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New User!

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Mar 27, 2012
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Hello all, i'm Keratheras, but you can call me Kera.
Not sure what to put here, well i was brought here by google a while ago and i book mark any sites i may have an interest in, and i found this site in my bookmarks and, here i am.

On my spare time i draw anything i feel like (i draw anything both clean and dirty pictures, though i haven't drawn porn, just suggestive stuff) i do a youtube series with video games, any kind actually, also i hang out with friends, make new friends and other stuff of course.

My favourite game, would be... Skyrim, but in terms of dirty games... all of Koonsoft's games, favorably Shinobi Girl, although Magician Girl looks very promising!

Fave Book would be Starcraft 2: Heaven's Devils, which i've read about 4 times, ive only read a single book 2 times before i got it from a friend for christmas.

and... yeah!
I hope i enjoy myself here as much as i hope i will, and possibly make friends in the process!
Re: New User!

Looks like someone failed a spot check. There's an introduction thread, if you'd be so kind as to make use of it.
Re: New User!

Yep Kera the New Age Introduction Thread is the place where all the cool cats introduce themselves. I do like how you put so much effort into this one though. ^_^

Anyway, I hear Copper's baking cupcakes, and Shrike's decorating them. OH MY GOSH they smell delicious! Let's go get some!
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