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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae's room was on the second floor. The door was narrow and didn't seem to be particularly well-crafted. The key fit easily in the lock from both sides. The linen seemed reasonably clean, and the remaining fixtures were minimal. A small basin with a piece of polished copper fastened to the wall above it, a chair, a small bedside table, and a small dresser.

After a minute, there was a knock on the door. "Miss? Your bath?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Come in" Calling to the maid, as she sat on the chair.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The same maid Aurae had seen a few minutes earlier entered, carrying a copper basin awkwardly. She smiled and put it down in the center of the room, then stepped back. Another woman, with a similar but slightly more ornate uniform, followed her. A look of concentration came over her face, and after a moment a ball of water started forming between her hands. After it had grown to an appropriate size, she gently moved it into the tub and let go. Then she concentrated again, holding both hands out towards the water until steam started to rise from it. The whole process hadn't taken more than a few minutes, but the woman looked exhausted afterward. The first maid was left to speak as the other left the room. "There you go! You can tip the water out the window when you're done, and I'll be back for the tub in the morning."

The tub was just barely large enough to do the job, and while the water provided by the other maid was adequate, there wouldn't be terribly much excess.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She gave the maid a smile. "Thank you." She then began to undress unconcerned about the maid in the room. Grabbing up some soap if it was present in the room before slipping into the tub. Her hands beginning to soap up her arms.

Looking to the maid. "Would you like to wash my back?" Sitting up in the tub to reveal her back and wings.
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The maid put her hands on her hips. "The bath would cost more than one denarii if it included me!" Her expression softened somewhat. "Or... well... I don't know how things are done where you come from, but I... I'm still on duty!" She scrambled out of the room, blushing.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She simply chuckled as she watched the maid rush out of the room. She let her tail take the soap and began to wash up her back, whilst her hands washed the rest of her body. After several minutes she hopped out of the tub and dried herself off. She then donned her clean extra pair of panties.

Stepping to the window she opened it and called out below. "Watch out below!" She then spent several minutes struggling with the tub to drain the tub by dumping it out the window. Closing and locking the window afterwards.

Stepping to the door, she made sure it was sealed tight. Making sure it was locked before pulling a chair over and under the doorknob to make it slightly harder to get into her room and give her a bit of warning should someone get in. Taking her two swords she put them under the pillow and curled up under the blankets for the night.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae woke the next morning after a restful night. If that was because her precautions had proved sufficient or because nobody had even tried anything wasn't a question that she could answer, but at least they hadn't proved *in*sufficient.

It was early - barely dawn - but there was already the muffled sound of people downstairs. Aurae didn't have any engagements for at least a few hours. But she also was still quite low on coin.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She awoke with a yawn and sat up. Streching as she got out of bed she washed her face. After drying her face she sat down to brush her long crimson hair. Several minutes later she stood up and got dressed, gathering up her gear and strapping her swords to her hips.

Hearing the noise from downstairs she removed her precautions from the door and proceed down to the main room.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The main room of the inn looked more or less like it had when she'd gone to sleep, but with slightly fewer drinks and significantly more hangovers. There was less talking, and there was no dice game going at the moment, though Aurae could see that the older man who had been running the game the previous night was already back, face buried in a mug of beer and looking about to fall asleep.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She approached the bar to speak to the barkeep. "Do you know where I might find some work?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The bar keeper was awake, but didn't look happy about it. He grunted back at Aurae. "What do I look like, your mom? We don't need any more girls." He glanced the half-demon up and down. "I suppose you're pretty enough, plenty of places happy to pay for that."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She thought about it a moment and really needed money, selling herself was tempting. Shaking her head she shoved the thought away for later. "Could you tell me where Memorial square is?"
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Right in front of the palace, can't miss it." The man stared for a second, then seemed to realize that Aurae would probably need more than that. He gave directions to get back on the major street she'd entered the city through, and told her to follow that until she reached the big statue and all the fountains. It seemed to be halfway across the city, but Aurae could nevertheless confidently reach it with plenty of time to spare.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Thank You." She waved good bye as she left the inn. She then began to folow his instructions back to the main road and to the square.

I probably should have ate something. Rubbing her tummy as she walked. A day without food wont hurt till I get more money. Her eyes taking in the sights as she walked.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The buildings of Acheron seemed oddly varied. Just about every building was either new or had obvious and extensive repairs, and there didn't seem to be an overall theme. Wood mixed with white and black stone, with some of the newest the same blood-red as the walls. Private residences bumped up against small apartments, shops, and inns. At first there were several buildings that were almost certainly brothels, with young women - and even men - soliciting from the doorways, but as she got onto the main street these vanished. If there were such places on the main streets, they were more subtle. Instead, there seemed to be offices for lawyers and accountants, and stores that Aurae couldn't afford to walk into, much what buy anything from.

Her destination became clear as she got closer. The "palace" mentioned by the innkeeper was by far the largest building in the city, and the street she had entered on seemed to pass just to the South of it. Most of Aurae's village could certainly have fit on the grounds, possibly inside the building itself. It was, in contrast to the wall, all white marble, with carved columns and open spaces in plenty out front. Guards stood every few feet across the entrance, all holding pikes or spears, and with additional weapons at their hips, all in the same face-hiding plate as the gate guards. A few had visible wings, in the same style as Aurae's own.

And a short ways in front of the palace, there was a large open area in the streets, away from the shops and most of the crowds. In the center was a fountain, water shooting into the air from some magical or mechanical contrivance. On one side of the fountain was a statue of a nude woman, a life-sized woman in grey stone. She didn't seem to be a great beauty, but there was something disquieting about the face even before one noticed shimmering red stones that made her eyes.

Opposite the disquieting woman was another four statues. On the left was a robed su-ku-ta woman, with a snake wrapped about her left arm, while her right arm held a lightning bolt on the point of being thrown. The woman on the far right had the pointed ears of an elf firing a bow. Between them and slightly forward was a scaled woman with draconian features, holding a sword threateningly, while a human woman in trousers stood behind her, both hands raised with purpose while her hair was lifted from her shoulders as if in a heavy wind that didn't seem to touch any of the others.

It was still a good while before noon, and Aurae didn't see her friend about yet.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She decided to examine the statues and wait around the square to noon.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

After a brief look around, Aurae discovered the plaque describing the statues. The lone woman was apparently Queen Natalie, while the other four were Elea (the elf), Sable (the su-ku-ta), Ashley (the human mage) and Tsuki (with the sword). It did not, unfortunately, explain why there were statues to any of them in the middle of Acheron.

After a while, Wendy walked into the square. She looked tired, and was rubbing makeup off of one eye, but she perked up when she noticed Aurae. "Hello! How are you liking the city so far?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She smiled as she saw Wendy. "Hello Wendy. It is quite the sight." She frowned as she noticed Wendy's tired look. "You look exhausted, do you need to find a spot to sit down?" Looking for a bench or something to sit down.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"I'll be fine, I just woke up." Nevertheless, the human girl sat on one of the benches that dotted the plaza, and gestured for Aurae to take a seat next to her. "Sorry I kind of ran off on you yesterday."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She sat down next to her. "Thats alright. You seemed pretty embarressed about your ability to grow a dick." She gave Wendy a smile to show that she didn't mind what they did togather yesterday. " So willing to explain how you can grow a dick and make it vanish?" Looking at her curiously.