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Nearfatal Paetron up.


Demon Girl Master
Sep 26, 2010
Reputation score
Apparently, EX, as you might of known for being actually good at Western Style/non-asian created H Games/stuff has a Paetron and sits on not so high rate. But the Goals are pretty off-charting, but i believe after so long that barely any work has been done lately by him, is that he can't live on if the people doesn't support him.

I'm not sure about you guys. But i give him my thumbs up, he did deliver amazement when he did create so, so i am not disappointed and tend to dip back in now and then, cause its so far very nicely made.

Give your thoughts. I put this Thread here just i think it's relative to Games, not sure. Sorry if that's wrong, you may then move this Thread appropriately.

Here. Hope the guy is able to deliver amazement, i kinda hope he joins into ULMF to listen into the Community, it has potential.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

My problem with Patreon is, as always, a non-steady stream of content.

I like supporting people, but after sometime you've ended up spending more on a still un-finished game than you would on a AAA game.

I understand that his problem isn't enough people pledging, but at the same time, it shouldn't be what keeps a person from working on a project, because without a steady stream of good quality work, he'll never have enough backers.

I'd pledge if A: I see him personally participate in a community, or B: If I start to see a steady stream of quality content.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

Doesn't the userbase here actually hate Nearfatal along with ToonPimp?
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

I would be amazed by him actually having patrons for the sporadic work he's done if i didn't see a guy get 50k dollars to kickstart a potato salad.

Best of luck, i guess.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

I never liked how he stopped updating games when he promised he would...whatever happened to that tower defense?
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

Doesn't the userbase here actually hate Nearfatal along with ToonPimp?
Yeah, I seem to remember a lot of hate directed at him too.

I never liked how he stopped updating games when he promised he would...whatever happened to that tower defense?
I have to agree, kind of half watched him for years. It seemed like he would release something that basically amounted to a demo, then never update it and never say why he didn't update it, then pop up again much later and release another demo. At least some of us tell people *why* we aren't getting anything done.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

you know the problem with no jap h (or sex games) is the mostly eider counting on ground funding for pledging,
i mean wtf if you can't afford the cost for making a game then wy even trying:eek:
and if you need money so badly why not getting a usually job,

but there were also not jap sex game studios who broke up because of money problems like:
d-dup maker of bonetown/craft
or sex villa, virtual jena, love chess (forget their company names)
ques producing h (sex games) doesn't make enough money for a living,:(

that's why most jap h devs doing it as a hobby in their free time,
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

i mean wtf if you can't afford the cost for making a game then wy even trying:eek:

Because some people have the talent, skills, work ethic and so forth, but are on hard times financially. If we only had games from people who could afford to fully fund the games, you'd basically have only about 20% of all indie games available today, at best, and you'd left with the mainstream garbage that gets rehashed every year on PC and consoles.

and if you need money so badly why not getting a usually job

In a lot of places, especially nowadays, getting a job is extremely difficult, and most places in America at least have a minimum of 10-15% unemployment rate due to lack of jobs and job competition.

I know some people who have 4-year college degrees who are fighting other people with 4-year college degrees over a job at mcdonalds, no joke. Even if you do get a job too, "minimum wage" (again, this is in America, I can't speak for most other countries) is insanely low; in most states here, you'd need at least TWO "minimum wage" jobs just to make ends meet in an apartment, so you'd be working 16 hours a day. Toss in needing to go to college at the same time, and you have a hell of a problem, financially and time-wise.

Additionally, some people simply may not have the ability to just casually get a job (social anxieties/insecurities prevent them from landing a job due to shoddy interviews, medical ailments keep them from leaving the house or being around others without constant medical attention, so forth)

Just look at Steven Hawking; could he hold a regular office job? No, he really couldn't do ANY mainstream job, but without his genius, we'd be about 20 years behind current scientific advancement.

Not wanting people to do things just because they don't have funds or can't get regular jobs hurts everyone, pretty much.

that's why most jap h devs doing it as a hobby in their free time

Note that the culture in Japan, Tokyo especially, is a bit different; eroge there is an actual, legitimate business, one that thousands upon thousands of people are employed in, and where people will routinely post up that they want to work on games, making forming teams for games and getting it around by word of mouth much easier.

Additionally, a lot of these people doing it for a hobby are getting paid by their fans; Fairy Fighting's creator had a donate button up, and I know multiple times in the ULMF thread alone people spoke of donating large sums to him.

By the way, I have no idea who Nearfatal is, I'm just pointing out inaccuracies in this argument, haha.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

Yeah, so for $1k a month you get to be ignored by the guy. That is literally his first goal. So give him 12k a year just to be ignored by him, sounds like a bargain to me. Though I think if he gets over 20k a year into his last goal, he works full time on games.

Odd is it not that 12k a year is nothing, but 21.6(?)k means that he will drop everything and go toward making porn? I see no reason why this person should be supported.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

I can understand why some of you have your ideas about this guy. I have emailed him a few times back and for over this past year. He's not such a bad guy. His works are getting better and he does have a desire to do this full time.

The reality is, no one wants to give up their job security for a risk that may or may not take off. You might say, well many business owners do this anyways. Think about it for a minute. If you have a guaranteed chance to succeed after you quit your job, I am willing to bet most would take that opportunity. In the USA, jobs are hard to come by nowadays, they take up more of your time and pay less than they used to. Also, running a Patreon is like running a business, some people have no experience in it, and the only way to get that is by stumbling around and learning the ups and downs, techniques, and processes to be able to make it work. I think he needs to work on a few of these things, namely delivering consumer content. However, no one said business was easy, and plenty of real life things happen to prevent smooth operation.

Nearfatal makes his games and animations during his own freetime, and he is getting better at it. I believe if we support this guy, he may just put out some really good content, even if you only want to pledge $1. it helps.

While I may not agree with the gamble that Patreon offers, I believe crowd funding is necessary in some cases up to a point when your first starting out. That's my opinion, and I think it's important to help the Western market grow even if we can only spare pennies.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

you know the problem with no jap h (or sex games) is the mostly eider counting on ground funding for pledging,
i mean wtf if you can't afford the cost for making a game then wy even trying:eek:
and if you need money so badly why not getting a usually job,
To add to what HentaiWriter said, for me anyway it was a matter of time more than anything. Working a decent job these days means working excessive hours whether you like it or not. Companies know damn well unemployment is bad, and they treat their employees like shit with impunity because they know you can't afford to quit. Working excessive hours meant I didn't have time on weekdays, and was too exhausted and/or had too much to do on what little time I had to myself on weekends.

that's why most jap h devs doing it as a hobby in their free time,
Again, to add to what HentaiWriter already said, Japanese devs may do it in their spare time, but the vast majority DO expect money for their work. People like you may "acquire" their games for free, but they at least expected people to pay for them. Without DLsite, how many Japanese H-games do you think there would be? Not too many.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

Jap devs put up finished (sometimes more or less) products on dlsites and such to sell them.
And here we have "give me money and maybe I'll make something to sell" deal.
Thanks but no thanks.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

I really wanted to get into the Mocreas Universal Axis games but after I think I bought the first part, with level two, that game just never came together. He kinda sucks and is unreliable when it comes to this kind of stuff.

I don't even know when that came out. 2009? Even before that? Hell if I know.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

I need to start tracing some cocks or something so i can get into this welfare bandwagon.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

I don't really have anything against him, sure, he sometimes seems a little full of himself about his games, but I actually enjoyed Ghost House a lot, the tower defense one has a lot of potential and though I only played the Mocreas demo, I think I would like that one too if ever finished. So that, for me, does say something about the quality of his stuff and it's ok to be proud of something good you make.

I also think it sucks how long it takes to get anything done but I understand that part, I've been trying to make a couple of games in my spare time but right now my life got kind of chaotic and I don't see me getting anything done until I finally settle, so I know it can be hard to keep up sometimes. And I don't even update because it would be basically just telling "I didn't do anything today because I had to look for an apartment", and stuff like that. A couple of times it's okay, but if there isn't going to be an actual update about the game for a time I think it's better to just say, "I won't be able to work on it for a time, I'll pick it up as soon as I can".

Still, seeing how he starts a game, then works in another and don't finish either one, I do have trouble trusting a pledge to his works right now...

I need to start tracing some cocks or something so i can get into this welfare bandwagon.

I guess that's the same train of thought of those who made those horrible games that plague DLSite...
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

The only complaint I remember was how difficult the process was of actually getting stuff from the guy. He was the "Send me a picture of your driver's license" guy, wasn't he?

Other than that, I liked the games. They were pretty varied and interesting.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

If I remember correctly, if you wanted the same files from him that are distributed all over the internet, you had to give him your credentials. Like he wants you to compromise your identity in order to stay tuned to his works.

That is incredibly shady, and I would rather see his patreon stuff ninja style. I do not trust this guy, despite how nice his games were.

Some people are evil geniuses and use their talent for the sake of evil. If I remember correctly, Hitler did some rather amazing Disney Fan Art once.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

I'm surprised it took until page 2 for Hitler to be mentioned in a h-game thread :)
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

I guess that's the same train of thought of those who made those horrible games that plague DLSite...

Not even close. Even if it's shovelware they made a product and then put it up on display for people to buy, the majority letting the customer demo their work beforehand. That is the complete opposite of this welfare site, where people ask for exorbitant amounts of money for nothing more then a promise. If the DLsite hack's product sucks he doesn't get payed.
Re: Nearfatal Paetron up.

Well, I was just talking about what is implied in that statement (or at least what I think is implied, maybe it's just me), that making h-games is that easy.

About the funding sites, yeah, it's hard to trust the guys running their stuff in there. On the other hand, good stuff has come out of patreon, like Breeding Season. Yes, you are paying more than just buying a completed game of sites like DLSite, but you are paying not only for the content but because you want to help it being made, as some of those wouldn't be even created if not for that. It's just a matter of sorting through them, looking out for stuff like actually starting the Patreon with material to back up what you want to do. Nearfatal page is kind of fishy, it lacks any content, just a couple of creations that you can't see what they are. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just Ghost House and Impreg Defense 1 & 2, or worse.