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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course, im also sure than is hard to get used to that pain, yet maybe that is better than let the pregnancy progress and then give birth naturally to any monster, what is more dangerous and addictive than this method. Blanche said and take a moment to try to remember the names of both girls, she looks to be really trying to aid Celine to find them. A gargoyle girl? well if your friend is of that race then she could be in many possibles places, as i remember some days ago our people face a sudden force at the forest when we were looking for food, i dunno what really happened there but thanks to our Goddess we won and take them to our cave, it must sound wrong and i also have my doubts about this but for centuries we had been under the foot of the demons and the others races at their side. Blanche looks to be a little ashamed to say this to Celine who looks to have mostly monstergirls as friends what must sound like a mistake for the humans of this town.

We place mostly all the prisioners at the cave, she could be there as also were your three friends and you, it would be a really lucky shoot if we find her. We also bring some to the deepest part of the tunnels a dangerous place and anyone there would be already broken after a day and finally only a few were taken to the temple as a offering to our Goddess. I dont remember than the guardians and soldiers said something about the capture of a human in that fight, i dont even know why we dont had any death in that huge fight, some said than the goddess herself aid us in that fight. I will try to find out if anyone know more about what happened with the prisioners, but it could take a while as many are still fighting.

Once said this and the two girls reach the room where the others are, Blanche soon get at the side of Lizzy. Im sorry for not be of more help, Celine. Also i must ask an apologize for what my people do to the soldiers of where are you living. Celine manage to heard again how Blanche looks to understand mostly why she was here, it was a fortune than all her group havent arrested and tortured to know more or maybe Blanche was just a kind soul of which could she trust at the moment, but who know until when this will continue. Oh they are soldiers like me, i could try to remember theirs names and for how mych they had passed, but is dont needed and im sure than you can find out all what you need to know about our Goddess if you go to the temple, but it could be really dangerous with all these sudden battles. Said this Blanche started to stroke and pleasure the dark member of her partner, licking it and kissing it with passion. Lizzy needs it now, dont worry i will try to dont make too much noise. Blanche wink and then let the others alone to talk, but all the girls looks to be tired now. Except Mikoto of course.

Looking herself in middle of this big conflict, Celine pray to the gods again as she rest with the three others girls.

Dont give up, young one...

Find the way to save them all
a voice inside her sound

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"It... it isn't your fault that this is the way things are Blanche, I'm not faulting you. I just... wish that things weren't like this over in this part of the world. Back in my homeland, nobody is a slave, except maybe for play like a sex slave for a night or something of that sort, but outright slavery doesn't exist. My people banded together with many others, some whom your people call monster people or girls and whatnot, where we overthrew our demon masters, but we know that not all of the demons wished our enslavement and a rare few even helped us to achieve our freedom and live alongside us all in harmony with the land. I wish it was the same here so nobody needed to fight like this when we could be helping one another," Celine said, telling a little about her homeland, but not enough of course for Blanche to discern that she was an elf or what they would consider a monster girl herself. "A-As an offering? What sort of offering Blanche? A... l-live sacrifice? If so then I must go there now as soon as I take this food to the others," Celine said as they entered the room, getting very worried now.

"Oh don't worry about it Blanche, do what you've gotta do okay, just try and let them sleep, because they need it. And also if it's that addictive for birthing monster eggs and or seedlings and whatnot like that, then would it be possible for the three of them to get the same treatment I got and have them removed?" Celine said to Blanche when she began pleasuring Lizzy in the corner of the room she was in. She leaned over to Mikoto where she was resting on the hammock and smiled down at her, gently brushing the hair from her eyes as she placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Don't worry Mikoto, I'll make sure we find your leader and get you out of here, I keep my promises okay. Now I'm going to have to go again soon to try and find Cassie and Lina, but I'll be back okay, I promise. Just rest and don't talk to much for now until I get back, unless it's to lady Vanquish here," Celine whispered to Mikoto, in case lady Vanquish hadn't already spoken to her before falling back to sleep.

After gently setting the food down and whispering to Mikoto, Celine sat down for a moment to rest her feet, and after saying her prayer to the gods, her peoples goddess in particular really, that had up until now remained silent, Celine suddenly heard a voice in her head and her head raised up as her eyes shot open. "Oh my goddess... is that you? How am I to do this deed you ask? I have no weapon... my body is weak... and my friends are all gone or too weak to help me, like Slimy... and now Lina may die as a sacrifice to their goddess because of me. And I am still no closer to convincing all of them to stop fighting, or from knowing what Vanessa's true agenda is. I feel that she is truly trying to help people, but she is going about it the wrong way I think, even if it may be the best way," Celine said back into the void of her mind to the voice she'd heard, wondering if it really was her goddess or one of the other gods answering her plea for help.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Blanche smile with a nod, after Celine has talken about her land. Dont worry your wish could be fulfilled once our Goddness earn the enough power, all our people are sure than she will find the way so all could walk free outside without fears. The blonde said and let Celine talk more what made her smile again as she shake her head. Of course not, she is supposed to be so kind to do that, maybe she want to just talk with them or something else. It looks like Blanche only have supositions of what could happen with the goddess and Celine's friends and allies trapped there.


Yes, is addictive after many times, but also your friends would need to be continuously raped by the creatures in order to lost theirs minds so early, they should be fine. The human said not taking away her hands from the creature, slowly her clothes lay at the floor and both Blanche and Lizzy kiss each other and her privates get ready to join each other in any moment. Mikoto was the only one awake, her dilatated needed eyes could not get out of see the sex in front of her, I... i need him now... im in...heat, ahhhh is like ten times worssst...mhmm She said moaning softly and trying to control herself in vain, her lust flow from each inch of her body, Celine has heard a little of the heat status than some monstergirls have and know than this intensity is not ussual for a neko or mostly any creature.

Yes im, young one. Yours actions to save these lands havent passed unseen and certainly are making a change on the people surrounding you, but you must be patient and do what you can do at the moment. The people's hate and ill-feeling at this continent is countless bigger than our natal land in the dark ages, the slavery has been marked at the hearts of the races as a vain way to defend themselve of the others and control of theirs lives.

Continue doing your best, know theirs secrets and stop any evil act than could hurt the road of peace than you are building. For now meet that goddess and make your choice of what is right in that place.
Said this, Celine notice herself alone at her mind at least sure now than all what she has done havent been useless.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I certainly hope it can and will be one day... but I know it'll take a lot of time, effort, and trust that must be built before it can happen. It's a long road ahead before that happens, one that I likely won't live to see come to its end," Celine replied to Blanche, looking a little down at the long road ahead of them for peace and freedom for all. "Your goddess may be kind enough Blanche. But are the people taking the monster girls as you all call them to sacrifice them kind themselves? The only times I've ever heard of somebody being sacrificed it was in the histories of my people when some of the evil demons would lay them on an altar and kill them in a blood sacrifice to gain more power. I mean I know your people aren't demons Blanche, but you can't blame me for being worried I think, surely," Celine went on to say to Blanche.


"Shh shh Mikoto, it's okay it's okay. Resist the feeling inside of you. And don't watch them, it'll only make it worse okay. If need be, I'll try and pleasure you myself to get rid of the urges inside of you okay, just try and resist okay," Celine whispered to Mikoto, gently petting her head and stroking her hair back as she shielded her eyes from the sex going on in front of her, trying to help calm her down as much as she could before heading out to this temple, where it may be.

"Oh my goddess, do you not know their goddess? Even if you say to make my choice of what to do in here, how am I to know what is the best choice, or the most right? I'm scared that if I choose wrong, then I'll not only lose my life, but cause my children to grow up never knowing me in Vanessa's palace, where she couldn't hope to protect them from all of her minions. Can... can you please at least tell me if you know Vanessa's intentions? If she really loves me? Is she really serious about peace and this great calamity? Or is she tricking me somehow?" Celine called out through the void of her mind to her goddess, hoping to ask all she could while she had the chance, because she may never hear her goddess speak to her again like this. She wasn't sure if her goddess heard her or not though, as all she could hear was the blank void of her mind and no voice, so unless her goddess decided to speak to her again Celine would stand up and look over to Mikoto to make sure she was alright now and hadn't tried to go over to Lizzy and Blanche to join in their fun.

If Mikoto was alright for now, Celine would see if Blanche and Lizzy were done, and if they were she'd ask Blanche if she could take her to this temple, or at least direct her to it, where she'd then head over to it with Blanche, or at in the general direction Blanche might have told her it was in.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Blanche nod smiling to Celine as this talk, gigging a little. I hope than you can trust at our race and goddess soon Celine, like the people at your land we are doing our best to survive and make all better for all and our Goddess is defending every human even you of the slavery and the terrible creatures from the outside until all get better.

Her eyes remain at Celine mostly saddly dissapointed in what she was thinking of her people. Is our people Celine, even in the worst days they could not do that. We even cant think on take theirs lives, the most evil woman would just beat them and place them at the cave to make them suffer, instead us who do it to dont face them again. I know than both are bad but is mostly to self protect our land and family.


Its useless... only him can have m... i dont want anyone else baby inside me again....kgh Mikoto said looking to try to be pissed at Celine for even suggest the idea. It takes a lot of effort for both to make her endure all this for the moment, but she remain there struggling better at her instincts as Celine focus on her prays.

Her mind remain in calm for a moment and slowly her begs for answers make the voice return to say some more. Of course than i know young one, but you should try to find the answers from yourself in order to grow, only then you will be able to choice right at the future. I dont need to say you all about that woman named Vanessa, she could had maybe made wrong choices at the past and even could she do it in the future, as anyone else. You must already know if she really love you or not, just remember what she has tried to do for you in the last days, her actions on the dark lands than she has live all her life.

The voice dont looks to see more needs for talk, soon Celine notice than Mikoto was stroking herself with her own tail, fingering herself and caressing her erected breasts who looks to beg to have a little one to suck at them to completely dry them. Her body shine in lust, moaning like if she were begging for anyone to take her, but Celine know than she was more likely trying to be noticed by her leader. Shika still sleep looks to react at the scent, softly moaning and purring as she hold thigh at her friend, if she werent impregnated maybe she would also be like the silver neko. Vanquish body also is wet, mostly tired by the creatures inside her and the seal than the collar give. With Blanche and Lizzy still having their time in silent, all this place soon smell to sex.

It take a while, but the human notice then than the noises coming from the cave were a little louder, many girls and theirs dark partners were talking outside, getting all ready to decide what to do now, Lizzy quickly stop her thrusts and softly place Blanche to a side, just at time to reach the door when three more creatures get inside smelling the place. There was a little long roar talk between them, as Blanche store her things at the leather bag, not caring at all to have her under body pasted in thick cum. Looks like the beasts close this place are starting to act more agressive. The blonde start to translate for the ones resting at the bed. Some blame the smell on this room, as others the battles close the temple, maybe we should try to place your friends in a more safe place for all or we could try to help the others to beat them. Blanche said before Celine could ask her to take her to the temple, what she still could do if she say a way to give support to these people, this could also be a good moment to escape and check the temple or guide Vanessa trops here, or just inform them. The aid to place her friends in a best place would also give them a chance to know more or try anything else at this town or the deep lands.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine listened to Blanche's response to her words, wondering silently to herself what Blanche and Lizzy would say if she revealed her real self to them now. Would they take her in like the girls here, or would they just kill her out of turn for her past actions against them? It wasn't something she could risk happening right now though she thought, so for now she wouldn't reveal her true nature to them.

"I understand that you want to protect your people no matter what Blanche, really I do, and I don't fault you for that, and I'm truly grateful for your help earlier. But in my eyes that's even more cruel, to beat them and leave them to a fate worse than death in those caves just because of who or what they are. I mean certainly they have families and friends that they would love to see again too, as well as their homelands, because not all of them are evil, like Mikoto and Shika there. They just came in here to find their leader so they could go home with him. And I'm not trying to be mean or anything to you or your people Blanche, because you helped me and all out there earlier, but I'm still very new here and I don't know you all very well yet, plus I come from a land that slavery doesn't exist in any longer. It's hard to accept cruelty like that with a straight face and not get sad or angry about it, no matter who it's against. I hope you can understand that and aren't angry at me... it's just the way I was raised though and I can't change the fact that I believe it's wrong to hurt somebody, because it isn't fair or right to judge an entire race for the actions of a few of them is what I was always taught back in my home," Celine said softly to Blanche in a calm and not overly loud voice, to keep her companions from hearing her talking mostly, and she also had a look of apology on her face for sounding as harshly as she did before while she bowed her head to Blanche in apology as well. "I'm willing to give you and your people the benefit of the doubt for now though Blanche and trust your word, at least until I go to your temple and meet your goddess," Celine added, letting Blanche know that she trusted her specifically, and through her she trusted her people as much as Blanche did.


Feeling that she had to do her goddess's will, because it was the most help she was likely to get in any case, Celine looked around the room to see if she could spot the succubus she'd brought in before to make sure she was okay and all before she sat down to rest for a while, laying her head back against the wall to rest while she held Mikoto's hand to help her through her hard time she was having, noticing Mikoto's struggles to keep herself from going crazy with arousal.

After a while, when the three other creatures came into the room, Celine woke with a start and stood up as Blanche and Lizzy stopped their fun and Blanche explained the situation to her. Wiping her eyes, Celine looked around again at her friends then back to Blanche. "I believe it best to take them somewhere more safe for now, because I can't fight without my sword, which I no longer have. So unless you have a magic sword of some sort, or one imbued with holy magics then I won't be any help at all really in a fight," Celine replied, the pain of losing her sword still very present as she mentioned it again, where she looked back at her companions resting on the hammock, thinking to herself that she couldn't leave them here to go and fight even if she had her sword with her, because they couldn't defend themselves against anything that came in, not with those collars on their necks.

"Blanche... can I ask a favor of you? Two favors actually if possible," Celine asked the girl quickly, waiting for an answer. Should Blanche reply that of course she could ask a favor, Celine would sigh softly before looking back up at the girl and Lizzy. "Um... first can you help me to move them somewhere safe you two? And second... I can get you some help to fight these monsters... but you'll have to trust me on this... and I'll need you both to take me out of these caves as fast and soon as possible, I can go to your temple later when we get back and drive these beasts back from your homelands. I swear by my honor, my family, and my friends that I won't betray you with this, but I would need you to trust me. I want to help protect you and your people for the kindness you've shown me in rescuing me and my friends earlier. And I have someone who can bring help here if you're willing to trust me, someone that I can assure you won't try anything more than help you and would be willing to ally with you for the greater good of both your people and her's," Celine would go on to tell Blanche, only if she agreed to hearing her favors though and she would not ask both of these favors of her unless she did agree.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Blanche nodded to Celine's answer. That is why i ask an apologize to you, most likely for dont find any other way to save our race, a long time ago i understand than what we do is what must be made to survive even if is cruel. I know than is hard for you and i understand if you and your people hate us when they heard about ours acts. The blonde girl add still with her friendly tone, accepting the point of view than Celine was giving and showing not exactly a hate for the monstergirls but just a way of think than the humans have in order to still be free of the many dangers than are waiting for them outside of theirs lands.


On the bed close the others three women, Celine take this time to looks for the succubus, this turn to be a really worried moment as the girl was not at sight and she could not see any clue of her location. Until she then notice a heart point shape behing the hammock, the little moves of this made her notice it and then see the still sleeping young woman, her tail playfully move, sometimes caressing her thighs and bodies in a hypnotic way, Celine cant blame herself to have the needs of go down and take her in this moment, even when she could be still uncouncious.

With Mikoto enduring the trial, the elven could focus on the new ordeal than the new dark beasts had bring. Well, i can place them in a safe place, there are a few places really where nobody could harm them. First is the same temple, then the mine where we get ours materials to forge weapons and finally a far jail between our town and the deep where the most dangerous beasts are sealed, the mine or the temple could work, yet only the third will give them completely safety if nothing bad happen, i could even remove the collars of the nekos. Blanche said and then think for a while what to do with the second thing than Celine ask of favor. Her people? hmm... i guess than we could trust you, even when we could beat these creatures after a while, to get you a weapon we could check at the town and maybe with luck we could get a holy one, as im not sure if there is any who is not used already. Its up to you Celine, but if we aid you to get out, your friends would not have anyone to defend them if we leave now, i could try to find someone and have a new sword could also take a little of time, yet even then i can get you a normal one and we could try our luck to take you out.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Alright Blanche, but please don't say that. Your people had trials the same as mine did, and you all did what you thought was best for your people. I suppose in your position I would likely have done the same thing, so I can't really blame you or your people for being so cautious and everything. Maybe one day your people can meet mine and see though that not everyone that's not human is evil that's always trying to take humans like the monsters around here," Celine replied to Blanche, bowing her head apologetically to her new friend.


Noticing the succubus behind the hammock, Celine figured that she might have woken up and moved on her own, or that maybe lady Vanquish had managed to either find the strength to move her, or something of the sort, and she felt the burning need to whip her member out and take this succubus right here and now... but she fought that urge for the moment, figuring it wouldn't do in the current situation really. She turned back to Blanche as she spoke to keep from having her attention drawn to the succubus so much, listening to her as she told her what they could do and where they could take the girls for safety.

"I'd like them taken to the safest place possible, but the easiest to get to as well, because if you're willing to take me out to get help, then we'll need to move fast in order to go and get back soon enough to help. And just a regular sword would do for now I think, unless we could get one imbued with magic quickly that is. It only needs to last long enough for us to get out and to my beloved, who commands many people... though I'll warn you, not all of them are human, but she is a good person that would be willing to help you all and commands their respect and loyalty, so you wouldn't have to worry about anything from them if she commanded them to help you. She listens to me well enough, and you helped me in my time of need, it's only right and fair that I do my best to do the same for you," Celine told Blanche, figuring that if they were to leave and go find Vanessa for help, then they should go quickly, then she thought it over for a few seconds before looking back to Blanche and Lizzy, thinking that maybe she should let them know what she is exactly now, but rethinking it and deciding to do so after they were out of there and well on their way to Vanessa's palace, hoping they might run into Slimy on the way out if they were lucky, assuming nothing bad had happened to her that is. "If you know a fast and easy way out to the woods outside of the caves, then I can lead you quickly to my beloved and she could get help to you all. And lady Vanquish here can use some magics to help fight and defend them if need be, but that collar has sealed all of her powers and ability to barely even walk, because she uses her magic for a lot of things. It would be helpful if she could have her's removed as well, but I'll understand if you're not willing to do so," Celine added, knowing they were pressed for time and letting Blanche know the need to hurry as she began to get the girls up and ready to move, gently shaking lady Vanquish awake and then the neko.

She helped get the three of them to their feet with Blanche's and Lizzy's help, and then once they were ready to move to a safer place, Celine got the succubus up onto her back and got the food for them all and headed on after putting the dress on she'd gotten earlier, ready to go as soon as everyone was up and ready to go themselves. She saw this as the best way really to do her goddess's bidding in what she'd said earlier, as she had no weapon herself, and she was still a bit too weak she thought to help in a prolonged fight such as this was likely to be. "Before we go though, what kinds of things are attacking exactly? is it like the monsters out in the caves you saved me from? Or is it something else like demons? It sounded to me like it was just a lot of monsters, but I wasn't entirely sure," Celine asked as they prepared to go on out of there, with her following Blanche's directions to the safest and quickest place to take her companions.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Very well, the three places are safe for my point of view, lets hurry up. Blanche said after take a moment to heard more the little talk of the dark beasts. Lizzy stop of argue with them with a last rought roar and then turn to the others women. The huge creature could easily carry two of them and would do it if Celine allow it, Blanche store her things and nude lead them with just her lamp at her hand and collar. Vanquish half awaken, mostly very tired to focus completely on heard what is happening, but even then she could nearly manage to walk alone and endure the lust than her body feel thanks to Mikoto.

The walk than the girls take was of just some minutes but mostly it was short because the blonde woman know the whole place and she was nearly running, making the elf only be able to follow the light at front of her. Truly i apreciate your help Celine, but im pretty sure than my people will solve these problems before we return, the truth is than i want to just meet your home and find out more about that woman than you love too much, if is so good and kind as you said, also you has given your word than all will go right. About a shortcut, well we have one than conect some places and we could use it to reach a floor close the exit. The group soon get at a strong door and Lizzy shine to open it, then Blanche take a hidden key so they could get inside. It was a really huge chamber with some beds, chains and empty jails. We will place them at the guards's restroom. Blanche add placing them on the beds and then turn to Celine saying her than they would need to walk like an hour to reach the exit if they use the shortcut and they dont face anything, then if all goes right they will need maybe a little more to reach Vanessa town, if is close enough. The normal sword would not take time to get but a magic one will need like hours to have ready, even more a holy one.

Carry the succubus was not an easy task, she remain sleep, her body softly rubs the elven as a pillow as this carry her at her back, the ample breast and sweet smell were nearly charming and arousing Celine in every moment, making her softly moan and get wet not only at her lower hole. To make it get worse, her tail coil at Celine right thigh and from there the point as a snake start to rubs her neithers, even sleep drolling this succubus was really skilled, nearly instintively touching the right spots to make Celine fall at her knees more of a time as she moves to the jail room, she begged in her mind for the thing get inside her for some moments but the heart point only teased with her dont allowing her any release.

When Celine asked about what was attaking them, Blanche just shrug shoulders. I dunno, the guardians said to Lizzy than they were foes sooo... it could be demons or monsters of our cave what sound strange as these last fear us.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Alright, if you say they're all safe places then I trust you Blanche. And as long as the girls here will be safe while we go then there isn't much we can really do about it I guess until we get back," Celine replied to Blanche as Lizzy talked more with the other dark creatures. When asked if Lizzy could carry a couple of the girls, Celine nodded and thanked them, telling Lizzy to carry the nekos if she could or didn't mind doing so, while Blanche gave her shoulder to lady Vanquish to help her walk along to get to this place quickly.

As they went, the succubus's tail kept gently caressing Celine's body, making her become more and more aroused as they went until finally her legs buckled on her a bit as she went down to one knee. She tried to ignore the tail, but it was very hard to, so Celine stopped for a moment to catch her breath and while she was doing so, Celine grabbed the succubus's tail and wrapped it around her arm so it wouldn't continue teasing her for now and making her want more and more to stop, whip out her member, and take the succubus right here repeatedly along with Lizzy. When Blanche told her that she didn't know who it was attacking, Celine got a little worried that it may be Vanessa's people doing so, which would be very bad for her if they were.

"Hmm... maybe we should find out who's attacking before we go I think, it'd help a bit I think. Because my beloved may have sent some of her people to find and rescue me, and it wouldn't do if your people and her's were fighting each other I think. If it's not her people then we could head on out, but if it is I can let them know it's me and they'll stop if I tell them to do so... then... maybe we can have peace between both your people and her's. I mean I know it would be tough for everyone, but it's worth a try at least, for peace... for both my children and the children here in this place, and for the future of all. The first step towards ending the slavery we were talking about ending in this part of the world," Celine said once they got to the guardroom to leave the girls for now so they'd be safe, a very hopeful look in her eyes as she mentioned peace between Vanessa's and Blanche's people, telling her it was for the sake of the children and the future... for the sake of ending slavery, her words hopefully rousing a spark in both Blanche and Lizzy to help make this happen.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

It take a little more of effort to wrap the tail at her leg, as this was well placed around her leg, even then the succubus just whimper a little between sleep when the struggle continued and ended. The room looks safe, however Celine could see a long dark path going deep away. Without any other light source out of the lamp at Blanche hand, the place looks nearly deep dark, but at least peaceful. Shika was really tired and remain sleep, her belly have a pregnant size of around six months, it havent grow too much from when they were finded and even when she has been cleaned there was not sight of she had awaken completely. Vanquish was not so much better, yet she still have the power of move and talk, the only who was not impregnated is Mikoto but her supernatural in heat state looks to turn her into the one at worse state of the three.

Once she has placed the three girls at theirs beds, Blanche take her time to heard the tanned disguised Celine, Lizzy also looks to be interested in what she has said, both turn and the dark creature roar a little making Blanched nod and cross her arms around her as she lay sit at the bed to think a moment. I also think than we should check first, but there is other group of foes close the temple, do you think than these also could be soldiers of your beloved? Blanche said thinking and saying to herself as suddenly Vanquish turn to Celine, noding to trying to say her to put atention on the last group, Celine after all should remember than Vanquish was taken from the battlefield from the upper floors.

Also, i want really to help you so ours childrens could live in peace, i dunno what we can do to do it as we are just some soldiers, if we want to change the mind of our people we should try to do something to make ours leaders desist on think than all the different races from the outside are our foes, as it was in the past, that or our goddess could help us. Said this, Blanche prepare all to lock the door once she,Lizzy and Celine had leaved, the soldiers were getting ready to leave and join the battle in the lower floors, of course than mostly all of then had focused on the above floors near the temple, their first stop would be the storage, a room with some weapons and food, Blanche dont wanted to take any but at the end take a shield and a dagger, these were of materials different of steel. mostly Celine could take anything from here, but there was not too much to choice, it was an iron sword, a dark color sword and finally one made of sharp monster remains.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once they made their way to some beds in the safe room, after managing to keep the succubus from fondling her nethers with her tail, Celine set the succubus down onto a bed, as Blanch and Lizzy helped the others down to their respective beds, where they would now be safe for a while at least, though she didn't like leaving them at all, she knew she would have to in order to help bring a possible peace between Vanessa's and Blanche's people.

"Hmm... I'm not sure honestly if those could be my beloved's forces near your temple or not, but we should find out about that as well, because only then can we bring peace and possibly an alliance to both your people and her's. I... I feel that I can be truly honest with you two here, because you've trusted me this far... and I feel that I'd be betraying you if I didn't be truly honest now that we've come so far... but I'm scared that you'll hate me for it, and... you've helped me so much and been so nice when some of your people would rather have left me in those caves," Celine began to say, glancing over at her companions, all of whom were resting peacefully now thankfully, where she doubted they'd hear her because of how weak they were and or how horny they were. She pondered it for a good fifteen seconds or so before continuing, bringing Blanche and Lizzy further away from the others so they weren't bothered by this. "I... my beloved asked me while I was in here looking for my lost friends to try and find out what I could about you and your people... to give myself and her both a better understanding of you all so that we could hopefully bring peace between you both. I... don't know why I'm telling you when it could bring ruin to our hopes for peace, but something is telling me to be truthful with you, that I can trust you Blanche. But to get your leaders to believe me, I'll first have to make sure my beloved's people aren't the ones fighting your people, and if they are then I'll need to stop them first so your people would believe me," Celine went on to say as they left the room and shut the door behind them, with Celine grabbing a quick bite of the food she'd bartered for with the woman earlier, as she was getting a little hungry, but she knew they needed to hurry along so she didn't take much, just some bread to hold her over for now.

Once they were out of the room, Celine took one last look inside before they shut the door, leaning back inside and calling out to her friends. "Girls... I'm going to try and stop a war before it happens... wish me luck... and stay safe okay. Just rest for a while and eat when you get the strength to do so okay," Celine called to lady Vanquish, Mikoto, and Shika, as well as the succubus... only Mikoto and lady Vanquish of which heard her most likely.

"I believe I'll need to speak with your goddess myself as well... likely before we leave if she can help. Because my goddess spoke to me earlier when I was praying for a sign of any kind to help me... and she said to see your goddess before anything else and speak with her, to decide for myself if peace can be achieved between us all. When we get there and I speak with her and after I've figured out what we can do to stop the fighting and bring peace... I'll show you my last secret Blanche... and then you can judge me however you see fit. All I ask in return is a chance to prove myself, for my children and for your peoples children," Celine said as they left the room and headed to the armory to get armed and ready to go.

Once at the armory Blanche led them to, Celine looked around at the weaponry as Blanche took her shield and dagger, though there wasn't much left really for her to choose from, likely because the rest of it was currently in use right now in the defense of this place. Gods she missed her own blade... she felt naked and helpless without it... but she would have to worry about it later, because for now she needed to focus on the task at hand. Hopefully she'd have the chance to look for it and retrieve it once this was all over... maybe... if she was lucky at least. In the end, Celine grabbed a swordbelt to put on over her clothes she'd gotten from the woman earlier in her trade, where she grabbed both the dark colored sword and the sword made from monster remains, testing both blades to see which was heavier and fixing it onto her sword belt for her right hand, taking the lighter of the two for her left. She'd trained a lot with swords back home and knew how to dual wield them, so she felt confident that this would be better than a shield and one of the swords, because it gave her two methods of attack from two different angles.

Once they were done there, Celine told Blanche to lead on to the temple, where she figured that they may have to fight something or another most likely, knowing her luck. But she had to go there first in order to speak to this goddess of theirs, to see what her thoughts on everything were at the moment... if she hated Celine's kind and Vanessa's people and whatnot.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Even when Shika was compleetely uncouncious, Mikoto and Vanquish could try to heard the whole talk, even with theirs troubles, however they were too weak to talk clearly with theirs minds affected. Vanquish looks to be a little distressed when she heard than Celine would confess more about why they were here, but she tried to calm herself and dont show this to the others. Its fine, we know than is not easy to trust in someone than you has just meet. Blanche answer a little curiouse about what could Celine be hidding. The talk moved to a different place a little affar of the exhausted girls. There Blanche and Lizzy heard more about why Celine was here, they turn to each other and then the blonde girl frown softly to Lizzy and then add. You cant earn our people's trust with lies, Celine and a peace earned with secrets could only be a brief peace before a storm, even then i will try to give you as much time as possible to say us all, just please dont try to lie to us or hide something to us than we should know.Blanche said trying to understand why Celine could be hidding more secrets to them, when they could had been completely open to her from the start.

Only Vanquish manage to wave softly to them when they leave, Mikoto was very focused masturbating at full view and as much as she could in a nearly creazy way, being for being used by her leader now... Shika was still sleeping and the succubus tail moves more playfull as the youngperfect succubus remain at her place for now still sleep as Celine could manage to see. The room get into a deep darkness once Celine closed the door, one than only a few monstergirls could manage to see through.

Your Goddess was the one than we could not see? Blanche ask confused with the elven words, as she rememeber when they meet. I dunno which one could be your last secret, but maybe our Goddess will know it and use it against you if you try to lie her or hide it to her, before that i must talk with the temple's guards and i could get in some problems if is something serious. But if a goddess send you then all must go right. Blanche answer still trying to do her best to believe at Celine for now, Lizzy looks to be fine at the moment with what they had said.

The group once armed proceed to go to the temple using the stairs from before than were close the town, these looks to be endless and a little dangerous as they were a little sharp and certainly maded directly by the mountain stone of the place. The stairs ended in a narrow passage and then they continued walking around, it was nearly a maze but Blanche looks to know the right path, all the time Celine could feel as if something was following them far enough to be out of their sight even if they turn back. The group continue and they could heard some combat noises far of them, roars of beasts bellow and swords in battle in front of them, they goes more up thanks to some stairs and then after press a pair of rocks a the wall a huge door appear in front of them.

Lizzy, go to inform the others as we wait you. Blanche said and then Lizzy softly growl close her, turning all her eyes to the blonde human and after a hug she get inside the huge door and this close behind her. Celine could heard the creature walk far away, making her notice than she was now alone with Blanche. This get in front of the door and look to Celine. Hidden between those rocks you can find a hidden passage to escape, i hate to hurt someone, even beasts so you could easily say than you are more suited for this world than me...Lizzy will need some minutes to return to us after talk with the others, so this could be your last chance to decide what to do Celine, no matter what are you are hidding i will help you... Blanche looks to be trying a last test on Celine, but in who the elf will trust? in the human, her beloved, this people who hate monstergirls with a passion, the goddess than have send her here or this other than looks to rule this underworld?
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Waving back to lady Vanquish before closing the door, Celine gave her a brave and serious look, giving her a nod before shutting the door, a look that hopefully would say to her that everything would be alright and not to worry about anything. She only hoped that there was nothing in her way to this temple, or that if there was that she could make it there in one piece to speak with the goddess of these people and hopefully find a way to bring peace between both them and Vanessa's people. She knew that that it was a long shot, and that both sides would have to make sacrifices or compromises in order to achieve it, but peace was something worth fighting for, so that their children wouldn't have to fight each other in the future or anything like that and they could work together to ensure that peace.

"I know that I'm asking a lot of you Blanche, but please believe me... I want peace as much as you, and I'm willing to fight for it as well as be entirely truthful. But... I fear that prejudice would prevent it if I reveal my last secret before I meet your goddess. Not by you or Lizzy... but by the rest of your people that may be guarding the temple ahead," Celine said as they set off, preparing to fight just in case it came to it.

She followed Blanche and Lizzy onwards, up the rather dangerous stairs in their town until they came to a narrow passageway, which they followed further on. The whole way, Celine felt as if something were following them just out of her sight, which scared her as she didn't know what it was, but she couldn't very well turn and face it just yet she knew, so for now it would have to remain there, just beyond the edge of her sight. She also heard the sounds of fighting and monsters roaring, telling her that it was monsters and not Vanessa's people that were fighting with Blanche's people, or at least she thought it was anyway, which was good to think at the very least even if it wasn't the total truth. Once they arrived at the large doors that apparently led to the temple, Celine witnessed the parting between Blanche and Lizzy and smiled, thinking of her own parting with Triny and Vanessa however long before it had been that she last saw them, the fond memory of the two of them calming her heart and making her feel warm inside.

When Blanche and her were alone after Lizzy went on, leaving them there while she informed the guards of the temple that they were there, Celine watched the other girl step in front of her, listening to what Blanche had to say to her. When Blanche was through talking and telling her of the hidden passageway that led out, Celine turned to look in that direction, though she didn't have the look of someone about to run for it in the least and turned back to face Blanche bravely with her head held high, though there was a slightly sad look written there on her face that Blanche wouldn't be able to miss.

"Do you really mean that Blanche? Would you really still help me no matter what? I... I really do want to go, to leave and run away to get all of my children and run back to my homeland with them... gods every fiber of my being just about is telling me that I should... except for two parts of me that is," Celine asked Blanche as she looked at her, then she reached up and placed a hand over her heart, and then tapped the side of her head a couple of times with her index finger. "My heart is telling me that I can't abandon my companions here, and my mind is telling me that while I probably should go... it would only serve to bring about more sorrow in the end. If I don't do this... then my children, everybody's children will face another generation of sorrow and risk of slavery and will have to live in constant fear of many things. No... I have to do this... and I feel that I am the only one that can truly make it happen, because I'm not from here, from this area of the world. My homeland is far to the east of here, the kingdom of Eldana," Celine went on to say, stopping for a minute or so as she turned her head away for a few moments, a tear running down her cheek in easy view of Blanche.

"Can you promise me that you can get me passage to see your goddess if I reveal my true self to you? And... can you promise me that if I for some reason don't make it through this that you'll get a message to my beloveds and tell them that I love them and that I'm sorry?" Celine would then ask as she turned back to Blanche, where she would wait for Blanche's response before continuing, waiting for her to promise both. If Blanche agreed, Celine would step back two steps before sighing softly and stilling her breath before muttering the incantation that Vanessa had placed upon the magical collar to show her true elven form where she then looked back up at Blanche. "I am Celine Genaus, eldest child of duke Genaus of the kingdom of Eldana. I am on adventure from my homeland and came to investigate this new land that my people found by ship a couple of years ago. I am one of a few adventurers sent out into these lands to see if they are habitable for my people. My people set up a small outpost on the far eastern edges of this continent... a town of sorts to wait and see if these lands have already been claimed by someone else. I am an elf, as are many of the people of Eldana, though we have humans, neko's like Mikoto and Shika back there, among many others, and we all live in peace and harmony with one another. I have ventured the furthest abroad of all of the adventurers sent out, and the leader of the people I am currently helping... I believe sincerely wishes for peace, but in order for me to help achieve that I must masquerade as her personal slave for the time being, until I am strong enough to prove that I don't need to be that is. I am also the Celine that you heard about that attacked some of the creatures like Lizzy the other day, but I only did so because I thought they were monsters that were raping some human girls that I ran into in this place then. I have since learned my mistake and I beg your forgiveness on that, as well as Lizzy's," Celine would then say to Blanche, revealing her true self to her and bowing her head in apology to Blanche slightly, waiting to see her reaction to her words a she raised her head back up to the human girl, the last secret she had now open for Blanche to see.

"If you want me to leave Blanche... then I will and I'll understand. But... I truly do want peace between everyone here, because my people fought long and hard against the demons that had enslaved us several hundred years ago. Though some of the demons actually sided with us amazingly, which we were skeptical about at first, but they genuinely wished to help us in the end and even now live in peace along side of us in my homeland. I hate slavery... all of my people do, but... it's in the blood and history of these lands and I understand that, but that doesn't mean that we can't change it," Celine said after a few moments before Blanche spoke up, the serious yet slightly sad look still on her face as she looked at Blanche for a moment before glancing over her shoulder back the way they'd come just in case. "I prayed a while ago just before the word came that you all were under attack, and my goddess heard me and spoke to me... she said that I should come to meet with your goddess and only then could I truly decide on what to do, which is why I wished to come to here instead of heading on away and back to my beloved's palace. I can tell you more if you like, but maybe we should wait until I speak with your goddess," Celine added as an afterthought, wondering if it would carry a little weight in persuading Blanche to believe her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The completely nude blonde human remain as the last obstacle before reach the temple door, she had her shield at a side of her arm, making her be completely exposed, her other hand is not exactly holding the knife, in a certainly way than with any kind of blow would make it fly away of her hold, all this contrast with her firm will and ideals.

Of course, you have my word than i will help you no matter what kind of secret will you trust me now. Blanche answer with a soft smile, warm ebough so Celine could feel more comfortable to talk. She remain quiet and serious placing all her being to heard what Celine said. Dont worry, you will be able to return safely with your family. Were her unique words before the tanned woman confes her secret. The expectation was filling the place as the time for release the disguise was getting closer. Blanche get softly closer when Celine's mutter made her blush by the nearly lewd whisper words come out, but this stop once the collar as if a veil fall made the elven body appear to be seen in all her glory. Blanche could not stop to go back some steps as this happened, returning to her place than she was at the start, she remain looking at Celine's body as this talk, but soon the feelings from the futa elven made her focus again.

There was not way to know what was thinking, even when Celine ended to talk, the look at her face havent changed, then her hand move to the elf and get placed on her shoulder. See? it was not so hard. I dont have the right to judge you Celine, to say the truth i even dont know what is an elf. She said smiling and soft giggling at the end. So... all the elfs are blessed like you? Blanche said as she stoop and get closer Celine's hips, her eyes were completely aimed to her large member as her hand get closer to poke at it.

After a minute she get up and holds Celine's hand to pull her forward the door. We should hurry up, but i must confess than its my first time going inside, dont worry Lizzy has said me how reach the Goddess without get noticed. Soon they opened the huge door until be able to go inside, in that moment Celine notice the creature behind then get closer and remain hidden at the shadows, maybe scared or very cautious.

The place was iluminated with a glorious shine, it make both cover theirs eyes and nearly walk blind for the first minutes. There werent closer sounds and the door remain opened for a moment until Blanche closed it with caution of not make any sound. they walked a little, meanwhile Celine could see some torches and symbols at the walls, these wee of the same strange idiom than she has saw in the place where she has free some creatures. Then Blanche count her steps and then start to press a lot of stones at the wall, until one get pressed and the wall moved to a side to reveal a little passage.

The elfic ears could heard some noises from fights far away making echoes at the huge halls. There werent too much furnitude, the little statues were of some kind of holy kind. Statues of Women praying at the sides, pictures of them showing the loyalty to their holy being and then many others strange picture designs. They then take the narrow passage what dont have too much to offer, soft moans were coming from the other side, it was a large room with five doors on theirs sides and a sixth one to conect to a possible passage. Celine could heard muffed moans from the doors and the figure on the throne was of a small human with black hair. Pink rays fly at the whole room from time to time, as she fight to calm herself, she looks to be weak in some way and she was covered in part by a white mantle and a full armor, making only vissible part of her face and long hair. Around her she is surrounded by silk curtains.

Blanche was not sure what to do now, but at the end she deccide to
take advantage of dont see any guard and pull Celine inside once this was ready. The elven could decide to place her disguise again or remain like that. In any case the woman turn to see them, but dont say anything.

Blanche bow, mostly very ashamed of be in front of the possible goddess. The woman looks to be very human and her figure not so all mighty as someone would had expected. Its an honor to meet you, this is Celine a very trustworty woman, she is here to converse about some important topics to bring happiness to all of us. Blanche then turn to Celine, she really looks so nervious about how suddenly they weer in front of the town's Goddess. The woman on the throne nod and invited the elf to talk without say any word for the moment.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Thank you Blanche... I promise I'll do my best to pull through on this, for my babies as well as for all of the others in this world," Celine said to Blanche after her true form was revealed. Celine blushed a bit when she noticed Blanche blushing at the incantation she had to mutter for switching between her true self and her fake self. "Yeah... one reason I was a little reluctant about showing my true self is because of the silly incantation my beloved placed upon my collar here for it to change between my true self here and the human form it has for me. But an elf is... what I am to put it bluntly I guess. We're... mostly like humans really though, save we live much longer, we've got the pointed ears, it's easier for us to use magics, and we're closer to nature and prefer to live with it more so than humans do... though not always of course, because I come from one of our largest cities back in my homeland. And no, not all elves are like me, though futanari like me aren't quite as rare as human ones might be. And my babies... I'm the papa to them, not the mother," Celine went on to say, still blushing quite a bit as she spoke, but giggling a bit along with Blanche.

When Blanche came closer and made to poke at her member, Celine didn't stop her any if she touched it though, such things not really bothering her much really. After the door was opened, Celine followed Blanche on inside, glancing back one last time as she noticed whatever had been following them stopped short of coming closer, seeming to be scared of approaching it seemed. She hadn't the time to fool with it or she would step back out bravely and ask who or what was out there, so she watched as Blanche gently shut the door to prevent them being heard. She did shut her eyes quickly when the bright light erupted from inside them, holding her hand up to prevent it from blinding her too much so she could maintain good sight just in case. After that she followed Blanche on through the temple, noticing the different features of the place as they went and the symbols along the walls in the torchlight. When the hidden button was pressed by Blanche to reveal the side passage they could take upwards, she sighed in relief, as she'd figured they would have been caught already and her probably attacked or something.

As they made their way through the place and came up to the smaller human woman sitting upon a throne, Celine looked up at her after glancing around at the doors that the moans were coming from, figuring that she must be their goddess. She looked a bit frail to be honest, but Celine wasn't about to say that out loud, nor did she truly believe it either, for if this woman were truly a goddess then she could likely take on any form she wished to take. Celine followed Blanche as she pulled on her hand and led her up to whoever this obviously powerful woman was, remaining calm despite the woman looking like she was struggling with something. She waited until after Blanche spoke to her goddess for her and introduced her to the woman, bowing her head slightly when she was gestured up to where she was at on her throne, where Celine then knelt to one knee as she looked up at the woman.

"Thank you for seeing me. My goddess bid me speak to you before I... make any more choices about this place and what to do with here. But I seek to bring peace between as many of the peoples here that I can, so that there is as little fighting as there can be. I want my children to be safe, as well as the children of this place, and everywhere else besides. My people fought for our freedom from demons and monsters much as your people are doing here, and our goddess helped us as much as she was allowed, and we now have our freedom in my homeland of Eldana, where elves and humans, and many others besides all live together in peace harmony with one another," Celine said to the small human woman that she assumed was these people's goddess.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Ehm...I guess than it would sound better if you dont made that strange moan as you say the incantation. Said Blanche about the collar magic spell, it was a good thing than Celine has remember to focus on that naughty night and whisper moaned, maybe the spell would had not worked without this, The human started to soft touch the member with her finger and looking than Celine dont bother at all, she use both hands to feel it and move it up to notice Celine's lower lips. Hmm...but blessed or futanari arent rare among us, i could say than one of four off us is a blessed one, are you saying than half your people is futanari? There must be huge orgy reunions at your city all the days. Blanche continue talking, as she stroke the elven's manlike member and softly rubs Celine's walls, so used to it than made Celine precum and wet herself, Blanche even get closer and lick the elven point before get up and lick her fingers too, leaving the elven with a hard rod for some minutes. What you mean by papa? Is how the elvens name the futanaries than implant the babies on the normal women?


Once inside the possible goddess's hall, the woman on the throne remain looking to Celine without make more than soft moans, once the elven was close to end, the girl hold her head with one of her soft delicate hands and groan softly

Celi... Suddenly a loud moan come from one of the doors and a potent huge ray appear, hitting direct to the throne woman who groan of pleasure as this impact her, there was some smoke from the impact and Celine could feel the warm from all that energy than in the instant vanish from her view.

Celine...yes i heard about you. A more strong and prominent voice come from the woman, who still havent heard from Celine the elven name. There was a soft aura surrounding her.

Dont fear traveler, these lands soon will have peace thanks to my own fist. I will bring freedom for the weak and a stop to the vile ones, but even the most sinner will receive a worthy trial out of death or unneded pain.

The woman stop and rest at her throne. I also heard than you caused some wounds to one of my chosen guardians.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Blanche touched her member, Celine bit her bottom lip slightly as she tried to keep from just falling down right there from the sensation of someone else's hand touching her there, but she didn't stop Blanche or anything and let her touch her to sate her curiosity. "Yeah... I kind of have to moan like that though because my beloved put the incantation onto the thing like that unfortunately. And no, I meant humans as a whole, not just the humans of one area like this one. We've got many humans where I live, easily over a million at least, same with us elves too if you count us regular gray elves like myself, the dark elves, and the high elves all as one, and I believe the nekos and other races are all around a quarter to half as many as the elves and humans of Eldana. Remember though, my homeland of Eldana is very large and a couple of the smaller neighboring countries have joined with ours to make it stronger and easier to protect us all, so we have many cities in Eldana," Celine said to Blanche as she explained a bit better about her homeland and about futanari like herself. "Oh and I just choose the term papa because I believe it to sound better for a futanari like myself to use that instead of father, it's more personal preference than anything, but futanari back home use it more than father I believe," Celine added about using the term papa instead of father.


After she was through talking to the goddess, she watched the small human clutch her head for a moment as one of the doors flew open and a ray of energy rushed out of it and into the small goddess, who moaned pleasurably for some reason. Maybe it was the adrenaline and rush of energy or something that caused it, Celine told herself, but it mattered not really. As she listened to the goddess speaking to her in a booming voice, Celine got the sudden feeling that this goddess was either not really a goddess, or more like she was a misguided one to speak in such a way. Either way it didn't sound like a goddess that would forgive anyone that didn't follow or help her for some reason, Celine didn't know why but it just gave her that nagging feeling that was what might happen if this goddess had her way.

"Yes I did attack some of them, because I believed that they were monsters like those I'd seen out in the tunnels and that they were raping two human girls I found in the room with them. I've never seen your guardians before really, so you can't fault me for believing them to be monsters and then trying to do what I've always been taught to do, which is help those in need, and I thought those girls were in need of help," Celine replied to the woman, looking up at her on her throne from where she knelt. "My beloved bid me come into here and see what I could learn about your people within this place, because she wishes to make peace with you all if possible and form an alliance to try and help change the land, to end slavery and evil and whatnot. But she knows that this can't be done instantly and that it will take time until that sort of peace can be attained, and that it will be a long hard road to achieve it," Celine continued speaking a bit more before stopping to take a breath. "What... or who I guess do you consider to be the sinners of these lands? And doesn't everybody deserve a chance at redemption? I've come a long way from my home, fought all manner of things. One reason I came into here was to learn more about your people here, but the other was to find my friends that we believe to be in here somewhere. One is what you all call a monster girl, she is a gargoyle girl by the name of Lina and she is a good friend of mine that helped me out the other day so I owe her enough to help her in return, and the other girl I'm searching for is a human by the name of Cassie. Do you know where either of them are?" She went on to say, wondering what this goddess might say to her now, and what her goddess knew about this one that she might ought to have told her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

A millon... reach that quantity at this place would be impossible to maintain, as we are already low at resources but i guess than all will be right with you and ur goddess talking to solve it. Blanche said amazed by the quantity and dont paying too much attention to the race names. For us we use te word "chosen" instead of of papa, hmm... oh yes you said something as father to name the futanari persons. Well we name them chosen as they had been blessed by our goddess to allow us reproduce and survive at these lands. Blanche ended to say showing than she dont know what means father or papa for her at least and just thinking han it was a synonym for the futanari word.


The woman rest at her arm as Celine spoke letting her end and dont showing any feeling until this end. I know very well what happened in that incident, is interesting how you fight my guards thinking than they were monsters when you get help of some creatures of these caves, also i heard from them than you dont stop the battle even when these girls were begging you to stop, fortunately for you nobody died, but the guardian baddly damaged in that fight will never get fully restored. The female tone remain without changes and even when she dont show any anger her voice was so powerful than feels hostile.

About your peace request to form an alliance, i will take it into consideration if you aid my people to put all on peace at this place without the need than i
join the battlefield. Then i would have time to find your friends, but must inform you than that human could not be at this place

Also, to answer your question about who could be sinners for my eyes, i must say than there is not really any for the moment than would need my wrath, my patience is just nearly endless but even then i had get tired of see the pain of this town and many others races.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Yes there are many people in my homeland Blanche, maybe one day you could come and meet some of them, perhaps my family also, and you could see our cities, and you could bring Lizzy too. You would both be welcomed with open arms so long as you followed our laws and whatnot, which aren't that harsh or anything," Celine told Blanche with a soft smile on her face. "And you all don't have any men here do you? I didn't see any at least. Father is the general term for men in my homeland... and in most other lands I would have to guess, so that's why I choose papa, so as not to get confused and people think me a man just because I have a penis," Celine added to Blanche about the differences between father and papa, to her at least.


Bracing for the booming voice once again, Celine knew that she'd probably pissed their goddess off by attacking one of her guardians, and she also knew that there was no way to make up for that really save to bring peace to them all so that guardian's loss for fighting wasn't so bad to them any more. She looked down at her feet, feeling ashamed that she'd attacked and done quite that much damage to said guardian, but again there was little she could do other than try to move on and keep fighting to bring peace. She didn't have the information then that she does now, so how could she really be blamed.

"I... yes I had a couple of monster helping me to fight, but they were under the control of a friend, a friend who left two of them to protect and help me fight, and find as many of my beloved's people that were captured by other monsters as we could. I know that they begged me to stop too, but I've seen women do much the same because they were addicted to the sex and cum of monsters, and considering that the girls were sucking a couple of your guardians off I think you can understand my line of thinking at least a little bit surely. I regret attacking them now that I have more information about you and your people, but I didn't have the same information then that I do now, so I won't be making the same mistake like that again," Celine said to the goddess, still wondering what this goddess's angle was and whether she would honor any agreement for an alliance and everything asked of her. "I know Cassie may not be in this place, but I must find her. She is a friend that I promised to protect. And I don't wish to see pain in this town or any other. I will need your people to not attack me while I try to help though. What can be done to ensure this? Or am I to try and simply avoid them all and leave here to speak with my beloved about peace? And when I do speak with her, then the two of you will likely need to meet at neutral ground to speak of an alliance between you both and your people. I will go after I leave here to the front where your people are fighting right now to see if it is my beloved's people attacking to try and find me, where I can talk them down as soon as I know if it is them or not, but we would need your people to back down as well, and the release of any of their people that are prisoners here as well," Celine went on to say, pressing a bit more for peace and the things that would likely need doing for such a thing and a few of the compromises that would also be needed.

A sudden thought flashed through her mind about something that the goddess had said, she spoke only about Cassie maybe not being there, not Lina. "Wait... do you know then where my friend Lina is at? You didn't mention her when you spoke of Cassie. Is Lina in a safe place?" Celine then asked curiously, yet cautiously at the same time, not wanting to anger this goddess further than she already seemed to be, but then she remembered something that Blanche had said about sacrifices. "Also, I heard talk of some of the monster girls being brought here to be sacrificed. Sacrificed how might I ask? The only sacrifices I've ever heard of were those living sacrifices used on my people hundreds of years ago before we gained our freedom, that used by demons to gain more power with our souls," Celine went on to say, slightly scared of the answer she might get, and unsure of what she should do if this was the case.