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Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Perception: Success.

As they travel on down the road, Lara increasing her pace somewhat, Luna gets the distinct impression that she is being watched, making her somewhat anxious. Though, when she looks around, she can't spot a thing, nor does she feel anything. They seemed to be making good progress, getting deeper into town, until suddenly, a burly man with a thick beard steps onto the road in front of them, twenty feet ahead, and turns toward them, smiling wickedly. Lara stops as soon as she sees him, her eyes narrowing.

He dwarfs both women is height and muscle, and has a rifle held loosely against his should, his hand clenched on the trigger, as well as a large knife on his belt. He is dressed in thick dark leather armor with a light chainmail shirt over his torso. There is a thick chain attached to a set of manacles tied around his chest. His hair and beard are both dark brown, and his grin reveals that a good number of his teeth are missing.

The man stands relaxed, and shouts; "Afternoon ladies! Might I inquire as to why a pair of fine young women such as yourselves are about such a dangerous place?" His voice is loud and baritone, his manner of speaking surprisingly intelligent based on his appearance.

Lara, standing still as a statue on her heals, replies; "It is no business of yours, good sir, though we surely thank you for your concern. We are more than capable of seeing after ourselves, I assure you. If that is all, we will be off now." Luna notices that Lara seems very uncomfortable again. The man seems to notice as well, and his foul grin widens. "Ahhh, but it's so dangerous out here. My sense of honor wouldn't allow me to let you go on on your own. Please, allow my friends and I to take you back to our camp. You'll be very safe there, I assure you. And we'll all surely appreciate your... Company." With the last bit the man gives a short, harsh laugh.

Suddenly, it clicks in Lunas mind what these people are: Slavers.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( Dwarfs? )

Luna had been standing right next to Lara whilst all this happened, it was so obvious who these men were and what they were doing here. Being a slave your entire life meant you could see a slaver when it reared its ugly head. Luna was afraid of course, but not so much as Lara. How she stood like a statue and the fear in eyes. Because of this, the girl steps in front of the woman, her shield raised. " Lara, get out of here. Ill handle them, just please get to your family. " she said with plenty of urgency and haste in her voice.

" Sir!"
she yelled out to the slaver man, trying to speak the way Lara had been; " Ill be... Happy, to go with you, however my friend cannot join us, she has something she must do that is of the up-most importance! Understood?!" She stood there, waiting for a reply. ' I won't let her suffer such a life... I can always escape again... Ill be fine...' Luna began thinking to herself.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(Nope, just hicks.)

The man laughed at Lunas proclamation, joined by a series of laughs of much the same quality from around them, though they couldn't spot any of the sources. He takes a step toward them, seemingly unworried by her stance, and says; "Awww, I'm afraid I couldn't allow that. We wouldn't want to split you two up, would we fellas!?" He shouts, drawing more laughs and shouts of encouragement from the concealed slavers.

"No, that wouldn't be nice at all. Besides, I'd hate to deprive a demon of her well earned meal." He says, this time more quietly, and Lara gasps, her eyes widening at the mans knowledge of what she was. Luna, still in the dark, is just confused.

"Alright, here's the deal. You can come with us like nice civil young ladies, and enjoy our hospitality. Or, you can make things difficult for us, in which case, we'll have to be a little more.... Unpleasant." He says, and Lara growls in anger. She suddenly shouts out; "How dare you threaten us, you pathetic mortal trash! I'd never surrender to the likes of you, even if it meant my death!"

Apparently, Lara had no intention of abandoning her. Though, whether it was from affection or pride, Luna couldn't quite tell at the moment. The men around them laughed, though this time the spokesman only looked grim. "If that's the way you want to have it lass, it's your choice." He says, as he hefts his rifle and aims it right at Laras head.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

" N-no please don't! " Luna suddenly shouts as the man when she saw him aim his weapon at Lara. Luna kept her currently terrified eyes trained on the man, although she began speaking to Lara. " L-Lara, if you aren't going to run to safety then please just give up... I-I don't have anyone else, I can't lose you too..." her voice trembled, sounding rather emotional. Having finally found someone who she could be close to had meant a lot to Luna, it would truly break her heart if she watched her died. It would also likely cause her to go in a blind fury and rush at the man with the rifle and attempt to stab him repeatedly.

Scared, she awaited to see what happened, her shield raised as she stood in front of Lara, as if she was trying to protect her.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Lara seems surprised by Lunas actions and words, and nods to her in reply. "They're surrounding us, I doubt I could get away even if I did run, and from the knight back there I doubt I'd have any luck fighting my way out." She whispers quietly.

Out loud, she says; "Very well. I... We... Surrender."

The man smiles at that, and lowers his rifle. He takes his hand off the stock to pull a chain from around his belt, and tosses it toward the pair. "I've only got one, so you two are gonna have to share. I hope you don't mind." On closer inspection, Luna recognizes a set of manacles similar to the ones she'd sometimes been locked in as a form of punishment.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna slowly approaches the manacle that had been thrown at at them, picking it up. As her hand touched the metal she remembered memory's, ones that were rather disturbing. She clamped one of the metal braces on herself then walked over to Lara. Before attempting to do the same to the woman she said; " Ill... Ill get us out of this... I've escaped scum like this before..." here words were sincere and quiet enough so the slavers couldn't hear her.

Luna clamped the other metal bracelet onto onto the left arm of the woman, that way they were standing side by side. ' What is a demon? ' Luna suddenly thought to herself.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Laras expression is blank, but she needs lightly, and allows Luna to clamp the irons on her, tying them together. The man bursts into laughter once more, and approaches them, his gun now held comfortably in his arms, ready to be aimed and fired at a moments notice. "Joseph! Danick! Why don't we three escort these fine ladies back to camp while the rest of the boys keep their eyes open around here?"

Two more men break from cover, both of them fairly thin and also holding rifles. One has black hair and a thick black beard, while the other has sandy brown hair and is clean shaven, revealing his utter lack of a chin. Both are grinning wickedly as they join their comrade, and the burly man speaks again; "Ready to go, ladies?"

Lara remains totally silent throughout the whole affair, her expression impassive and unreadable.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna can't stand to look at this man, she keep's her eye's off of him. She did reply though, saying, " Yes..." to him. ' I've got to figure a way out of this... But they've got those rifle things... I can't fight them like this... ' She was starting to lose hope of escaping, with her life anyways. Was this the end, would she really become enslaved again? No, she wouldn't accept that. She would escape, she had to.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

The men take no notice of Lunas inner conflict and growing despair, and the man with no chin, Danick, comes forward and takes her belt with her sword off of her. He then proceeds to check her over, taking away anything else of value from her and feeling her up quite a bit along the way, before shackling her hands together in front of her. The other man, Joseph, does the same with Lara while the burly leader watches, his rifle held comfortably and pointed between them, a sickening grin on his face.

Once both women are disarmed and shackled, the man speaks again; "Let's get back to camp boys, then we can have us some fun with these two before Ordo hands them off for sale." With that, the wicked men share a laugh, and the underlings move behind the captives and prod Lara and Luna forward with the blades attached to the ends of their rifles, signaling for them to get moving.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Being stripped of her things and felt up, it was humiliating. Images of her being able to break free of her chains and smash the men to death flashed through her mind, ones she wished she was strong enough to make a reality. When it ended and the blade at the end of the rifle prodded her back Luna walked, a feeling a hatred for these men and despair going throughout her. She swore that if she got a chance she would kill these men.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

If any of the slavers notice Lunas thoughts of violent revenge, they don't show it. They prod her and Lara along, going down the main street until they reach an alley that they seem to recognize. They wind through back alleys for a while before eventually they step up to the closed doors of a large stone church. The leader knocks three times on the heavy oak door, followed by a pause, and then another five knocks. The door opens, and the man steps inside, while the other two prod Lara and Luna into the door.

Inside, a dozen or so men and a pair of women idle around, some watching a small group of chained people or the door, while others simply sit around tables eating and playing cards, or sleep on small cots. The entrance room stretched into the main room of the church, and the pews were all gone, though Luna could not tell where they had been taken to.

"New slaves, Hagen? We're running out of places to keep them, you know. Also, I think you managed to get one of them, the elf girl, pregnant while you were having your fun with her. That's going to take quite a bit off her price you know." One of the women says, approaching them. She has long straight black hair, wears a simple black robe that hides most of her figure, and wears glasses. The man, apparently named Hagen, replies; "Nonsense! They get two slaves for the price of one, and don't have to worry about the scandal of fathering a child on her for the better part of a year. You worry too much, Naya."

The woman huffs and walks away, ending the discussion then and there. Hagen grins again as she walks away, and motions for them to follow as he heads to a side room. This room had a number of wooden tables, some of which were covered in instruments which Luna could not identify while others were bare. He turns toward them as they walk in, and the other two slaver men are followed in by a few of the ones who'd been idle outside, bringing the total number of men in the room to seven. "Well boys, I think it's time for these two to have their initiation!" Hagen shouts, and a cheer erupts through the slaver men, who all crowd around behind the two captive women.

Suddenly, Lara speaks up, quickly saying; "Leave the young one alone, slaver. Do as you will to me, but spare her this violation, I beg of you." Hagen merely laughs, and replies; "Awww!! Ain't that sweet! Trying to protect your little friend, are you? Well, that's very noble of you, little whore, but I'm afraid that's impossible. She might as well get used to this kind of treatment, since it's all she'll get for the next few years once she'd sold off. But don't you worry, you can expect much the same as her. Hahaha!" The other slavers join in his laughter, and Luna can tell that this situation is rapidly going downhill.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

If anyone had been paying attention to her, and likely nobody was, they would of known how mad Luna was getting. The only reason she hadn't suddenly attacked someone out of anger was for the simple reason of her concern for Lara. When it got to the point where the woman begged for her not to be violated and then got called a whore, and everyone started laughing at them well... Luna could retrain herself no more and temporarily snapped. Her cheeks flushed, her entire face going bright red.

" Shut up! "
the girl suddenly screamed before suddenly kicking the head slaver between the legs, with a powerful, forceful kick, smashing his testicles.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

The man, caught completely by surprise, is unable to react in time to prevent Luna from kicking him directly in the groin. He groans in pain and stumbles back, holding himself in agony. Two of the other men grab Luna by the arms, and a third smacks her across the face. All of them are laughing, however, and the blow is fairly light. Even Lara, when Luna catches a glimpse of her face, is smiling lightly.

The man recovers quickly, however, pushes the man that had smacked her aside and slugs Luna right in the face. The young girl blacks out momentarily from the heavy punch, and when she comes to a moment later, the slaver is tearing her clothes off. He seems to be the only one near her, while the rest of the slavers are clustered around what Luna assumes is Lara, laughing and cheering.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

When Luna came to it didn't take long for her to figure out what was happening... Well, to her anyways. She didn't take notice to the group of people who were circled around something and only focused on the man that she hated so very much. Without a moments notice she began fighting back, taking her wrists that had been bound together and attempting to bash them against the mans head. She was certain it would hurt the man, seeing how she was hitting him with metal.

Luna would continue to struggle, as long as she had an ounce of strength in her. She refused to let this man use her without putting up a fight.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Body Check: Luna wins.

The man, trying to tear her clothes off, is too distracted to notice, and Luna bashes him in the face with her manacles, hitting him in the eye and nose. The man emits yet another roar of pain and rage, and hammers his fist into Lunas face. Dazed, Luna feels her shirt torn open, revealing her breasts, and feels the foul slavers hot breath against her skin, causing her to shudder in disgust. He drags his tongue across her nipple, her body responding automatically despite Lunas hatred for this man. She brings a swift knee up, striking him in the crotch once more, and he lets out another roar of pain.

Once more, Luna feels a heavy blow against her face, this one breaking her nose. Then another, and another, and Luna swiftly feels her consciousness fading. Her last thoughts before the darkness takes are that perhaps the man will beat her to death. Her last sensations, however, are those of something damp being spread across her face, and of feeling better, while a womans angry voice rings through her ears.

When she awakens the next morning, Luna has a horrible headache, but is very much alive. When she opens her eyes, she finds herself lying on a bed with some simple blankets over her, and a lumpy pillow beneath her head. Daylight filters in through the churches large windows, and she can hear muffled voices murmuring from somewhere nearby. She isn't sure exactly where she is just yet, but after a quick glance around, and a few shakes of her hand, the memories of the previous day comes flooding back to her. After having been captured by the slavers, their leader had tried to rape her, while the rest of the bastards had gone to rape Lara, and he had beaten her when she'd resisted. But, who was the womans voice that she'd remembered hearing? It certainly wasn't Lara, that much she knew.

Suddenly, remembering her friend, Luna glances around, spotting her immediately in the bed next to her. She seemed to be resting peacefully on her back, her head turned away from Luna at the moment as she slept, and was fairly clean, causing Luna to wonder how events had played out after she'd blacked out last night. The room they were in seemed to have been some side room of the church, now converted into a barracks.

About a third of the twelve beds were occupied, two being Luna and Lara, while two other women rested on other beds. One was an elf woman, her long blond hair pulled back to reveal her pointy ears even as she slept. The other was a short man, well muscled, with dark hair, olivine skin and impressive muscles. Both were stripped down to underwear, the man having a gray loincloth while the elf woman had another white loincloth along with a white wrap around her chest to conceal her fairly impressive bust. The elf woman seemed to be asleep, her head tilted to the side as she lay on her back, but with no blankets on her for some reason. The man was most definitely awake, since he was up and pacing about the room angrily.

Looking down, Luna found that she was in clothes similar to the elf woman, nothing more than a white loincloth and wraps around her chest to conceal her breasts.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

A painful groan passes through her lips as Luna awakens, grasping her throbbing head. As memory's of yesterday flooded her mind she quickly remembered what had happened, to the point of passing out, and thought of Lara. Luna sits and up looks around for a frantic moment, seeing a short angry man and an elven woman. She spotted her friend and quickly felt relived, seeing her safe and clean. ' Thank goodness... ' she thought to herself. She thought to get off of her own bed and cuddle up to her lover, but decided against it at the last second. She seemed at peace, Luna didn't want to take that from her by waking her up. Luna begins feeling her nose, remembering it breaking after she kicked bastard in the groin for the second time. She also looks at herself and frowns at the outfit. She had liked her old out much better, and even the old maids one was better then this. Her eyes look around the room and set back on that angry short man with the short hair. Luna had a feeling he was mad simply because of where he was. ' Maybe I can calm him down. '

" Um, hello. Good morning sir. "
she suddenly calls out to the man as she gets up from her bed and approaches him.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

The man stops pacing and turns to glare at her, the angry look on his face severe enough to curdle milk, and he replies; "Good morning? Girl, with the beating you took, you should count yourself lucky to have a morning at all. Or unlucky, consider the fact that we're going to be sold into slavery in a few days. So, what exactly is 'good' about it?"

Then, the man turns away, apparently not caring about Lunas reply, and goes back to his muttering and pacing. It was then that Luna noticed that she had a moderate head-ache, likely from the beating the day before. When she checked herself over, however, nothing seemed to be out of place. Her nose was as straight as it had ever been, and other than the head-ache, she felt fine.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna looks at the man flatly, seeming rather unamused, however doesn't bother saying anything back to him. Instead she looks over to Lara. Her red eyes look longingly at the woman as she is filled with desire to feel the warmth of her lovers touch once more. She may of been in this hell once again, however at least she wasn't alone. Overcome with her desires Luna quietly gets off of her own bed and walks over to the blond woman's. She remembered what a light sleeper the woman was and would try her best to cuddle next to her without disturbing her sleep.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Lara was seemingly in a deep sleep, as Luna had no trouble in cuddling up next to the woman, and sharing in her warmth. The man casts them a few glances as he paces, his interest seemingly piqued, but he doesn't comment at all on Lunas actions. Lara is very warm, and seemingly limp, as she lets of nothing more than a low moan as Luna shifts her over a bit so that she can lie next to the woman. The elf woman awakens as Luna moves, and watches Luna as she moves over to lie next to Lara, her eyes empty and her expression slack, as though she was empty inside.

An hour later, Luna having swiftly fallen back asleep next to her lover, she is awakened by the loud bang of the door opening. Snapping her eyes up, Luna spots the woman who'd greeted the party that had brought her in walking into the room. Her garb had changed, however, as she was now in a very skimpy black outfit made of leather, and with patches of chainmail in places. She glanced about, a scowl on her face, and she shouts; "Up! All of you! On your feet! It's time for you to earn us some coin!"
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna quickly wakes up at the loud bang of sound, and soon realizes what is happening. ' Damn it... I'd been hoping they were just going leave us alone in here until they sold us... ' Luna thinks. With her lover still asleep the white and brownish haired girl quickly decides to wake Lara up before the rather nasty woman in leather came over and did so. " Lara... Lara, you have to wake up now. Please wake up. " She cooed to the woman, trying to get her awake with gentle shaking. Once the woman did open her eyes Luna would smile before kissing her on the lips, locking lips passionately as she looked her love in the eyes, then helping her off the bed.