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Neat looking game called PearlDymes is up on OffBeatr

Re: Neat looking game called PearlDymes is up on OffBeatr

I thought they are dead! (lol)
from the screenshots the demo looked promising
I guess we can forgive them for disappearing then?

or just teasing to milk more money...
Re: Neat looking game called PearlDymes is up on OffBeatr

Yeah, I think a healthy dose of suspicion concerning this is prudent.
Re: Neat looking game called PearlDymes is up on OffBeatr

Hi guys,

I googled 'PearlDymes', came across this topic again and decided to reply after reading your comments. I understand all your worries and suspicion. When we started our Offbeatr campaign, we had the best intentions for all of our supporters. Quite soon after our campaign ended, a few unfortunate events happened that kind of derailed the development process. But we never gave up hope on this project and slowly but steadily got back on our feet. We're feeling better than ever now and we're working hard to make it up to our supporters.

At the end of last year we decided to end the silence and released the first playable build of PearlDymes. It's nowhere near finished, but we wanted to give something to our supporters to show them that we haven't abandoned this project. On our forum we have a closed off section for our supporters where they can download the latest build, report bugs and communicate with us about the game. We're also posting daily and weekly diaries, informing them on the progress of this project.

We're not proud of the silence period, but we want to make up for it by working harder than ever. If you're worried or suspicious, we hope to convince you that we're not bad guys by working hard and releasing awesome stuff.

If you're curious about PearlDymes and would like to play the demo, feel free to check out our forum. You can go to pantisniff dot com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&p=166 (I can't post any url because I haven't made 15 posts yet.)

If any of you guys have supported our Offbeatr campaign, but still haven't registered on our forum, please check out your email inbox. We've sent every supporter instructions on how to gain access to the closed off section of our forum. If you can't find this email, try searching for offbeatr in your email inbox, the email was sent in December.

- SharpCulo
Re: Neat looking game called PearlDymes is up on OffBeatr

Who can honestly say they saw that coming?