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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"It's not demons I'm worried about, it's the lizards that keep these things as mounts. Supposedly they've enslaved half the western continent" Hannah replied as Mei-Lien slipped on the other gauntlet. She noticed her knuckles beginning to bruise a bit from having beaten on the dinosaur's tough skin, but nothing major as she walked through the entrance. Inside was a bed and a desk with a candle, numerous papers written in a strange language sitting on it. Next to the bed there was an unconscious girl chained to the wall, leaking cum onto the floor. Perhaps she had just been used by the creature they had killed. "We should get out of here, that thing's owner might be back soon."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a quick look into the space farther back, Mai turnead back to Hannah. "Maybe it's for the best. We can't do much to help the girl in there, those chains are a bit too much for us to break.." she said, starting to move away from the room.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As Mei-Lien and Hannah walk towards the door, a tall creature walks through it. Mei-Lien can tell that it's the rider of the creature they've already slain; it looks much like that creature, as if it's simply a lizard that walks upright. "What are you children doing here?" it asked, it's voice suitably low and hissy. "You'll be paying me back for that mount, of course." The creature drew a sword and began to rush at Hannah, a sinister look in its slitted eyes.

6/6 HP

5/5 FP

4/4 FP
2/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Before the girls could leave, a lizrdman of sorts stepped in, blocking their way out. "This must be the rider..." Mei thought, on guard as soon as he saw the creature reach for it's blade. "Oh, not much. Just looking about for intereting things." the fighter said, moving in and preparing to meet it's attack in Hannah's stead to counter with one of her own.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 5 vs. 21 L, Counter!
H 16 vs. 13 L, Hit!
H 11 vs. 6 L, Hit!
L 10 vs. 5 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien charged at the lizardman, attempting to deliver a swift kick to keep him away from Hannah, but he expertly twirled his blade around to cut into her leg, and then stepped into a powerful slash across her torso, a quick reaction saving her from death. This exchange distracted the lizard just enough that Hannah shot him with two fireballs quickly, and he hissed out in pain and anger as he looked to her. They would have to be careful this fight; already the man had shown Mei-Lien considerable skill.

4/6 HP

3/5 FP

4/4 FP
1/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Awww shit!" the fighter thought as she got slashed twice in almost no time. Her quick reactions saved Mei from getting gutted with the first exchange, but she still received a nasty gouge to her abdomen. Still, Hannah managed brighten up the situation with a double hit. Fighting bach the pain, the redhead kept her stance steady, not intent on letting the scaly bastard reach her fire support that easy.

"Considerable skill... this might get interesting.." she said aloud to the lizardman, opting for a more defensive approach towards this battle and looking for an opportunity to strike at the opponent when there was an opening.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

H 7 vs. 13 L, Miss!
H 13 vs. 18 L, Miss!
L 21 vs. 13 M, Hit!
M 8 vs. 18 L, Miss!

Hannah keeps attacking the lizardman, but this time he's ready, dodging one fireball and slashing through another with his sword, dissipating it. Mei-Lien is too defensive to follow up on Hannah's attack, and the lizard punishes her for it, putting a deep cut into her right shoulder. She tries to counterattack, but he easily deflects it and backs away, his eyes darting around the room.

4/6 HP

2/5 FP

4/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Fuck fuck FUCK!" Mei's stream of curses continued in her mind as her attack failed again, this time netting her a shoulder gash for the trouble. She was starting to feel slightly weak already, but the former champion was not ready to quit from something like that. Since defense seemed to be of no avail, the redhead moved back to offense against the shifty-eyed lizardman.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 20 vs. 9 L, Hit!
H 18 vs. 2 L, Critical Hit!
L 7 vs. 12 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien's sudden shift of tactics catches the lizard off guard, and a swift kick to the head leaves him unable to defend himself against one of Hannah's fireballs, which seems to hit harder than normal. Angered, the lizardman lunges at Mei-Lien, but she's able to block with her new gauntlet, putting it to good use.

1/6 HP

2/5 FP

4/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Whooh, now let's get this train going again..." Mei thought as they had a little more luck this time around. With the lizard's blade still screeching against her high guard with the gauntlet, she tried to get a parting shot in before the reptilian humanoid withdrew away from her.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 14 vs. 5 L, Hit!

Mei-Lien delivers a particularly brutal kick to the lizard's leg, breaking it at the knee. As the lizardman crumples to the ground, unable to support his weight, Hannah finishes him off with a quick fireball, scorching his scaled skin and ending his life. "Now what do we do?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With a quick combo attack, the two manage to cut down the lizardman before any further damage is caused to them.

With the threat gone, Mei fell to a knee, clutching at the deep gash on her abdomen. "Well obviously, getting rid of these nasty wounds might be a nice thing. The holes in my clothing could probably do with a little mending too. After that, we could see if he has any keys on him, so we can get the girl away from her bondage back there. the redhead said, slightly angry at Hannah's brief airheadedness.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Right" Hannah said, moving over to Mei-Lien and laying her hands on the fighter's shoulders, slowly healing her and closing up the tears in her clothes at the same time. The effort seemed to tire her out a little; healing was obviously pretty hard on her. When she was done, Mei-Lien searched the lizardman, finding a small key in a pocket of his clothing.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Starting to feel better... thanks." the fighter gave thanks to Hannah as the girl healed her. Getting back to her feet once the mage finished, Mei went over to the lizardman's broken body to search it. Finding a key, she moved back into the room behind the hole. She'd use the key to get the used and abused girl free from her predicament
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien went back to the lizardman's room and found that the key he had been carrying fit perfectly into the shackles the girl was chained to the wall with. Mei-Lien unlocked them, and the girl fell to the ground, still unconscious. "I don't think there's anything wrong with her, she's just tired" Hannah said after a quick lookover. "We can wait here for her to wake up and then get her back to town if that's okay with you."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"There we go..." Mei thought as the bonds slipped open to release the captured girl. Taking hold of the unconscious female before she dropped to the ground, the fighter lowered her down in a more gentle manner. Letting Hannah inspect the girl, she nodded back at the mage. "Right, we can wait for her. There's no real hurry, I suppose." the redhead replied as Hannah gave a suggestion, moving back to the bed in the room. She sat down on it and leaned against the wall, eventually starting to casually spin her beret in one finger as they waited.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah sat with the girl for some time, waiting for her to come to. It took about half an hour before she began to stir, and she was slow to realize that there were others with her. "Who... who are you...?" she asked, and Hannah quickly said "don't worry, we're friends. We've taken care of the lizard, and we'll take you back to the city where you can be safe." The girl slowly sat up, stretching her unused limbs. "I don't live in the city, I live in a shack in the forest not far from here. You've killed the lizard? I can get back home on my own if he's gone." Hannah shrugged, perhaps surprised that the girl was willing to walk away without them.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei didn't get up as the girl came back to her senses, instead looking at the situation from the bed, still twirling her beret in a slow pace. "Alright. You'd probably be more of a hinderance anyway..." the fighter replied to the girl, letting her do as she wanted from now on.

As the girl departed, Mei sprung up from the bed, planting her beret back on as she did so. "We still have a ways to look into. Should we go back to the main intersection and head forward?" she asked the mageling, doing the suggested thing if Hannah was up for it still.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Alright" the girl said, "thank you for rescuing me." With that she went on her way. "Well... She was a little weird. Still, I suppose we should go on" Hannah said, and they made their way back to the main pathway, continuing on forward until they came to an intersection much like the one they had been at; they could go forward or to either side.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Being abused nonstop might make you like that.. but she seemed to be back to her senses for the most part.." Mei said along the way towards the original fork in the road. They moved forward, finding another similar intersection again. Still in the habit, the fighter moved to the right and picked up the right door at the end if there indeed was one like before.