith: ''Well, we have a problem involving monsters and you can handle these kinds of problems...''
Dante: ''Just tell me where they are and I'll go kill them.''
Mrs Smith: ''Oh no, not that. We need you to look after some female non-human exchange students in Japan, while their legal guardian Kimihito Kurusu is away on work. We will pay you handsomely if you accept.''
(Mrs Smiths hands him over some documents with pictures of Kimihito and the girls)
Dante(thinks to himself): ''Damn, this is not my kind of work. But I can't complain or refuse, since I need some money. Oh, well.. they do look hot though...''
Dante(now speaking): ''Very well, I accept.''
Mrs Smith(still smiling): ''Alright then. We will attend your trip to Japan when you're ready. Pleasure doing business with you.''
Japan-Kimihito Kurusu household
(Dante stands infront of the door, thinking to himself): ''This is the place. I hope the girls are home. Let's get this party started.''
(Dante rings the bell and the door opens; Miia, Centorea, Papi and Meroune are standing infront of Dante): ''Good day, who are you?''
Dante: ''The name's Redgrave. Dante Redgrave.''
Mero: ''Oh, you must be the person who Mrs Smith send to look after us while our Beloved us away. Come right in, Mr Redgrave.''
In the house
(Dante is sitting on a couch, while the girls are standing up and introducing themselves)
Miia: ''My name is Miia. I am a Lamia.''
Centorea: ''I am known as Centorea Shianus, but thou may call me Centorea. I belong to the proud centaur race.''
Papi: ''Happy the Papi is harpy to see you. Oops, I mean Papi the Harpy is happy to see you.''
Mero: ''And I am Meroune Lorelei, or Mero for short. As you can tell, I am a mermaid. It's an honour to meet you.''
Dante: ''Thanks for the introduction girls. Before we get acquainted, I need to use the bathroom. Could you please tell me where it is?''
(the girls tell him and he thanks them; while on his way to the bathroom, Dante thinks to himself): ''Wow, this would be easier than I thought. These girls are very nice for being monsters. And sexy too... too bad I haven't gotten laid in a while...''
Meanwhile, in the living room
(the girls are standing depressed and bored)
Centorea: ''I miss our Master...''
Miia: ''Well, Dante will take care of us now while Darling's away. Right?''
Centorea: ''It's not just that. I miss his love for us...''
Mero: ''Your ahem... primal urges are troubling you again, aren't they?''
Centorea(blushing): ''I beg your pardon?''
Mero: ''Don't worry. We are all with you. I need some... love as well. Oh, the tragedy of it all...''
Papi: ''Let's not think about it. We should have lunch now instead. I will go and ask Dante if he wants to eat with us...''
(Papi flies around searching for Dante and hears him in the bathroom; her curiousity overwhelms her and she looks through the door's keyhole)
(Dante is taking a shower in his demon form and his penis is visible; Papi gasps in shock and amazement, and flies away): ''Papi must tell the others.''
Papi(enters the living room): ''Everyone, hear this out... Dante is a demon!''
(all the girls gasp in amazement): ''Are you sure? How did you find out?''
Papi: ''Papi saw Dante taking a shower in his true form...''
Mero: ''Papi, that's not polite and...! Wait, is he hideous and does he have tentacles for raping?''
Papi: ''No, he doesn't. Infact Dante is very sexy for a demon.''
Miia(smirking): ''Girls, I think I found the solution to our predicament...''
Centorea: ''Thou are implying we have sexual intercourse with Dante? Surely you jest? Our hearts belong only to our Master!''
Miia: ''Our hearts, yes... But think of it as sort of a way to relieve the stress. We are all horny and Dante is the only male around. Plus you know, he seems nice and attractive... both in human and in demon form.''
(all the girls cheer up and smile)
Mero: ''You have a point. Also Dante not being human is a loophole to the interspecies relationship law.''
Miia(smirks): ''So it's settled then. We will all fuck Dante.''
Papi: ''But how?''
Miia: ''Easy. We will seduce and make him want to have sex with us. Everyone come here and listen, I have a plan...''
****Sex Scene 1: Centorea blowjob and titfuck
Dante(finishing his shower): ''Glad I scrubbed all of me, including the hard to reach places. Now to get back to the girls...''
(a female voice from behind interrupts him): ''One of them is already here, sir Dante.''
(Dante turns around and sees Centorea naked, her large breasts are hard to unsee)
Dante(confused): ''What the Hell? Centorea, we're both naked!''
Centorea(smiling): ''Please pardon me, sir Dante. But our Master never had any discomfort while he was here. We all mutually accepted our nudity. Are thou going to mock us for our unhuman anatomy?''
Dante(ashamed): ''Of course not. You look beautiful... ya know, for a centaur.''
Centorea(blushes): ''Thy compliments are truly chivalrous, sir Dante. Would thou mind if we clean each other?''
Dante(thinking to himself): ''Better not insult her again...''
Dante(speaking): ''Very well. What do we do?''
Centorea(smirks ad blushes): ''Oh, thou shall see sooneth enough...''
(Dante is sitting, while his penis is infront of Centorea's large breasts)
Dante: ''Um, Centorea... What are you doing?''
Centorea: ''We need to clean all of our body parts. Unless I make thou feel disgusted...''
Dante: ''Oh, no no... Go right ahead Centorea. Be my guest.''
(Centorea titfucks Dante)
Centorea: ''Would sir Dante mind if I use my mouth as well?''
Dante: ''Not at all.''
(Centorea blows Dante; he cums either via titfuck or via blowjob)
Dante: ''Whoa Centorea, that was amazing! But I think we should now take a shower...''
Centorea: ''Would sir Dante care to scrub my hindquarters? I can't reach them...''
Dante: ''It would be my honour.''
Centorea blowjob reference: [i.imgur.com/e2tGGTg.jpg]
Centorea titfuck reference: [i.imgur.com/jA4UmvT.jpg]
****Sex Scene 2: Papi anal doggystyle
Dante(walking down a hallway with his hands in his pockets, while thinking): ''Shit, I haven't had such a good fuck in ages! Though I have to admit that was strangely convenient...''
Papi(flies towards Dante): ''Could Dante please help Papi change clothes? When Boss was here he helped us do it all the time.''
Dante: ''Um, sure Papi... Why not?''
Papi(in her room naked while holding a blue school girl uniform, based on the one Aero from 12 Beast is wearing): ''Oh, no! Papi can't seem to put on her panties! Would Dante help Papi put them on?''
Dante: ''Whatever you say, Papi.''
(Dante is holding Papi's leg and thigh, while she is pressed against the wall; his penis is floating below her)
Papi: ''Dante should not touch Papi's front hole. That's where Papi lays eggs from.''
Dante: ''Sooo pooper it is then...''
(after Dante cums in Papi's ass): ''There, I helped you dress. Are you happy now, Papi?''
Papi: ''Happy is now a harpy Papi!''
Dante(deadpan): ''I'll take that as a yes.''
Papi doggystyle anal reference: [i.imgur.com/eGqujFs.jpg]
Aero school girl uniform reference: [i.imgur.com/iTLYGTD.jpg]
****Sex Scene 3: Meroune cowgirl midair
Dante(sitting on the sofa in the living room, thinking): ''That was not just luck. I had sex 2 times today. I am beginning to think the girls are trying to seduce me. If so, Mero would be next.''
(Meroune's voice is heard from her room): ''Dante, I need help. Would you be so kind to assist me? Thank you.''
Dante(enters her room and sees her naked lying on a towel; he asks annoyed): ''What seems to be the problem, Mero?''
Mero: ''Well you see, us merfolk can't survive on land. We need to regularly apply a special medicine on our skin. Beloved did it for me while he was still here and...''
Dante(still annoyed): ''As you wish. The sooner I finish this, the better...''
(Dante is rubbing the medicine on Mero's back)
Mero: ''Thank you, Dante. But If you don't mind, could you please rub it on one more part of my body? It's like an itch that is killing me...''
Dante: ''Meh, whatever. Let's get this shit over with...''
(Dante is holding Mero up in the air, while she has her arms wrapped around his neck; his dick is floating infront of her pussy)
Mero: ''I hope you don't mind us doing this. If only I wasn't a mermaid and could grow legs like in the ''Little Mermaid'' fairy tale...''
Dante: ''You know what... Actually I don't mind at all. I myself was feeling rather itchy.''
(after Dante cums inside of Meroune)
Mero: ''Thank you so much Dante! You're a real gentleman!''
Dante: ''And you're a real woman... well, half-fish half-woman. But you get the picture.''
Mero naked reference:[i.imgur.com/TdtgERM.jpg]
Mero cowgirl reference: [i.imgur.com/VoyczKb.jpg]
****Sex Scene 4(Last): Miia missionary
(Dante is looking at his sword and guns, while thinking): ''It's official. The girls are horny and without their legal guardian around, they are now trying to get into my pants instead. All that remains is one girl. I now stink of horse, bird and fish... and soon I will stink of snake as well.''
(Miia slithers through the door, holding a cooking pot)
Miia: ''Lunch is ready everyone! I hope you all like...''
(Miia trips over and falls on the ground; she drops the pot, but Dante catches it)
Miia: ''Oh, silly me. I tripped on my own tail again... And people say snakes bring good luck. Maybe to others, but not to ourselves...''
Dante(looks at Miia as she rises, lifts an eyebrow and smirks while crossing his arms): ''Maybe you are unlucky... Or maybe you did it on purpose?''
Miia(confused): ''W-what do you mean, Dante?''
Dante(sighs): ''There's no use hiding it. I know all of you are lusting after me and all day have been making lame excuses for me to fuck you.''
Miia(looks down sad): ''Forgive us Dante. We saw you in your true form and thought it would be nice to have sex with you. It's not our fault you're so handsome both in human and demon form...''
Dante(blushes and scratches his head): ''Ahem... truth be told, I also enjoyed it myself. All of you are such nice and cute monster girls that I couldn't help it. Besides, I myself haven't had a good time in years...''
Miia(cheers up): ''Really? Will you make love with me too, Dante?''
Dante(shrugs): ''If it makes you happy Miia, then yes.''
Miia(blushes and giggles): ''Thank you Dante! There's only one more thing I need to ask you... Could you please make love with me in your demon form?''
Dante: ''Sure, why not? Let's fuck, baby!''
(Dante is standing infront and above of Miia with his penis pointing at her vagina; Miia herself is lying with her back on a huge bed, her tail is wrapped around his legs and the tip is wiggling around in sexual ecstasy; Dante's front hand is on his hip, while his back one is on the bed; Miia's front hand is fondling her breast, while her back one is on Dante's shoulder)
Important note: during this scene, Dante can transform between human and demon form. Of course, the only change and difference is visual.
Miia: ''Oh, Dante... For a demon, you're so benevolent... and hot.''
Dante: ''And you are the nicest and most beautiful Lamia I've ever met. Well, you're the only Lamia I've ever met, but you understand what I mean.''
Miia: ''Please Dante... Make love with me NOW!
(after Dante cums all over inside and out of Miia, both covering and filling her with his seed either in human or demon form)
Miia: ''T-that was... the best sex in my whole life! Thank you Dante!''
Dante: ''And that was my best sex as well. Thank you Miia.''
Miia missionary reference: [i.imgur.com/MzoSxrX.png] and [i.imgur.com/rHLWLWp.png]
(All the girls are standing around naked covered and filled with Dante's sperm with blissful expression on their faces)
Centorea: ''Sir Redgrave, this female centaur warrior pledges her body to you...''
Papi: ''Papi is too exhausted to speak...''
Meroune: ''I am impressed. You know how to treat AND please a woman...''
Miia: '' We are already looking forward to our next little fun time Dante, you handsome devil...''
Dante(sitting naked on the sofa, eating a slice of pizza): ''It was my pleasure girls. If you ever need me, I'll come back. You know where to find me. After all if cute and nice monster girls like you are sad and horny, even a handsome devil like me may fuck.''

The End

Written by: GaroZeiram666

Now let's just pray MNF approves my idea and makes a game out of it. Papi certainly seems to like and approve it: [i.imgur.com/agQPOOQ.png]
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community


I am trying to help them in any way possible. You think CCBill will stop? No. I am just giving them ideas which is more than what you are doing.

I like this community. I don't want it to die because of a 3rd party.
I'm not telling to stop helping them!
What I said it's better to find another bill company to keep their site alive and not to make them move to patreon.

First crack of the contest is ready!
Stepmom's Revenge 2
Enjoy :D
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I'm not telling to stop helping them!
What I said it's better to find another bill company to keep their site alive and not to make them move to patreon.

First crack of the contest is ready!
Stepmom's Revenge 2
Enjoy :D

Cool :)