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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Looking how the blode girl looks to be not sure for her next step, the Mistress get more close and motherlike hug her, caressing her and kissing her forehead. Dont worry so much, let me help you to find the best solution. Im not so sure but you has been here two days, if Cassie will have nekos, she looks to still need at least other week to give birth. She slowly push the young elf at the bed and then cuddle close her. Stay with me two days more, Triny will give birth to your baby and you can take it with all of you or let it here until you find a good place for Triny and your baby. When you leave, i could send some loyal guards with you~. The Mistress give her a soft kiss on her lips and start to softly caress her body. If you have any problem just said it and i will solve it easily, so please just enjoy your time here, i will try my best to pleasure you

Geez... i cant endure this more Said the demongirl as she take the chair and place it at the other side to dont see the slaves and the Mistress This is not fun... Ahhhrg... im starting to lose my good mood, please dont talk.

Is not fair than i cant bring my minions to read for me

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine sat there unsure of what to do next, her mistress moved closer and gave her a mother like hug as she caressed and kissed her forehead. She told Celine to not worry so much and to let her help find the best solution. She said that she wasn't sure but she thought they had been there for two days, and that if Cassie would have nekos then she looked to still need at least another week to give birth to them.

The mistress then slowly pushed Celine back down onto the bed and cuddled up next to her, telling her to stay with her for two more days, then Triny would give birth and she could take the child with them when they left or they could leave it there until finding a good safe place to take them both. She even offered to send some of her loyal guards with them when they left.

Celine smiled when her mistress told her that if she had any problems to tell her and she would solve it easily, to just enjoy her time there and she would try her best to pleasure her.

"Well there is one thing I suppose you could do, if it isn't too much to ask..." Celine said to her mistress when asked if there was anything she could do. She waited for the mistress to ask her what it was and continued, "Well I don't want to get out of shape while we're here. So can I spar with some of your minions later? If it would be too dangerous then don't worry about it, I was just trying to think of some way to pass the time."

When the demon girl spoke again Celine looked over to her and gave her a kind and friendly look, saying in an equally kind tone, "I could read to you if you want me to."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The Mistress look her at the eyes and then giggle Thats what worries you? Of course than i can do that, but it will be with wooden weapons, even when i can heal your wounds, i cant resist to see you hurt. The mistress caress her chest and belly, feeling the soft white skin of the elf. After eat we will look around the castle, all must see the three to understand than you and your friend arent available, it could be a little disturbing and shamefull to crawl like that again, but nothing bad will happen and its like a presentation ritual to all my minions, please accept. The mistress said trying to make Celine accept to crawl with her two friends, she has made it twice and nothing bad has happened.

The little demon girl stop reading and amazed said to herself. She can read?... before return to her reading making a soft long whine, it should be hard to accept the help of the mistress elf slave, but the mysterious woman has denied any help from her minions. Completely red she slowly nod I really dont need any help, but fine... you can help...me to read these books ask for help as best as she can without turn to Celine.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine nodded when the mistress told her that she could spar with her minions and servants, feeling a little better now that she knew she would have something to do while here. She giggled ticklishly when her mistress caressed her belly and chest, squirming around but not actually trying to get away while she was tickled.

When given the prospect of food, Celine realized that she was very hungry, not having eaten much since coming here the day before as she had to go and find Cassie and all. So she graciously accepted the food and assumed that Cassie and Triny would also.

"I... don't really like crawling around mistress... it hurts my knees. But if you promise that this will be the last time then... I'll do it," Celine said, looking slightly ashamed to have to do what her mistress asked of her, but willing to do it all the same if it kept them from being raped... she only hoped that Cassie and Triny would do it as well, as she didn't want to have to do it alone.

The little demon girl stopped reading and mumbled to herself, seeming a little amazed that Celine could read it seemed, then she returned to her reading and whined as she did. It looked like she was finding hard to accept Celine's offer, but she had denied any help from her own minions. She finally seemed to relent though and though she didn't turn to look at her, she did nod her head slowly, her face very red, saying she didn't really need any help, but that Celine could do so.

Celine smiled again, deciding that once she got cleaned up a little she would read to her while they waited for the food that was promised. She looked over to her mistress and whispered to her, "Is it okay that I read to her? Will she try to do anything?"

"Okay I'll read to you, but let me get cleaned up a little first alright," Celine said to the little demon girl as she got up to go to the bathroom.

When she got done washing up and everything, she headed back out and sat on the bed, patting it softly as she looked to the demon girl, telling her to come on over and she would read to her until the food was ready. After they had eaten and everything, Celine, Cassie, and Triny would take the tour of the castle with the mistress, doing as she'd asked and crawling if they truly must do so.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With a soft lap on the elf breast, the Mistress get close to heard her whisper and pat her head. Why she could do that? you are helping her and you still have a favor than she must pay. The mistress dont said it but she will stay there just in case than something could happen.

The demongirl nod and continue reading to continue alone until the slave clean herself to be less hard to be admited to be close the little girl, as the Mistress roll and place between Cassie and Triny, so Celine could take a shower.

Once cleaned she return and get over the bed, but the demongirl frown when she get closer and see the sex dry juices on the bed. I dont need help to read this, just take these simple spell books and see if you can find something than make you grow or be more powerfull. She place at least 5 books in a clean place of the bed and then return to the chair. The two girls slowly wake up once the Mistress caress and licks their chests and necks. Once awaken the Mistress inform them about the walk around the palace and than they must crawl, what make them blush but after said for what was the walk they accept. Celine dont have too much luck finding something, but the little girl just whine like wishing than she could help her more.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine remembered the favor when her mistress reminded her, so she thought about it for a minute or so and simply couldn't come up with anything yet, so she decided to think about it while on the tour with the mistress. Once Cassie and Triny woke and were told about the tour, they blushed but agreed to do it anyway though. So they followed the mistress on her tour of the castle/dungeon.

"Um mistress... we can talk can't we without them bothering us?" Celine asked as they set out, if answered yes, then Celine would continue by asking for a suggestion as to what to do about the favor owed to her by the demon girl, "Because I don't really know what I could tell her to do for my favor. I mean I don't really have the heart to spank her anymore or hurt her for what she did to Cassie. Do you know what I could ask or have her do?"

When they got done with the tour, unless anything of interest happened along the way, they would eat and Celine would talk to the demon girl, to try and find out what all she could do to repay the favor she owed Celine, unless the mistress gave her a better idea that is.

After eating, Celine would talk to the mistress about what all she could do around the place to keep from getting bored.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine was reading the mistress get up and clean herself quickly, ready to return in the instant than the little girl could try to do something to her servants, soon she dress herself with just a provocative red dress and gold jeweling. Continue reading and then go to the dinner room to eat with us, if i see you doing it right maybe i could let you play with your minions after eat. Said the mistress to the devilgirl and then help the three girls to place the chain on their collars.

Then she wait until them start to crawl toward the door and she take the chains with her hand, placing the blonde elf in meddle of the two humans, the jewel of her collar with the color of her eyes looks to shine more than the others two, but once the Mistress close the door Celine talk with her.

Yes, we can talk but don't forget to act sensually and happy to be walking at my side, i dont want to see them ask between them why you looks to still need training. They start moving with the Mistress behind them, saying the direction to take and looking her slaves bodies between her inspections at the demons reaction. You don't need to say her your favor now, the three fight so hard to earn it to just waste it in a wrong moment. They walk close a balcony, a empty dark theater, an arena close an armory and some rooms where some minions rest, a beautiful garden close a small lake, passing through some corridors with many rooms where the stronger creatures rest or important guests stay and many others places like a huge library, a study room, a laboratory, many halls, a pub for the minions and similar places but of course the place more visited for these creatures is the breeder chamber and prison. A long time Celine has to resist the countless quantity of eyes looking each inch of her body, their friends were completely ashamed as the two were still dirty from the last night, the more red was Cassie as this is her first time showing to many creatures her nude body. Gargoyle girls, halfhumans, demons of many kinds, strange trap rooms, tentacle creatures, slimes and many others creatures than Celine dont know looks to serve her Mistress After an hour with some stops where the mistress use her heal spells to take away the pain, they reach a huge door than lead to a dining room.

Two beautiful women were cleaning the place, their skimpy but beautiful clothes expose than one is a wolfgirl and the other a succubus, they ask if they can take the slaves to the breeder chamber again, but the Mistress said than she want to eat with them and she want than they serve the same food to them. The two were more than surprised to heard this and more strange this event was when the Mistress let them sit them in the luxury dinner table. Once the two recovered from that unexpected event, they started to prepare the food. Forgive them, normally only my family and important demons eat in this place, im still unsure if i should instead make the three eat here, it could be very strange for my servants, but let all of you eat in the floor... even if is the right option, it could be too much for ask.

Triny was very scared and a little wet to think this too much and get up of the chair. I dont want to cause any problem to you, i could... resist eat like that... many of then should try to make us pay for what they could think as a insolence.

Celine had the last word, as Cassie dont see why they should eat like a dog, even crawl everywhere has make her feel so bad the whole time. Also the elf was answered about what could she do in this place to dont get bored There is a lot of things to do, you could have fun with my minions, train your skins and im not only thinking in your battle moves~, stay with me the whole time, rest in the garden, catch some fish, clean, cook, use my breeders, read and many others things like be with your friends or stay with that young girl to maybe finally know what favor ask her.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When her mistress was ready to set out, they did so. She helped Celine, Cassie, and Triny get their chains on their collars and once they were ready, she took the chains in her hand, placing Celine between the other two, the jewel on her collar shining the same color as her blue eyes, and a little shinier than Cassie's or Triny's.

The mistress told her they could talk, but not to forget to act how she told her to, as she didn't want them to ask why they still looked to be in need of training. When told this, Celine thought about it for a moment before asking, "B-But Mistress, if they're your servants and everything. Then why can't you simply just order them to leave us alone? Wouldn't that be easier?"

Regardless she still did as she was told to keep from angering the mistress in any way. She led them all around the castle, walking behind them as she told Celine that she shouldn't waste her hard earner favor. She led them to a dark and empty theater, an arena with an armory with some rooms where some of her minions rested, to a beautiful garden close to a small lake, among many other places. The whole time they traveled through the castle Celine had to endure the countless stares of the mistresses minions as they crawled, the whole deed seemed to be even more embarrassing for Cassie and Triny as they didn't get the chance to wash up before coming out, with Cassie being slightly more so as it was the first time she'd come out naked and all.

After an hour or so, with several stops so the mistress could cast a small healing spell so their knees didn't hurt so much, they reached a huge door that led into a dining room, Once inside Celine would look up at the mistress, asking, “Can we... you know, get up now?

Celine would look over to the mistress with a sad and hurt look on her face and tears in her eyes when the mistress talked about eating in the floor, asking, “I thought that we were going to be treated with a little more respect than that now that we've done most of what you've asked of us and since we've been so willing to do it all Mistress? If it will cause you that much trouble though then we'll just eat in the bedroom on the bed away from everyone else and clean the bed up afterwards. That way you won't look to be showing favoritism."

If her mistress told them they could eat in the dining room with her, then they would get up and go over to the table to eat, with Celine asking the mistress, "Do we have to crawl anymore? Also, would it be safe to walk around without you now?

Unless the mistress stopped her, then Celine would chat with everyone and see how they were all doing, asking Cassie and Triny both what happened when Triny went into the mirror to save Cassie before they got captured. Celine would talk to her mistress some as well as the demon girl if she was there, trying to get to know them a little since they would likely be seeing much more of them in the future.

While they ate, Celine thought about all the mistress told her she could do to pass the time and in the end she decided to see about having a sparring match after finishing up with the food and letting it settle some, asking the mistress if she would help her find one of her minions that was close to her own fighting level. After the fight, Celine would go to the small lake and fish to relax after the battle.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The elf express her doubts about act like loyal slaves as this could not be the best way to do it. However the Mistress sigh after the blonde girl end to talk and answer shaking her head. I have a lot of minions, answering the same to each of them will take us a lot of time and i don't only have servants walking around my castle, some are "allies" than are just waiting the right moment to attack. So talking only the needed is the more easy and fast way to do this. Her tone change to one more serious at the end, making clear than she have some problems with others demon lords.

Once they reach the dinning room and get inside, the mistress take a moment to think and then nod. Yes, please get up and sit close me. The mistress looks to dont be still sure if she should let them walk around her castle without she looking at them, something could happen to these girls if they are in the wrong place in the wrong moment.

Just when she said how the manners of the place could make the three girls eat in the floor, Celine start to looks sad and tears begin to drop from her face what make the mistress take a handkerchief and give it the elf. Please i was not trying to make you feel bad, i just said than it would be something than i think is too much to do to any of you, im sure than i can find a better way to solve this and i want the three to eat at least this time in my dinning room. With this the Mistress get up from her chair and walk toward the door closing it and then order to one of the woman to bring the little girl to eat.

The mistress sit and then let Celine talk with the others as she wait for what could be named her daughter. Of course than you dont need to crawl again, now nearly all know than you are my personal servant, something than is not the true, but they will do their best to dont try something with you unless you invite them. However is so soon to walk around without my guide, as i said before i have allies in my castle too, they could try to do something against the rules and a conflict will happen when i kill the bastard. The woman take a moment to calm herself and drink a little, at this time Celine have the time to talk with her friends.

Triny looks to blush when she try to remember what happened but the young Cassie answer. Triny save me from them and then she look around for you... but i stop her as both were very tired to resist other fight, many creatures were looking for us and then Triny hide me and call their attention as she run after hide me. She is so brave.

Oh, thats not true... i just tried to choice what i suppose was the best... but i was so scared and get lost, even when i was sure than i know the place the enough to dont get lost.

A little more late, the little girl finally get inside the dinning room using the service door. Why i cant use the principal door? Im a demon lord not some kind of dumb minion. Said a little angry and sit on her place looking to be a little angry to see the three slaves close her, but she just touch her forehead and decide to endure it. Im so stressed, could be possible than any of them rub my back and neck before the breakfast is ready...please?

The Mistress just nod and said a little hungry. yes, if they want to do it.

A little appetizer get placed in front of the little girl and the mistress, but then the woman order to her servants to bring others three rations to the girls what make the servant brink a pair of times and return to the kitchen.

You want to know something about us? Well, i could be named the ruler of this place, but we have some demon lords close our lands, also the nekos and other halfbeasts looks to try to expand their territory and you cant forget the humans who loves to hunt what is different to them and create new little towns. At least they dont know too much of this place. Im not a fighter and my minions are more focused in increase their number, i sell servants and breeders to others lands to earn resources and allies and i do my best to have this place hidden of many races. Is maybe a shamefull way to live but i cant do anything more to protect us, we are in meedle of a possible all side war where we are close the middle of a possible huge battle.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine listened to her mistress speak of having more than just minions and servants in this place, having allies that are as she put it simply waiting for the right moment to attack, and she seemed to dislike other demon lords as also, which made Celine believe that the mistress may be a demon herself. When they entered the dining room she invited them to sit with her after Celine asked if they could get up, and she felt quite relieved when her mistress told them they didn't have to crawl again. She also agreed that it probably wouldn't be safe to walk around without the mistress, but said she just wanted to know was all. When the mistress spoke of her supposed allies doing something against the rules she set and then having to kill them Celine felt even more relieved as it made her feel a little safer to know that they would be protected somewhat.

While they waited for the food Celine spoke with Cassie and Triny and learned what had happened after she lost consciousness and all.

Are you sure you don't just have a bad sense of direction Triny?” Celine asked Triny, giggling softly to try and lighten their moods some.

A short while later the demon girl came in through the service entrance, asking why she couldn't just use the main doors, saying in an angry tone that she was a demon lord not a minion. She then saw Celine, Cassie, and Triny sitting near where she was sitting and looked a little angry again but she didn't say anything about it and simply touched her forehead, saying that she was very stressed and asking if any of the three of them could rub her back and neck before breakfast was ready, adding a please at the end of it.

Celine heard the mistress say if any of them wished to do so they could, so Celine figured she would kill some time while they waited for food and did as she was asked and rubbed her back and neck, being firm yet gentle in her rubbing so she didn't cause any pain and maybe make her mad. After the mistress told her servants to bring Celine, Cassie, and Triny some appetizers as well and they brought them out, Celine finished her massage and sat down to eat, listening to the mistress speak about herself when Celine asked to know a little more about her.

Celine decided to talk a little about herself to the mistress and tell her where she came from and things like that, then she asked if she new about Myrtle's race, wondering what the mistress thought about them, making sure not to give away where Myrtle lived in case she disliked Myrtle's race any. Once they were done eating, Celine told Cassie and Triny they should probably go and get cleaned up since they hadn't had the opportunity as yet, and when they had gone to do so, she looked to the mistress, asking, “Mistress... could you take me and help me find a good sparring partner to spar with or something? Maybe one of those gargoyle girls I saw while we were touring around, they look pretty strong but not too strong. And then maybe later, after lunch or something, could I have some fun with those two?” gesturing at the wolf girl and succubus servants of hers that brought the food.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Triny tried to smile, but she blush and play with her hands instead, she was starting to think than Celine could be right. At least now the talk turn into a more funny way to pass the time, between th three.

Once the littlegirl appear, she smile when the elf accept to give her a massage without an order. She looks to enjoy the soft elf touches and after some little whimpers she groan when the elf return to her seat.

The breakfast was a delicious and more now than Celine skip a pair of dinners. The elf tried to maintain her manners, but she had so much hungry and the taste is so great than she clean her plate with her tongue. The mistress just frown when Celinne talk about Myrtle, but she dont looks so interest when Celine descrive her.

That Myrtle could be the last of her kind, as i remember they are weak, dont produce food, they are slow and cant be used as breeders, i prefer others kinds of more usefull plant girls in my lands, but i dont want than a race dissapear forever from this world. The mistress order the two servants to clean the chained humans and once alone with only the littlegirl close them she said. Im sure than they will accept easily if the winner earn a free time with the loser and of course than these two will be with you, each of my servants will be glad to have the chance to have a time with a beautiful girl like you. Anyway, i must say you why you and your friends receive this threatment. You see... i dont have too much loyal warriors and the slaved persons only think in themselves even after lost their mind, but you are different, you were worried for them and you even accept to receive anything to save them. If only i could have 5 persons like you, i will have a fulfiled life, but doubt than i earn them. One of these days we could work together or... I just preffer to talk to solve problems Celine, if in one of these days i need for your help, honestly say me... will you come to help me?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine teased her a little about her sense of direction, Triny just blushed and wrung her hands together a little, thinking that Celine may be right it seemed. The little demon girl smiled when Celine gave her a massage, seeming to enjoy the soft touches of Celine's hands on her, then whines and groans as she finishes up as the food is brought out.

The food was absolutely delicious, mainly as Celine hadn't eaten any dinner for the last two nights, so she quite literally licked he plate clean as she finished her breakfast. When she described Myrtle to her mistress and everything, Celine listened to what she had to say about it, and she seemed to be neutral towards Myrtle's race, which made Celine feel a little more at ease since the mistress would probably end up knowing where she lived and everything once they left. After that the mistress ordered the two servants to take Cassie and Triny and help them get cleaned up.

Once they were gone and Celine spoke what was on her mind, her mistress then spoke. Celine listened to all her mistress had to say and didn't interrupt her, speaking only after she had finished, though Celine did give a shy blush when she said any of her servants would be glad to have some time with a beautiful girl like her.

Well of course I would come if you needed my help, I mean you did help us find and save Cassie after all, and you've been very nice to us and everything. About the fighting though, I'm not all that bothered by the winner doing what they want with the loser so long as they aren't too rough afterward, but I'm not that beautiful really. The reason I always think of others before myself though is because that's how my mother taught me to act. If you were in danger I would do the same for you also,” Celine said once the mistress was through talking, still blushing slightly about being called beautiful.

Once her mistress was through speaking and ready, then they would go to find Celine a sparring partner and she would get ready for a quick fight or two.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As both girls talk, the little girl dont have more option than eat hearing all this. Maybe she is too young to understand, but the Mistress get close the nude elf and caress her hair. Your mother made a great work and im saying the truth, you really are beautiful. The mistress touch her shoulder and clean her face to see her for a time, smiling to her and without resist it more she kiss her for a while, the little girl just shake her head and start to play with her food. Once they end to eat who take them only some minutes, they get up and prepare to leave, the Mistress say to the remaining servant than she will need both of them in her room after the lunch.

With nothing important to do the little girl follow them once the mistress give intructions to the succubus servant to guide the two humans to her room, but she will never forget if someone touch them. They walk for a while until she get close a room and open it, there was a huge lewd sculpture group, tentacles, humans and winged women in a eternal orgy scene. But then the eyes of some statues turn to the Mistress and sudenly move away the masterpiece slowly descending and get on their kness with a big bow. Is an honor to receive you, how can we serve you? Said a woman with cray skin and darkblue hair, she only have a hole in her face instead her left eye who she hide with her hair, as also a large line on her face, all of them have a lust body, her bodies are master pieces but also with an hard skin hard to damage.

Its not a pleasure disturb all of you in your free day, but i require the help of one of your soldiers to practice some duels with this cute girl, of course than it will be fun so, who will be? The stonegirls start to whisper and talk between them, all looks to be the chosen to serve the Mistress, but then the bluehaired stonegirl talk. Lina give two steps and present yourself, you will help this girl.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine blushed further when her mistress said she was telling her the truth about her being beautiful, which made Celine not resist at all when she was kissed. After finishing up the mistress told the remaining servant that she would need them both in her room after lunch. With nothing better to do it seemed, the little demon girl followed them when they left. They walked for a while until the reached a room and went inside and Celine saw a huge group of sculptures, of humans, tentacles, winged women and such.

The eyes of some of the statues turned to the mistress and suddenly moved away from the masterpiece, slowly descending towards them and upon reaching them they knelt in front of the mistress, one of them saying it was an honor to receive her and how could they serve her. The one that spoke had gray skin and dark blue hair, only a hole where her left eye should have been which she covered with her hair, and a large line across her face that Celine assumed was a scar from battle. All of them Celine saw had lusty beautiful bodies and hard skin that looked tough to damage.

Her mistress told them she didn't like disturbing them on their free day, but she required the help of one of them to practice with Celine, telling them it would of course be fun. They all started whispering and talking between themselves, all looking to be the one chosen to serve her, but the blue haired stone girl spoke, telling the one called Lina to step forward and present herself that she would help Celine.

"Um hello there, I'm Celine. Will you please help me train?" Celine introduces herself to Lina, holding her hand out to shake Lina's. Of course Celine was already sure the girl would help, it was just common manners to ask.

"Where are we supposed to do this exactly? And who all is going to be watching?" Celine said as she glanced nervously around the room, thinking to herself how embarrassing it would be if they were all watching and she lost, though she was secretly excited by this fact also and the mistress may notice when telling Celine who was going to be watching exactly.

When they were wherever they were supposed to fight at, Celine would get her wooden sword ready and take her fighting stance, waiting for the stone girl to get ready.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

From the gargoyle line, a silver haired cray woman get close the Mistress and the elf, her silver hair reach until her shoulders and she have zaphire like eyes, young but with proper manners she was close to bow to them, but the shake hand invitation make her stop, looking to the blonde girl for an instant and then accept the invitation with a serious smile.

Nice to meet you Celine, as you heard my name is Lina. Lets do our best to make our mistress proud.

The mistress smile and then sit in a sofa. I was thinking than the arena would be the perfect place for your training, but you will be sorrounded by a lot of my servants, so this place could be a more private and safe place The others warriors start to make space for the duels, it is a huge room so there will be able to fight, one of them give to the elf the wooden sword and Lina looks ready to fight. Once all ready, the winged women sit on the corners and the littlegirl just cross her arms and wait to see what will happen

[Celine go first]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine shook hands with Lina, who had the same gray skin as all the others, but she had sapphire colored eyes and silver hair that fell to her shoulders. She looked at Celine with a serious smile on her face, telling Celine that it was nice to meet her and for them both to do their best to make the mistress proud.

"I'm not all that scared of people seeing me mistress, so if you'd rather us fight out there where all can see, then I don't mind," Celine told her mistress as she got ready to fight. Whether or not her mistress decided to have them fight inside there or out in the arena didn't matter to Celine as she was handed a wooden sword.

When they were both ready, Celine watches Lina's movements for a moment to try and find a hole in her defenses and if she found one she would stroke at it. If she couldn't find one however she would simply go for her legs to try and knock her down.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Maybe the next time, all are already on their seats and both are ready fight, also the view of this room is splendid. Said the mistress looking to the lewd statues close the walls, Celine is unable to know if this art is also able to move around like the grey gargoyles.

She decide to get focused and check her foe moves, the monstergirl looks to have a lame guard and she is more focused on the mistress than in Celine. Using this the elf hit her and was close to make her fall, but the halfhuman avoid it using a potent wind using her wings and then use her tail like if it were a sword, her soft hit reach to impact on Celine and this payback with a hit on the craywoman head what made the halfhuman get serious, with a quick move she made the elf fall on the floor when she tried to hit, then Celine receive another chain attack until the mistress said the score 4 vs 2 The winged woman looks to be close to win.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Her mistress told her maybe next time they would go out to the arena, that everyone was already seated and the two of them were ready to fight, and the room also had a splendid view.

Celine tried to attack the hole in Lina's defenses and was nearly able to make her fall over, but the monster girl avoided Celine's attempt to topple her over and counter attacked her and it ended in Celine getting knocked to the floor where Lina managed to hit her again.

After that scuffle, her mistress said that the score was 4 vs 2 in favor of Lina who looks to be close to winning. Celine had to think of something fast, so she tried to move in close and when Lina tried to hit her with her wings or tail, she would bat be ready for them and bat them aside with her sword and sweep her legs out from under her, where she would then try to hit her again.

"You're pretty good Lina, but I'm not done just yet," Celine said as she moved in.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Thanks, you are also very good on this The humanoid creature said getting ready to block and counter her. The others gargoyle girls stay looking their moves, some return to the wall and a few stay close the mistress and her daughter.

Celine tried to give her surprise attack, but the stonegirl maintain her distance and evade it until she dodge the elf sword at a side and hit her again with a direct stab, as Celine manage to return her weapon to hit the gargoyle on a side, however the battle ended and the mistress said than Lina won by 5 vs 3.

The gargoyle was informed by the mistress than she could have some fun with Celine, but she decide to make this a duel of three rounds, so Celine still have a chance more.

[Celine attack first]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine smiles when Lina tells her that she's very good also. Lina got ready to block and counter Celine's next attack, while the other gargoyle girls stood around watching their moves, while some returned to the walls, and a few stayed close to the mistress and her daughter.

Celine tried to surprise attack Lina, but the gargoyle girl kept her distance and evaded it, dodging Celine's sword attacks, but the elf managed to get one hit in, however she was also hit in turn, with her mistress ending the battle, saying Lina had won 5 vs 3.

Lina was told by the mistress that she could have some fun with Celine, but she decided to make it a three round dual, so Celine still had a chance to win.

"Darn, I guess I'm not as good as I thought I was," Celine said, hanging her head as Lina was proclaimed the victor of this round.
"No Lina, you don't have to give me extra chances. In a real fight you don't get second chances. But if you don't mind then we'll keep going."

Celine would then get ready to fight again and take her stance. Once Lina was ready, Celine tried to rush in and attack before the gargoyle girl could react and stay in close, so she couldn't counter her with her long tail and large wings.