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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah followed along with Mei-Lien's exercise routine as best she could, but the days off hadn't done her any favors. When they were done, the two were somewhat sweaty, but the mage didn't seem to mind sweat much anymore, simply wiping her brow and brushing the few matted bits of hair around her ears. Mei-Lien laid down on her back, and soon Hannah was straddling her mistress, her hands beginning to work on the redhead's neck and shoulders. The demon must have taught her how to control her magic better, because the magically enhanced massage seemed much more efficient with its energy, the warmed fingers working the knots out of Mei-Lien's muscles. There seemed to be more of them this time, after the various bondage sessions and uncomfortable positions she'd been in recently, and Hannah quickly dissolved them as if they had never been there at all. The mage moved down to her back, getting out the kinks with her loving attention, before moving down to her lower back and then her buttocks. She no longer spent significantly more time than necessary kneading the soft flesh of Mei-Lien's ass, perhaps having gotten her fill earlier, and soon she had moved on to the legs and feet. When she was done the redhead felt wonderful, and Hannah leaned forward to give her a little kiss on the cheek before snuggling up to her to go to sleep. As Mei-Lien drifted off, she was confronted with a popup.

It looks like you've been playing for a while. We recommend that you spend no more than three hours at a time inside the EGG.

Save and Quit?
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As had been usual with the wiry girl's massages in the past, Mei enjoyed herself thorougly. It was really needed after a few days spent sleeping in bad places, going through sometimes violent sessions of sex that ocasionally included restraints and the ever-present fights. The redhead relaxed herself completely, dozing off completely as the girl reached in for her kiss and snuggle. But the rest was cut off, a box of text appearing in the peaceful blackness of sleep. "Oh yes... suppose I'll have to retreat back to the real world once in a while..." she though, hitting yes in acceptance of the window's recommendation.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Mei-Lien hit yes the world slowly faded to black, and the redhead briefly felt weightless as she was returned to the real world. As she exited the small, dark EGG Thomas was sitting at the table in the room again. "Hello again. We're closing up for the day, as it's getting late, and we don't recommend spending more than 6 hours a day in the EGG anyway. One must live their real life every so often, after all. Your testing has been helpful to us, and we'll be making updates for the next few days. We should be ready for you again by then. By the way, I've been made your permanent testing adviser, so if you have any questions at all in the future, you can come to me" he said, giving her a nod.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With that familiar transport sequence, Mei eventually found herself tugged away from the demon castle and back into the real world. A quick moment passed inside the enclosed gaming capsule, but soon she was talking to the man who had been running the game for her. Listening to the man speak, she gave him a nod of her own. "Suppose I'll go home for now then and come back later. Is there something I'll need to do before I leave the building?" the redhead asked him, remembering the last breaktime.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Ah, no. The trip to the nurse's office is generally a one-time thing unless you experience something strange or unsettling in the EGG or when you've just come out of it. You can visit the nurse if you'd like, but it isn't necessary" Thomas replied, nodding and picking up his things. "Any more questions before you go?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hmm, alright. There really is nothing to further then, see you again in a few days." the redhead replied, offering the man goodbyes before heading towards the door. Looked like she had a few ordinary days ahead of herself now. It was not sure to Mei how she would go about wasting those days.

--------------------- Few days later blah blah ----------------------------------------

Having spent a couple of days on doing all those necessary human functions like paying a bill, cleaning a bit and beating up a random molester, Mei returned to the EGG HQ in her usual attire. They had apparently finished with the updates, or so Thomas had said in the phone call a few hours ago. Still quite willing to carry on with the weird and wonderful adventure, the redhead entered the building and went back towards the testing are where she had previously been at.
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Thomas greeted Mei-Lien at the door of her testing room when she arrived, bidding her good morning and helping her to enter the little EGG pod, closing it around her and leaving her in the darkness, with an options screen flashing before her.

New Game
Quick Battle
Past Events Gallery
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Maintaining her polite but distant attitude, Mei entered the test room after a few days spent on break. She gave the test supervisor his deserved good mornings, entering the familiar console as he offered a helping hand. A short period of darkness followed, stopping as the machine booted itself up to operation status and presenting the redhead with a menu. Somehow, the new option caught her attention. "Let's take the history, might've forgotten something during that break period..." the fighter thought, hitting up on the History option.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

When Mei-Lien pressed the "Past Events Gallery" button, she found herself at another options screen.

Brief Recap
Sex Events Gallery
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Options, options...." Mei thought as she saw more decisions. The statistics were not too interesting for her, but she did want to have a recap about the past events. Despite her desire to view those sex things, she decided to skip up on the whole thing in favor of going back to the game once the recap was done.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Mei-Lien pressed the recap option she felt the familiar weightless feeling as the options screen faded away and the environment slowly materialized, though this time she saw herself, interestingly enough; it seemed that the recap would be in the 3rd person. She saw herself walking up to the imposing walls of the city for the first time, being directed by the friendly soldier to the inn where she had stayed several different times while she had been in the city. All of this was sped up somewhat, with the words being spoken not really even enunciated, though it slowed down to normal time when it got to the redhead’s first meeting with Hannah, and her agreeing to accompany the mage on her adventures.

It sped up again as the two headed to their first dungeon, the seaside castle, and watched as they had a fight and then went on to their fight with the strange sphere of bodies, slowing down a bit for the first time Mei-Lien had been raped in her game, and then speeding through a few more fights before showing her the bit of plot foreshadowing the game had given her about demons, and then speeding up through her fight with the harpy, and its raping of her. It hurried through the two of them heading back to the city, taking care of business and having Hannah pay Mei-Lien for her services, and then going back to the inn for their first training session and rubdown, the third person perspective giving Mei-Lien a good look at the mage’s blushing face as her already developing crush on the redhead grew.

It then sped through their morning routine and their journey to the abandoned barracks in the forest. It quickly moved through a few fights in the area, pausing to go to normal speed for one particular scene where she had punched out a dinosaur, perhaps the game somehow finding humor in the moment. It then rushed to the next bit of plot, the scene with the mutilated corpses piled into a small room of the barracks. It then moved quickly through a few fights and rapes, and then moved on to the scene where they had found the barracks’ alter, split clean down the middle, the whole incident more likely than not more foreshadowing of the demonic presence that had already by that point arrived on the island. It then sped through the two of them heading back to the city and then the inn, spending another night together. This brought her up to the first time she had exited the EGG, the midway point of her game in real-time terms.

Even still, it quickly sped through the two of them going out and buying clothes to replace the pair that had been shredded in their exploration of the barracks. It then followed along behind them to the other building in the forest, which had turned out to be the home of the forest’s protector. It zoomed through a few fights, but slowed to normal speed during her attempted murdering of the defeated centaurs, and Hannah’s standing up to her to prevent it. It zoomed through several more fights and a rape, then showing their sex with the mimic, Hannah taking on the creature’s baby in exchange for more magical might, the mage’s painful experience with the birthed child’s tentacles, and Mei-Lien’s own interactions with the wolfgirl, Jenn. Once that was done it followed them to the room where they had fought the worms, which hard started Mei-Lien lactating for the rest of her game thus far, and then to the fight with the pitcher plant and their brutal rape at its tentacles, with Hannah’s near-death experience as a result. Mei-Lien would watch as she ran the mage back to the mimic, taking her to be healed and then getting absolutely wasted courtesy of Jenn, who put her to bed gently. She then saw the mimic open up and lift a healed Hannah out of its chest, the wolfgirl cleaning the mage off before putting her into bed next to the soundly sleeping Mei-Lien and tucking her in for the night.

The game then raced through the day that she and Hannah had spent laying in bed together, and then through a lost fight and rape at the hands of a colony of wasps, and then some more consensual sex with an alarune, moving on to a normal-speed portion of their interaction with the dryad that protected the forest, and her giving them various gifts, including the weapons Mei-Lien used for much of the rest of the game so far. It then recapped their second interaction with Jenn a little bit faster, their dinner with her and then the redhead’s sparring match with the wolfgirl, followed by having her way with the willing loser.

After that it continued on as the two of them headed back to town, slowing down for the scene where Hannah had confessed her love for Mei-Lien out on her little sailboat, and then sped up again as they went to the inn, exercised, and had another massage session before going to bed, the redhead holding her enamored companion in her arms as they slept. In the morning it sped through their long trek to the final castle they had set out to explore. It sped through a number of fights, some successful, some not, until it slowed down to show her the scene where the demon and shapeshifter had tried to mess with her head and turn her against Hannah. Even more fights were barely touched on by the recap, only giving her an idea of how much fighting she had done and what sorts of opponents she had fought, though sometimes it would slow down to give her a good look at herself fighting; it was sort of interesting and unique to be able to watch herself fight.

It next slowed down to show Mei-Lien’s first interaction with the shapeshifter, the wager and fight that they had, and then the redhead taking her prize in the form of allowing the shifter to ravage her in the form of a giant snake, and then showing the first time Hannah had made love to her, the blushy lovestruck girl finally finding the courage to ask for what she wanted from Mei-Lien. It also showed her the shapeshifter’s offer to be dominated by the redhead whenever she pleased. Ignoring that for the moment, the recap sped through a few more fights, most of them successful, and soon she found herself watching as Hannah tried to decipher the pillar in front of the room where they would ultimately lose their freedom. It then showed her her first trip to the shapeshifter’s headspace, and it was perhaps interesting to watch herself torture the shifter while detached and in third person. It then slowed to normal speed to show her the fight with the succubus, her defeat in slow motion, perhaps revealing to her potential flaws in her own fighting style.

With the fight over, the recap went over her agreeing to be enslaved to the succubus, speeding through the first time her new mistress had dominated her to Hannah asking to be enslaved to Mei-Lien. It skipped through the shapeshifter leading her around, and then training with her, then the first dinner. The recap became a blur of sex with the succubus, training with the shapeshifter, to the recent scenes where Hannah had tried her hand at making love to Mei-Lien while indulging the redhead’s masochistic side, and then her even more brutal treatment of the shapeshifter. Finally it showed her crawling into bed with Hannah, which brought her up to date, and the screen faded back to the options she had been presented with before.

I'm considering giving Mei-Lien +1/+1 to rolls if she takes proper note of herself during the recap.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After her button press, the whole story she had passed inside the game went through the screen, showing Mei the key points in her adventure more specifically than the rest. Those portions were more or less fast-forwarded through, not being all that relevant. Still, she noticed that the highlighted parts were the ones with most development in either story, relationship or the evolution within her own persona and body. It had been a truly strange experience for the redhead so far, she had found out how depraved her desires could be, given the fact that she was bothered or pressured enough to do those things. Another things she wondered about was the concern and slight caring she had developed for the mageling Hannah inside the game. It was a curious phenomena, for she had absolutely no caring about anyone else besides her few immidiate remaining relatives and family left in the real world, nor had she never developed any relationship beyond a few quick flings. Despite not loving the girl, the fighter had a strange attachment to her, and was not sure how she would hold out without her.

With all the curious thoughts about her mind, Mei hit the button to move back into the game. There would be a wake-up time ahead of her.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Mei-Lien pressed the button everything faded to black once more before the familiar feeling of weightlessness set in, and her little room in the castle began to materialize around her; suddenly she had the sensation of lying down, under a thin cover with a thin arm lightly draped over her waist. After a brief moment everything came into sharper focus, the redhead feeling as if she'd just woken up from a long, refreshing sleep. Hannah was still snoring quietly, very loosely spooning Mei-Lien in her sleep.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After a thankfully short transition, Mei was once more back in the game, after a few days spent on break. As expected, she was still in bed with the wiry mage girl as company. Despite the slight awkwardness of the situation the fighter found herself in, she did not want to wake up Hannah, instead letting her enjoy these brief moments of peace. It was the best she could do to try and maintain her soundness of mind in the rather bleak situation they had landed themselves into. And it was not a bad feeling to carry on with the rest for a little bit further.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After a few minutes more of rest Hannah began to stir, yawning softly and rolling over to stretch a little. Of course, she had forgotten that the two of them were on a bed that was quite small, and as a result she rolled right off and into the floor. With a light cry she jumped up rubbing her side, now thoroughly awake and looking at Mei-Lien with a sheepish grin. "Good morning."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Well morning, sleepy. That looks like it took the rest of your snooziness away in a hurry." Mei remarked at Hannah and her peculiar waking style. Getting up herself afterwards, she did a few light stretches to get her body going at peak efficiency. Surely there would be something suitably succubus-like in the works come the next few hours. Once she had stretched though, the redhead sat down on the bed again. "Sit down. We'll rest as much as possible. That is, until the mistress calls for me."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

When Mei-Lien sat down and told Hannah to do the same, the mage quickly sat down on the bed next to her, leaning her head gently on the redhead's shoulders with her eyes closed. She had gotten more bold with her touching of Mei-Lien over time, perhaps just losing some of her previous timidity. "I slept a lot better last night than I have been. I hope the demon is a little easier on me when she helps me with my magic today, it's nice to learn, but she's a little harsh" she said, pausing a bit before continuing "she says if I became a succubus like you're doing that I'd be really good at it. I just don't know..."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With the girl flopping down next to her, Mei soon had the mage leaning against her shoulder to share some sentiments about the last few days. She wondered how many days the succubus Erica had already tutored Hannah about her magical skills. With the info about the wiry girl's succubus transformation, the redhead was hardly surprised. "Hmmm, true. You have those hokus pokus skills, which seem to make the difference in that shapeshift. Or so the mistress hinted earlier, with that remark about my current skin being a result of my non-existent magical ability..." she admitted, briefly rubbing at the faint purple tint on her arm.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Mmm... It's pretty though. Just that little bit of color. You wouldn't look right if you turned out dark purple, like I would... It's one of the reasons I don't want to change. Is that silly? It feels a little vain..." Hannah mused, peering down at Mei-Lien's hands from her vantage spot resting against the redhead's shoulder. She seemed to be thinking, while also enjoying the peace of the morning.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"I wouldn't say that. Wanting to keep your original shape and all is pretty much a given for most people. Even if they have these occasional thoughts about slimmer waists or bigger busts or other such minor alterations. None would really opt to change into a radically different color, at least without some incentive pushing at them for a decision." Mei shared her thoughts, still looking at the tint on her limb. "Or that's what I think anyway..." she added a minor last sentence, leaning against the top of the mage girl's head with her own as they still seemed to have time free from the necessities of the day. The soon-to-be succubus had no real interest about hurrying onwards, there would still be the tasks of the day once someone bothered getting to them. Until that, she would let both herself and the innocently involved Hannah rest on their haunches.