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RPG RPG Maker [ MWO Historiographical Institute] M.W.O.史書編纂所 Muddled World Orchestra Fragment III 「はぐれ悪魔と欲望の街」RE162080 RJ16208


Feb 27, 2009
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Muddled World Orchestra FragmentIII「はぐれ悪魔と欲望の街」
Muddled World Orchestra Fragment III - "The Rogue Demon and the City of Sin"
\-x -\ Early September

This time the MC Sucs/Sax, the succubus boss from Fragment 2
(I'm tempted to say Sax given the series title of Orchestra and the two previous leads being Ocarina and Clarinetta)

The goal is to earn enough money to buy this deluxe ticket for the boat.

With multiple options for making money, like taking jobs or prostitution.

And if the recent sample pics he posted on his blog are for this one, then this time there will be scenes with the two previous girls (instead of the original where it's more or less all about Sucs)
* Story

Sax Sopra was a succubus who lived in an old tower.
She had fought an Alchemist with the face of a wolf and lost, which troubled her.
Using magic she disguised herself as a human,
but between her and her ultimate goal was a vast blue ocean.
To cross it she needed a boat, and for that she needed money.

* This RPG is a sequel in the MWO series.
* It can be enjoyed standalone, without having played the series.

* Game
You play as the succubus-ne'e-knight Sax. Earn your boat fare however you please.
Level up and garner good reviews at the brothel to find new events.

* Ero battles
Enemies will harass with ass groping, cum in the face, "kancho", spanking, and more.
Attacks build up a "climax gauge" as well as destroy layers of clothing.
(Nudity does not affect HP or agility.)
The player will emerge from battles drenched in cum.
Return to your safe area to heal yourself for the next pornographic battle!

* Ero Events
Each event comes in multiple lewdness, outfit and bukkake variations.
Events include text/dialogue and sound effects.

* Gallery
Enjoy the fruits of the game beyond the main storyline:
browse the CGs, events, story text and endings you've earned
at your leisure in the gallery, which is unlocked with a key
after clearing the game the first time.
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Tentacle Monster
Jun 26, 2010
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

you forgot to add improved Scenes of the Suc


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 20, 2010
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

Never really liked the MC of MWO 3. Though if the maker really did make more scenes of Ocarina and Clarinetta, that's more than enough for me to play through it.


Jun 10, 2009
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

mmm wasnt this one released about 2 years ago ? i am pretty sure i played it quite a lot then quit since got bored?

or actually was a demo worth of 2+ days o_O?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 20, 2010
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

mmm wasnt this one released about 2 years ago ? i am pretty sure i played it quite a lot then quit since got bored?

or actually was a demo worth of 2+ days o_O?
The maker has been redoing all of his games, then putting them up for sale on DLsite. Dunno how you missed the first two games being released, but yeah. It has updated art, quests, more events and CGs...stuff like that. I'm assuming he'll do the same for MWO 3 again.


Grim Reaper
Feb 17, 2012
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

And if the recent sample pics he posted on his blog are for this one, then this time there will be scenes with the two previous girls (instead of the original where it's more or less all about Sucs)
He always occasionally releases some art on this blog, with no relation to his games. But if I remember it right, when he still worked on the fourth one, he wanted to include all of the girls plus the nun(?) from the second one. But i prefer the girl from the second one anyways. Especcially the in-battle-fun from the robots and her face during this
mmm wasnt this one released about 2 years ago ? i am pretty sure i played it quite a lot then quit since got bored?

or actually was a demo worth of 2+ days o_O?
2 Days? Actually I think the third one felt the shortest (Maybe because you basically only had to collect money)
And the first one the longest...


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score
Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

He always occasionally releases some art on this blog, with no relation to his games. But if I remember it right, when he still worked on the fourth one, he wanted to include all of the girls plus the nun(?) from the second one. But i prefer the girl from the second one anyways. Especcially the in-battle-fun from the robots and her face during this

2 Days? Actually I think the third one felt the shortest (Maybe because you basically only had to collect money)
And the first one the longest...
-x - I know sometimes it's random arts (likie bikini showcase), but some of them seem like a CG for in-game scene so I'm hoping it'll actually be used.

As far as length goes when you know what to do, Ocarina's is arguably shortest (a bit of grind for item drop, 2 'bosses' done)

Sax have the potential shortest due to the money being the goal...and CheatEngine is a thing...

Clarinetta is the longest by a few factors such as waiting for the area bosses to show up, waiting to use higher tier reagant and each map being actually fairly long.

Also, for anyone who cares, the 4th character is Harp, the angel boss from 2nd fragment .- . who either is disguising as human (just like this one) or after the event of fragment 2 lost her angelic power.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

Man I am at a loss of why there's so much hate for MWO #3 here, including that I found it the best one myself. Then again out of all of the Heroines, really only Sax and Clarineta really stuck out for me in turn.

I'll admit, still waiting to see how Part 4's going to play all of this out in turn, given everyone's at last gathered up on Bassoon ( who in term is a corruption of 'Baton' as he might as well be the conductor ) in some way or shape. Ocarina because she wants to improve her magic, Clarineta because he cured her curse, and Sax because he's the first male to best her ( more less keep up with her... ). I'm forgetting myself what's all up with Harp joining them, thought as it wouldn't matter anyway till part 4 did come out...

Still, I'll admit I loved the combat flow of MWO 3 with attack speed mattering, and there was a lot more disable/status attacks then in 2 ( yet 1 still wins in that department... ). Really looking forward towards the enhanced boss fights in this one for sure, including the plant boss.


Feb 27, 2009
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

- -a Actually no, is an actual instrument.

But his name is Fagot(t )...which is an alternate name of bassoon...since I didn't care about translation I guess I never get to warn whoever made that translation about the...'problem'? of using Bassoon instead of Fagot.

Why people didn't receive frag3 well might be because it lacks story, the story is literally 'she earned money and chase after them'. It's kinda like those games that require you collect certain amount of things throughout the game before you can progress.

1 also had similarly simple setup (gather material to curse Clarinetta), but at least you actually is doing all these for the goal, and there's other things on the side (more in re-released version)

2 have similarly simple start (return her seal), but the branches and multiple ending give it a variety of things to enjoy
I mean, one ending is her becoming addicted to sex after losing to the succubus.

In another the two part way just like a customer leaving a store after buying thing.

In another she came back to live with him.

Although 2's setting up for 3 and 4 is different in that it's a side thing rather than 1's curse being what starts 2.

As for Harp, assuming she lost her angelic power, she might chasing him to demand he take responsibility to return her power (and of course like frag2, the ending might different from there *wink wink*)
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Slam Sector

Sex Demon
Dec 24, 2013
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

Fragment 3's the shortest if you're just gunning it for the end, but it actually has the most content to explore and interact with. Also, I thought this one had the BEST protagonist, so far, in part because it always helps when the player and the character aren't at cross-purposes.

I will definitely be paying for this once it hits the English language site.


Feb 27, 2009
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

- -a So, the author continues with weekly report of what he's doing.

This week it's 2 things.

More work on recollection room.

And make lewdness value actually do something...which is hard because the character this time starts out already rather open about sex (former succubus and all)
No specific on what he did tho :v


Grim Reaper
Dec 27, 2013
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

If I'm reading mechatrans right, he's also submitted fragment 3 for dlsite evaluation - so it shouldn't be that long now.
That said, it might still be some days - there's probably a backlog at dlsite end, and the game is relatively cutscene/image-heavy, so lots of pixel-counting to do...


Feb 27, 2009
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

Guess what's out today.

From the sample image, looks like the author added a scene to the ending, probably a continuation/alternate version of the original ending.
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Mystic Girl
Oct 17, 2012
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

Does one need to play through the first games to understand this one?


Feb 27, 2009
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Re: [MWO]Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 3

Does one need to play through the first games to understand this one?
First game no.

Second game recommended, but the game sorta explains it enough.

The story connections are roughly
Frag 1 - Ocarina gather ingredients to curse Clarinetta (leads to 2)

Frag 2 - Clarinetta searches for Fagott and ask him to restore...some sort of mark that prove she's royalty or something?
Anyway, 2 of the things Fagott did to gather materials to accomplish this was:
1. Defeat an angel called Harp, at the end of the fight she falls under some kind of hallucination.
2. Defeated Sax who at the time was just living in a tower, although it turns out there's some misunderstanding in the info he got and what she's like.
Anyway, one thing leads to another, sex ensued.

Frag 3 is essentially Sax deciding she want more of that hot dog and chases after them, the 'story' this time is of her working various jobs at the port town to earn the 100,000 for the ticket (1st class...2nd class ticket only 10,000 and 3rd class a mere 2,000...but she ran off before the clerk could tell her)

Extra spoiler on the original (free ver) ending
Sax finally found them eating dinner at a bar, both Clarinetta and Ocarina are there (most likely 'true' end of frag 2 where Fagott moves to the castle)
So she went in, say hi, and drops the bomb that she want more sex with Fagott.
Clarinetta went tsundere (not wanting to let him go but also denying of him being hers)
Ocarina if I'm not mistaken consider Sax's word of roughly 'let's just share him' :3
And as the chaos continues, that's the end of frag 3

Although looking at the samples of this version, the ending will likely includes actual sex scene