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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Mei-Lien switched positions the soldier turned away again, having none of her teasing as she laid down on him, her heavy chest pressed up against his breastplate. As she reached out to take his semi-erect member in her hand she had to turn his head to face her again, and began to plant more kisses on his lips. His expression seemed to soften a little again even as another part of him continued to slowly harden. The demon could feel that her skin was somehow softer than normal as she stroked his cock; perhaps an instinctual ability she had obtained when she became a succubus. Whatever the case, she could tell that her actions were pleasing the man, his dick growing to its full length and girth fairly quickly in her hand. He had a fairly large member; it wasn’t nearly as big as Erica’s, but that was different, magical. For a normal human man, he was pretty well-endowed. The kissing and stroking continued for a little while, and Mei-Lien could tell that he was warming up to her. While he never returned the kiss, just once she could feel his lips part ever so slightly, as if to allow her tongue to explore his mouth, before he closed them again, perhaps remembering that he was being raped by a demon.

When she was satisfied with his erection, Mei-Lien scooted away and got on her knees, leaving the commander to stare at her, a slightly disgusted look on his face, but he was clearly willing it there. He was curious. The tentacles quickly raised him up against his will, first to a kneeling position in front of the demon, and then standing, his arms tied behind his back by tendrils. When she scooted forward again, his stiff dick in her face, and indicated that he needed something better than her hands, he looked down helplessly, watching as the redheaded succubus maneuvered her breasts so that his cock laid in her impressive cleavage. When she pressed her breasts together around it with her hands he let out a soft groan, feeling her soft, pillowy flesh squeeze him tight. As Mei-Lien began to move, teasingly him with slow, careful up and down motions, she could tell that he was holding himself back from moaning out his pleasure, still resisting out of pride. It was as if this was one last battle for him, and though he was doomed to lose, he didn’t want to do so quickly.

Mei-Lien’s chest was almost perfect for this, the head of the man’s cock disappearing into the tight little pocket she had created for it each time she finished her upward motion, stimulating his tip gently. Whenever she sped up her motions a little he let out grunts and groans of pleasure, unable to restrain himself from it, but still the teasing way she was going about this seemed to allow him to prolong the experience. He actually had fairly impressive sexual stamina, and the demon could tell that he was experienced with these sorts of encounters. When she taunted him, asking how long he could last, he simply looked away for a moment before looking back down at her, hardly able to take his eyes off of her. In a way this was a sort of win for him. The soldiers under him had simply been smashed to bits or torn in two; he had a beautiful succubus on her knees, servicing him with her breasts. It took Mei-Lien a while, if she was patient, to get him to the point where he was moaning out quietly at her attentions, and could feel his cock throbbing in her cleavage. He began to involuntarily thrust forward with his hips, giving himself more stimulation, and the demon knew instinctually that he was very close to orgasm, the moment she could drain as much of his energy as she desired and close up the wounds he had put in her.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

While the man managed to put up a decent fight in this sexual competition, his will to hold back was crumbling visibly and audibly under Mei's squeezing assault. "Not such a big and bad guy anymore, are you?. Well, I ain't going to go easy on you regardless." she told the captive leader, going into fast mode right after she had finished her sentence. Preparing for the moment of release, she would go and have the needed energy from this prisoner of war, put still hoped that she could prevent the energy steal from killing him. This man had gotten her interest, and the demoness had already devised further use for him. "Let it go, enter the bliss of release and satisfaction. You know you want to."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien’s taunting made the commander red in the face, in a mix of embarrassment and anger and shame, but he couldn’t stop himself from grunting and groaning out his pleasure in an increasingly loud manner as she sped up her motions. The demon was working his hard cock between her breasts swiftly, squeezing him tight with her soft flesh as she pumped up and down. The soldier couldn’t help but buck his hips just as rapidly, pushing ever closer to his release. He was right on the edge, but her command caused him to renew his resistance just a bit, trying to hold back his orgasm. He succeeded for only a few moments before the redhead felt his warm cum shoot against her neck and chest, a particularly loud grunt signaling the man’s submission. It soon turned into a loud, lewd moan as the succubus sucked the energy out of her prey, a flood of the vital force spilling out into her when he found release. Still, she would find that her practice with Rosa from before had helped her, and she was able to almost sort of control the flow in its speed and quantity.

His moan dragged on as he continued to spurt cum onto Mei-Lien’s breasts, his orgasm unnaturally lengthened and intensified by the energy draining, and the demon could tell that it was an utterly blissful feeling, his eyes glazed over with pleasure. Still, all of her battle-wounds closed up long before he expired; he seemed to have fairly large energy reserves. In fact, she felt more than refreshed by the energy she had taken from him, and when she stopped draining him she could tell that he was equal to at least one more such session, maybe two if she were particularly careful with him. As his release finally subsided and he basked in the afterglow, all the resistance was gone from the man’s face. He was certain now of his fate, but he didn’t seem to mind too awful much; perhaps he simply counted himself lucky in comparison with the others. There were, after all, worse ways to die.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Ahhh, there we go... this is the stuff..." the demoness purred as she felt the beginning of the energy drain, along with the somewhat less desirable cum spurts. Still, little she could do about it, given the current task she was facing. Putting her efforts more into the draining focus side of things and maintaining a safe pace of transfer, Mei took in enough of the man's lifeforce to heal her wounds, feeling relieved afterwards as she was healthy and uninjured again. While there was a certain desire to carry on with him, there was a mission that she was on and had to continue. "Alright, two of you take him back to the castle. I'll be enjoying him after this hassle is over. Maybe some of the others will too, spirits know they need it, those sex hogs..." the redhead instructed two of the creatures that had been helping her with the healing process.

Having given her instructions, Mei took a moment to wipe herself with something, if there was anything nearby. All that cum was probably not too delightful to carry around under her armor, after all. Getting back to proper combat readiness afterwards, she took a look around to analyze the situation and possible advanced her remaining team onwards. If any of the other teams met with them, she would have them rejoin her group.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The man objected forcefully when Mei-Lien ordered the tentacles to take him back to the castle; apparently it was one thing to be killed through sex, another thing entirely to be enslaved. Still, the tentacles had a secure hold on him, and when he seemed to be struggling too much to handle one of them began to choke him, doing so until he fell unconscious, and then two of the beasts took him up and began to backtrack out of the city. The demon would be able to wipe herself with scraps of clothing torn off the dead bodies around her, cleaning the cum off before putting on her clothes and armor again. By the time she was done she could see the first tentacles coming out of the shortcut she had sent the slimegirl on, though it seemed odd that it had taken them longer than the main group to get there. Finally the slimegirl rounded the corner, spotting Mei-Lien and oozing over, though she seemed different; she was much smaller, her feminine form taking on a much more childish form. She had apparently been injured quite badly in the course of the fight, and there were surprisingly few tentacles with her. In fact, it seemed like they had lost more than half their force. "We were ambushed by a large force, well-equipped" the slimegirl said quietly, a tired tone to her voice. "We fought our way through, but losses were heavy." The demon could actually see Hannah's home in the distance, so there shouldn't be any impediments on their way to their destination before they moved to find the centaur and her group, and possibly the arachne, uniting Mei-Lien's force again before pushing into the teeth of the defenses again to meet up with the other two.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

You don't have any say on the matter, just give up and go. the demoness said as the man was being restrained, not seeing any reason to object how the tentacle creatures were doing the process. Sometimes, brute force was needed. Having dealt with that hassle and back in her armor, Mei was then greeted by the slimegirl lieutenant, who had apparently dealt with a lot of fighting as well. "Sure looks like it. We'll see to the others after we deal with the task here. It'll be better if it's off my mind." she told the jelly lady, hoping to reach Hannah's home and get that part of this mission dealt with before they sought out the remaining groups and helped with the remaining sweeping of the city.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

No one tries to stop Mei-Lien as she heads to Hannah’s house, the slimegirl content to stay where she is and make sure the tentacles don’t go about causing trouble and breaking formation. The three-story home was just as beautiful and opulent as the demon remembered it being, having not been touched by the battle just yet. Mei-Lien quickly dispensed with that, using her gauntlets to smash the heavy wooden door off of its hinges. There’s a loud crash as it hits the floor, and the redhead can hear scrambling somewhere in the back. She races through the house and quickly finds the source; two older folks, a man and a woman, doubtlessly Hannah’s parents. They resemble her quite a lot, in fact, except that they are quite obviously in their mid thirties, and are relatively plump as a result of living luxuriously. The demon catches them as they’re trying to get out the back door of the ornate dining room, towards the back door of the home. When they see the powerful succubus they freeze in place, though, and the mother begins to cower behind her husband, who takes on an air of magical power, though Mei-Lien can tell that it’s mostly for show; she can feel that his daughter has already surpassed him in magical ability by now.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Still the same obscenely rich house I remember it being..." Mei remarked as she found Hannah's former home amidst the other noble-owned buildings. While the door was locked, that was hardly a problem for her new form and strenght. One good fist to the wood was enough to break it clean of the hinges, showing that it had clearly been designed to be more ornamental than practical. Casually strolling in like nothing was happening, she soon came across what most likely was the parents, individuals she had been expecting to look like this. While the father tried to put up something resembling an intidimation, it had little effect on the redhead. "You can stop that now, grampa. One can tell that you hardly manage the basics of magic. Unlike your daughter, who is quite competent, all things considered." she casually dismissed the attempt of trying to scare her. Instead, she reached for the necklaces that mistress Erica had created, offering them to the parents. "If you two want to get out from the city, put those on and head for the docks. The monsters will not touch you if you have these things. Consider this... as the return payment for all the good you gave your daughter. She is happy now, and wants you two to make it out alive." the demoness told them as she held the jewelry out for them to take.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The father gave Mei-Lien a strange, baffled look when his daughter was mentioned, and the mother stopped cowering. "So… you’re the one Hannah ran off with…?" she asked, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and sadness. When offered the necklaces, infused with demonic magic, they both shuddered, clearly able to feel the origin of the trinkets. The man looked nervously at his wife, who timidly held out her hand to take one of them. The man did the same, putting his on and giving Mei-Lien another strange look before turning to leave. "Th…thank you. Would you…" the woman started, her voice catching in her throat as tears began to stream down her face. "Please tell Hannah that… that we love her, and we miss her. And… even if she did run away with a demon, we always will." She put on her necklace and went after her husband, holding his hand as tears dripped down off her chin, her chest heaving with sobs at the prospect of having lost her daughter forever.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Your daughter did not run away with a demon. I was not a demon back then..." Mei told the mom, getting reminded about her failure as the two finally were making a go towards the streets. "And even if I am one now, you don't need to fear for Hannah. I'm not your average resident of Hell, your daughter will be safe and happy with me, of that there will be no doubt. While you might not be able to see her, always remember her and know that she is alright. If there ever is an opportunity to venture out for us, we will try to find you two." she assured the two before parting ways with them, sure that she would actually never see the two again.

Having dealt with that particular deal done and dealt with, the redhead moved back to unite with her troops and see their task moving onwards.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien leaves the home without a fuss to find her soldiers right where she left them, the slimegirl keeping order. They backtrack some along the main road, encountering no resistance and picking up new tentacle beasts who had straggled to wreak havoc on the people who lived there, finding nothing but corpses in the road besides that. They then take the path the centaur archer had been sent along, following the path her unit would have taken to hunt down the fleeing soldiers. They come across even more corpses, many of them plugged full of arrows while they fled, until finally they come across a lone tentacle monster in the middle of the street. It seems to be waiting for the demon, and it quickly begins to move down a side street towards the gate.

"She must have left a messenger. I guess we ought to follow him" the slimegirl said, nodding as they began to take their troops along in the side road, passing a few more corpses along the way. Mei-Lien found that she recognized this path somewhat. When she got to the apparent destination she found that the tentacles were surrounding the old inn that she had stayed at, the centaur archer swishing her tail behind her nervously. When she was made aware of her commander behind her she turned and, with her somewhat familiar voice, said "I’m not sure what to do, some soldiers are holed up in that inn there. Most of them seem to be of the race we’re supposed to be helping, though, and they have a number of those kinds in the inn hiding. So… should we attack, or just leave some to contain them? Or maybe do something else?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With her unit in tow once again, the demoness took to the streets, finding stragglers from other units at a decent regularity. They would be used better as parts of the unit than random looters, so she had them join into the ranks of the group to benefit the whole cause. Eventually, one particular creature seemed to be actually doing messenger work, leading Mei and her group towards a familiar-seeming destination. The surroundings at least were a very strong reminder that she had been here before.

At their destination, the centaur lieutenant and another unit were surrounding the familiar inn, the one where Mei had rested a few days during her city time. After hearing the report, the redhead decided to take matters into her own hands. "I'll see what this is about." she told the rest of the troops, leaving them outside for now as she would try to get in.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien found the doors and windows rather heavily barricaded, with little prospect of getting in. Although... looking up, it seemed the second story windows weren't done the same way. The demon called over a tentacle beast, which crept along the wall and grabbed her waist, lifting her up. She actually needed a second one to sort of crawl up atop the first and take hold of her in order to get her to eye level with the window. It was unguarded, and she managed to smash it with her gauntlets and jump in. This caused quite a commotion downstairs, and up. She could hear screaming, people running down the stairs to get away from the sound of breaking glass, others running up, no doubt to deal with the source... She would find two soldiers outside the door of the room she had broken into, one of them with a broken arm and a smashed helm, revealing his short blonde hair. His companion almost attacked Mei-Lien immediately, but he put his spear in the way, squinting at the demon and looking quite confused. "I know ya from somewhere?" he asked quietly, and she could tell that he was the friendly guard she had met at the gates so often. "Surely ye'll leave this place alone. It's mostly women an children in 'ere" he said, a sort of pleading in his voice as he recognized Mei-Lien. Just looking out the door she could see that he didn't seem to be lying, as it seemed to mostly be civilian families racing towards the stairs to get to a more protected spot, and most of them of the blonde sort that the invasion was allegedly in support of.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The ones that had barricaded themselves into the inn had done a thorough job at blocking off the doors and windows with assorted furniture and other stuff, but there was no shielding on the second story windows. With the help of a pair from her unit, Mei could access them, getting lifted near the window before she could break it open and enter. "Hmm, these tentacle things are flexible soldiers. Good that I have them." she thought as she entered the room beyond the smashed window, giving the tentacle creature that had lifted her there a kind of high five on it's limb before moving on to investigate the inside of the familiar inn.

While it was easy to get in, there was a soldier pair right outside the room, no doubt alerted by the sounds of window breaking. The one that came to meet her was the funny-speaking, friendly kind of soldier from the gates. Even in her somewhat altered physique, it seemed that Mei was recognizable to him. After hearing what he had to say, the demoness decided to trust him, but still wanted to investigate. "They have nothing to fear, at least from me. But I will look around a bit better." she told the man.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The man looked at Mei-Lien suspiciously, but ultimately nodded. The other soldier objected, but he was quickly shouted down on account of the hopeless situation they found themselves in if they fought. The demon would be allowed to roam the hotel freely, peeking in the rooms when she wanted to, though the two soldiers followed her around at all times. She would find that they weren't lying; mostly families peered back at her, cowering behind furniture where possible. A large percentage of them were of the blonde kind, though there were others there. Downstairs there were a number of soldiers, almost all of them wounded to varying degrees, being tended to by the portly innkeeper and her little daughter, who could do no more than fetch water for the men. There was a dark atmosphere in the place, a hopelessness that seemed to hang in the air over them, bewildered looks on the faces of the men. The attack had been sudden enough that it was only now sinking in. "Enough for ye?" the guard asked, not eager to have the demon inside the inn longer than necessary.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After a quick inspection through the halls of the inn, Mei was pretty convinced that there would be no need to waste her troops in assaulting the place. They were practically defeated already, which was actually somewhat depressing to look at. And it did look like there was hardly any of the wrong kinds of people, so she felt it was not necessary to take any efforts towards this spot. "Yes, it's enough. Tell them to keep inside for the next few hours, so there should be no troubles in here. If someone does come here for an attack, it's not from my units." she told the soldier, actually giving him a quick hug. "Take care of them, you can do it." she told him before making way towards the upper floor and returning to the street from the same window she had entered through.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Can do" the guardsman said in reply to Mei-Lien’s telling him to stay put. When she hugged him he winced and groaned, his broken arm giving him quite a pain. "We’ll manage." The demon walked up the stairs, getting to the window she had got in, and glided out of it with her wings. When told what was going on, the slimegirl cast a spell to help seal the windows and doors from the inside, which would surely keep all but the most determined attackers out of the inn. Since only stragglers would likely attempt it anyway, they were probably pretty safe.

Her unit assembled and no loose ends to tie up, Mei-Lien began to move them forward, towards the point where the three units should have met. They encountered very little resistance, and what little there was was mostly stragglers and deserters. It seemed that Erica’s unit had passed by here before, and wreaked havoc. Finally, after a twenty minute trek through the smashed-up city she began to run into tentacle beasts left in clumps, likely meant as rear guards. There was a trail of them, which eventually led to Erica, who was standing in the middle of the street staring up ahead, towards the castle by the sea cliffs. She doesn’t see Mei-Lien at first, but when she does she calls out "hey, you’re a little bit earlier than I expected. The shapeshifter and her group haven’t quite gotten here yet, and I want to consult with the two of you and the lieutenants on our course of action. Until then, have a rest and make yourself comfortable. I’m sure your soldiers will appreciate a little break."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Having Batmanned her way down to the street in front of the inn, Mei told the lieutenants and the squad that they had no work to do here. After a sealing spell from the smilegirl, they proceeded on their way.

At the gathering point of their three units, the mistress was already waiting, most likely because of her forces being the most potent of the three. At Erica's suggestion, the redhead decided to take a breather and sit down on something that could potentially be used as a chair-type seat until Rosa too got her units in there and they would have a brief strategy discussion.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The slimegirl lieutenant quickly lost her form, turning into something of a chair-shape. "Don't worry" she said quietly, her voice muffled for whatever reason, "I'll be sleeping anyway, since I need a rest." Mei-Lien sat down on the slimechair, finding that it had a fair amount of give while still being firm enough that she wouldn't sink into it. All in all it was pretty comfortable. They waited an hour or so, hearing fighting going on farther over, towards the area of the docks, though Erica wouldn't hear of going off to aid the shifter in her fight. In the meantime more bits of their units filtered in, the arachne and a few slimes returning after securing the walls up to the point of the castle. Stragglers came in as well, swelling their numbers. Finally Rosa approached from the side, smiling as she spotted the others. She was wearing a bright yellow sundress, or at least it had once been yellow. It was covered in blood, much like the giant sword she carried in her left hand. "Hey you two. Sorry, I got distracted on some detail work" she said, the grin never leaving her face. "So what are you two standing around for?"

Erica quickly called the lieutenants together and appropriated the building next to them, taking her place in the parlor and letting the others gather round as well. "Alright, we have two options, more or less. We can either secure the city more thoroughly and besiege the castle, starve them out over however long that takes, or we can rush them now. I'm not partial to either plan, myself." There was some mumbling among the lieutenants, considering the options, but Rosa quickly spoke up. "I say we rush them. The whole thing will have less effect if we drag it out over the course of weeks or months, and we might have trouble keeping some of our soldiers in line that long. I imagine we'll have a lot more blood even than we do now if we decide to siege." A murmur went up through the crowd, and then there was silence for a while before one of them spoke up. "My only concern is, we'll probably suffer a lot of casualties if we try to take the castle now." There was a murmur of agreement, until the arachne from Mei-Lien's unit spoke up, saying "of course we will, but we aren't cowards" somewhat derisively. Another murmur of assent went through the group, until Erica called out "alright, we'll bring it to a vote." Mei-Lien could simply vote, or speak up and give her opinion.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

When she offered to use her malleable form as a seat for Mei, the demoness was nothing but willing to take up on the offer. Seating herself, she rested with all due relaxation that the jellygirl chair offered.

Soon, Rosa and her unit joined into the gathering as well, starting up the planning portion towards their next attack. Hearing all the possible effects of the two varieties of attack they would be using against the castle, Mei came to agree more with the shifter than Erica. It would be unlikely that there would be total order among their troops, given how the nature of the beasts they were using was. If they had to sit around for extended periods of time, there would likely be innocent victims getting raped or killed out of boredom. And she didn't care about their lives all that much really, the less of them left afterwards, the more peaceful it would be for the original inhabitants left behind to live their lives again. She had no real special things to say, simply going with Rosa's vote.