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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"It's probably the other door in the sphere room" Rolas said, squealing with delight when she found a nice set of high heels, absorbing them in a purple flash, only for them to appear on her feet, admiring herself for a moment. "Granted I love his taste in shoes, but he's still crazy"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino took Rolas out of the room they were in and then she went through the last door, looking around to see what was this rooms gimmick.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

This room wasn't a room, or was it... Rolas and Mino were greeted by what looked like a river of all things in an underground cavern, a massive underground cavern. Rolas gave a low appreciative whistle as she looked around, the only things lighting the stone walls and ceiling as the river rushed by them to their left were small yellow stones set into the walls, glowing softly. "I... I got nothin" Rolas said quietly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Looking around the room she was in, Mino found she was in a cavern, a river with no clear entrance out, Mino had to think as well, she lied on her stomach and looked downstream, seeing if the river was leading anywhere.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Tentacles??? 18
Mino 1
Crit, Ensnared 2

The water looked like it ran under the caverns far wall, and probably the way out, maybe, right up until several almost transparent limbs shot from the water to seize her, and managed to grab both of her feet, lifting her into the air and spreading her legs while a single large eye stared up at her from the main body of the creature, also transparent. And in it's center was what looked like a clutch of eggs... A massive clutch of eggs...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Looking downstream, Mino could see a clear exit, however she was immediately seized by almost transparent limbs, hoisting her into the air, since only her ankles were bound she was left hanging upside down as she scrambled to try and grab her spear and jam it into the tentacles holding her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 12 Ensnared 2 -2
Tentacles 8
Mino grabbed her spear! Creature 11/12
Rolas 7
Tentacles 10
Tentacles 5
Mino 13
Tentacles 16
Rolas 8
Ensnared 1, -1 to future rolls

Mino managed to get her spear the second that Rolas hit it with a ball of fire, which didn't bother it in the slightest, the fire causing a small poof of steam. The spear however got it's attention, but the creature itself seemed incredibly difficult to injure and Rolas was now struggling with a mass of tendrils that had grabbed her thighs and was dragging her into a similar position that Mino was in.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

A quick distraction by Rolas allowed Mino to grab her spear, a stab showed the creature was hard to hurt, so Mino had to keep trying to stab at its tentacles to get it to let her go.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 8 Ensnared 2
Tentacles 17

Rolas 5 Ensnared 1
Tentacles 10

Tentacles special. 3
Mino 1
Rolas 5
Mino has been hypnotized.

Neither Mino nor Rolas was able to break the creatures grip as they thrashed around and more of the tendrils reached towards them, trying to force their heads around to stare at the creatures eye. Neither Rolas or Mino could avoid looking, but Rolas seemed to be made of tougher stuff. Mino on the other hand found her gaze utterly captivated by the eye, which had started to give off a soft glow, and her worries started to fade away... It was good to just serve, to give in, why should she worry?
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Struggling, Mino groaned as she didnt manage to get free, however she found herself drawn to the creatures eye, mesmerized by it, Mino simply stared back, even though in her mind she was trying to fight the hypnosis.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 8
Tentacles 9
Mino, Ensnared 2 Hypnotised.
Rolas 16
Tentacles 13
Rolas is free
Tentacles 5
Mino --
Rolas 12

Mino couldn't quite shake the thoughts that were drifting through her mind about how submission was the right thing, that it needed to happen, and every time she felt her thoughts drift that way on their own, she was rewarded with a little spike of pleasure, a thrill that ran up her spine. Meanwhile, seeing that Mino had stopped fighting, Rolas tore herself free from the creatures grip, trying to figure out how to get close while calling her name, Which Mino couldn't hear...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Giving a small moan out as she felt her mind submit more, eventually Mino simply dropped her spear as her thoughts drifted closer and closer to submission.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino --
Tentacles Further ensnare Mino. Ensnared 3, must escape before attacks can be made.

Rolas 9
Tentacles 13

Tentacles 14
Mino --
Rolas 6
Rolas is ensnared again. 3/4 HP
Mino was gently lowered to the ground after she dropped her weapon, more tendrils moving to get her into a kneeling position as the one on the back of her head molded around to form a sort of visor, two eyes staring directly into hers to hold her and the hypnosis while it turned it's attention to Rolas, who had thrown a spear of ice, but had to cancel the spell as the creature was moving Mino, lest she hit her. Cursing and swearing loudly, she nimbly dodged to the side only to have her wrists grabbed, pulling them down, hard, and causing her to slam into the ground with a soft cry.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Kneeling on the ground now, Mino didnt move as she remained under the thrall of the beasts hypnosis, even as her mind mentally tried to free her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 7
Tentacles 12

Rolas 18
Tentacles 19

Tentacles 6
Mino --
Rolas 10

Mino's attempts to free her own mind didn't get her far as she couldn't do much but stare into those strange eyes, their pupils morphing and shifting in front of her, captivating her gaze. She could feel the control sinking deeper, becoming more insistent, she didn't have long.

Rolas, thrashing around in the grip of the creature, managed to stand but couldn't pull her hands free as the thing sought to further entangle her. Twisting away, Rolas pushed a tendril back by sprouting her wings and batting it away, trying to rise into the air. "God Damnit Mino! Snap out of it!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

As much as Rolas wanted her to, Mino was still captivated by the monsters makeshift visor, she sat there not moving awaiting her fate.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 9
Tentacles 11
Mino is now helpless, and under full control
Rolas 9
Tentacles 1
Rolas is free and very angry
Tentacles 20
Mino --
Rolas 15
Rolas is ensnared again.

r 4
t 8
t 15
r 11 ensnared 2
r 13
t 19
t 4
r 13
r 13
t 20
t 6
r 1 ensnared 3
r 9
t 12
t special 17
r 15 Hypnotized as well
Winner, angry tentacular thing.

Too long in the creatures grip, too long under it's penetrating gaze saw Mino finally break as the creature hit her mind with a wave of submission like a tidal wave, unable to focus its full attention until now. Now for little Mino, every single time she thought about giving in, she felt her flower quiver with excitement, the creature directly changing the way she thought as the eyes continued to move in front of her and Rolas kept fighting, trying desperately to free her. If Mino could have seen it, she'd have been proud of her friend but as soon as the creature pinned her wings and she came crashing down to the ground, her limbs quickly pinned and her body forced up right to stare into it's eye as well, the fight was over. Now confirmed that it, and it's brood was safe, both girls felt the tendrils begin to slip into their clothing, squirming against their flesh as the thoughts in their mind told them this was okay, it was an honour to serve the mother, all was good and right and they would be happy. Sighing softly, Rolas simply nodded as she looked blissfully at the creature, her clothing simply vanishing as it pulled her next to Mino on the ground, while it sought about gently pulling away Mino's clothing, not wanting to spook them, to shake the hold it had on their minds.

Mino, only too happy to help, was reduced to skin in moments before she was rebound, watching the eyes in mute fascination as the tendrils crawled over her flesh, drawing soft gasps and moans from both women as two tendrils specifically pressed against their folds, sliding between their legs to tease them slowly, soon both of them rolling their hips against the tendril. They wanted it, they knew and needed to breed for the Mother. Rolas gave a soft sigh as the tendril pushed into her slit, beginning to thrust and undulate within her just as Mino's hood was lifted and her gaze focused relaxedly on the creatures main eye, her tendril pushing into her depths to thrust gently and roll within her as well. It was bliss, the soft, gentle touch as she watched, red faced and panting as the eggs started to move from the creatures center inch by inch up the tendrils buried in them, bringing them so much pleasure as they stroked places within their inner walls normally untouched as it spread within them, filling them completely.

Panting and writhing in the creatures grip, Mino couldn't look away as she watched the first egg reach her lower lips, pressing and squirming against her folds, until the tendril undulated again and she watched her lips spread around it, swallowing the egg into her folds with an amazing wave of pleasure that seemed to echo on and on as she felt it travel deeper, another egg right behind it, her body soon helping the process as she slowed her own bucking to match the timing of the tendril. The next egg to press into her sent her into a mind blowing orgasm, and another, and another, the eggs moving through her to come to rest in her womb driving her wild as she was slowly filled over the course of a half hour, passing out in the creatures grip, her last sight being her own swollen belly...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Minos irises vanished as she felt herself fall completely under the hypnosis of this strange tentacle creature, she simply smiled and did nothing else, even as the tentacles squirmed under her clothing and gently removed it, she only let out a small moan and squeal of pleasure as her body turned red, the teasing tentacle eventually penetrated her slit, gasping slightly Mino simply smiled again and said "I-Its a h-honor to s-serve...the g-great mother~" in a somewhat cute tone, eventually the eggs were starting to slide into her lower lips, amazing Mino at how the creature delivered its eggs, filling her up, Mino only remembered her bloated belly from being stuffed full of eggs before blissfully passing out...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It was over an hour before Mino woke up, bound to the cavern wall in some kind of slime like glue, her body completely sealed to the wall while tendrils carressed her. She felt so full, and her belly was squirming with eggs. Rolas was right there next to her in the same condition, slowly waking up. The cavern they were now in, apart from the slime binding them too the wall, seemed to be empty, and much smaller, like a little side chamber.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Waking up, Mino found herself stuck to the wall of a cavern by a thick glue like substance, it was in a thick band across her stomach, so her belly was noticeably bulging and her breasts were available for the tendrils to use, her arms and legs were spread as well, she gave out a soft moan as she was being caressed, feeling the eggs squirming around inside her she simply said "Ah..~ I-Its our babies..." in a lust addled state.