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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Eh, the Magic Book series was always a neat way to have whatever sex scene falls into your mind without a lengthy setup. Works for me.

Though I gotta admit I wish they did more with that Principal character without changing her. Her original design is really hot to begin with. I just wish she's lose the glowing "hypno-eyes", never liked that effect.

Speaking of games that "gather up" lost chances - It'd be cool to see a Zelda game pick up some of the leftover hotties from the Zelda universe. I'm pretty sure there are enough out there. Twinrova in fused form, that big-titted lady from the Milk Bar in Twilight Princess, the three oracles from the Seasons/Ages games, etc. Not to mention Breath of the Wild's ladies, but you'd a whole game to cover them. Dat Urbosa tho', yum.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

You mean besides the fact Chun-Li is one of the finest women in gaming in general? Besides there's only one game that feature Chun in MNF.
I mean that there are a lot of porn manga, porn games games and porn videos featuring Chun Li.
The only game featuring Chun Li in mnf is Street Fucker and it sucks.

Thnx to me Magic Book it's now on the secons place :p

Do not give up with you summer vacation idea man!
We are on summer and we still didn't get any summer or beach idea, which sucks.
Submit it to Kosmos again please.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Thnx to me Magic Book it's now on the secons place :p
Well technically sandz, Magic Book Stories and Cassie Cannons are currently tied for first.


Do not give up with you summer vacation idea man!
We are on summer and we still didn't get any summer or beach idea, which sucks.
Submit it to Kosmos again please.
I know, that was my reasoning too. The whole reason I got that script done and submitted is because we haven't had a summer themed submission yet. Though I do have a couple other ideas I would like to work on and possibly submit next round. Anybody want to hear about them?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well technically sandz, Magic Book Stories and Cassie Cannons are currently tied for first.

That happened some time after I voted :p
But now Magic book is winning for 3 votes, unfortunetely.

I know, that was my reasoning too. The whole reason I got that script done and submitted is because we haven't had a summer themed submission yet. Though I do have a couple other ideas I would like to work on and possibly submit next round. Anybody want to hear about them?
I'm still waiting for Harper's season mission :(
Wanna see that very busty mother nature :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well... if it helps.

Meetie has a point. I don't think it's that the MnF subs don't like the idea of nun game, the only logical explanation I can think of is that there is some aspect of the script that they don't find appealing.

It's very annoying that any and ALL of the good ideas take forever to rise to the top and we have to put up with mediocrity until then.

THIS is why I don't pay for MnF.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Can someone tell me, which games are currently into production? Thanks. :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I'm still waiting for Harper's season mission :(
Wanna see that very busty mother nature :D
Well, to be honest the only thing holding that back is that a while ago, I asked JellyB if he could take some line art I did for the magic crystals in the game and make them actually look like they're made of glowing crystal. Because I don't think I can do them justice with colouring pencils and I have no idea how to do it on a computer. :eek:
I could start working on it, but I really need those pics done. Unless anyone here knows how to do it or knows someone who would be willing to. :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well, to be honest the only thing holding that back is that a while ago, I asked JellyB if he could take some line art I did for the magic crystals in the game and make them actually look like they're made of glowing crystal. Because I don't think I can do them justice with colouring pencils and I have no idea how to do it on a computer. :eek:
I could start working on it, but I really need those pics done. Unless anyone here knows how to do it or knows someone who would be willing to. :D
Jellt seems to be disappeared for months, but still think Jelly B is Jelly Butt :confused:

What exactly do you need cuz I didn't undrestand?
Have some pic example?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Jellt seems to be disappeared for months, but still think Jelly B is Jelly Butt :confused:
No, he's not. I thought so to and I asked him, and they're two different guys.

What exactly do you need cuz I didn't undrestand?
Have some pic example?
These are the drawings I did for them.

And these are some examples of what I want them to look like.

And I want each one to be a different colour.
The Air (Eagle) one is Yellow.
The Fire (Dragon) one is Red.
The Water (Turtle) one is Blue.
The Earth (Stag) one is Green.
The Moon (Wolf) one is Grey. Though this one has variants. The one on the left needs to be bright and glowing like the others, but the cracked one on the right needs to look dull as it's power is fading.
And the Sun (Lion) one is Gold. I know this is a similar colour to the Eagle, but picture it a slightly darker shade to help distinguish them.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

No, he's not. I thought so to and I asked him, and they're two different guys.

These are the drawings I did for them.

And these are some examples of what I want them to look like.

And I want each one to be a different colour.
The Air (Eagle) one is Yellow.
The Fire (Dragon) one is Red.
The Water (Turtle) one is Blue.
The Earth (Stag) one is Green.
The Moon (Wolf) one is Grey. Though this one has variants. The one on the left needs to be bright and glowing like the others, but the cracked one on the right needs to look dull as it's power is fading.
And the Sun (Lion) one is Gold. I know this is a similar colour to the Eagle, but picture it a slightly darker shade to help distinguish them.
If he says he is not that diesn't mean he is not XD

Well yeah it's possible to do so using Paint lol
But it's a lot of work, specially if you want every symbol look like crystal.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Indeed. Hence my predicament. :rolleyes:
Well, I can try with the wolf one I liked it, and then if you like it you can show that one to Kosmos and say that he should do the others like that one but with the colours you want.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well, I can try with the wolf one I liked it, and then if you like it you can show that one to Kosmos and say that he should do the others like that one but with the colours you want.
Hmm, maybe. Thanks.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Are we going to get a new game today or what? Serega has to do a game with only 3 sex scenes and still he comes late for a day :mad:
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Slutty Sperm Nurse
Totally Sluts!
Officer Juggs Lust For Sail (seems to be the next release)
Gloria Gazongas Ace Attorney

Anyone have the summary for the "Officer Juggs Lust for Sail"?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Anyone have the summary for the "Officer Juggs Lust for Sail"?
Unlike most Juggs ideas, this will be a two parter instead of a one shot.

Permission to use Wendy Watermelons granted to me By Lord Escobar.

Mayors Office
9:00 A.M.

Mayor is sitting behind his desk, per usual, while Juggs is standing across from him.

Mayor: Good morning Officer Juggs.

Juggs: Good morning Mr. Mayor.

Mayor: Say, has anyone ever told you that you have a huge pair of JUGGS! I wonder if there is an interesting story behind that surname of yours.

Juggs: …


Mayor: What?! I am talking about your juggs! You melons, your knockers, your honkers! Your bobambas, your milk bombs, your golden bazoo’s! They’re enormous! Probably one of the biggest pair, if not the biggest, in the whole damn city!

Juggs: Mr. Mayor, my…BAZOO’s, are not an appropriate topic of discussion! I could sue you for…

Mayor cuts her off.

Mayor: Sue me for what? Sexual harassment?! Ha! You’re kidding right? We live in a city called “Meet and Fuck Metropolis”! There is no such thing as sexual harassment here. But I digress, those enormous KK cup whoppers on your chest have been a great boon to this office! And as off right now, they’re going to serve the fine citizens of this great city once again! But this time I’m going to be directly involved with them…I mean with the case we need them…I mean, what I need YOU for!

Juggs yells: What in the Sam Hill are you babbling about sir?!

Mayor: Listen Juggs, those JUGGS of yours are mighty fine. So fine, that when it came to putting Billy Bob Bodine away, my plan to put you undercover to take him down, was a smashing success! And we’re going to use those wonderful whoppers of yours once again! Juggs, we’re going undercover! You and me! Together!

Juggs: Wait! What? Let me get this straight, you want to go on an undercover mission with me? That’s insane! You’re not a cop! You don’t even have the slightest bit of training for such a thing! Why would you even want to get involved directly?! You’d be putting yourself in harm’s way Mr. Mayor!

Mayor: Ah pish posh! I am the perfect candidate to accompany you for what’s in store! And if I am in the newspapers right along with you, for what I have planned, I will be able to secure four more years as mayor! The public will see me as more than just a politician, but a warrior of the people like yourself! Keep in mind, if I stay mayor, then I will make sure you stay onboard as police chief! Besides, if anything goes wrong I got you there to protect me. Right?

Juggs: *Sigh* Ugh…and what is this mission exactly?

Mayor: As you're well aware, not too far from Lagoon Beach, there is MNF Harbor. And of course, at MNF Harbor, there are two distinct ports. There is the industrial port which is where we do our export and import business, and the leisure port where cruise ships periodically dock. The two of us are going to the leisure port to board a specific cruise ship incognito.

Juggs: Okay, why are we doing this?

Mayor: Apparently someone on this ship’s crew is using the storage facilities to transport illegal narcotics from the mainland to our beloved island. I want to find out who it is, catch this son of a bitch, and put an end to his smuggling operation once and for all! It will be the biggest bust in all of MNF history! Well, not as big as your BUST of course, but still rather sizable! Heh heh!

Juggs: Lovely. But I have two questions. When do we begin, and what the hell does any of this have to do with my JUGGS?!

Mayor: Look, I don’t have time to explain it all right now! In half an hour, the cruise ship we need to board, is about to set sail. And as far as your massive tits are concerned, you will see for yourself when we get there! Now you’re disguise is waiting for you downstairs in the lady’s room, and I got mine here in my office. Be at the port by 9:30, and I will fill you in on the rest of the details later!

Juggs: *Sigh* Jesus Christ...I have to go on the record here sir. This plan sounds like one serious cluster fuck of an idea.

Mayor: Just do what I tell you Juggs, and don't argue with me! Let’s go!

MNF Harbor
9:30 AM

Juggs pulls up onto the port with the same car she has from Ghost Fucker. The mayor is standing their wearing this uniform.

Mayor’s Costume:
Try to make him look like Bob Hope, with cap and golf club.

Juggs Costume:

However instead of it being blue, make it white like her gloves and hat.

And instead of shoes, give her white boots like this.

In the background is a cruise ship being loaded with passengers.

Mayor: Juggs, glad you’re here on time! What do you think of my duds?

Juggs: With all due respect sir, you look like an idiot!

Mayor: Good! I didn’t want to rouse suspicion! And I got to say you look absolutely astonishing.

Juggs: I will take a compliment from you whenever I can get it. But do you mind now telling why I am dressed like this?

Mayor: Absolutely. You see that long line of men boarding that ship behind us?

Juggs: You mean all of those doughy, sad looking, middle-aged losers? Yeah I see them.

Mayor: Well they're getting on this ship, because this ship is the infamous U.S.S JUGG-ernaut!

Juggs: The JUGG-ernaut!? You mean this is the cruise ship, for a bunch of horny douchebags that pay ungodly amounts of money to fuck hot, large breasted women, which are out of their league?!

Mayor: The one and only! Now the plan is for you to be the captain, and for myself to be the dorky and comical host!

Juggs: I’m the captain?! But I don’t know anything about boats, let alone something the size of a cruise ship! What were you thinking, and how did you even manage to make me the captain anyway?!

Mayor: Calm down, will you? As you know, I have my own secret service force that gathers intel for me, and I pulled some strings with the harbor master to arrange all of this. As far as the boat goes, don’t worry about that either. These days ships like this sail themselves. You just need to stand up straight, stick your chest out, and pretend you know what you’re doing. Meanwhile I’ll do some investigating, and see if I can find out who the culprit is, and where the drugs are. When I do, I will come get you to arrest him!

Juggs: B-but…I’m the cop! I’m the one who knows how to do the investigating!

Ship horn blares in the background.

Mayor: Damn it Juggs, there is no time to argue about this. Just go act like a big-titted, cock teasing captain, and keep the attention of those horny slobs fixated on yourself. That's what I need you for; a diversion. And of course to make the official arrest when the time comes. Now hopefully you understand that's what all that "tit-talk" in my office was about.

Ship horn blares a second time.

Juggs: But Mr. Mayor...

Mayor: I don't want to hear it, we're out of time! We need to get aboard that ship.NOW! And by the way, I am now known as comedian Hob Bope and you’re Captain Hilda Howitzers. Remember that!

On the ship.
8:00 P.M.

The Mayor and Juggs are on the deck.

Mayor: Okay “Captain”, this is where I take my leave. I need to make my rounds, mingle with the crew and see what I can learn. Wish me luck!

Mayor takes off.

Juggs: God damn it! This is the most ridiculous and half ass undercover operation I have ever been a part of. I doubt that moron will find out anything, and will probably end up getting caught; needing me to save him.

Then a short, fat, balding man with a huge erection waddles up to Juggs to introduce himself.
He looks like this.

And he is wearing an outfit like this.

Lenny: Captain Howitzers I presume?

Juggs: Uh yes…that’s me.

Lenny: Hello captain, I am your first mate Lenny Lauter. But you can call me Lenny if you wish.

Juggs: Uh, pleasure to meet you Lenny. Is there something that needs the captain’s attention?

Juggs thoughts: Please say no. Please say no. Please say no.

Lenny: Ha! I guess you could say that!

Juggs thoughts: Damn it!

Lenny: I don’t know if you realized this, but you got about 3 horny old men staring at you with erections that are about ready to burst through their shorts. My own included!

Juggs: Oh! Well I guess I better get off the deck and let the other girls have some fun with these…paying customers...and yourself.

As soon as she is about to walk away, Lenny grabs her by the wrist.

Lenny: Not so fast Captain! All the other girls are busy at the moment, and these men paid a lot of money for a ticket. I’m afraid you’re going to have to fill in for the time being.

Juggs: What do you mean? I’m the damn captain, not one of the whores on this boat!

Lenny: Uh, yes you are! Captain or not, this is one of your responsibilities! Surely you knew that before signing up!

Juggs thoughts: That conniving piece of shit! I knew their was something more he wasn't telling me! The mayor knew I was going to be a star attraction because of my gigantic juggs! But I’m not just eye candy, I am also expected to participate! He probably knew ahead of time that there were going to be a lot more guys, than there are girls, on this boat! And now I am to fuck them, or I will be responsible for this plans failure.

Lenny: Come on captain, let’s escort you to your quarters so we can get this gangbang started!

Random man 1: Hell yeah!

Random man 2: Let’s party!

Lenny: I get first crack at her tits! Officer’s privilege!

Random man 3: I can’t wait to split this busty bitch’s cunt!

Sex Scene 1
Gang bang.
Back in her captain quarters, still in uniform, Juggs is on her back, laying on a big bed. In each hand she jerks off two guys, while Lenny is small enough to sit on her chest, getting ready to fuck her tits. As he unbuttons the first two buttons of her top, more of her tit flesh is exposed but they are NOT completely out from the uniform. All Lenny does is expose an even LARGER amount of cleavage. Then Lenny slides his cock between them her tits and starts fucking them. The last guy has Jugg’s skirt hiked up and her legs spread wide while he fucks her in her twat. Meanwhile Juggs starts to suck the cocks in her hands alternating between the two. This goes on till all of them cum.

Back on the deck, Juggs is back in her Captain’s uniform. There the Mayor meets her again.

Mayor: Psst. Juggs! How are things going up here?

Juggs: You son of a bitch!

Mayor: By your anger, I assume you found out about your secondary role as captain of the JUGG-ernaut.

Juggs: You fucking think?!

Mayor: I apologize for not giving you full disclosure, but I needed you to go along. The original captain came down with the flu, and you make a great substitute. Besides, I saw the tapes of what happen at the Buxom Beaver, you looked like you enjoyed yourself!

Juggs: You motherfu-…when this is over I want a monumental raise and an extended vacation! You got me!

Mayor: Fine, fine! But so far so good, because I got a couple of leads. I am getting closer to nailing this thing. Just keep covering! Oops got to go, the games are about to start and I got to host them!

The Mayor takes off.

Juggs: Games? What games?

The mayor is on a stage, outside, on the deck of the ship.

Mayor: Gentlemen and uh…Gentlemen. The U.S.S. JUGG-ernaut is proud to present its annual tit-fucking competition! And this year we have three brand new contestants for you all with some of the biggest tits you have ever seen!

Crowd Cheers enthusiastically.

Mayor: First we have the former BTW champion, who was put in her place by retired wrestler Terrible Timmy, and is now nothing more than the mega-titted cock-pleaser she was meant to be! Please welcome, Wendy “The American Dream” Watermelons, and all of her big tit glory!

Crowd cheers again and Wendy, flexes pecs causing her ginormous tits to bounce up and down. She is wearing her wrestling outfit that Lord Escobar has already designed in his own idea.

Mayor: Now this year is a very special year. Why is that you ask? Well my fellow perverts that’s because we have a special guest who flew straight in from the city of Gottam. She has fallen on hard times, and is in desperate need of a quick paycheck. She is a world renowned cat burglar, but is out on parole and ready to please us with her wonderful whoppers. Give a full cock salute to our second guest Catbitch!

Catbitch hefts her huge tits in her hands a few times, then winks and blows a kiss at the crowd. The crowd cheers again.


Mayor: And last but not least, the mysterious and ravishing captain of this very ship. This woman has tits the size of the titanic, but no worries about them ever sinking or sagging, because they are so firm and high they each could independently work as a full size buoy! Let’s give it up for our new “cummer” Captain Hilda “Huge Tits” Howitzers!

Crowd cheers.

Mayor: Alright, most of you know the rules, but if this is your first time here I will explain them. First, will all three lovely ladies come to the front of the stage? Thank you ladies. Now, these three super buxom beauties are going to be on their knees and are going to bare their tits, holding them up as offerings for each of you tit-fuck. However to keep this organized all of you will form three separate lines in front of each girl. When I say “go” they rip their tops open and the first man in the line starts fucking their massive jugs to his heart’s content, until he blows his load, then moves aside for the next man behind him to take his turn. Meanwhile the women here will be manually juggling their tits up and down your cocks trying their breast...haha I mean their "best" to help get you off! Also, if you're long enough to poke through their deep canyons of cleavage, they are obliged to suck the tops of your dicks! So, is everyone clear on the rules?

Crowd cheers.

Mayor: Alright then, let the games begin!

Sex scene 2
As the mayor stated, the three women will be on their knees, they will rip their tops open and a bunch of guys will line up and then start fucking each woman’s rack with reckless abandon. The women will do their best to get the men off, but of course Juggs has a scowl on her face as she is forced to sexually degrade herself yet again.

Juggs will win the tit-fucking contest regardless, but all the girls get covered with cum.

Throughout the tit fucking Wendy, Catbitch, and even Juggs will be saying things like, “Oh yeah!” “Fuck my big titties!” “Hurry up and give me your cum!” etc. etc.

After the tit fucking competition, Juggs is cleaned up and back in her captain’s suit. The mayor comes and approaches her.

Mayor: Wow, you know you didn’t have to win it!

Juggs: If I am going to be forced to do this, I might as well do it right! So super cop, have you come any closer to finding out who our illegal drug smuggler is?

Mayor: Actually I think I know exactly who he is, but I have to check a few more things to verify my hunch. Look there is one more activity for tonight, and then everyone is probably going to head to their cabins to get some sleep.

Juggs: Now what the fuck do I have to do?

Mayor: Well, after the tit fucking contest there is the ultimate three way tit fuck between you and the other two competitors from the tit fuck competition. One lucky guy will have his name drawn from a fish bowl, and then the three of you oil up your knockers and then mash your tits together around his cock! When that is finished, the rest of the guys, get to perform an act of bukkake on all three of you to drain what is left in their balls. That’s how the night is finally finished, well the first night…this is after all a week long cruise.


Mayor: Alright, alright, calm down! I am sure I will wrap this up tonight.

Mayor is back on the stage, holding a fish bowl.

Mayor: Alright gentlemen, listen up! Now is the hour for one lucky guy to get to fuck the tits of all three of these busty beauties at once! I will reach into this bowl right here and draw a name. And the winner is…drum roll please.

A drum roll happens in the background.

Mayor: The winner is…Hob Bope! Hey…HEY! That’s me! HAHA! I won!

Juggs groans: Fuck my life. Why am I not surprised.

Sex scene 3
Wendy, Catbitch, and Juggs are on their knees surrounding the mayors cock with their tits, while he sits on a chair on the middle of the stage. And then they proceed to juggle their huge tits, mashing them together and around his cock until he blows his load.

After the mayor blows his load. The girls get themselves cleaned up.

Later that night the mayor and Juggs are in a cargo hold at the bottom of the ship.

Juggs is wearing her stripper outfit from Undercover Whoppers instead of her regular police outfit.

Juggs: I can’t believe you smuggled this stupid stripper costume on board instead of my actual police uniform!

Mayor: Hey! That old police uniform made you look like some old, uptight, lesbian! I did you a favor by bringing this! As a matter of fact, when this is over, I am going to make a mayoral decree that you wear this costume as your official uniform hence forth! Understand officer?!

Juggs: Fuck it! Whatever! I just want to get off this ridiculous ship, and get this over with!

Mayor: Well first we got to make the arrest! Then I will have Lenny steer us home. Let’s do this!

Juggs kicks open the door.

Juggs: Freeze MNF P.D. You’re under arrest dirt bag!

Both Juggs and the Mayor see Lenny, and he is talking into an electronic device on his wrist.

Lenny: Curses, I knew there was something amiss about the two of you! But no matter, I can’t let either of you intervene in my peoples affairs!

Mayor: Your peoples? You mean the mob or cartel you work for?

Lenny: Not even close moron! You have no idea what you have stumbled into!

Then Lenny shifts into this crazy looking alien character.

Juggs: What the fuck?!

Mayor: Holy shit!

The clown/alien then shoots both Juggs and the Mayor with his ray gun.

Lenny/alien: You may have stopped me this time, but my people and I will continue on! But before I leave I am taking your precious human cow with me! My boys and I will have a grand old time with her! Muahahaha!

Then with that, he and Juggs teleport to a space ship that is now looming above the cruise ship.

Mayor thoughts: Juggs! No! I have to save her from that alien psychopath! A great pair of tits like hers can never be stolen! Never!!!

To be continued in part 2. Officer Juggs Vs. The Perverts from Outer Space!
But the ending going to be different as Serrated was obligated to change it because of aliens.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

But the ending going to be different as Serrated was obligated to change it because of aliens.

Because apparently Balloon animals are more acceptable

It's very annoying that any and ALL of the good ideas take forever to rise to the top and we have to put up with mediocrity until then.

THIS is why I don't pay for MnF.

Honestly, u never should. MNF never once made feel like I was getting my money's worth.