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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Ignoring the voices, Mei-Lien led Hannah through a door to the right when they came upon it, entering into a large courtyard, with a few trees and well-kept flowerbeds. Towards the far end wall was a pair of centaurs, decked out in elaborate looking armor and carrying large axes. As the two noticed them, they raised their axes and began to charge at the two adventurers, ready to strike.

Centaur 1
4/4 HP

Centaur 2
6/6 HP

5/5 FP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

If the mage was getting an earful of things about the redhead's personality, she was not sharing any of it. Letting the matter go, Mei leads them through a door and into a courtyard. As it was kind of expected, something was waiting for them there, another pair of centaurs. Seeing them heft their weapons and rush forward, the fighter prepared to meet their charge. "These things really don't like humans, it looks like..."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 14 vs. 20 C1, Miss!
H 5 vs. 10 C2, Miss!
H 21 vs. 14 C2, Hit!
C1 16 vs. 20 M, Miss!
C2 7 vs. 12 M, Miss!
M 11 vs. 11 C1, Hit!
H 6 vs. 15 C2, Miss!
H 10 vs. 1 C2, Hit!
C1 14 vs. 20 M, Miss!
C2 21 vs. 10 H, Hit!
M 9 vs. 15 C1, Miss!
H 12 vs. 9 C2, Hit!
H 5 vs. 0 C2, Hit!
C1 14 vs. 5 M, Hit!
C2 15 vs. 3 H, Critical Hit!

Mei-Lien let loose a kick to one of the charging centaurs' side, but soon found that that was ill-advised; the armor had looked less practical than it actually was, and it stopped her kick rather well. Hannah launched her fireballs at the other centaur, and managed to hit with one. The effect seemed almost amplified by the armor; perhaps this is why Mei-Lien had only seen fairly light armor up till now. The centaurs then swung their axes at the two girls, though Mei-Lien was able to block with her gauntlet, and Hannah was able to jump backwards as she launched two more fireballs, again hitting with one of them. Mei-Lien's own counterattack seemed to have an effect as well, the enchantment on her weapons allowing her punches to hit the centaur hard. She was able to block its next attack as well, though Hannah wasn't so lucky, getting a shallow slash to her stomach when she wasn't able to get far enough away. The mage being closer did help her in her own attack, however, and she blasted the centaur head on from point blank range with two fireballs, his armor starting to melt from the heat. Of course, he then managed to bring his axe down deeply into her shoulder, and she let out a scream of pain as her arm went limp, the axe still lodged in her. Mei-Lien herself suffered a minor slash to one of her arms, though it caused no serious damage.

Centaur 1
3/4 HP

Centaur 2
2/6 HP

4/5 FP

2/5 FP
0/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Note to self... punch these too.." Mei thought as her kick was cushioned to a mere tap by the armor of the centaur. Hannah's magic seemed to have more of an effect on them though as she witnessed the armor get unbearably hot under the magical fire. After catching an axe blow with her gauntlet, the redhead pushed back and smashed a fist into a centaur, succeeding this time with her own magic there to help. Another block followed the inevitable counter, after which the fighter witnessed Hannah and a centaur deal damage to each other, a flich forming on her features as she saw the mage get an axe to the shoulder. "Fight the pain! Blast the one that hit you!" she yelled instructions at the wounded Hannah, not wanting them to get beaten by these things. The other centaur was weakened, so they should attack it first to reduce the enemy numbers. With that in mind, she set upon the same creature herself.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 21 vs. 10 C2, Hit!
H 6 vs. 6 C2, Hit!
C1 5 vs. 17 M, Miss!
M 3 vs. 19 C1, Counter!
H 9 vs. 14 C1, Miss!
C1 15 vs. 9 M, Hit!
M 7 vs. 14 C1, Miss!
H 17 vs. 3 C1, Hit!

Mei-Lien swiftly disengaged from the centaur she had been fighting and rushed to give a punch to his shoulder as he began to pull his axe out of Hannah, making him flinch just long enough for the mage to let out a strange, feral scream and slamming his armor with her open palm; the centaur screamed in pain as something happened within his armor. Eventually he slumped to the ground in a puddle of blood and flesh, Hannah's attack apparently intense enough to melt the centaur himself. The other galloped after Mei-Lien, hoping to attack her while she was distracted, but she blocked successfully and attempted a counterattack. She did so too soon, however, before she had totally regained her footing from spinning about and blocking his attack, and he put a relatively deep cut into her stomach with the axe, spinning it around and cutting her leg as well. Hannah, axe still in her shoulder, turned and threw a fireball at the centaur, hitting him square in his chest. He seemed to be on his last legs, but then again so did they.

Centaur 1
2/4 HP

Centaur 2 (Dead)
0/6 HP

2/5 FP

2/5 FP
0/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Holy shit...." Mei thought as she saw Hannah do her attack, having just bashed the same centaur herself. The other was still facing them though, and came after the fighter upon seeing his comrade fall. Despite blocking the initial block against his weapon, the redhead failed her counterattack and was cut twice for her troubles. "Fuck!" she yelled, but got some payback instantly from Hannah's fireball. The battle looked to be in their favor, but it could still go both ways with the mage having an axe on her and Mei wounded. But still, Mei wasn't going to give up, puting her arms up as she prepared to smash fists at the horse-man.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 15 vs. 17 C, Miss!
H 10 vs. 1 C, Hit!
C 16 vs. 18 M, Miss!
M 16 vs. 11 C, Hit!

Mei-Lien's next punch missed, though it kept the centaur's attention enough that Hannah was able to blast it with a fireball. He tried to retaliate against Mei-Lien, but before he could the redhead bashed the side of his helmet with her fist, knocking him out cold. Hannah let out a sigh of relief, sinking to her knees after the intense fight, her arm still hanging limply. "Mei-Lien, I need you to... pull the axe out for me..." she said, unable to heal herself until her partner did so. Mei-Lien could see that she was panting heavily and thoroughly exhausted.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"These things just won't learn..." the fighter though as she missed, but still diverted the centaur's path in line with Hannah who scorched it some more with her fire. A last-ditch swipe was aimed at Mei, but she stepped forward and blodly smashed the side of the centaur's helmet in, the steel bending under her fist as the strike was prevented from ever being made.

Seeing the centaur fall, the redhead turned to Hannah, who still had an axe jutting on her shoulder. She was bleeding profusely and couldn't move her arm. "In that condition, you couldn't pull it yourself." she replied as the mage managed to utter the words, grabbing a firm hold on the shaft of the weapon. "Prepare for this, it's going to hurt." the redhead warned her companion before pulling away at the blade to get it off.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah nodded as Mei-Lien warned her it would hurt and took hold of the axe's shaft, biting her lip to keep from making excessive noise. She managed to be fairly quiet as the axe was removed, though her face was contorted in pain and she bit down hard enough on her lip to cut herself. The axe left an open wound that bled quite profusely, but it started to close before Mei-Lien's eyes as the mage started to heal herself. Carefully she began to move and flex her arm as the utility returned to it, and in a minute or two she had closed up all of her wounds, though she had lost a good deal of blood. When she was done she started to heal Mei-Lien, closing up the gashes in her body; just as the last of the redhead's wounds was healed, Hannah collapsed at her feet, having used up all the energy she had. Mei-Lien was fairly tired herself, and she could tell by the sky that it was very nearly time for the sun to set.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Getting the axe out with a bit of effort, Mei deposited the weapon back near it's owner after breaking the thing's handle. Hannah's healing started immidiately after she was free from the blade, soon getting the functionality back to her limp arm. Having healed both of them, the mage's strenght gave out and she fell to unconsciousness. Now left with the task of finding and getting both of them to a safe resting place, Mei could only think of the turrets higher up. Those had been empty during their visit, so she opted to carry the mage into one of the towers.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As Mei-Lien picked Hannah up, she noticed two doors she hadn't noticed during the fight, but still opted to carry the mage back through most of the castle to one of the turrets. Luckily, Hannah wasn't particularly heavy. She passed through the room where they had been raped by the wolf, and found that it seemed to be sleeping with its pups, though on closer inspection she would find that he had one eye open, still watching out for possible dangers. Passing through that room and the gateroom, she turned off towards the turret, carrying Hannah up the stairs before finally reaching the top just as the sun set over the horizon.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Along the path of all those rooms they had previously gone through, Mei could still see the wolf minding it's litter. "Wasn't it about time you relocated? Not a good place for puppies this here castle..." she mumbled to it, not really wanting to see the thing again. Once she had carried the unconscious mage to their resting place high up, she sat down against the wall of the tower, setting Hannah against herself. Keeping hold of the mage, she would try and kinda look out for possible dangers as long as she could in her current semi-sleepy state.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien managed to stay up for a few more quiet hours into the night, on watch as Hannah quietly snored, leaning against the redhead and held in her strong arms. Eventually she too fell asleep, unable to fight the tiredness of a full day any longer. She woke up in the same position she had fallen asleep in, though Hannah had been awake for some time, content to continue resting in her arms. "Good morning" she said, as Mei-Lien's eyes adjusted to the early morning light. "Did you sleep alright?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Despite being tired, Mei could manage to keep herself up for what she thought was a few hours, but eventually she too had to get the shut-eye. She dozed off a moment later, still in this same position.

An unknown amount of time later, the fighter found herself waking up, still there in the tower with Hannah. "Could've used some more..." she replied to the girl leaning against her. Despite that, she lifted herself up from the ground, stretching quickly after the somewhat uncomfortable sleep
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah got up as well, though more slowly than Mei-Lien, and stretched more deliberately as she yawned. "I know what you mean" she said, though she had gotten far more sleep than Mei-Lien had. For some reason she seemed uncomfortable and lost in thought. Finally she asked "Mei-Lien... have you ever killed anyone before? Not just one of these monsters we've been fighting, but a person?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"So that's what they told her..." Mei thought as the question came forth. She had speculated if the voices were throwing a barrage of things at the mage as they did to her, and her speculations seemed to be true. "Well.... I have. Not on purpose though. An accident and a bad estimate of power on my part. It was during a fight for money sometime in the past... those were never designed to be a killing sport, but I ended up killing the opposition after throwing a bit too much power on a strike... shattered the guy's ribs with a kick... the broken splinters ended up tearing into his heart... he didn't live too long afterwards, the internal injuries were too severe and help didn't get there early enough..." she actually confessed, turning away from the mage to look down into the surrounding wilderness. She was still weary from the night. "I can understand if this changes your vision about me.... but I've said it before, I'm not the best company to hang about with..
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah nodded as Mei-Lien related her tale, thinking silently about it for a moment. "I thought you might have..." the mage finally replied. "I had actually thought it might have been more than one, and out of anger, like those centaurs a while back." She paused for another few moments, and then asked "do you remember that lizardman? From the barracks?" She frowned. "I didn't think about it at the time, but he was my first. And then there was that centaur." The frown never left her face as she continued "I know at least this time was necessary. He would have killed me otherwise. But... I don't... It isn't a good feeling." Perhaps her question hadn't come from voices, but instead some introspection and rogue thoughts while she had laid idle this morning, prompted by last afternoon's events. "I just hope I don't have to do it again."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Never killed anyone besides that. Though... there are a few cases that were left crippled with terrible injuries because of that anger..." Mei continued, keeping quiet after that as she listened to Hannah, still not facing the mage. "Most people don't want to do it after experiencing that feeling.... still, there just seems to be situations where it's either you or them..." she shared a bit of her mind after the mage had finished.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah stood lost in thought for another few moments, taking some time to come to grips with the nature of what she had done and combat in general. After a while she nodded, seemingly having sorted through it, and said "alright. Thank you, by the way. You must have carried me all this way... Sometimes I feel like you're always having to drag me around behind you."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

You're such a twig that it's not too tiring to carry you... And I think we do this dragging about in almost equal measures... Should we proceed?" the fighter finished as she turned back to face Hannah once more. Unless there was something else the mage wanted to discuss, she'd take the lead once more to go back where they left off previously and take a new door, possibly the one on the right.