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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Alright here is another set for you all. Black Widow gives Hulk a handy and it looks like she is starting to enjoy it lol

Enjoy you bastards!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Hellooo, everybody, my semester is over and I can finally submit to MnF again, although not with my name...
but the best thing is, it's Serega-Round, which means I'll dig out one of my earlier ideas: Magic Book Stories: the forgotten girls ( or something like that) about the unused but hot transformations from the first Magic book game.

And I mean literally: dig out. The stuff I saved from that time is way to vague which means I have to turn the whole thread upsite down to find the moment we talked about it^^
Does anyone know a good way to search key words on this site to spare from going through 100 pages of our comments?^^
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Hopefully MnF gets back on track soon. That's all they need.

Anyways it's been awhile but here are some pictures from Incredible Bulk.


Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Today or tomorrow we'll start a new contest so get ready :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Alright here are some more pictures for Bulk. Widow is almost done with that handjob so she should be expecting a little surprise at the end of it all lol.

Enjoy you beautiful bastards!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

New contest is ready! let's play! :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Alright so a new BCT contest and some new pictures for everyone. Enjoy!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Okay Guys, good things come to those who wait. I plan to challenge That one guy with the Magic Book stories idea we talked so long about long long ago^^

What I want to go for is nearly finished, now I would like to have your opinion about it. and some help ,especially with the sex scenes.

Magic Book Stories: The Forgotten Beauties

This game focuses on certain transformations on the female site from the first magic book game, who had a lot of potential but sadly didn't get a scene and were never used again. So to change that, our perverted hero Hermann Dummy plans to sneak into the MnF Headquarters storage room to steal the Magic book and correct that.

The story starts with Hermann Dummy, looking like Sherman just with blonde hair and other clothes sitting before his PC in his messy room, playing the first magic book game (you can see a scene from it on the screen)
Summary Box:
"This is Hermann Dummy, a student on MnF University who should actually write his seminar papers, but prefers to waste his days jerking oft o the MnF Games, especially a certain part of them"

Hermann: "Hah, I love the Magic Book Series, all oft hem, but still nothing can beat the original. So many hot transformations, especially the female ones'. Sadly it only had 4 scenes from them, so much wasted potential."
Hermanns Face brightens up, as he has an idea.
"But wait, the MnF Headquaters isn't far. They should still have the book stored somewhere to use it fort he next magic book game. If I can get in and use it…"

A little 'puff' and Hermann looks like an everyday cleaner, with white overall, broom and bucket.
Hermann: "Haha and with this no one will suspect me. The first time my part time job is useful for something!"

Scene cuts to the MnF Headquarters from outside
Summary says: "A little later…"

Next cut to a door with a sign reading "Storage room". A Shadow appears next tot he door, having a broom and a bucket in its hands.

Next cut to Hermann now being on the other side of the door in a big stockroom full of shelves, looking around amazed.
He slowly goes deeper in the room, looking around with his mouth open, not believeng what he sees, until he spots the magic book in a shelf behind other stuff.
Hermann: "Ah ,there it is"
A little game can now follow, where he has to remove the stuff before the magic book.
The stuff includes:
-The Kryptonite piece from 'Wondergirl vs Robbers'
-A beer bottle from 'Train Fellow'
-Nancy Boobitch's MnF microphone from 'Super Heroine Hijinks'
-The star wand from 'The Fairly fuckparents: The Last Wishes'
-The H-Ball from 'Pkmn: Harem Master'
(Links will follow)

After removing Hermann grins happily as he holds the book in his hands, but not long as suddenly someone appears behind him. It's Jeff Whitney, the bully from the first magic book game, just in a warden uniform and a flashlight in his hand. Hermann turns around

Hermann: "Jeff!"

Jeff: " Grrr, I'm NOT Jeff, that was just the character I played in this cursed game! My Name is Jayne 'The cock' Dwohnson and I had a long career as a porn star before, but because of this fucking endscene.."
Little stop as he imagines the endscene oft he first Magic Book game, where Sherman and Kimberly go away and Jeff is seen in a ballett costume with his tiny dick visible,
Jeff: "… no one wanted to hire me anymore, forcing me into this shitty underpaid warden job!"

Hermann: "I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to remind you oft hat. I just wanted to use the magic book ,because some transformations…"

Scene changes as Jayne "Jeff" holds Hermann up against a shelf, just like in the Magic Book game.

Jayne: "Hahaha what? Didn't satisfy you? And now you want to use it for your pleasure? You pathetic virgins are dumber than I thought!"

He donks him against the shelf the first time

Hermann: "What are you talking about.."

Jayne: "Dude, that was a GAME! Everything was STAGED. Nothing of it real. Magic doesn't exist in this world, did you really believe that?"

He donks him against the shelf the second time

Jayne: "You nerdy losers really are all the same, naive dreamers who will never reach something in this world. How about getting real and stop being such a faggot?"

He ends it with bumping him against the shelf a lot more, the camera goes up tot he top oft he shelf, where something on the edge falls off due to the bumping and falls on Herrmanns' head, just not the magic book, but a smaller version oft he totem from 'Officer Juggs: Christmas Parade'

That totem now breaks apart and releases a lot of purple smoke.
Jayne: "Wonderful, and now we have to add damage to property to the lsit, ha ha ha. Now give the book back!"
Jeff still holding the book and half knocked out mumbles "Teeraal….Jiki…ninki.."
Jayne: "…whatever, give the book back!" He pulls thebook our of his hands as one oft he totem pieces starts to glow and transforms into Chun Li without underwear
Jayne: "What the..hey, who are you bitch, and why.."
A loud sound as her foot hits him right in the face and after that we can only see Jayne's Backside as runs away with the book under his arm, screaming "I'll be baaack!"

Chun-Li: "Disgusting Guy!"

Hermann: "Pazzz…Dree.."

Chun-Li: "Wha..oh wait, I'll help you"

She grabs a little bottle and puts some oft he liquid in it behind Hermann's ears, just it isn't any normal bottle, it's the bottle that contains the magical perfume from 'School of Sex' (Link follows)
The result is, that ist aphrodisiac effect makes Chun Li very horny and her face red.

Chun Li: Wow, this smells so good, and..did his cock always look so delicious?

1. Sex scene
(Some sort of Blowjob in artistic leg spreading position, as it is Chun Li. Any suggestions? Maybe adding in this demonic dildo from 'Monster dildo')

After cumming, both come to their senses.
Chun Li: "Oh I'm..I'm sorry, I didn't know.."

Hermann: "Relax, it was natural, given what is in this bottle. But interesting, whatever this totem contained, it made everything here…real. Including the book, but unfortunately Jayne ran away with it. I don't fear the transformation spells, but if he finds the later added brain washing spell..
we need to get it back! Luckily I remember every spell from it."

Chun Li: "And how should that help us without the book itself?"

Suddenly Hermann has something in his hand, it's a magic wand from the Parry Hotter-Series.

Hermann: "Magic is magic. Watch out: Drekanac Pazusu"

He swingst he wand at a cardboard cutout from Mrs. Clause and it transforms into a hot indian

Hermann: "Wonderful, with her ability to read tracks, we should locate him very easi…"

Hermann gets interrupted when the indian girl throws herself at him

Indian: "As you wish, but..don't you want to have some fun before that, little elf?"

Hermann: "Eh, seems like she inherited some features fro mthe cardboard, but it'S hard to say no.."

2. Sex scene.
(The one you on the forum see all the time: Haseos Signature anal-riding gif from zone-tan)

Later, somewhere else in the storage room.

Indian girl: "Okay, that bastard should be around the corner"
A glimpse around the corner, Jayne "Jeff" sits there under the deactivated Iron Giant and reads in the magic book with an evil grin on his face.
Hermann: "wonderful, and with chunLi covering the door he shouldn't be able to escape, but..how do I beat him…I have it! "

He points the wand at the demon idol from schoolgirl course: "Paz..wait! better not, you…never know what happens…"
Instead pointing it at(..yeah..any ideas?^^): "Pazuzu Labasu"

The …transforms into the cow priestess (?)
Cow Priestess: "Thank you for choosing me, Master. Sadly I can't beo f help for you"

Herrmann: " What? But you are a priestess, you must have some sort of powers"

Cow Priestess: "Yes, but they are relative to size of my boobs and with my current size…"

Herrmann: " Wait, I think, I have seen something..ah here, MnF Wonder Rub. Thanks Sin."

(I think a boob rubbing scene would be to much so just a simple 'puff' and her tits are two-three sizes bigger)

Cow Priestess: "Oh my god, that is..now it shall be no problem, but first let me thank you!"

Sex scene 3:
(Yeah..it's a titfuck, difficult to be original with that^^)

After finishing, the priestess concentrates, some loud noises which shake the screen follows and as they engage Jayne he's burrowed under the Iron Giant.

Herrmann can take his book back.

Indian girl: "good work, but what are we doing with him?"

Herrmann: "Oh I have an Idea"

Jayne is now wearing the ballett dress again and sits in Bakas Machine from 'Baka Adventures: Busty dimension'
Hermann: "There he shoudn't cause any problems. Ehm..can I now be..a little alone? I have..personal things to do.."

Indian Girl: "Have fun, little one"

Cow priestess: "As you wish, master"

Now alone, Hermann pulls something from his pocket.

Hermann: "I waited so long for this moment, I even have a picture from her in my pocket..well then: Haagenti Jikininki!"

The picture transforms into the goth girl

Goth: "Oh Herrmann, how long I have waited for this moment, take me, I'm all yours"

Herrmann: "FUN TIME!"

Sex Scene:
( okay, I actually should have an Idea..but I have none :D What are your favorite sex scenes? Can be ffm threesome too, as Magic book 1 has a duplication spell)

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Okay Guys, good things come to those who wait. I plan to challenge That one guy with the Magic Book stories idea we talked so long about long long ago^^

What I want to go for is nearly finished, now I would like to have your opinion about it. and some help ,especially with the sex scenes.

Magic Book Stories: The Forgotten Beauties

This game focuses on certain transformations on the female site from the first magic book game, who had a lot of potential but sadly didn't get a scene and were never used again. So to change that, our perverted hero Hermann Dummy plans to sneak into the MnF Headquarters storage room to steal the Magic book and correct that.

The story starts with Hermann Dummy, looking like Sherman just with blonde hair and other clothes sitting before his PC in his messy room, playing the first magic book game (you can see a scene from it on the screen)
Summary Box:
"This is Hermann Dummy, a student on MnF University who should actually write his seminar papers, but prefers to waste his days jerking oft o the MnF Games, especially a certain part of them"

Hermann: "Hah, I love the Magic Book Series, all oft hem, but still nothing can beat the original. So many hot transformations, especially the female ones'. Sadly it only had 4 scenes from them, so much wasted potential."
Hermanns Face brightens up, as he has an idea.
"But wait, the MnF Headquaters isn't far. They should still have the book stored somewhere to use it fort he next magic book game. If I can get in and use it…"

A little 'puff' and Hermann looks like an everyday cleaner, with white overall, broom and bucket.
Hermann: "Haha and with this no one will suspect me. The first time my part time job is useful for something!"

Scene cuts to the MnF Headquarters from outside
Summary says: "A little later…"

Next cut to a door with a sign reading "Storage room". A Shadow appears next tot he door, having a broom and a bucket in its hands.

Next cut to Hermann now being on the other side of the door in a big stockroom full of shelves, looking around amazed.
He slowly goes deeper in the room, looking around with his mouth open, not believeng what he sees, until he spots the magic book in a shelf behind other stuff.
Hermann: "Ah ,there it is"
A little game can now follow, where he has to remove the stuff before the magic book.
The stuff includes:
-The Kryptonite piece from 'Wondergirl vs Robbers'
-A beer bottle from 'Train Fellow'
-Nancy Boobitch's MnF microphone from 'Super Heroine Hijinks'
-The star wand from 'The Fairly fuckparents: The Last Wishes'
-The H-Ball from 'Pkmn: Harem Master'
(Links will follow)

After removing Hermann grins happily as he holds the book in his hands, but not long as suddenly someone appears behind him. It's Jeff Whitney, the bully from the first magic book game, just in a warden uniform and a flashlight in his hand. Hermann turns around

Hermann: "Jeff!"

Jeff: " Grrr, I'm NOT Jeff, that was just the character I played in this cursed game! My Name is Jayne 'The cock' Dwohnson and I had a long career as a porn star before, but because of this fucking endscene.."
Little stop as he imagines the endscene oft he first Magic Book game, where Sherman and Kimberly go away and Jeff is seen in a ballett costume with his tiny dick visible,
Jeff: "… no one wanted to hire me anymore, forcing me into this shitty underpaid warden job!"

Hermann: "I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to remind you oft hat. I just wanted to use the magic book ,because some transformations…"

Scene changes as Jayne "Jeff" holds Hermann up against a shelf, just like in the Magic Book game.

Jayne: "Hahaha what? Didn't satisfy you? And now you want to use it for your pleasure? You pathetic virgins are dumber than I thought!"

He donks him against the shelf the first time

Hermann: "What are you talking about.."

Jayne: "Dude, that was a GAME! Everything was STAGED. Nothing of it real. Magic doesn't exist in this world, did you really believe that?"

He donks him against the shelf the second time

Jayne: "You nerdy losers really are all the same, naive dreamers who will never reach something in this world. How about getting real and stop being such a faggot?"

He ends it with bumping him against the shelf a lot more, the camera goes up tot he top oft he shelf, where something on the edge falls off due to the bumping and falls on Herrmanns' head, just not the magic book, but a smaller version oft he totem from 'Officer Juggs: Christmas Parade'

That totem now breaks apart and releases a lot of purple smoke.
Jayne: "Wonderful, and now we have to add damage to property to the lsit, ha ha ha. Now give the book back!"
Jeff still holding the book and half knocked out mumbles "Teeraal….Jiki…ninki.."
Jayne: "…whatever, give the book back!" He pulls thebook our of his hands as one oft he totem pieces starts to glow and transforms into Chun Li without underwear
Jayne: "What the..hey, who are you bitch, and why.."
A loud sound as her foot hits him right in the face and after that we can only see Jayne's Backside as runs away with the book under his arm, screaming "I'll be baaack!"

Chun-Li: "Disgusting Guy!"

Hermann: "Pazzz…Dree.."

Chun-Li: "Wha..oh wait, I'll help you"

She grabs a little bottle and puts some oft he liquid in it behind Hermann's ears, just it isn't any normal bottle, it's the bottle that contains the magical perfume from 'School of Sex' (Link follows)
The result is, that ist aphrodisiac effect makes Chun Li very horny and her face red.

Chun Li: Wow, this smells so good, and..did his cock always look so delicious?

1. Sex scene
(Some sort of Blowjob in artistic leg spreading position, as it is Chun Li. Any suggestions? Maybe adding in this demonic dildo from 'Monster dildo')

After cumming, both come to their senses.
Chun Li: "Oh I'm..I'm sorry, I didn't know.."

Hermann: "Relax, it was natural, given what is in this bottle. But interesting, whatever this totem contained, it made everything here…real. Including the book, but unfortunately Jayne ran away with it. I don't fear the transformation spells, but if he finds the later added brain washing spell..
we need to get it back! Luckily I remember every spell from it."

Chun Li: "And how should that help us without the book itself?"

Suddenly Hermann has something in his hand, it's a magic wand from the Parry Hotter-Series.

Hermann: "Magic is magic. Watch out: Drekanac Pazusu"

He swingst he wand at a cardboard cutout from Mrs. Clause and it transforms into a hot indian

Hermann: "Wonderful, with her ability to read tracks, we should locate him very easi…"

Hermann gets interrupted when the indian girl throws herself at him

Indian: "As you wish, but..don't you want to have some fun before that, little elf?"

Hermann: "Eh, seems like she inherited some features fro mthe cardboard, but it'S hard to say no.."

2. Sex scene.
(The one you on the forum see all the time: Haseos Signature anal-riding gif from zone-tan)

Later, somewhere else in the storage room.

Indian girl: "Okay, that bastard should be around the corner"
A glimpse around the corner, Jayne "Jeff" sits there under the deactivated Iron Giant and reads in the magic book with an evil grin on his face.
Hermann: "wonderful, and with chunLi covering the door he shouldn't be able to escape, but..how do I beat him…I have it! "

He points the wand at the demon idol from schoolgirl course: "Paz..wait! better not, you…never know what happens…"
Instead pointing it at(..yeah..any ideas?^^): "Pazuzu Labasu"

The …transforms into the cow priestess (?)
Cow Priestess: "Thank you for choosing me, Master. Sadly I can't beo f help for you"

Herrmann: " What? But you are a priestess, you must have some sort of powers"

Cow Priestess: "Yes, but they are relative to size of my boobs and with my current size…"

Herrmann: " Wait, I think, I have seen something..ah here, MnF Wonder Rub. Thanks Sin."

(I think a boob rubbing scene would be to much so just a simple 'puff' and her tits are two-three sizes bigger)

Cow Priestess: "Oh my god, that is..now it shall be no problem, but first let me thank you!"

Sex scene 3:
(Yeah..it's a titfuck, difficult to be original with that^^)

After finishing, the priestess concentrates, some loud noises which shake the screen follows and as they engage Jayne he's burrowed under the Iron Giant.

Herrmann can take his book back.

Indian girl: "good work, but what are we doing with him?"

Herrmann: "Oh I have an Idea"

Jayne is now wearing the ballett dress again and sits in Bakas Machine from 'Baka Adventures: Busty dimension'
Hermann: "There he shoudn't cause any problems. Ehm..can I now be..a little alone? I have..personal things to do.."

Indian Girl: "Have fun, little one"

Cow priestess: "As you wish, master"

Now alone, Hermann pulls something from his pocket.

Hermann: "I waited so long for this moment, I even have a picture from her in my pocket..well then: Haagenti Jikininki!"

The picture transforms into the goth girl

Goth: "Oh Herrmann, how long I have waited for this moment, take me, I'm all yours"

Herrmann: "FUN TIME!"

Sex Scene:
( okay, I actually should have an Idea..but I have none :D What are your favorite sex scenes? Can be ffm threesome too, as Magic book 1 has a duplication spell)

And who told you that ThaoneGuy goin' to win :confused:
I'm sure his stupid pixy idea will be on the last places eating dust, just like the last time.

About your idea: well not bad but also nothing special and has ony 3 sex scenes we had too much short games with 2 or 3 sex scenes this year.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

And who told you that ThaoneGuy goin' to win :confused:
I'm sure his stupid pixy idea will be on the last places eating dust, just like the last time.

About your idea: well not bad but also nothing special and has ony 3 sex scenes we had too much short games with 2 or 3 sex scenes this year.

...Can I get an opinion from someone who read it thoroughly? :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Was going to leave some feedback last night but the internet was acting up.

Let's see:

Chun Li. You know her you love her but sex scenes are very difficult. Something that captures her character.

How about this one


Her leg over the MC as she gives him a handjob and the option to play with her tits.

Scene 4:

Hmmmm. You definitely want her to be spread out more. Something like the MC asserting dominance. Maybe that can give you some guidance?

While I am here let me drop these off. We are almost done with Incredible Bulk so I hope you all liked your first look at it.

In the coming days I will share the next poll and announce the schedule for it.

Enjoy for now!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

...Can I get an opinion from someone who read it thoroughly? :)
I think I can help. :cool:

In regards to your idea Meetie, I’ve read through it and I noticed a number of typo’s and errors

Magic Book Stories: The Forgotten Beauties

This game focuses on certain transformations on the female site from the first magic book game, who had a lot of potential but sadly didn't get a scene and were never used again. So to change that, our perverted hero Hermann Dummy plans to sneak into the MnF Headquarters storage room to steal the Magic book and correct that.

The story starts with Hermann Dummy, who looks like Sherman, just with blonde hair and different clothes sitting in front of his PC in his messy room, playing the first magic book game (you can see a scene from it on the screen).
Summary Box:
"This is Hermann Dummy, a student on MnF University who should actually write his seminar papers, but prefers to waste his days jerking of to the MnF Games, especially a certain part of them"

Hermann: "Hah, I love the Magic Book Series, all of them, but still nothing can beat the original. So many hot transformations, especially the female ones'. Sadly it only had 4 scenes for them, so much wasted potential."
Hermann’s Face brightens up, as he has an idea.
"But wait, the MnF Headquarters isn't far. They should still have the book stored somewhere to use it for the next magic book game. If I can get in and use it…"

A little 'puff' and Hermann looks like an everyday cleaner, with white overalls, mop and bucket.
Hermann: "Haha and with this no one will suspect me. The first time my part time job is useful for something!"

Scene cuts to the MnF Headquarters from outside
Summary says: "A little later…"

Next cut to a door with a sign reading "Storage room". A Shadow appears next to the door, having a mop and bucket in its hands.

Next cut to Hermann now on the other side of the door in a big stockroom full of shelves, looking around amazed.
He slowly goes deeper in the room, looking around with his mouth open, not believing what he sees, until he spots the magic book on a shelf behind other stuff.
Hermann: "Ah, there it is!"
A little game can now follow, where he has to remove the stuff before the magic book.
The stuff includes:
-The Kryptonite piece from 'Wondergirl vs Robbers'
-A beer bottle from 'Train Fellow'
-Nancy Boobitch's MnF microphone from 'Super Heroine Hijinks'
-The star wand from 'The Fairly Fuckparents: The Last Wishes'
-The H-Ball from 'PKMN: Harem Master'
(Links will follow)

After removing them, Hermann grins happily as he holds the book in his hands. But not long as suddenly someone appears behind him. It's Jeff Whitney, the bully from the first magic book game, just in a warden uniform and a flashlight in his hand. Hermann turns around.

Hermann: "Jeff!?"

Jeff: " Grrr, I'm NOT Jeff, that was just the character I played in that cursed game! My Name is Jayne 'The cock' Dwohnson and I had a long career as a porn star before, but because of this fucking end scene."
Little stop as he imagines the end scene of the first Magic Book game, where Sherman and Kimberly go away and Jeff is seen in a ballet costume with his tiny dick visible.
Jeff: "… No one wanted to hire me anymore, forcing me into this shitty underpaid warden job!"

Hermann: "I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to remind you of that. I just wanted to use the magic book, because some transformations…"

Scene changes as Jayne "Jeff" holds Hermann up against a shelf, just like in the Magic Book game.

Jayne: "Hahaha what? Didn't satisfy you? And now you want to use it for your own pleasure? You pathetic virgins are dumber than I thought!"

He donks him against the shelf the first time.

Hermann: "What are you talking about?"

Jayne: "Dude, that was a GAME! Everything was STAGED. Nothing of it was real. Magic doesn't exist in this world, did you really believe that?"

He donks him against the shelf the second time.

Jayne: "You nerdy losers really are all the same. Naive dreamers who will never reach something in this world. How about getting real and stop being such a faggot?"

He ends it with bumping him against the shelf a lot more, the camera goes up to the top of the shelf, where something on the edge falls off due to the bumping and falls on Herrmann’s head, just not the magic book, but a smaller version of the totem from 'Officer Juggs: Thanksgiving Parade'.

That totem now breaks apart and releases a lot of purple smoke.
Jayne: "Wonderful, and now we have to add damage to property to the list, ha ha ha. Now give the book back!"
Jeff still holding the book and half knocked out mumbles "Teeraal….Jiki…ninki...”
Jayne: "…Whatever, give the book back!" He pulls the book out of his hands as one of the totem pieces starts to glow and transforms into Chun Li without underwear
Jayne: "What the? Hey! Who are you bitch? And why.."
A loud sound as her foot hits him right in the face and after that we can only see Jayne's Backside as he runs away with the book under his arm, screaming "I'll be baaack!"

Chun-Li: "Disgusting Guy!"

Hermann: "Pazzz…Dree..."

Chun-Li: "Wha... Oh wait, I'll help you"

She grabs a little bottle and puts some of the liquid in it behind Hermann's ears. Except it isn't any normal bottle, it's the bottle that contains the magical perfume from 'School of Sex' (Link follows)
The result is that its aphrodisiac effect makes Chun Li very horny and her face red.

Chun Li: Wow, this smells so good, and... did his cock always look so delicious?

1. Sex scene
(Some sort of Blowjob in artistic leg spreading position, as it is Chun Li. Any suggestions? Maybe adding in this demonic dildo from 'Monster dildo')

After cumming, both come to their senses.
Chun Li: "Oh I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

Hermann: "Relax, it was natural, given what is in this bottle. But interesting, whatever this totem contained, it made everything here… real. Including the book, but unfortunately Jayne ran away with it. I don't fear the transformation spells, but if he finds the later added brain washing spell...
We need to get it back! Luckily I remember every spell from it."

Chun Li: "And how should that help us without the book itself?"

Suddenly Hermann has something in his hand, it's a magic wand from the Parry Hotter-Series.

Hermann: "Magic is magic. Watch out: Drekanac Pazusu!"

He swings the wand at a cardboard cut out from Mrs. Clause and it transforms into a hot Indian.

Hermann: "Wonderful, with her ability to read tracks, we should locate him very easi…"

Hermann gets interrupted when the Indian girl throws herself at him.

Indian: "As you wish, but... don't you want to have some fun before that, little elf?"

Hermann: "Eh, seems like she inherited some features from the cardboard, but it's hard to say no."

2. Sex scene.
(The one you on the forum see all the time: Haseo’s Signature anal-riding gif from zone-tan)

Later, somewhere else in the storage room.

Indian girl: "Okay, that bastard should be around the corner"
A glimpse around the corner. Jayne "Jeff" sits there under the deactivated Iron Giant and reads the magic book with an evil grin on his face.
Hermann: "Wonderful, and with Chun Li covering the door he shouldn't be able to escape, but... how do I beat him…? I have it!"

He points the wand at the demon idol from schoolgirl course: "Paz... Wait! Better not, you… never know what might happen,"
Instead pointing it at (..yeah..any ideas?^^): "Pazuzu Labasu!"

The … transforms into the cow priestess (?)
Cow Priestess: "Thank you for choosing me, Master. Sadly I can't be of help for you."

Herrmann: "What? But you are a priestess? You must have some sort of powers."

Cow Priestess: "Yes, but they are relative to the size of my boobs and with my current size…"

Herrmann: "Wait, I think, I have seen something... ah here, MnF Wonder Rub. Thanks Sin."

(I think a boob rubbing scene would be too much so just a simple 'puff' and her tits are two-three sizes bigger)

Cow Priestess: "Oh my God! That is... Now it shall be no problem, but first let me thank you!"

Sex scene 3:
(Yeah..it's a titfuck, difficult to be original with that^^)

After finishing, the priestess concentrates, some loud noises which shake the screen follows and as they engage Jayne he's buried under the Iron Giant.

Herrmann can take his book back.

Indian girl: "good work, but what are we doing with him?"

Herrmann: "Oh I have an idea."

Jayne is now wearing the ballet dress again and sits in Baka’s Machine from 'Baka Adventures: Busty Dimension'.
Hermann: "There he shouldn't cause any problems. Ehm. Can I get... a little alone time? I have... personal things to do."

Indian Girl: "Have fun, little one."

Cow priestess: "As you wish, master."

Now alone, Hermann pulls something from his pocket.

Hermann: "I waited so long for this moment. I even have a picture of her in my pocket. Well then: Haagenti Jikininki!"

The picture transforms into the goth girl

Goth: "Oh Herrmann, how long I have waited for this moment, take me, I'm all yours"

Herrmann: "FUN TIME!"

Sex Scene:
( okay, I actually should have an Idea..but I have none :D What are your favorite sex scenes? Can be ffm threesome too, as Magic book 1 has a duplication spell)


Now, as for the parts you’ve asked for help on.
For the Chun Li sex scene, did you mean something like this?

For the Item that he transforms into the cow priestess, what about a mannequin with the Diamond Milf costume from ‘Super Whore Family’?

And for the goth sex scene, I think a missionary position with her legs up alongside her body fits for her. Like this:

Or maybe where she’s holding her legs behind her head. Like this:
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The other thing I wanted to drop of is, the idea I shall be submitting this round. :D

Erotic Vacation
Note – To try and avoid confusion, paragraphs with quotation marks “” are meant to be in-game text.

Short Version:
Every year, Callen’s step-mother drags him on their annual vacation, but they never go anywhere he enjoys. This year, they’re spending it on a private island owned by his step-mothers sister. Which he is not looking forward to. However, a chance encounter in the islands jungle is gonna change things.

Long Version:
Scene 1:
Game starts with Callen in his room on his laptop.

His phone starts ringing, and when he answers, it’s his friend Lewis.
Callen: S’up dude.
Lewis: Hey man. I just heard Derek’s parents are going away for a week and he’s inviting us over for a GTA marathon while they’re gone. You in?
Callen: Sorry I can’t. My step-mom is dragging me off on yet another vacation.
Lewis: Oh. Alright. You going anywhere nice?
Callen: We’re going to her sister’s private island in the Caribbean.
Lewis: Dude, that sounds awesome.
Callen: Yeah, awesome. Two weeks trapped with my bitch of a step-sister on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere with searing heat, blinding sunshine, mosquitoes and sand that gets everywhere.
Lewis: Jeez man. Try to look on the bright side for once.

As they’re talking, Callen’s step-sister calls up from downstairs.
Step-Sis: Hey Twerp! Get Your Ass In Gear! I should be tanning myself on a tropical beach, but instead I’m waiting for your sorry ass.
Callen: Urrgh... I gotta go man, her royal bitchiness is calling.
Lewis: Alright. I’ll see you later. Try to enjoy yourself.
Callen: Yeah, see ya.

“After a long car ride to the airport, followed by an even longer flight and then a really long boat ride, Callen, his step-mother and step-sister finally arrived on the tropical island.”
Scene changes to Callen walking along a pier next to his step-mother Beverly and his step-sister Macayla is a few steps ahead of them.


Beverly: Callen, you sure you don’t want to change? I don’t want you to overheat.
Callen: Urrgh. I’m fine.
Macayla: I don’t know why you even brought him along mom. All he does is complain about everything. Besides, he’s 18. He can take care of himself.
Beverly: Because Macayla, he’s a part of our family.
Callen: Yeah right. You’re just stuck with me because my dad ran off like a month after you got married.
Beverly: That’s not true. I’ll admit, that part was... unfortunate. But...
Macayla: Hey. Can we stop talking about that prick? I thought we were here for a vacation with Aunt Gianna and the twins.
Beverly: Oh. Y-you’re right. Let’s... Let’s keep it cheerful. Gianna and the girls are looking forward to meeting you Callen.
Callen: Really? I only met them once. And that was six years ago at the wedding.
Macayla: Well you had several chances to meet them over the years, but you always chose to spend time with your loser friends instead.
Callen: Well I just had to get away from the chirping of you and the other bimbos you hang out with.
Beverly: Alright you two. That’s enough. I don’t want you to spend this entire trip fighting.
Macayla and Callen: Urrgh. Fine.

A voice calls out from ahead of them.
????: Yoo-hoo! Beverly!

The camera changers to show Beverly’s sister Gianna and her twin daughters Chloe and Zoe.



Note – Chloe’s hair is purple with pink tips, while Zoe’s hair is pink with purple tips.

Gianna: I’m so glad you all could make it. And Callen, it’s so nice to finally see you again.

Chloe leans over and whispers to Zoe.
Chloe, whispering: See. I told you he’d turn out to be cute.
Zoe, whispering: Yeah, he is.
Callen: Yeah, whatever.
Beverly: Callen! Don’t be so rude.
Chloe: He just needs to unwind a little. Zoe and I were going to head to the pool, if you wanted to join us.
Callen: Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’ll just head to my room. Which way is it?
Gianna: Callen, you can’t spend your entire trip held up indoors. I’ve set up a little something that’ll get you out to see this beautiful island.
Callen: Oh really? And what might that be?
Gianna: A treasure hunt.
Callen: A treasure hunt!? I’m not a little kid ya know.
Gianna: I know you’re not Callen, which is why I made it an actual treasure hunt by hiding real treasure.
Macayla, thinking to herself: (Hmm, real treasure huh?)
Callen, thinking to himself: (Damn. I knew she was loaded, but I didn’t know she was THAT rich.)
Callen: Alright, that does sound interesting.
Gianna: Hehe, I thought it would. I’ve got a map printed out for you. If you can find the chest, you can keep everything inside.
Gianna holds up a small map.
Macayla: Sweet. Don’t mind if I do.
Macayla grabs the map out of Gianna’s hand and runs off.
Beverly: MACAYLA!!
Callen: Hey! Get Back Here!
Gianna: It’s alright. She can look for it if she wants to. Don’t worry Callen, I’ll print you off another map and you’ll be right behind her.

Scene 2:
“Determined to beat Macayla, Callen headed out as quickly as he could after getting another map. However, in his haste to beat her, he misread parts of the map and ended up getting lost.”

Scene changes to Callen holding a map and wandering through the island’s jungle.
Callen: Well this is fucking great. I’m lost and I’m gonna lose out to that bitch again. Now what am I supposed to do?

A mysterious voice pops up out of nowhere ahead of Callen.
????: This way young one.
Callen: Huh? What the hell?

As Callen wanders through the jungle, he finds an old shaman in his camp. He’s sitting by his fire, sipping tea from a wooden cup.

Callen: Who the hell are you?
Shaman: My name is Aaronsim, young Callen.
Callen: What the? How do know my name?
Aaronsim: Heh-heh. There is much that I know young one.
Callen: Oh really? Then I don’t suppose you know where Gianna hid that treasure.
Aaronsim: As a matter of fact, I do. And before you ask, I am willing to tell you. But before I do, I wish to make a deal.
Callen: Of course you do. Alright, what is it?
Aaronsim: In the chest, there is a large ruby.
Callen: And you want it for telling me where it’s buried. Hmph, no thanks. I can find it on my own.
Aaronsim: I’m sure you can. But can you find it before Macayla? She does have quite the head start on you after all.
Aaronsim: Hmm... What if I were to sweeten the deal for you? What if I were to also give you something that will guarantee your enjoyment on this trip?
Callen: Hmmm... Alright. You’ve got a deal. So where is it?
Aaronsim: There is a small clearing about 50 feet to your right. It is buried at the foot of a fig tree.
Callen: Got it. Thanks.

“Following Aaronsim’s directions, Callen soon finds the clearing and a small chest is buried right where he said it would be.”

“Callen opens it and inside, it’s filled with real gold and jewels, including a particularly large ruby. He takes the ruby out of the chest before returning to Aaronsim.”

Callen: Alright. Here’s your ruby.
Aaronsim: Ah. Thank you young man. You have upheld your end of the bargain, and I shall uphold mine. Allow me to present you with this.

He holds up a peculiar looking little talisman.

Callen: And what is “this”?
Aaronsim: A talisman crafted by my ancestor long ago. It was used to keep peace within the tribe. If you give any command to anyone whilst they’re touching it, they’ll become obedient to you. Though in order for it to work, you will first need to bind it to yourself. This is done by placing something of yours, such as hair or blood, into it.
Callen: Really? That sounds like a cliché plot device from an internet porn site. Greet and Bang, or something like that.
Aaronsim: Be that as it may, I assure you it works.
Aaronsim: Hmm, Macayla draws near. Why don’t you test it on her?
Callen: Why not? What’s the worst that could happen?

“Still somewhat sceptical, Callen headed back into the jungle, back towards Gianna’s beach house. As he walks, he plucks a few hairs and they’re absorbed into the talisman.”

Scene changes to Callen walking through the jungle, looking at the talisman. The small chest is tucked under his arm.
Callen: This thing probably isn’t going to work. But at least I beat Macayla.

As he’s walking, Macayla appears on the trail in front of him.
Macayla: What the? What the fuck are you doing here?
Callen: Beating you. What’s it look like?
Macayla: Hmph. Whatever. You may have found it first, but you’re gonna hand it over.
Callen: Screw you. I found it first, it’s mine fair and square.
Macayla: I said, Hand It Over!

Macayla tries to take the chest and the two of them start fighting over it.
Callen: Fuck you! Let Go!
Macayla: No! You Let Go!
Callen: No Way! It’s Mine!
Macayla: The Fuck It Is! You’re Not Even Related To Gianna! You Have No Right To It!
Callen, thinking to himself: (You know what, fuck it. Let’s see if this works.)

As they struggle over the small chest, Callen grabs Macayla’s arm, holding the talisman against her skin.
Callen: You know what, I’ve had enough of your shit. Why don’t you fucking shut up and suck his dick?
Macayla: What the fuck did you just...

Her eyes glaze over for a second as the magic of the talisman takes effect, before returning to normal and her expression changes from angry to happy.
Macayla: Alright. If that’s what you want.
Callen: Wait.... What?
Macayla: You said you wanted me to suck your cock, so I’ll suck your cock.
Callen: Y-you’re messing with me right?
Macayla: Not at all master. Shall I begin.
Callen: Uhh... O-ok. Sure.

Sex Scene 1
Callen sits on a rock and Macayla kneels between his legs as she sucks his cock.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Blowjob – Lick Tip, Suck Tip, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Callen cums inside her mouth.

Scene 3:
“After she swallowed his load, Callen and his new bimbo headed back to the beach house. On the way back, he told her to act normal when around other people, unless told otherwise.”
“When they got back, Callen and Macayla went to their rooms to unpack. While in his room, Callen contemplated on what just happened and what to do next.”

Callen is sitting in his bedroom (a different one then at the start of the game), looking at the talisman.
Callen: Holy shit. I can’t believe it actually worked. That bitch has given me so much shit over the years, but now she’ll do whatever I say.
Callen: Hmmm. I wonder if it just works on one person at a time, or can I control multiple people with this thing.
Callen: Well, I guess there’s only one way to find out. Macayla’s not the only girl on the island.

“Callen heads downstairs and finds Gianna in the kitchen making a drink.”

Gianna: Oh. Hi Callen. I was just making mojito’s. Want one?
Callen: No thanks. I’m good.
Gianna: Alright, suit yourself. How was the treasure hunt?
Callen: It was fun I guess. I actually found something odd while looking for it.
Gianna: Really? What is it?
Callen: I’m not really sure. Some sort of odd little rock. Wanna see it?
Gianna: Sure.

Callen takes out the talisman and hands it to Gianna.
Gianna: How very strange.
Callen: Also, I bumped into Macayla on the way back and we discovered something interesting about it.
Gianna: Oh? And what might that be?
Callen: Let me demonstrate.
Callen: Gianna, put the drink down and come with me into the living room.
Gianna: Huh? What are...

Like with Macayla, her eyes glaze over for a second then returning to normal because of the talismans magic.
Gianna: Of course master. Whatever you say.

Sex Scene 2
In the living room, Callen sits on the couch and Gianna sits on his lap, taking his cock.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Callen cums inside her pussy.

Scene 4:
“A few days later, Beverly wanted to go shopping on the mainland, and Macayla and Gianna wanted to go with her, leaving Callen alone with the twins.”

Scene opens on Callen just getting out of the shower, with a towel around his waist. As he’s drying his hair with another towel, Chloe knocks on the door.
Chloe: Hey Callen?
Callen: Yeah?
Chloe: Zoe and I are gonna hang by the pool. You wanna join us?
Callen: May as well, not like I’ve got anything better to do.
Chloe: Great!
Chloe: Uh, *ahem*. Uh, I-I’m just gonna get some snacks. I’ll meet you and Zoe there.
Callen: Got it.

Scene opens on Callen walking through the house towards the pool. He’s now wearing a pair of swim trunks.

Callen: Well, I guess it could be worse than being alone with the twins for the next couple days.

When Callen reaches the doors that lead to the pool, he sees Zoe lying on a deckchair, reading a magazine.
Callen: Besides, if I do get bored, I could always have some fun with them.

Chloe walks up to Zoe, holding a bowl of crisps (that’s potato chips if you only speak American). They don’t know Callen is nearby and he can hear and see them.
Chloe: Hey Zoe, you’ll never guess what I saw this morning.
Zoe: What?
Chloe: Well, I was walking past Callen’s room, when I heard a funny noise. I thought he was jerking off, so I decided to take a peek.
Zoe: And? Was he? Did you see it? How big is he?
Chloe: Oh no. What I saw was even better.
Zoe: What? What was it?
Chloe: It was Macayla! She was sucking him off!
Zoe: What!? No way! But, I thought she hated him.
Chloe: I thought so to. But evidently she loves his thick dick. Which by the way, is bigger then we thought.
Zoe: Oooooh.
Callen, thinking to himself: (Well, well. I don’t think I’m gonna need the talisman for these two.)

Callen opens the door walks up to the girls. They both blush when they see him.
Callen: Hey girls
Zoe: Oh. H-hey Callen.
Chloe: Hi Callen. Thanks for joining us.
Callen: Don’t mention it. So, what were you two talking about?
Chloe: Oh, um. Nothing special.
Callen: Really? Because it sounded an aweful lot like you were talking about how you were spying on me and Macayla this morning.
Zoe: Wh-what!?
Chloe: O-oh my God! Y-You heard us?
Callen: Every single word.
Callen: So. I’m bigger then you thought, huh?
Zoe: Huh? Y-you’re not mad?
Callen: Why would I be mad? Two super hot girls are checking me out.
Chloe: Y-you really think we’re hot?
Callen: Of course. In fact, I’m tempted to throw you both down and screwing both of you. But I’d never fuck someone who doesn’t want it.
Zoe: H-hang on. Wh-who said we didn’t want it.
Callen: Oh. So you do want it then?
Chloe: Well, we certainly wouldn’t stop you if you tried.
Callen: Well then, who could turn down such an invitation?

Sex Scene 3
Chloe and Zoe lie on the deckchair as Callen fucks both of them.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Chloe – Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Zoe – Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Chloe – Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Zoe – Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Callen cums over both of them.

Scene 5:
“Two weeks of fun, sun and sex later, it was time to head home. But not before one last golden opportunity presented itself.”

Scene opens on Callen in his room, packing his suitcase. As he’s packing, Beverly comes into the room.
Beverly: Hey Callen. You almost ready to go?
Callen: Yeah, almost.
Beverly: By the way, have you seen my green skirt? The one with the floral pattern up the side?
Callen: Yeah. It got mixed in with my stuff. Though I think it got damaged in the wash. There’s a tear along one of the seams.

Callen hands Beverly the skirt.
Beverly: *Sigh* No, that was me. I tried to put it on the other day, but I didn’t realize how big I’ve gotten. Believe it or not, I used to be as slim as Gianna.
Callen, thinking to himself: (Damn. I can’t believe I forgot about Beverly. I’ve been jerking off thinking about her plump ass for years.)
Callen, thinking to himself: (Well, this is the perfect chance to find out if it’s as soft as it looks.)
Beverly: You know. I think I’m gonna start working out when we get home.
Callen: What? Why? You look great the way you are.
Beverly: Oh, you’re just saying that.
Callen: No I’m not. A woman like you, should have the great curves you have.

Beverly’s face blushes and she starts fiddling with her hair.
Beverly: C-Callen? Wh-while I’m flattered, I-I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to talk to me like that.
Callen: Well then, if talking isn’t ‘appropriate’, then this certainly isn’t gonna be.

Callen suddenly grabs Beverly’s arse and starts squeezing her cheeks.
Beverly: C-Callen!? Wh-what are you doing!? And... Wh-what’s that in your hand?
Callen: Beverly, stop talking and kiss me.
Beverly: C-Callen I...

Again, just like with Macayla and Gianna, the talismans magic makes her eyes glaze over for a second before returning to normal.
Beverly: Yes... Master.

Beverly wraps her arms around Callen and they start kissing.
Callen: Come on. There’s something I’ve wanted to do with you for a long time.
Beverly: Yes master. As you wish.

Sex Scene 4
Callen lies down on the bed and squeezes Beverly’s plump butt as she rides his cock.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Callen cums inside her arse.

Scene 6: Epilogue
Scene changes back to Callen’s bedroom from the start of the game. As he’s unpacking his suitcase, his phone starts ringing, and it’s his friend Lewis again.
Callen: Hey man.
Lewis: S’up dude. So how was your vacation? Did you actually manage to enjoy yourself?
Callen: Heh-heh. Dude, you are not going to believe what I have to tell you.

End of game.
Options to play again and to repeat sex scenes.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Sorry about that.... Anyways hi all long time little post I've been pretty busy with changes at work so I've had little time for forum chat. I just played Pinoytoon's (Tsu)Slutnade in Debt and thought I was good, especially the animation of the first scene. Does anyone know if Pinoy is going to continue working with MnF or if they're still looking for new artists?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Sorry about that.... Anyways hi all long time little post I've been pretty busy with changes at work so I've had little time for forum chat. I just played Pinoytoon's (Tsu)Slutnade in Debt and thought I was good, especially the animation of the first scene. Does anyone know if Pinoy is going to continue working with MnF or if they're still looking for new artists?
Sltutnade in Debt it's not Pinoy's game it was made by Rawart.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I think I can help. :cool:

In regards to your idea Meetie, I’ve read through it and I noticed a number of typo’s and errors

Magic Book Stories: The Forgotten Beauties

This game focuses on certain transformations on the female site from the first magic book game, who had a lot of potential but sadly didn't get a scene and were never used again. So to change that, our perverted hero Hermann Dummy plans to sneak into the MnF Headquarters storage room to steal the Magic book and correct that.

The story starts with Hermann Dummy, who looks like Sherman, just with blonde hair and different clothes sitting in front of his PC in his messy room, playing the first magic book game (you can see a scene from it on the screen).
Summary Box:
"This is Hermann Dummy, a student on MnF University who should actually write his seminar papers, but prefers to waste his days jerking of to the MnF Games, especially a certain part of them"

Hermann: "Hah, I love the Magic Book Series, all of them, but still nothing can beat the original. So many hot transformations, especially the female ones'. Sadly it only had 4 scenes for them, so much wasted potential."
Hermann’s Face brightens up, as he has an idea.
"But wait, the MnF Headquarters isn't far. They should still have the book stored somewhere to use it for the next magic book game. If I can get in and use it…"

A little 'puff' and Hermann looks like an everyday cleaner, with white overalls, mop and bucket.
Hermann: "Haha and with this no one will suspect me. The first time my part time job is useful for something!"

Scene cuts to the MnF Headquarters from outside
Summary says: "A little later…"

Next cut to a door with a sign reading "Storage room". A Shadow appears next to the door, having a mop and bucket in its hands.

Next cut to Hermann now on the other side of the door in a big stockroom full of shelves, looking around amazed.
He slowly goes deeper in the room, looking around with his mouth open, not believing what he sees, until he spots the magic book on a shelf behind other stuff.
Hermann: "Ah, there it is!"
A little game can now follow, where he has to remove the stuff before the magic book.
The stuff includes:
-The Kryptonite piece from 'Wondergirl vs Robbers'
-A beer bottle from 'Train Fellow'
-Nancy Boobitch's MnF microphone from 'Super Heroine Hijinks'
-The star wand from 'The Fairly Fuckparents: The Last Wishes'
-The H-Ball from 'PKMN: Harem Master'
(Links will follow)

After removing them, Hermann grins happily as he holds the book in his hands. But not long as suddenly someone appears behind him. It's Jeff Whitney, the bully from the first magic book game, just in a warden uniform and a flashlight in his hand. Hermann turns around.

Hermann: "Jeff!?"

Jeff: " Grrr, I'm NOT Jeff, that was just the character I played in that cursed game! My Name is Jayne 'The cock' Dwohnson and I had a long career as a porn star before, but because of this fucking end scene."
Little stop as he imagines the end scene of the first Magic Book game, where Sherman and Kimberly go away and Jeff is seen in a ballet costume with his tiny dick visible.
Jeff: "… No one wanted to hire me anymore, forcing me into this shitty underpaid warden job!"

Hermann: "I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to remind you of that. I just wanted to use the magic book, because some transformations…"

Scene changes as Jayne "Jeff" holds Hermann up against a shelf, just like in the Magic Book game.

Jayne: "Hahaha what? Didn't satisfy you? And now you want to use it for your own pleasure? You pathetic virgins are dumber than I thought!"

He donks him against the shelf the first time.

Hermann: "What are you talking about?"

Jayne: "Dude, that was a GAME! Everything was STAGED. Nothing of it was real. Magic doesn't exist in this world, did you really believe that?"

He donks him against the shelf the second time.

Jayne: "You nerdy losers really are all the same. Naive dreamers who will never reach something in this world. How about getting real and stop being such a faggot?"

He ends it with bumping him against the shelf a lot more, the camera goes up to the top of the shelf, where something on the edge falls off due to the bumping and falls on Herrmann’s head, just not the magic book, but a smaller version of the totem from 'Officer Juggs: Thanksgiving Parade'.

That totem now breaks apart and releases a lot of purple smoke.
Jayne: "Wonderful, and now we have to add damage to property to the list, ha ha ha. Now give the book back!"
Jeff still holding the book and half knocked out mumbles "Teeraal….Jiki…ninki...”
Jayne: "…Whatever, give the book back!" He pulls the book out of his hands as one of the totem pieces starts to glow and transforms into Chun Li without underwear
Jayne: "What the? Hey! Who are you bitch? And why.."
A loud sound as her foot hits him right in the face and after that we can only see Jayne's Backside as he runs away with the book under his arm, screaming "I'll be baaack!"

Chun-Li: "Disgusting Guy!"

Hermann: "Pazzz…Dree..."

Chun-Li: "Wha... Oh wait, I'll help you"

She grabs a little bottle and puts some of the liquid in it behind Hermann's ears. Except it isn't any normal bottle, it's the bottle that contains the magical perfume from 'School of Sex' (Link follows)
The result is that its aphrodisiac effect makes Chun Li very horny and her face red.

Chun Li: Wow, this smells so good, and... did his cock always look so delicious?

1. Sex scene
(Some sort of Blowjob in artistic leg spreading position, as it is Chun Li. Any suggestions? Maybe adding in this demonic dildo from 'Monster dildo')

After cumming, both come to their senses.
Chun Li: "Oh I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

Hermann: "Relax, it was natural, given what is in this bottle. But interesting, whatever this totem contained, it made everything here… real. Including the book, but unfortunately Jayne ran away with it. I don't fear the transformation spells, but if he finds the later added brain washing spell...
We need to get it back! Luckily I remember every spell from it."

Chun Li: "And how should that help us without the book itself?"

Suddenly Hermann has something in his hand, it's a magic wand from the Parry Hotter-Series.

Hermann: "Magic is magic. Watch out: Drekanac Pazusu!"

He swings the wand at a cardboard cut out from Mrs. Clause and it transforms into a hot Indian.

Hermann: "Wonderful, with her ability to read tracks, we should locate him very easi…"

Hermann gets interrupted when the Indian girl throws herself at him.

Indian: "As you wish, but... don't you want to have some fun before that, little elf?"

Hermann: "Eh, seems like she inherited some features from the cardboard, but it's hard to say no."

2. Sex scene.
(The one you on the forum see all the time: Haseo’s Signature anal-riding gif from zone-tan)

Later, somewhere else in the storage room.

Indian girl: "Okay, that bastard should be around the corner"
A glimpse around the corner. Jayne "Jeff" sits there under the deactivated Iron Giant and reads the magic book with an evil grin on his face.
Hermann: "Wonderful, and with Chun Li covering the door he shouldn't be able to escape, but... how do I beat him…? I have it!"

He points the wand at the demon idol from schoolgirl course: "Paz... Wait! Better not, you… never know what might happen,"
Instead pointing it at (..yeah..any ideas?^^): "Pazuzu Labasu!"

The … transforms into the cow priestess (?)
Cow Priestess: "Thank you for choosing me, Master. Sadly I can't be of help for you."

Herrmann: "What? But you are a priestess? You must have some sort of powers."

Cow Priestess: "Yes, but they are relative to the size of my boobs and with my current size…"

Herrmann: "Wait, I think, I have seen something... ah here, MnF Wonder Rub. Thanks Sin."

(I think a boob rubbing scene would be too much so just a simple 'puff' and her tits are two-three sizes bigger)

Cow Priestess: "Oh my God! That is... Now it shall be no problem, but first let me thank you!"

Sex scene 3:
(Yeah..it's a titfuck, difficult to be original with that^^)

After finishing, the priestess concentrates, some loud noises which shake the screen follows and as they engage Jayne he's buried under the Iron Giant.

Herrmann can take his book back.

Indian girl: "good work, but what are we doing with him?"

Herrmann: "Oh I have an idea."

Jayne is now wearing the ballet dress again and sits in Baka’s Machine from 'Baka Adventures: Busty Dimension'.
Hermann: "There he shouldn't cause any problems. Ehm. Can I get... a little alone time? I have... personal things to do."

Indian Girl: "Have fun, little one."

Cow priestess: "As you wish, master."

Now alone, Hermann pulls something from his pocket.

Hermann: "I waited so long for this moment. I even have a picture of her in my pocket. Well then: Haagenti Jikininki!"

The picture transforms into the goth girl

Goth: "Oh Herrmann, how long I have waited for this moment, take me, I'm all yours"

Herrmann: "FUN TIME!"

Sex Scene:
( okay, I actually should have an Idea..but I have none :D What are your favorite sex scenes? Can be ffm threesome too, as Magic book 1 has a duplication spell)


Now, as for the parts you’ve asked for help on.
For the Chun Li sex scene, did you mean something like this?

For the Item that he transforms into the cow priestess, what about a mannequin with the Diamond Milf costume from ‘Super Whore Family’?

And for the goth sex scene, I think a missionary position with her legs up alongside her body fits for her. Like this:

Or maybe where she’s holding her legs behind her head. Like this:

Haha, thousand thanks dude, I knew I could count on you^^ You know exactly what I need
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Now, as for the parts you’ve asked for help on.
For the Chun Li sex scene, did you mean something like this?
This scene already was used by Kosmos for PKMN harem master, don't be such repetitive.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

This scene already was used by Kosmos for PKMN harem master, don't be such repetitive.
Oh yeah. So it was.
Well in my defence, I don't have every scene from every game in my had when I'm looking for images.
Also, I'm pretty sure Delia wasn't fingering herself. :p

And, doesn't anyone have anything to say about Erotic Vacation? :(
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Oh yeah. So it was.
Well in my defence, I don't have every scene from every game in my had when I'm looking for images.
Also, I'm pretty sure Delia wasn't fingering herself. :p

And, doesn't anyone have anything to say about Erotic Vacation? :(
Well what can I say, as Itold already some time ago that stuff of hypnosis, aphrodisiac and magic stuff to break mind are already used too much in mnf, but we have 2 sexy milfs and 3 young lladies which rocks :D

POV of the first sex scene is also very used, there are thousands of POV's in the web why you allways use the same :confused:

I can't see the second sex scene, so don't know how it looks.

I hope you will ask Serega to make milfs exactly as they are in the pics :)