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RPG RPG Maker [Moonblack] Rape Quest

Re: Rape Quest

i followed that guid but when ever i do the SVN check i get this:

OPTIONS of 'http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/RQMod/Versions': Could not read
status line: connection was closed by server ( )

i must be doing something wrong but i don't know what.

thanks for any help anyone can give me.
Re: Rape Quest

There are three versions:

One is Dbugger, who is not planning on continuing anytime soon

Another is by Raed, who has not updated for some time

And the one that is the most expanded on is by MoonBlack

Where do I get the MoonBlack version?
Re: Rape Quest

you can use google, just type "rape quest" is a page of hongfire so take care(sometimes there are troyans).
Re: Rape Quest

Ok i feel like an idiot, but could someone help me in downloading these files?
Im not sure what i have to do to get it all from the "truck" file

Re: Rape Quest

Ok i feel like an idiot, but could someone help me in downloading these files?
Im not sure what i have to do to get it all from the "truck" file


1. Install an SVN client, such as TortoiseSVN: Link
2. Create an emty folder
3. Right-click on the folder and select 'SVN Checkout'
4. Enter 'http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/RQMod/' as 'URL of repository' and hit 'OK'

Then the download should start.

To get the updates right-click on the folder and select 'SVN Update'.

1. Read it.


Re: Rape Quest

so from reading the descriptions that last version of the game seems like it would be more interesting and more done, is that right?

If i download more then one version how will it effect the game play? will the different systems in the game cause problems or will they all be in effect and working?

i just started the kidnapped princess quest and it said i better go to the library and look up some ruins, which room is that and where in there am i suppose to be looking? i went to all the bookshelves in the castle and the highschool in the other town, there was nothing interesting in the new castle area.
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Re: Rape Quest

so from reading the descriptions that last version of the game seems like it would be more interesting and more done, is that right?

If i download more then one version how will it effect the game play? will the different systems in the game cause problems or will they all be in effect and working?

i just started the kidnapped princess quest and it said i better go to the library and look up some ruins, which room is that and where in there am i suppose to be looking? i went to all the bookshelves in the castle and the highschool in the other town, there was nothing interesting in the new castle area.

There's a library in the town south of the orc camp, where you have to pay the librarian an entrance fee (or sexual favor). After gaining admission, just ask him where to look, and he'll tell you where to find the info in the far too massive library.
Re: Rape Quest

X.x theres a library in that town...

thanks, i should be able to get it now.

also, theres a file with a "!" and a red circle around it titled temp, what is it suppose to be and is something wrong with it?

how many of the current achievements are achievable at the moment?

so is there a way into the princess's room after you return her?
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Re: Rape Quest

I think the exclamation point means your file is no longer the same as the SVN. Since it's temp, it probably contains your saves, so it's only natural. Achievements... can't reach the millions, no guard achievement. I think the rest are possible.
Re: Rape Quest

its actually an image file, all it is is some black background about as wide as the rpg maker is if you dont have it set for full screen.

the exposing yourself to a milling ppl might be possible but it would take some time, just gotta spam the enter key while naked.

so i found some sage and he says to get rid of the bandits north of him... and nothing, so im guessing either im in the wrong area or its not finished.
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Re: Rape Quest

Will somebody make a mediafire download for the latest version of this game, when i go to Assembla or Hongfire, it says I don't have permission or I get the 404 error: File Not Found.
Re: Rape Quest

Hongfire is still down, i am not sure then they will be aviable again but i guess with the sart of next month.
Re: Rape Quest

hey all, I have been playing the v0.08 for a bit and after about 10 minutes I get stuck, cause a picture seems to be missing, I went to the orc part and battled them, lost and got raped, it reads that I got an achievement and shows a pick, and then some text and it says a picture is missing.... and shuts down the game...

do I need the v0.07 to make it work or is there a bug fix or something, I dont see the pics that it mentions or the h-pics anywhere in the folders.... so dont know what it might be...

if someone can help it would be greatly appreciated...

Also is this still in progress or did they cancel this game, it seems like a great game from what I saw, although I didnt get to see much of anything yet... xD
Re: Rape Quest

soulles, go to the bottom of page three, there is a downloadable version of 0.1.1 from mediafire.com, the only progress that has been made are small side-branches from co-developers, but I cannot get them because they are on Assembla and Hongfire and those will not work for me.

the saved games from 0.0.7 and 0.0.8 DO NOT work for version 0.1.1
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Re: Rape Quest

thanks nemesis, its alright, wasnt that far in the game, cause it either got stuck or I didnt get far cause in the v0.07 I cant get far, no money and dont earn any xp it seemed... :eek:

so do hope the new version is better...

and I know what you mean, I am a member on hongfire as wel, and most of the times I get my stuff from there, but I cant get on cause its down... kinda shame...

Wil try the new version... hope its better... :D
Re: Rape Quest

I was wondering if any of the people that can play the latest version of this game make a copy of their working game as a download file for us people that cannot get to the sites with the latest version to show up and work. It would be EXTREMELY appreciated if you could.

A very fond player of the game
Re: Rape Quest

To get the latest rape quest updates you need to get it from the SVN Assembla site >_> there are two currently being updated from what i remember:

Moon blacks version:

NeoDragons version (The most updated one):

Both are still being worked on from what i've heard... Neo dragons had an update this month or last month.

Edit: give me a little bit and I'll post an updated one on media fire
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Re: Rape Quest

To get the latest rape quest updates you need to get it from the SVN Assembla site >_> there are two currently being updated from what i remember:

Moon blacks version:

NeoDragons version (The most updated one):

Both are still being worked on from what i've heard... Neo dragons had an update this month or last month.

Edit: give me a little bit and I'll post an updated one on media fire

Need a password and username? :eek:
Re: Rape Quest

Need a password and username? :eek:

To pull down the information from an SVN you need a program like TortoiseSVN. This will allow you to "checkout" the latest build from the depository the creator has made online.

This is irrelevant if he puts up a mediafire link though.