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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 11 vs. 17 P, Miss!
H 3 vs. 19 P, Counter!
H 9 vs. 7 P, Hit!
P 4 vs. 15 M, Miss!
M 11 vs. 13 P, Miss!
H 4 vs. 9 P, Miss!
H 5 vs. 11 P, Miss!
P 3 vs. 19 M, Counter!
M 15 vs. 22 P, Miss!
H 8 vs. 10 P, Miss!
H 5 vs. 15 P, Miss!
P 6 vs. 20 M, Miss!

Suddenly, something small jumped out of the rubbish at Mei-Lien. She couldn't get much of a look at it, but it seemed a lot like the thing they had easily beaten in the first ruins they had explored. Hannah launched a fireball at the spot where it landed, prompting it to jump at her, slamming into her hard for such a little thing, though she was able to get it off of her with another fireball. The thing then launched itself at Mei-Lien, who easily dodged, but also failed in her counterattack. Hannah's fireballs missed it, and it took some time to realign itself and attack Mei-Lien, who this time landed a counterpunch on the thing, sending it flying.

4/6 HP

5/5 FP

4/5 FP
0/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

A movement originating from the debris pile alerted Mei to the hostile intent of the thing underneath, and she easily got out from the way. By the brief glimpse she got on it after it had passed, the creature looked like the spidery monster they had met before. After some exchanges of leaps, fists and fireballs, the fighter got a strike in, sending the monster towards the back of the room. With the thing's strategy for leaping attacks, she'd keep her reactive style of fighting up and attack the critter when it came to them, letting Hannah blast it when it was farther away


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 7 vs. 14 P, Miss!
H 13 vs. 3 P, Hit!
P 20 vs. 2 M, Critical Hit!
M 3 vs. 19 P, Counter!
H 3 vs. 7 P, Miss!
P 14 vs. 10 M, Hit!

As the thing launches at Mei-Lien, Hannah is able to blast it with a fireball, slamming it into a wall. Unfortunately it's able to bounce off it almost perfectly, slamming into Mei-Lien hard enough that she's knocked over as the thing winds its spindly legs around her waist. She finds herself unable to pull it off of her, getting a stab to her side for her efforts, and then it moves around to her back. A few moments later she felt the thing bite into her back, piercing it easily and doing something to her spine; immediately her entire body went limp. After a few jerking motions the redhead started slowly getting up, though it was not of her doing. She found herself facing Hannah with a fighting stance, still quite perceptive, but no longer in control of her body. "Wha... what's going on...? What do I do...?"

3/6 HP

1/5 FP

4/5 FP
0/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The spidery thing got a fireball to the face from Hannah, but the spell was not potent enough to knock it off balance completely as it used the wall as an aid, bouncing right back into the fray and tackling Mei down. On the ground, she is unable to get the grabby creature away from her, and soon enough a sharp lance of pain runs up her body as the thing bit into her. The teeth fiddled around her spine, and soon the fighter was rendered limp, her mind pushed back into the passenger seat as the something else took control of her body. The thing was making her body fight Hannah. "Fucking hell..." the girl though, not really able to do anything besides observe from her own field of vision, witnessing what the thing was going to do


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 7 vs. 18 H, Miss!
H 1 vs. 21 M, Counter!
M 11 vs. 18 H, Miss!
H 12 vs. 14 M, Miss!
M 6 vs. 5 H, Hit!
H 20 vs. 12 M, Hit!
H 15 vs. 6 P, Hit!
P 13 vs. 11 H, Hit!
H 19 vs. 12 P, Hit!

Mei-Lien's body suddenly launched itself at Hannah at the behest of the parasite; Hannah threw a half-hearted fireball at the redhead to stop her, but the newly acquired ribbon she was wearing made the fire simply dissipate around her, and her fist slammed into the mage's face. Hannah staggered back, throwing a more powerful fireball at Mei-Lien that was easily dodged as she held her bleeding nose. Moments later the fighter landed a powerful kick to Hannah's side, though it became apparent that the mage had intended for this to happen, and leaned over Mei-Lien to blast the parasite with a fireball. Unfortunately, the parasite was intertwined enough with Mei-Lien's nervous system that she too felt its pain and lost consciousness.

When she awoke she felt a sharp soreness in her back, though it would seem that the parasite was gone, and that she was in total control of her body. Hannah was sitting in front of her against the wall, resting.

You have acquired Grapple Expertise Level 1

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Being unable to act, Mei watched on as her body moved to attack the dumb-struck mage, the ribbon protecting her from a fireball. Even though she was not in control, the redhead could still feel everything, and it wasn't a nice thing to feel her fist shatter Hannah's nose. The injured mage reeled backwards, hurling another, more powerful fireball at her as she tried to staunch the flow of blood. Mei's possessed body easily evaded this one and took another attack at the still-reeling mage, who got hit again. But it seemed to have been intentional, for as the kick connected with the rich girl's side, she held out her wand past the fighter's back and blasted the parasite this time. After another spike of agony no doubt coming from the thing that had attached to her, Mei lost her consciousness and faded to black, not sure what would come of her.

When she returned to her senses, the martial artist girl found herself with a sore back, but wholly in control of herself once more. She acknowledged the pop-up before rising up to a sitting position. She patted her back in an effort to feel the bites, and if they were still there. ""That was scary.... you okay? Your nose took a hard hit.."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien couldn't feel any sort of wound in her back, just the soreness where it had been. "I'm alright now. Broke my nose, but nothing I couldn't heal with a little effort" Hannah replied, nodding. "I didn't expect that attacking the parasite would hurt you too, sorry about that. Still, it seems like this room was set up purposefully for that thing... This place is getting more and more strange."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Don't worry about it. We didn't end up killing each other thanks to that, so it's all good despite some pain." the red-haired girl replied, getting back up and ignoring the aching in her spine. Agreeing to Hannah's sentiments about the strangeness of this place they were at, she would inquire about moving forward to explore more.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

They had reached the end of the line on this rightward path, so they walked back out to the gateroom and took the path to the left. They reached a similarly empty room, with a door to another of the turrets and another door to the side of it.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The girls left the debris room behind, trailing back along the ways they came from to take the path on the left this time. An almost identical place waited for them at the end of the hall. Deciding to leave the turret alone for now, Mei decided to head into the room first, keeping her guard up in case something nasty was right there by the door to ambush them


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien slowly entered the room, to be greeted by a familiar sight. Sitting in the middle of an otherwise empty room was a feminine form made out of green slime, instead of legs sitting in a puddle of the stuff. "Mmmm, a pair of cuties in my domain" a voice called out, and the door slammed shut behind the two of them.

12/12 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP
0/10 AP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Oh... one of these again. Looks to be more developed than the previous one..." Mei thought as she saw the girl-shaped slime. The thing didn't seem to be in a conversing mood, evident from the doorslam happening behind the girls. Remembering the previous encounter, Mei dashed forward to melee with the slimegirl, knowing that it could possibly do that same darkness thing that the one before had.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 15 vs. 18 S, Miss!
H 17 vs. 21 S, Miss!
H 19 vs. 7 S, Hit!
S 7 vs. 13 M, Miss!
M 21 vs. 19 S, Hit!
H 4 vs. 5 S, Miss!
H 11 vs. 19 S, Miss!
S 13 vs. 11 M, Hit!
M 5 vs. 12 S, Miss!
H 4 vs. 11 S, Miss!
H 4 vs. 22 S, Counter!
S 21 vs. 13 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien rushed at the slimegirl, throwing a punch that it was easily able to dodge, though she wasn't really expect Hannah to launch multiple fireballs at her; she was able to block one by raising a shield of slime, the other passed by it and slammed into her, eliciting a slight pained noise from the slime as her puddle receded a bit. The puddle lashed out at Mei-Lien, though she easily avoided it and delivered a kick to the slime's side that seemed to hurt it. The slimegirl was prepared for Hannah this time, though, and blocked both her fireballs before launching a spell of her own at Mei-Lien; suddenly she felt a bolt of electricity hit her, shocking her painfully for a few seconds and stunning her so badly she wasn't able to counter. Hannah's first fireball was simply blocked, the second one negated by a bolt of electricity that hit the mage square in the chest, as the slimegirl shocked Mei-Lien again.

10/12 HP

3/5 FP
0/10 AP

4/5 FP
0/3 MP
0/10 AP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With her mind set on smacking the slime around, Mei's first attack was launched, but the slime swayed to the side and evaded. After it got something else to deal with as Hannah pushed her weight into the combat, the redhead was able to pull off a nasty kick to the thing's side as it recovered from the twin fireballs. This was however followed up by a rather unkind shocking by the slimegirl, who appeared to have magical powers. After getting tasered twice by the goo-girl, Mei was feeling somewhat bad and jerky at her limbs, which twitched slightly after the shocks. Still, she was in control of her body and continued wailing on the goop with her fists. Grappling it was not most likely a good move


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 4 vs. 7 S, Miss!
H 9 vs. 4 S, Hit!
S 6 vs. 15 M, Miss!
M 4 vs. 15 S, Miss!
H 15 vs. 11 S, Hit!
S 11 vs. 19 M, Miss!
M 10 vs. 5 S, Hit!
H 19 vs. 19 S, Hit!
S 18 vs. 3, Critical Hit!

Mei-Lien's flurry of attacks forced the slimegirl to commit a lot of attention to blocking her, though only one of her blows actually connected. The real value in the attacks was in how much they distracted the slime from Hannah's, and all three of her fireballs slammed into the slimegirl. Still, at the end of it the frustrated slime grabbed Mei-Lien with her slimy hands and forced a very strong shock into her shoulders and through her body, nearly dropping her instantly, though she somehow found the strength to smack the slimegirl away and back off. "Tough, aren't you? Still, you won't last much longer" the slime muttered, pointing at Mei-Line.

6/12 HP

1/5 FP
0/10 AP

4/5 FP
0/3 MP
0/10 AP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With a mad barrage of punches, Mei laid into the opposition, even though she managed to hit only with one good impact on the slimegirl's body. As the opponont was recovering from the barrage, Hannah proved that she had something to further the cause and scored a triple of fireballs in a quick succession. This seemed to have agitated the goo girl, who moved in to tase Mei hard, almost taking the redhead out. "That might be the case here... but I'll hurt you right back as much as possible before that happens...." she replied to the slime, cracking an almost maniacal grin at it.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 4 vs. 18 S, Miss!
H 2 vs. 10 S, Miss!
S 22 vs. 9 M, Hit!
H 3 vs. 14 S, Miss!
S 8 vs. 9 H, Miss!
H 5 vs. 9 S, Miss!
S 4 vs. 15 H, Miss!
H 12 vs. 22 S, Miss!
S 23 vs. 15 H, Hit!
H 11 vs. 21 S, Miss!
S 11 vs. 1 H, Hit!
H 17 vs. 19 S, Miss!
S 19 vs. 6 H, Hit!
H 18 vs. 6 S, Hit!
S 14 vs. 15 H, Miss!
H 14 vs. 5 S, Hit!
S 18 vs. 17 H, Hit!

Mei-Lien swung at the slimegirl, who quickly dodged and fired a bolt of electricity into the redhead's shoulder, causing her to spasm and drop to the ground, unable to continue the fight. "A lot of hurting you're going to do to me, eh?" she said, grinning back at Mei-Lien. She then turned to Hannah, and the two started exchanging magical blasts. Hannah did her best, and managed to land a few fireballs on the slimegirl, but she was clearly outmatched. She let out a pained cry each time a bolt of electricity hit her, and finally she fell to the ground, exhausted and unable to continue. "Well now, it's time for the fun part to start."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Despite knowing that she might not get any chances to actually hit the goo, Mei threw herself forward in an attempt to hurt the thing. It easily evaded, returning the failed attack with a shock that took the girl out, no doubt grinning as widely as she had done just seconds ago.

With the redhead's athletic yet feminine form down, Hannah was left to fend for herself. She held out admirably, but eventually succumbed to the more powerful mage attacking her with those nasty bolts of electricity. With the slime's indication about incoming fun reaching her ears, Mei cursed her infernal luck for not being able to deal with these things properly.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The slimegirl chuckled a bit as her puddle expanded out to grab the two defeated adventurers. Little tendrils of green slime wriggled around them, slowly stripping them of their clothing as the slimegirl leered at them. "I got a decent pair, I suppose" she said after a short appraisal. "Although one is better than the other" she noted, giving Mei-Lien a nod of approval. "We aren't just meat you know, we can hear you" Hannah said angrily, and she received a harsh shock for her troubles. "I know. You'll just have to deal with this, though" the slimegirl replied, giggling wickedly. Mei-Lien felt her arms restrained by the slimy tendrils as the puddle solidified below her and raised her up to a standing position, able to keep her feet on the ground only barely and with a little bit of effort; she could see the same being done to Hannah as well. The now hardened puddle changed shape, turning into a wedge that ever so slightly ate into her pussy, bumps and protuberances forming along the length of it. "I bet you can guess how this will work. The two of you are going to feed me your tasty juices, whether you want to or not" she said, and the slime very slowly started to move beneath the two of them. Mei-Lien could feel the bumps rub into her every few seconds, some small, others larger, slowly arousing her. The slime moved at a slow, measured pace, teasing the two for a number of minutes, picking up the pace almost imperceptibly over that time. Hannah started to let out barely stifled moans, and despite herself Mei-Lien grew increasingly aroused. "So ladies, would you like to feel good?" the slimegirl asked, grinning as she stared at Mei-Lien. "Just tell me whenever you're ready." The slime slowed down its pace significantly, and then picked up again, building their arousal slowly and backing off to leave them frustrated. Hannah whimpered, but turned away, keeping quiet for now, perhaps not wanting to seem out of control in front of Mei-Lien. The slimegirl, of course, was content to tease them in this way as long as necessary.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As a chuckle reached her ears, Mei could feel the slime puddle crawling around her. Eventually she was stripped of her dress and equipment, and soon afterwards lifted to her feet so that she could barely reach the ground with her toes. It took some effort on the redhead's part to keep her stance proper, but she could manage it. "Seems like the usual deal with your kind, this feeding on juices. Do your worst." she replied to the slimegirl as the wedge pressed itself against her. The wedge started grinding her womanhood, and the fighter started get aroused despite her best efforts to the contrary. As she was teased, Mei started to get annoyed at the jerking about with her pleasure levels. The slimegirl lifted them up, only to cease for a while and leave her hanging. Struggling against her bonds, she showed the frustration clearly. "This is annoying, you snotball. If you want my honey, better go all the way. This halfway-there job won't reward you with anything."