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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"That's good I guess" Hannah said, though she frowned, and her hand subconsciously went to cover her chest at the "twiggy" comment. "I didn't get to read over any of that book last night, I guess I'll do it tomorrow" she said, following Mei-Lien back down the stairs and through the castle to the courtyard where last they had fought. Almost as if in response to Mei-Lien, the wolf had cleared out with its pups, perhaps moving into the forest that was doubtless their natural habitat. One of the centaurs was gone from the courtroom, though some of his twisted and banged up armor remained; perhaps he had survived the severe blow Mei-Lien had inflicted on his head. The other, however, was still there, and was already beginning to attract flies and carrion birds. The sight seemed to make Hannah a little bit ill, though she carried on without pause. There were doors to the left and straight ahead, and Mei-Lien chose the door to the left. They came into a small room with a doorway to their right, the door being missing. It looked as if it led to another of the turrets, though soon Mei-Lien noticed that they had other problems on their hands; an extremely large snake was slithering down the wall towards them, its tongue flicking out and in as it checked them out.

18/18 HP

5/5 HP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Oh... Right... Well, later it is then..." Mei said as she remembered the book and bow just then. But the mage seemed to accept reading it later, so off they went from their high-up resting place.

Along the way, the pair could see that both the wolf and one of the centaurs had buggered off, while the unfortunate victim of Hannah's magical onslaught was still there making company for the birds. Another turret stair room awaited for them inside the new door on the side, but unfortunately there was something else there too. "Fucking hell.... Blast the thing before it reaches us, looks like we got a real fight ahead of us..." she quickly instructed Hannah, letting the mage fire at the overtly big snake until it got closer. Then she too would join in and engage the huge crawler in melee
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 21 vs. 10 S, Hit!
H 2 vs. 9 S, Miss!
H 7 vs. 17 S, Miss!
S 3 vs. 14 M, Miss!
M 8 vs. 1 S, Hit!
H 5 vs. 18 S, Miss!
H 13 vs. 16 S, Miss!
S 16 vs. 17 M, Miss!
M 20 vs. 1 S, Critical Hit!
H 17 vs. 11 S, Hit!
H 20 vs. 2 S, Critical Hit!
S 16 vs. 18 M, Miss!

"Oh my Gods, that thing is huge!" Hannah said, quickly throwing a few fireballs at it, both of them missing. The snake then sped up, lunging at Mei-Lien with its fangs bared, and for its troubles received a punch to the face, breaking one of those long fangs while busting it in the nose. Still, the thing got a little bit tangled up with her, and Hannah had a hard time aiming so as to hit it without hitting Mei-Lien, failing again twice. The redhead was able to land another punch to the snake, which was now actively trying to coil around her, and forced it off her for a little while. She followed up with another punch to its head, which seemed to hurt it badly and inflicted burn damage of a sort on its scaly head; Hannah managed to land both her fireballs this time, scorching the giant snake.

11/18 HP

5/5 HP

5/5 FP
0/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Great.." the fighter thought as she saw Hannah miss both their attacks of opportunity. So much for that head start. Soon the snake was upon her. Despite it's size, the snake was a simple animal, and thus easily predictable. With it's mouth open, the thing was basically telling her to strike at it's jaw. And that she did, giving the animal something to consider as it's other fang broke away under the force of her punch. Even with it's anticipation slightly deterred, the slithery reptile was intent on coiling around her. The mage couldn't manage to help her out from the possible bind, but another strike deterred those attempts for the time being, followed by a hard knock that managed to brand the snake with her mark. "There, see how you like that..." she thought, seeing the burnmark. A pair of fireballs connected, making this a rather strong opening round for the two girls. Still, there was a lot of snake left, and they had to battle harder.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 11 vs. -1 S, Hit!
H 15 vs. 0 S, Critical Hit!
S 9 vs. 9 M, Miss!
M 4 vs. 0 S, Hit!
H 14 vs. 4 S, Hit!
S 3 vs. 6 M, Miss!
M 15 vs. 7 S, Hit!
H 4 vs. 5 S, Miss!
S 0 vs. 7 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien landed another punch as the snake tried to coil around her, showing no sign that it was learning from the earlier part of the fight. Hannah launched a series of fireballs at it and hit with two out of three, while Mei-Lien landed a flurry of punches, keeping the giant snake off her, though just barely at times.

5/18 HP

5/5 HP

5/5 FP
0/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

(It's total rape that were witnessing...)

"No, you stay away and take your beating like a good snake..." Mei found herself thinking out loud as she kept any coiling and wrapping attempt away with timely strikes at the animal. It truly did not seem to have other weapons beside it's huge size, and even that was failing terribly against these two. Despite the fending attempts being close at times, the redhead was untouched after several exchanges. "Come on, let's take it down!" she yelled at Hannah during the upcoming exchange of attacks.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 19 vs. 11 S, Hit!
H 3 vs. 14 S, Miss!
S 4 vs. 7 M, Miss!
M 10 vs. 3 S, Hit!
H 20 vs. 9 S, Hit!
S 16 vs. 3 M, Hit and Grappled!
M 21 vs. 13 S, Hit!
H 3 vs. 17 S, Miss!
S 5 vs. 19 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien and Hannah kept raining down blows on the giant snake, almost killing it before it managed to hurt them, though finally it successfully managed to wrap itself around the redhead's lower legs, squeezing tightly on her. She managed to punch it off quickly, though, before it could do any real damage to her.

1/18 HP

4/5 HP

5/5 FP
0/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The two girls were on a roll, as the snake didn't seem to be able to withstand their attack at all. Having beaten up the thing severely, they hadn't suffered any damage at all. But the animal had to get at least one hit in, and that's what it did when it finally got itself wrapped on Mei's legs. But that joy was short-lived as she forced it to retreat with a blow to the head. "Don't go trying that on me. NOW DIE!" the redhead yelled as she intended to finish the battle with her next pulverizing fist.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 12 vs. 9 S, Hit!

Mei-Lien's next punch did indeed end the fight, the snake falling limp as she finally smashed its skull. "That wasn't so bad. Just a really huge snake. I didn't think they got that big here" Hannah said, looking to the stairwell of the turret, assuming Mei-Lien would lead her up there next.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei's punch was about to score the final blow. "There!" the fighter thought as she realized the impact would be unavoidable at this point. With a satisfying crack, her hand pressed a hole into the giant reptile's skull as the bone broke under the force of the impact.

With the snake now dead, the two girls were able to advance further. "True that. Looks like it was a simple animal, despite it's freakish size." she replied, to the mage's comment, taking them forward towards the stairs to see if this turret would have something in it, in contrast of the mostly empty ones from before.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The two trekked up the stairs to the turret, once again finding nothing more than a nice view. As they looked out over the fields outside the castle, Mei-Lien noticed that Hannah kept rubbing at her chest, apparently being bothered by something. After a moment of silence she finally asked "so, do we go through the other door two rooms back?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Pshaw, another empty tower..." the fighter remarked as they took a brief look around. After having taken in the view for a while, she couldn't help but take notice of Hannah's random chestrubbing. "Let's do that... by the way, what are you rubbing at?" she agreed and asked at the same time.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Nothing's really wrong. Just... a little more pressure than I'm used to. I think it's the milk..." Hannah said, as they walked to the next door. When the opened it, they found an empty room with a young girl sitting in the middle of it, hunched over and humming quietly.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Right.. you haven't had your squeezed out multiple times already..." Mei gave a reply, not sure if Hannah was telling the truth but letting the topic drop for now regardless. Having made their way through the rooms, the girls found another empty room behind the previously unexplored door. Well, with the exception of a random little girl sitting there. After all she had gone through in this place, every other being besides Hannah made the redhead wary. She'd close towards the girl, keeping her guard up every step of the way to make sure no surprise attack would get the drop on her.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As Mei-Lien crept cautiously towards the little girl, the humming suddenly stopped. "Hello" she said, with a voice fairly typical of a young girl, except that there was something just barely wrong with it, a faint echo that shouldn't be there. Slowly she rose, her long pink dress scraping the ground, and then she turned to face the two adventurers. She was a cute little girl, except that there was something horribly wrong with her that at first Mei-Lien couldn't place. It came to her when she realized that the girl's eyes had no pupils. "What brings you to my home? Anything I can do for you?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Oh... hey there..." the redhead replied, somewhat less on guard now that the girl hadn't attacked her, and was even talking to them in a relatively friendly manner. That was something none of the things before had done, and it somewhat dropped Mei's alarmness. Still, there was an unnatural look and sound to her, so the martial artist couldn't ease too much. "This is your home? Ok... we are just exploring around, so I don't think you need to bother with us. We'd just like to pass, if there is anything to be seen past this room."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"There is nothing to be seen beyond this room, though you can't just leave. You have to play with me first" the girl said, and slowly her body started to change. She seemed to grow older before Mei-Lien's eyes, first to a girl of about fourteen, and then to a young woman, about her age. A sword suddenly appeared in her hands, and with a voice not unlike Mei-Lien's she said "won't you play a little game with me?"

12/12 HP

5/5 FP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Oh? Rea.... great." Mei thought as she saw the girl suddenly turn much more intimidating. It was a relatively slow transformation, but the girl eventually looked about her age. When the blade appeared, Mei's fighting senses went on overdrive once more. "I don't suppose there is any other way to get rid of you... bring it." she called the creature's challenge, setting up a fighting stance as she prepared to begin this "little game" in earnest.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Get rid of me? How unpleasant you are" the shapeshifter said, and Mei-Lien could recognize this voice as one of the ones that had whispered to her earlier. "I suppose there is. You could just submit. After I'm done with you you'll be free to go. But we still haven't set the rules of the game, now have we?" The shapeshifter kept its guard up, deterring any sort of surprise attack. "Death isn't very fun. No one likes it. So it won't be a part of our game. Agreed?" If that was agreed to, she would continue "the winner gets to do anything they want with the loser, short of death or serious mutilation. Sound like fun to you?"

12/12 HP

5/5 FP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I just don't want too many pests hanging around..." the fighter gave her answer to the first remark, listening to what the shifter wanted to say. When it finally finished running it's mouth at them, Mei adjusted her stance. "Like hell I'll submit to something like you. It looks like the fighting option is just a version of submitting, but with the ability to fight and possibly win. We'll fight."