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monster girl quest 3d

Re: monster girl quest 3d

Here's the summary of the demo so far;

Pros: Ilias looks hot. Maybe it's just personal preference, but it's the only character model that doesn't make me want to barf up my lunch. Multi-view angle for 'rape' scenes are interesting (press c to change the view; default is 3rd person far, then 3rd person near, and finally POV. POV is promising, but does not allow you to really control the view (basically as Luka is being ravaged so badly that he keeps squirming which constantly changes the camera angle). Developer stated that he plans on making it possible for Luka to fight back during the rape sequence to make the girl orgasm (similar to Yuusha...).

Cons: Only two monster girls so far; slime girl and slug girl. Both of which look... genuinely like monsters. Lots of bugs, crappy frame rates, poor controls. Luka's face always looks like Amira just had her way with him.

Solutions: Keep the render mode option to the lowest possible setting, otherwise the graphics doesn't render correctly with bugs everywhere. For instance, whenever I get the 'first meal' cutscene and my render is set at ultra, the entire scene bugs out and leaves you with Luka running around in the dark instead of going to sleep. Stay on the 'path' when you enter the 'forest'. If you run off if it, there is suppose to be a map when you press "m", but I haven't used it yet. Otherwise, it's just easier to reload a save point. Also avoid looking directly in Luka's eyes (or you'll feel like Amira just had her way with you too).
Re: monster girl quest 3d


What are you talking about? I don't see anything.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

I think it's always unfortunate when game creators release a demo so early in development, but i supposed because it was a kickstarter they had to show they had SOMETHING to demonstrate the game's mechanics and stuff.

I personally think some of the criticism of the models have been a bit harsh, some of them look awful but the recent ones created look half decent and are definitely moving away from a more "monsterous" style to "beautiful with monster characteristics", which i think is most people's preference. They also said that the content creation (aka the models and the world) would come later in the project once the main game mechanics were sorted and bugs are eliminated, so perhaps its a bit unfair to tar the game with the ugly stick too early.

Overall the concept is a great one, and makes it one i'm looking forward to as long as they don't rush the release.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

OMG....this is crap.... my eyes hurt if i see a good Game ruined like that.

Please dont let the reputation from MGQ go down in history :(
just because someone tried to make the impossible possible.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

if the models were something like most of the touhou 3d stuff it'd be fine.

Re: monster girl quest 3d

You know you aren't looking at a complete game, right? For the work of one person, I'd say the project overall is fairly competent. It's not the best I've seen but I've also seen far worse from indie games that have been released on steam.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

yea, the 4 bandits part was probably my favourite part of the games, and those faces on those models will haunt my dreams for eternity, but the kickstarter page has really good looking models of some of the monsters. still not as good as the 2D, but it looks so much better than that horrifying mess i saw while reading the post form the beginning.

the real question is why would you try and remake a game already set in stone? he could easily have started a new IP himself and made a lot more money than using a set-in-stone story and characters, but eh, complaints.

anyone else interested in seeing what the basic model for the funny female lamia born with the wrong sides of the lamia parts? either hilariously funny or simply horrifying i'm sure...
Re: monster girl quest 3d

I personally wouldn't mind this if the wasn't a blatant rip-off of the game it's based off of. Even the fights are exactly the same. If the creator is gonna make a 3d version of it, make it fucking different. Don't copy the game to the point where it's a poorly made bootleg.
Re: monster girl quest 3d


Omfg,My eyes is bleeding,I dont want to insult that guys,but seriously,making loli body with fucking adult head,thats so wrong...Worst to it that poorly modeled skill...Dont know what to think,And the worst is...They are the most easy monster to do...
Man?if ya want to adapt something you really,do it srsly,not half ass work...Or did he planed that since from beginning,bleeding our eyes so we couldnt play any other Hgame till end of our life? x)

if the models were something like most of the touhou 3d stuff it'd be fine.

More than fine,would be totally awsome...
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Only way to make a 3D game of MGQ would be to take sort of a cell-shaded route, use brighter colors and have more than two, three people on this so-called "team". The modeling is terrible with what we've been presented, the gameplay is a lazy and uninspired rip-off of the original because the chucklefuck behind it all couldn't be assed to use any of the money he had acquired from his campaign to actually hire someone competent to do some of the work instead.
I genuinely feel bad for those who donated to this terrible mess.
And to those of you who keep claiming this is still unfinished, it's been argued on the forums for a while on what artstyle the project should take, they had settled on something bordering "realistic" with the decision to make Luca some grizzled looking abortion. The models you see are not going to be much different in the finished product.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Well yea he's "saying" it's licensed and to prove this he has some text which is "allegedly" from torotoro while leaving out any actual email correspondence because that would, you know, breach privacy or something.

Just FYI, Torotoro gave blanket permission for people to use the MGQ setting, characters, etc. as long as they don't take assets from the game itself. So this 3d project is actually authorized.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Just FYI, Torotoro gave blanket permission for people to use the MGQ setting, characters, etc. as long as they don't take assets from the game itself. So this 3d project is actually authorized.

Did he give permission to copy the game exactly, but with 3d models?
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Only way to make a 3D game of MGQ would be to take sort of a cell-shaded route, use brighter colors and have more than two, three people on this so-called "team". The modeling is terrible with what we've been presented, the gameplay is a lazy and uninspired rip-off of the original because the chucklefuck behind it all couldn't be assed to use any of the money he had acquired from his campaign to actually hire someone competent to do some of the work instead.
I genuinely feel bad for those who donated to this terrible mess.
And to those of you who keep claiming this is still unfinished, it's been argued on the forums for a while on what artstyle the project should take, they had settled on something bordering "realistic" with the decision to make Luca some grizzled looking abortion. The models you see are not going to be much different in the finished product.
Go to their site, you'll see what they have set for the final models. And look at the reactions of the people posting there. They are trying more to add in stuff and details away from the original then they are trying to capture the looks of the original characters.

In the end this is going to become more a "alternate reality based off of" then it's going to be a "3D remake of". And the worst part is how many of the "fans" are kissing up to the creators about how nice the models look. I don't feel bad at all for anyone who donated to this. Money that could have been better spent elsewhere.

Also I don't get how they claim to go for a anime like feel to the characters while trying to use realistic models.....as you said, they should have used cell-shaped.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Should use cell-shading, cause that there is a perfect example of Uncanny Valley.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

watched scene with succubot and i think it's would been better with other music.In MGQ this music was nice because you "read" scene and it gives atmosphere of game over, but in 3D it's visual and music just don't match.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

looking at the models he should have started on chapter 3, then if it worked out went back for 1-2. 3 is pretty easy since most enemy's are angels,zombies,humanoid and robotic types.and the main character is pretty broken so balance is easy on that part also. the only hard parts would be the huge bosses like BAlice. also theres like 6 loli types in chapter 3 and they won't be having any in Hero.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

looking at the models he should have started on chapter 3, then if it worked out went back for 1-2. 3 is pretty easy since most enemy's are angels,zombies,humanoid and robotic types.and the main character is pretty broken so balance is easy on that part also. the only hard parts would be the huge bosses like BAlice. also theres like 6 loli types in chapter 3 and they won't be having any in Hero.

No, it's already been mentioned that the loli characters will be in the game. Or at least the important ones will. The type they are trying to eliminate or change are the more beast than girl type monsters.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

No, it's already been mentioned that the loli characters will be in the game. Or at least the important ones will. The type they are trying to eliminate or change are the more beast than girl type monsters.

i read it as going to age some of the characters. but i haven't spent a good amount of time into the forums they have yet.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

i read it as going to age some of the characters. but i haven't spent a good amount of time into the forums they have yet.

Ah, didn't read that. Equally I didn't spend much time in the forum, basically just read the "Concept Art", "Something about Monster girl models", and "Unimportant stuff to add to the game to make it more fitting for western audience and destroy the original game" threads.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Go to their site, you'll see what they have set for the final models. And look at the reactions of the people posting there. They are trying more to add in stuff and details away from the original then they are trying to capture the looks of the original characters.

In the end this is going to become more a "alternate reality based off of" then it's going to be a "3D remake of". And the worst part is how many of the "fans" are kissing up to the creators about how nice the models look. I don't feel bad at all for anyone who donated to this. Money that could have been better spent elsewhere.

Also I don't get how they claim to go for a anime like feel to the characters while trying to use realistic models.....as you said, they should have used cell-shaped.

Yep,I was totally amazed to see that people are like that,not even shitting or anything,considering how hard can be internet community,I didnt know what to think.

Anyways,i hate to says this,but thats project is crap,not monster girl quest...
Even their realistic model sucks,it feels like made by some people who learned randomly 3D and didnt even try to improve.
If it was me who would have made such models,i wouldnt even try to show them to people.