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New bingo tarte game


Jungle Girl
May 13, 2012
Reputation score
So ive been looking for more bingo tarte work, and theres a new game out.

http:// hentai-flix (dot) net/ YoungMikeHentaiShares /archives/ 75139#more-75139

i like the way this game looks, but the way the downloads are set up it would take a total of 8 hours to download the whole game because of the 2 hour delay in ugoupload's site. so, im here, looking for some asssistance in getting this game. i have the first part, so if some other noble fellows want to download part 2 and three.. or just up the whole thing?
Re: New bingo tarte game

Sorry bud, on dlsite it has the shota tag, so as far as uploading it here, it's going to be a no-no. Expect it to be up on the internet in a couple days though
because Bingo Tarte is good and it pretty much just came out.

Dlsite link here:
Re: New bingo tarte game

Thanks for the heads up..though I was hoping that since the so called "boys" in this one are actually robotic love dolls or something. too bad it didnt slide. thanks though.
Re: New bingo tarte game

It's not a game it's a movie :cool:
Re: New bingo tarte game

So, I got the game.

I wish, I didn't pick up on a lot of spoken japanese because I pretty much understood what she was saying.

The plot goes like this:
In that world, they invented sex dolls. These dolls are very lifelike in composition but they're basically dead in movement. They're always hard though.

There's 3 dolls with different penis size levels. The heroine is obsessed with these dolls as she's obsessed with going from smaller penises to bigger penises.

She says somewhere in it that she forgoed a real relationship in order to have a fictional relationship with these dolls. She talks to the dolls as if they were real people mimicking their voice, acting as if they can respond and have a will.

Since she's a worker at the factory that makes them she can "sample" her products at night, but she herself can't afford them so she works hard in order to afford those dolls, even fantasizing about buying an ejaculation function.


On a technical level, this is amazing. The movement is great, but she doesn't get fully undressed in it. Animation wise, it's higher quality than most 2D hentai that get released today, and it does some really interesting things. The way they portrayed female orgasm was ridiculous. They made some REALLY interesting stylistic choices there, but there's no male cumming in it.

The last bingo tarte item I got was the dragon quest incest one, and it's a bit reminiscent of that but there's no intimacy in this one. This one is just a girl and her lust.

TBH, I fully expected to go into this thinking it'd be my next favorite thing forever like when anything Zankuro makes comes out... I learned a bit more about myself I guess. While I love seeing girls lust after a guy, this feels a bit empty to me. Personally, I feel everything's so pointless and the heroine's just so sad. I guess I might be more picky than I originally thought :p. I love cowgirl enough though that it's still definitely fappable.

EDIT: Also, the music really doesn't help with the awful feeling I get in my gut when I know the circumstances in which she's having sex in.
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