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ACT Ci-En [ めがね屋] パワフルシスター (Powerful Sister) RJ123659

Re: Remember Dot Handy?

you guys are aware are arguing on something neither of you guys can win

its semantics and opinion based and it has nothing to do with the topic
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

Disemboweling is removing someone of their bowels.
Generally shoving a dick the size of their waist up their ass several times would crush their insides(bowels included!) and they would probably slop out of the giant gaping hole of an anus that was left over. You deal with it.

It's safe to say your analogy was bad. No one got it. Why do you defend it?
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

Because this is the first time no one's gotten it.

Implying you've made this analogy in the past and it worked. For some reason I highly doubt that's true. I'd ask for proof, but I know there is none.
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

I have, and it has as far as I know.
And good, because I'm not going to dig through comments on other websites just to appease you
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

Disemboweling is removing someone of their bowels.
Generally shoving a dick the size of their waist up their ass several times would crush their insides(bowels included!) and they would probably slop out of the giant gaping hole of an anus that was left over. You deal with it.

Again, you're only destroying them. You're not removing them. Whatever leftover dropping out of its own accord would be gravity's handiwork, not yours. So it's not disembowelment. Just saying.

all deal with it!

I love that movie.
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

Again, you're only destroying them. You're not removing them. Whatever leftover dropping out of its own accord would be gravity's handiwork, not yours. So it's not disembowelment. Just saying.
And now you're just splitting hairs, bro.
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

How about you both knock it off?
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

I'm pretty sure it's already been knocked off
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

Anyway, moving on. UPDATE TIME.



These images have our heroine with different skin tones. GT tells us that the background is complex, the author is suffering, and we'll have to wait a little more.
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

I very much prefer the skin tone in the first picture.
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

I like the sickly green too, It gives her the aura that she's being possessed by some sex craved spirit.
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

The 2nd skin doesn't look like it's finished yet. It's not detailed at all and is just 1 color unlike the 1st one. I'll save my final opinion until it gets some detail but for now I prefer the 1st one as well.
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

Could someone pm me a link of dot handy thanks. Woohoo first post btw (long time lurker).
Re: Remember Dot Handy?

I like the sickly green too, It gives her the aura that she's being possessed by some sex craved spirit.

I'm actually on the fence for either one. The green just looks too... bland, you know? It's like the same shade as her hair colour. While the the other one makes her look like too white.