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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Hm. That's... strange..." Hannah said, perhaps a little shaken. She wandered back out of the room, urging Mei-Lien on behind her, and came back to the crossroads they had been before. They hadn't yet explored the left path or the path forward.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Well, I'm not magiccally-attuned, could be that." Mei gave her own thought at Hannah's comment. She went after the mage as she decided to take lead now, following her back to the previous fork. "Let's investigate the left side next."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"It could be that. Alright" Hannah said, and they walked to the left, eventually coming to a couple of doors, identical to the one to the right. This barracks seemed to have pretty typical construction.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"They've got their buildings set nice and orderly. I like it." Mei remarked at the identicality of each corridor. Once the similar pairing of doors was in front of them, the martial artist went for the right door first, like she habitually did.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien opens the door, and finds something slightly strange; there are a few candles burning on holders along the wall. This appears to be the armory, as there were a few weapons stacked along the walls, left behind when the barracks was abandoned. "I can almost see you using one of these axes, it seems to suit you somehow. Weird that these candles were still burning though, they don't seem magical or anything. There's something weird about this place all the way around."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The third door in line was not locked, and Mei pushed it open before entering."Hmm, armory..." she remarked upon seeing the remaining weapons in their containment units. "Might be a suitable weapon for me. won't be using one though... but this is getting odd, does someone live in this room, like that catty person from before?" she continued thinking aloud, going through the leftover equipment to see if there was anything interesting.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I don't think anyone's living here, though someone who lives in the barracks may use it often. That might be where the weapons come from, come to think of it" Hannah replied as Mei-Lien looked around through the equipment. At first glance there didn't seem to be anything of use to her, though something sitting on the floor caught her eye. Oddly enough, there was a single, right-hand metal gauntlet lying on the floor, though for some reason the fingers seemed to have been cut out of it. It wouldn't be very much help in attacking, and it would likely be useless against monsters, but it would be helpful in defending herself against weapons.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Possibly. It might be the cat guy from before, he did have a sword..." Mei fired back at Hannah, her gaze sweeping through the remaining armanent to find anything potentially usefull. And there seemed to be, even if it was on the ground. "Alright.. This here has it's uses. Not an all-purpose tool, but I'll take it for what it can offer." she continued semi-happily, picking up the fingerless gauntlet and seeing if it fit her hand.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The gauntlet was perhaps a little bit big for her, but fit fairly well. About as well as any piece of equipment one simply picked up off the floor could be expected to, at any rate. "There doesn't seem to be anything else here that we can use. I'm not feeling up to learning a weapon" Hannah said, waiting for Mei-Lien to lead her probably to the room across the passage.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Getting the gauntlet properly onto her hand, Mei gave a small smile. "Better not go waving anything strange to you about. It takes a certain degree of practise with just about any weapon to wield them even in a remotely useful way. And your magic is already a good enough weapon for you to use. she replied to Hannah as she and the mage went towards the next door in the investigation.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"It's not as useful when people get in close to me, though, and I should probably be able to deal with things close to me if I ever want to adventure on my own some day" Hannah replied as she followed Mei-Lien, opening the next door. This room was also lit by numerous candles, though it seemed mostly empty besides a large amount of shredded material in the corner. There was also a hole in the wall that seemed to lead to a room farther towards the entrance, and from this entrance a creature slowly walked. It was a bit taller than Mei-Lien, though she could tell by the way that it walked that it was used to moving about on all fours. It seemed reptilian in origin, and if she had to compare it to something she would have to think that it looked like relatively small dinosaur. It saw her and let out a terrifying screech, and began to run at them, baring a set of sharp claws, with one gauntlet on its left hand... Hannah screamed out in fear as she ducked behind her partner, clearly terrified of the creature.

7/7 HP

5/5 FP

4/4 FP
2/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Well, I hope you learn someday." the fighter replied as they entered yet another room. This place had a slightly culty feel to Mei, with all the candles and such. Once they were met by sudden dinosaur intrusion, she was somewhat surprised about seeing a creature like that in their current location.

As the raptor started to close the gap between them, Mei took note of the gauntlet. "So that's where the missing one is... I'll just have to beat up a pre-historic critter to get my pair of gauntlets..." she though, preparing to lunge forward herself to meet with the dinosaur in a test of strenght.
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 20 vs. 2 R, Critical!
H 11 vs. 13 R, Miss!
H 12 vs. 5 R, Hit!
R 15 vs. 18 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien punched the dinosaur-like creature square in its jaw, actually managing to send it flying backwards with the force of her blow. As a result, Hannah missed with her first fireball, but hit with a second one after adjusting, and the thing hissed and screeched in pain. It got up fairly slowly and then lunged at Mei-Lien, who managed to hold it back just barely; it's impressive, toothy maw snapped shut only a few inches from her face. Hannah screamed again as she kept herself safely behind the fighter, not wanting any piece of this monster.

4/7 HP

5/5 FP

4/4 FP
1/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Getting a heavy hit in on her opponent, Mei saw the dinosaur forced away from her briefly. Hannah too managed to score a hit, starting strong for the two. After dodging a snapping mouth, the redhead pushed on the attack, still quite wanting her second gauntlet.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 7 vs. 17 R, Miss!
H 14 vs. 21 R, Miss!
H 10 vs. 6 R, Hit!
R 12 vs. 8 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien tries to kick the creature as she holds it back with her hands, but the beast met her leg with one of its own, avoiding any damage. Hannah launched a fireball at the creature, but it wormed out of the way, even though Mei-Lien was holding it relatively stable; Hannah's next fireball hit the thing square in its side, and it hissed as it reached out to slash at Mei-Lien with its sharp claws, finally getting her to release it.

3/7 HP

4/5 FP

4/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Don't you get too close and personal with me..." Mei thought as she grabbed the raptor and held it back, unfortunately failing her kick against it. With Hannah still succeeding partially, she felt confident that they'd come through this with minimal damage. Even as she was clawed, the fighter didn't falter and continued to battle the pre-historic creature.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 11 vs. 8 R, Hit!
H 8 vs. 3 R, Hit!
R 14 vs. 12 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien responds to the dinosaur's clawing with another punch to its jaw, and Hannah follows it up with another fireball to its side. The beast seems to be getting disoriented and weak as it takes a beating, but it lunges out and claws at Mei-Lien again. The fighter is able to avoid any serious damage, but does receive several cuts to her shoulder.

1/7 HP

3/5 FP

4/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I can't believe I'm trying to knock out a dinosaur..." the fighter thought as her fist connected with the raptor's jaw once again. They both were having a nice row of success in this battle, but after two losses, Mei knew not to feel to joyous yet. The raptor's claws reminded her of that, tearing into her shoulder as the beast lunged once more. "Let's get this over with.." Mei said in a half-voice as she attempted to end the battle with a kick to the face.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 17 vs. 21 R, Miss!
H 14 vs. 12 R, Hit!

Mei-Lien attempts to kick the creature, but it jumps back and out of the way, which gives Hannah just enough of an opening to blast it in the face with a fireball. It screeches in pain as it gasps for breath and inhales only flame before falling to the ground, twitching briefly before going still. Even so, Hannah hits it with another fireball, taking no chances. "I've heard of these things before, there shouldn't be one here. They're from the western desert. Why is there one here? It must have a rider, but where? And why would one of those come to this island?" Hannah blurted out, distressed by the discovery. There was still the entrance the thing had come out of to explore, though Hannah began to wander towards the door they had come from, maybe wanting to leave.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Alright, gauntlet..." Mei said as she went over to the dinosaur's body to pick up the missing arm protector. Taking off the equipment, she listened to Hannah while fitting it on herself. "Hmm, I couldn't say. Wouldn't overlook the possible demonic interference though, given what we saw at the previous military spot..." she continues, heading towards the hole in the wall to see if there was anything in there.