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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The two found the door locked, though Mei-Lien was able to easily knock the flimsy thing off its hinges. And indeed, perversion awaited them... there were three small beds pressed up against a wall, and tied to each bed was a girl, their asses up in the air facing Mei-Lien, covered in cum. They were shivering, probably in fear after having heard the door blown down. To one side there was another wooden door as well.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hmph, not totally unexpected this. Looks like they needed more than one innocent to abuse with this many soldiers..." Mei thought as she saw the familiar cumdump-on-bed scenario for the second time in a short while. We'll free them after the whole place is investigated. Now, this other place. she gestured towards the door on the other wall. Whatever further followed the initial, not too shocking revelation behind this door, she would be ready for.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Not phased by what awaited her in the back room, Mei-Lien immediately moved on to the other door, which was similarly locked. She smashed down the door and entered in to find a long, thin room, with a strange system of ropes and pulleys and things. Suspended from the ropes at the far end of the room was a girl about Hannah's age, though she was quite the gruesome sight. The floor beneath her was caked with dried blood, her back and ass covered in wounds from whip and cane and knife, in addition to being cum-covered. She had even been partially skinned, parts of the flesh of her arms having been flayed off. "Shit..." Rosa muttered, peeking into the room. It seemed that the girl was still alive, but she was clearly in dire straits. "Not sure what to do about her" the shifter whispered into Mei-Lien's ear, "maybe your little slave could heal her, but I don't know."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As expected, there was further perversity behind the door. It was a bit more grotesque that Mei had expected though, the whole thing making her feel a bit uneasy. "Oww... looks like something you might enjoy." she remarked about the scene, poking at Rosa's extreme masochism with the comment.

"That seems pretty imposible for me at least. You do it then, with your abilities. Grow wings and all that stuff you shapeshifters do." the redhead commented as she released the girl from her restraints. "Not sure what you're going to do with her afterwards though."

Once she was free, the demoness punted her partner into action and getting her to fly back into the castle. "I need to figure out what to do with the remaining three... maybe their home is nearby?" Mei inquired as she went to getting the rest of the girl group free. Depending on what the shifter had to say, she either had to leave them or help them to their home.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Mmm, it's an acquired taste" Rosa replied to Mei-Lien's little stab at her masochism, getting under the girl and gently catching her as the demon removed her restraints. "Yes, she just might make it that way" she said as Mei-Lien told her to fly on, trying to find less damaged parts of the unconscious girl to hold. "As for the girls, ask them. I would wager to guess that they probably come from the big city. It'd be best if you could guide them at least close to where they're going. After that you might want to hole up here until I get back, it might be hard to navigate your way back to the castle without getting a little lost trying to avoid farms and such. You can try if you want to, I suppose" Rosa instructed, eventually finding a position that would be about as comfortable as could be to hold the girl, and walking briskly out the door, growing a large pair of gray wings.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Weeeell, that is true. I did kinda skip on mapping the whole trip, what with you being there to act as the navigator. Suppose I'll return here once their sitation has been solved, I think it's better that way." Mei agreed with her companion, letting her move out. Ordering the slimes to stay out of sight but still follow them as best they could, the redhead demoness began to get the girl trio awake after having released them. Once they had come to their senses, it was time to ask for living places and such to determine what would be the next move in the plan.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The girls were already awake, and while they had been cowering in fear before, probably due to the sounds of the doors being destroyed, they had calmed down by now, maybe as they had heard Mei-Lien and Rosa discussing saving the other girl. When the demon untied them they turned and sat up on the beds, the first two scooting away a little when they saw what they were dealing with, the third seemingly unphased. "I... I live in the city... The big one by the sea..." the first one replied when Mei-Lien had asked them where they made their homes. "Me too..." the second one piped up, shrinking back a little. "I used to live there as well..." the third said, though she seemed unenthusiastic about it somehow.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Calm down ladies, I have no intention of hurting you. At least not at the moment." Mei told them collectively, not failing in noticing the third girl's relative calmness at the situation. "Suppose I'll get ya back but..." she continued but then stopped, turning attention completely towards the calm girl. "You seem uninterested in this whole thing. You have some other place you want to go? Other things to do?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The first two girls shrank back a little at Mei-Lien's assertion that she wouldn't hurt them "at the moment," clearly a little scared of the demon, but again the third girl stood her ground and showed no fear. "I... don't know..." she said quietly, frowning. "I don't... I don't think I can go back. Not anymore... I've spent too long here, and... I was... enjoying it..." She couldn't meet the demon's eyes as she said that, looking down at the cum-stained bed with embarrassment and shame.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"I said I won't hurt you. Just don't piss me off, there's been many things that have put me on the edge recently." Mei told the slightly scared pair, taking attention away from the third one briefly but soon turning back to her. "Hmm... I think I know what you mean, there was something like that in my past as well. If the city is out of the question, I think there is an alternative I could offer. But let's get these two back first, we can talk a bit more after they have returned to the city and their own lives." she offered to the calmer one, having just heard her shamefull revelation. Regardless, they should take the two towards the city before coming back to meet Rosa or possibly do the talking before she arrived.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The two cowering girls nodded at Mei-Lien's words, scooting back up towards the front of their beds, still looking a little fearful, but clearly able to get through it. The third, calmer one looked up at Mei-Lien again once she had finished speaking, a look of relief on her face that the demon could understand her plight. She, and then the others, got up from the beds and slowly began to follow Mei-Lien out of the barracks. The three of them all seemed a little disturbed at the scene of death in front of the building, quickly looking away as the demon led them towards their homes. While the two who intended to go back to their former lives hung back, walking a few steps behind Mei-Lien, the third walked right alongside her, if still allowing for a certain amount of distance between them. She was relatively tall, though not compared to the new succubus beside her, and had long blonde hair that was terribly messy and caked with dried cum. She was also just the slightest bit pudgy, with fairly large breasts and hips, and really she was kind of like Hannah's polar opposite. It was a very quiet trip, and didn't take all that long, as Mei-Lien set a brisk pace that the girls were willing to follow. When they were within sight of the city the two who were being returned bowed to the demon and thanked her timidly before heading off, back to their old lives.

The third girl watched them walk away, fidgeting and seemingly nervous, but after a few moments she turned her back on the city, walking away silently, and then stopped in her tracks, waiting for Mei-Lien. When the demon had come alongside her again, the girl clenched and unclenched her fists, seemingly wanting to say something, but needing to gather up the courage to say it. Finally she asked "So... what was... the alternative you had to offer me...?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With the trio in tow, Mei took them through the forests and hills into an area near the city, where they could head home. Once the two bowed at her, she took a brief moment to pat them on their heads. "It was nothing. Try to forget this ever happened, it will make getting back into the normal flow of things all that easier." she told them, looking after them for a bit as they went. With that necessity taken care of, the fighter aimed to return into the outpost with this third girl.

But she was not going to wait that much apparently, instead asking the question while they still were within a safe walking distance from the city. "Since you can't seem to go back into the city, I'll ask you about joining me and a few others. We live in this place on the other side of the island and do various things. I'm not the leader or anything, so I'm not sure what the headmistress decides to do with you. But there is a guarantee on a safe place to eat and sleep in." she told the girl, not going into details too deeply.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The girl listened quietly to Mei-Lien's explanation as they continued to walk, looking thoughtful, but still nervous. It seemed like she wanted to say something else, but it was taking her a while to work up the courage for it. Finally, as the barracks came in sight, she began to speak again. "Would I... would I be... well... used...?" she asked, looking away from Mei-Lien and blushing as she asked.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After hearing the initial reply, the girl remained quiet for another while, looking nervous and likely working up the courage to speak again. It was a question that Mei had expected, not really sure if she should answer it at first. But this one seemed to share her own perversion, the desire to be used against her will. "Surely. We are mostly a pretty sexual bunch over there." the demoness answered, being pretty honest about her thoughts on the whole company over there.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The girl listened quietly as Mei-Lien related the nature of their castle to her. She looked happy. Very happy. She had to wipe away a tear as they entered the barracks again. "That sounds... nice. Like how things were here, except maybe... less... hostile" she said, sitting down on one of the soldiers' beds as they waited for Rosa. It seemed like a burden had been lifted from the girl's shoulders, and she had a slight smile on her face. It would probably take a while for the shifter to return, as it would be something of an intense round-trip even flying.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"That is pretty much the gist of it. There are a few different individuals to meet besides myself, surely you will come to enjoy being there." Mei agreed to the girl's thoughts. "Now, we have to wait until my friend comes back. I'm still pretty unfamiliar with this island, and need her to guide us back to the castle."

The beds were not in condition that the redhead would be willing to use them at, so she went to the main room and took a chair to sit on and lean back against the wall. Once on her spot, she called out to the slimes, which had always been there within earshot. "Right guys, come in here if you want, but leave a watch group. We need to remain alert in case something happens. But the rest can do whatever they want right now." she instructed them, telling the girl that these creatures were not hostile and she need not fear them. Then, it would be waiting time.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The girl nodded happily, seemingly looking forward to her new home and meeting the others. The majority of the slimes then moved into the barracks now, some of them staying out to keep watch in the way that slimes could. The girl didn't seem scared by them anyway, and she seemed to make it a point to go around and "pet" the slimes in turn, as if thanking them. They seemed to enjoy the affection, wiggling in response, which made her smile. It took a long time for Rosa to return, so long that the girl fell asleep waiting. Mei-Lien was still awake to see the shifter walk through the door, however. "Well, the girl will make it through, but it'll take a while. Apparently the damage was too much for your mage friend to handle all at once." She looked over to see the girl, sleeping peacefully on a bed, and raised an eyebrow. "What's she still doing here?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hmm, looks like she'll fit right in..." Mei thought from her resting spot as she saw the girl petting slimes. The whole waiting was long enough that the girl went to sleep eventually, while the demoness herself stayed up still.

But eventually Rosa did come back, the sight of the single girl still there somewhat curious to her."She can't find it in herself to go back into the city. Her and me have the same little problem with our minds when it comes to the desires part, so I thought there might be a further addition to the group in her."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Rosa grinned as Mei-Lien told her about the girl, watching her intently. "Mmm, excellent. She's pretty, too. If I weren't tired from flying all that way I'd give her a nice wakeup call right about now..." she said, letting out a little yawn. "Anyway, it's getting pretty late. If you want we can head back in the dark, which I suppose would be good cover to prevent people from seeing us, or we could rest up here for a few hours before heading out."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

It was not something that Mei had completely unexpected, this interest that the shifter had towards the new girl resting on the bed that had been used for her imprisonment. "Save that for the castle, perv. I'm sure you can get her to do things with you once we get there." she joked at Rosa, despite her intention to not go at her right now. There was a little further inquiry, to which the redhead had an answer. "Let's move for a few hours, then rest in the wilderness as before."