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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Time seemed to pass quickly, and the city grew with surprisingly speed. "I'd probably start at the gate. There are usually people advertising. Sorry, I've only been in the city a few months, and the only inn I actually stayed at was... I wouldn't recommend it."

As they got closer, it became obvious that the city wall was unusual for more than its color, which was that of drying blood. It seemed to be a single, solid piece of stone, gently curved along its height, and with absurdly straight lines and angles. Crenelation along the top hid the movement of men in armor. It was clearly anything but decorative.

Wendy pulled on her panties, then her dress as they approached, just before they split off from the river and towards a road that ran through a gate into the city. The gates stood open, but a pair of soldiers in full armor stood on each side, three holding pikes, one with a sheathed sword. There were more men standing above the gate, with bows, crossbows, and firearms, though none had their weapons drawn.

Just before they got within hearing range of the guards, Wendy stopped, looking conflicted. "It's going to get noisy once we get inside, so we better talk here. I'm going to have to get home, but if you want to find me... I'll be in the memorial square at about noon, if I can."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Stopping and turning to the woman. "Memorial Square, got it. Any inns or sections of town I should avoid? Also know where I might find a place to work?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"The closer you stay to the main streets, the better. Don't be outside after sunset. And yea, I wish I knew an easy place to find work." A quick glance at the sky suggested there was at least an hour or two until sunset. "I... I'm probably going to be late forwork."

Wendy didn't look particularly eager to enter the city, though, if Aurae had any further questions.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"What happens after sunset?" Giving her a curious look.
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"The... unsavory types come out. Theives and worse. Not that they aren't there during the day, but as long as you keep to the main streets and such you'll be fine while the sun is up. Anything else?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Yes, does your penis usually vanish? Also what is your job?" Gazing out to the blood red walls and the people with in.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Well, only when I want it to. And I..." Wendy looked nervous. "I'm not going to be working anywhere if I don't get going." She took a step towards the city, then paused. "Oh. They're not hiring, if that's what you mean."

With that, she started off towards the gate. She stopped in front of one of the guards, said a few words, and entered. In a few seconds she was lost in the crowd.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Hmm...." Wondering what she was about to say. With a shrug she approached one of the guards at the entrance. "Hello, sir. Know where I can find an inn?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The full helmets of the guards' uniforms prevented Aurae from seeing the man's face, but somehow she felt sure that he'd seen more than just her clothes. "Just about every street in the city has an inn. What is your business in the city?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Visiting a friend and looking for work." looking up at the guard curiously.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Welcome to Acheron, mam." The guard stepped back to where he had stood before approaching Wendy.

Inside, the city was thronged with people. Humans, elves, a few su-ku-ta. And it felt like about half of them were at least corrupted if not part demon. Hers wasn't the only set of wings, or tail. There were horns, blood-red skin, and more subtle things like a man who seemed to vanish when he stepped into a shadow.

Almost immediately, someone seemed to spot Aurae, and call out. "Hey, miss! Looking for a place to stay? The Blue Beetle is it! Clean beds and discrete maids with bodies like you wouldn't believe!"

Another man pushed the first aside, grinning. "The Maiden's Sigh, now there's the place to go! A bargain like you would not believe!"

A third man called out from on top of a small box, his head peeking over the crowd, a whine in his voice. "Hey! No poaching! The Running Gait gets this gate until sunset!"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She walked up to the man who was shouting for the Maiden's Sigh. "What sort of bargain?" an eyebrow raised curiously as she regarded the man.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

In the DG world, a room for one night at a reasonable inn is expected to cost 3-5 denarii

"What he means is that they sell their rooms t-"

The man from the Blue Beetle got an elbow in the stomach. "Why, we sell our rooms to the most discerning of visitors! And the bargains are like you wouldn't believe! Just one denarii a day! Meals extra. Or five for a whole week!"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Looking to the man from the Blue Beetle. "Sell their rooms to who?" Giving both men a curious look.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"To pretty young women and the worst sort of scum in the city! Stay away from that sort of place, Miss. The Blue Beetle is only 3 denarii a night."

The Maiden's Sigh advocate sneered. "Yea, 3 a night to share your bed with fleas under a leaky roof! Of course we'll sell a room to anyone, you think we're going to conduct interviews before we let out?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She shook her head. "So the Maiden's Sigh is a brothel?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The man from the Maiden's Sigh looked aghast. "Lies! Vile slanders by our competitors, jealous of our prices!"

His competitor shook his head. "A brothel? A brothel would be an improvement!" He looked over his shoulder. "Why don't you just come with me?"

Behind him, Aurae could see the man who had been standing on the box pushing his way through the crowd. He was flanked by a pair of bigger men, holding clubs.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She looked to see where the men with clubs were going. "Is the Blue Beetle close?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Yes! Only about ten blocks from here, prime location!"

"Don't lie to the young lady, it's fifteen at least! The Maiden's Sigh is half that!"

The men with clubs were coming straight towards Aurae and the two advertisers. They both seemed to realize it, too, and started backing away in opposite directions, both gesturing for Aurae to follow. The two armed men split, one going towards each, stopping when they were between the advertisers and Aurae. Then the man from the box stepped up to her and smiled. "As I was saying. The Running Gait! Best inn in this quarter! Special deal for you today: only 5 denarii for the night, including one meal."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She gave him a smile. "Sorry, but I don't like the look of you. Especially after sending your men after those two." Looking at the two men with clubs.