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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News


Anyone else noticed this one? It's pretty obviously done with RPG Maker, but it lacks the RPG tag.

Unfortunately, I can't find it anywhere...
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News


Anyone else noticed this one? It's pretty obviously done with RPG Maker, but it lacks the RPG tag.

Unfortunately, I can't find it anywhere...

According to the blurb, although it's made with RPG Maker it's a non-interactive short story.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Hiya guys, back from a few months' (2-4 months) leave. Just getting back into HRPGs and now I'm wondering about what great RPGs I've missed. Also whatever happened to Scalegarden's new rpg...?
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Hiya guys, back from a few months' (2-4 months) leave. Just getting back into HRPGs and now I'm wondering about what great RPGs I've missed. Also whatever happened to Scalegarden's new rpg...?

Its still underdevelopment while i guess u missed lilim union prison fantasia and this RJ105810
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

New RPG announced...
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Any1 got maybe this game and could upload it?

For some reason i couldnt find it via google or any other sites i know.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

hey... i was thinking about this for a while, what you guys want the most to see in game you just downloaded, i mean before you play it what makes the game good for you?
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Art since I dislike the translators currently available, if by some chance it's in English story, and of course accessibility since you can't always rely on guides.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Any1 got maybe this game and could upload it?

For some reason i couldnt find it via google or any other sites i know.

I'm uploading it right now, but be aware: it's the grindiest piece of crap you'll ever play.

The art is top notch, though. It's unpacked in one of the folders inside the archive.

EDIT: [ ]
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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

[A]carajé;443830 said:
hey... i was thinking about this for a while, what you guys want the most to see in game you just downloaded, i mean before you play it what makes the game good for you?

Art is definitely the most important thing that attracts customers. File size is a good indication of how much content you will get although if they add in voice it completely screws it over. I'd rather not have voice and have more pictures. Then probably the genre that's written on the site like what you will expect from it. Summary of the story doesn't seem to be that important because the general story seems to be all the same. I mean there was a game about a girl going to buy something and that was pretty popular around here. A big thing I forgot, female protagonist. I would rather see different situations, pictures and events about one female character than a male character having the same scene with just different partners. Also its fun to get your female protagonists into sticky situations on purpose.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Art is definitely the most important thing that attracts customers. File size is a good indication of how much content you will get although if they add in voice it completely screws it over. I'd rather not have voice and have more pictures. Then probably the genre that's written on the site like what you will expect from it. Summary of the story doesn't seem to be that important because the general story seems to be all the same. I mean there was a game about a girl going to buy something and that was pretty popular around here. A big thing I forgot, female protagonist. I would rather see different situations, pictures and events about one female character than a male character having the same scene with just different partners. Also its fun to get your female protagonists into sticky situations on purpose.

Indeed art is good for at-a-glance catching of attention.

File size can be skewed with by using uncompressed files, or just making each pose/full image standalone (for example, VH uses combining poses with expressions to make an image, meaning a single body image + various expressions will suffice for that pose, instead of some visual novels where a fully cloth sprite and naked sprite are completely different file)
(but that also means game that use good compression + lots of contents = still managable total size)
And sometimes small game with limited content will still turn out to be pretty good, see for my personal recent example.

Story only really matters if you can understand it, but knowing a girl is raped because her father got into debt and she has to pay with her body, rather than it looks like rape but she's actually just a prostitute really give different reaction from people.

Admittedly I only look at things if it's got good enough art first - -' after that I tends to decide if I like it on the story, or unless there's scene(s) I really liked (like that church part of Arms Devicer).
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

i personally think art is important too but not that important, for example scgarden games usually have a good art but the H-scenes have so much text that i end up not liking their games...
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

[A]carajé;443830 said:
hey... i was thinking about this for a while, what you guys want the most to see in game you just downloaded, i mean before you play it what makes the game good for you?

Of course the quality of the art is important, but personally I find the actual implementation more crucial. The best games, for me, are those that allow repeatable scenes (often escalating, corruption) and fuse them with actual
gameplay. Good examples for those are:

-All Scale Garden games. I replay them frequently, because I love how the heroine very slowly gets corrupted and the groping scenes escalate with the plot.
-Parallel Fantasy series
-Virgin Island
-Vitamin Quest (progresses a little fast for my taste)

All those games allow you to revisit your favorite scenes without the use of a CG room (though they have them too) and show a clear escalation. The worst games start with the most hardcore scenes and only give you more of them at certain points of the story.

Just my 2 cents.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

-Parallel Fantasy series
-Virgin Island
-Vitamin Quest (progresses a little fast for my taste)

All those games allow you to revisit your favorite scenes without the use of a CG room (though they have them too) and show a clear escalation. The worst games start with the most hardcore scenes and only give you more of them at certain points of the story.

Just my 2 cents.

There's a hentai game called "Magicka" ? I'm only familiar with this one,

can you give me a link to yours?
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Speaking of the Scale Garden games, does anybody have all 3 of them? I can't seem to find any of them anywhere on my computer.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I'm uploading it right now, but be aware: it's the grindiest piece of crap you'll ever play.

The art is top notch, though. It's unpacked in one of the folders inside the archive.

EDIT: [ ]

Thank you :) +rep ^_^
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

There's a hentai game called "Magicka" ? I'm only familiar with this one,

can you give me a link to yours?

Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

[A]carajé;443997 said:
i personally think art is important too but not that important, for example scgarden games usually have a good art but the H-scenes have so much text that i end up not liking their games...

I don't know I mean if you cant understand the language Art has to matter, because you only know a tenth of whats going on, that's also the reason accessibility is so important.

Edit: For second time purchases I find that as sort of mentioned before reputations and craftsmanship matter a lot, I mean can the author produce a sense of progression? Are they reliable?Do they support their product if a bug is found? Are they top tier at least one part of game crafting? All of that stuff has importance in choosing if it's not the first time I've seen the author.
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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Anybody has cgrip or 100% save for 151匹触手さん?
Game is buggy as hell. There is gallery on EH but it's just screenshots from the blog.
Alternatively does anybody have a link to a program that can extract images from .rpack rpg maker files?
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