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Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"I answered everything I had an answer to give you in response to," he said coldly, ignoring her warnings on how hot it is as he took up the cup in his armored gloves. Putting his lips near the liquid, he stopped just short of touching it with his skin, before inhaling with his nostrils. "What a very enchanting, yet homely scent. It is clear that this shall not be the best tea I've ever had, but at the same time it makes me feel comfortable." he commented on it, before blowing on the liquid and taking a small sip.

"... Good," he nodded in acceptance.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Yes, it is good tea" Jenna replied, nodding and sipping from her own. "The soil around here is particularly good for growing it, so the leaves produce a richer flavor. After that it's pretty easy to make properly. There's probably better out there, but then again I have to store it in a drawer." The lizardgirl then began to sip on her tea slowly and in silence, watching the Griffin do the same. She didn't know what to say to him, or what to talk about, especially considering how hostile he had seemed to her questions earlier. "Is there anything else I can get for you?" she asked finally, trying to play the role of the good hostess. She hoped he didn't ask for something she couldn't give, though.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"I hear the lizard folk have a unique way of treating males." the man announced in response to her question. Taking another sip of tea, he looked to her with a new expression she had not seen from him, curiosity. "Eager to fight, I hear. Men who arrived back to encampments after meeting with your kind claimed to have defeated them, but witnesses have simply said that such men were shamefully disgraced by the lizard they met along the road. Tell me, what is the truth?" he asked curiously. "I understand some men are humiliated sexually by your kind, but I never met a man who had absolute proof of his victory."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna's frilled ears flicked up as the Griffin mentioned her kind's way of treating men, telling her the rumors he had heard and then asking her to tell him the truth about what really went on. She took a long, slow sip of tea, considering her answer. "Any man that came back alone probably didn't win" she said finally, putting down her cup and looking at him. "We are eager to fight. We have to test our strength and to grow it. And fighting against humans is how we find our mates."

The lizardgirl paused a little bit at that, wondering how he would take it. "It's rare for one of us to try and mix sex and the fighting. It's not an honorable way to win, and honor is important to us. And don't even say it, it was an accident!" she said forcefully and defensively. "Those who are desperate sometimes force themselves on a man they defeat in battle. This is somewhat rare, and those people are generally laughed at and looked down upon."

Jenna picked up her cup again, taking another sip before continuing. "What we're really looking for in a mate is generally a strong man. Since we're naturally stronger in body than humans, one who defeats us has to be either really strong or really skilled. Those things are... very attractive, in a man. If defeated in battle, normally we'll attempt to get him to marry us." Another sip of tea, and another sigh. "That's more or less it. Anything else you want to know?"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"So then, I suppose our rematch is canceled," he said with a nod in response to everything she told him, sipping at the last of his tea. "I'm glad I know of this custom before I apparently walked into a trap. I'll make due with simply knowing I'm superior in combat to you, instead of proving it as well." he nodded again.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Hey now, you can't just be like that!" Jenna protested, putting down her cup of tea. "You can't insult me like that! I might beat you!" The man had wounded her pride by just assuming he would defeat her. From his expression he even thought it would be easy! "Besides..." she continued quietly, thinking her words over now. "I wouldn't leave you alone even if I defeated you you know. If you'll remember, I consider this all... fated."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The man looked at her, considering her words, before letting out a sigh. "I was told the stupid ones would be the most difficult to persuade. I guess you're pretty much set on this fate thing, no matter what I say." he replied, before setting down his cup, and making a bold announcement. "I want you to take me to those caves where your kind comes from, and announce me as your husband." he said suddenly. "It will be fake, don't misunderstand. I just wanted to see what it's like inside the lizard society." he informed her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna listened while the Griffin spoke, her frilled ears twitching slightly as a tinge of red came to her cheeks. It wasn't embarrassment, though. Far from it. "I AM NOT STUPID!" she finally roared, her anger coming to the surface as her tail slammed heavily against the ground. "Quit acting so high and mighty as if you're superior to me in every way!" The lizardgirl's claws clenched into fists, standing up over the soldier as it looked like she might well begin to beat the smug out of him at any second. She didn't take kindly to being insulted repeatedly, and she wasn't going to sit there and take it for much longer.
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Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"I suppose I have been saying mostly harsh things with little else in between..." he let out a sigh. "Very well, I'll refrain from saying harsh things from now on. Are you pleased?" he asks her with a blank expression on his face, looking up at her before he raises his glass, "And I'd like another glass of tea, if you don't mind."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna clenched her fists tightly one last time before slowly unclenching them, wiggling her claws slightly as she took a deep breath. "It's not enough to just keep it to yourself if you still believe it" she said, her expression a kind of sad one after her anger was dulled. "I don't want to be tricked into thinking you accept me more than you do. But at the same time... try to be civil about things" she continued, taking his cup from him and taking it over to the tea kettle, pouring him more tea and then bringing it back to him.

"You say you want to pretend you're my husband back in the caves?" the lizardgirl asked once she had sat down again, her brow furrowing. "I don't know how everyone would react to my coming back all of a sudden with a mate. Least of all my mother... And my sister would really lose it if I brought you back" she said, frowning deeply. "I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. Even if we did it, we'd have to decide on our story and how we would act towards each other."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Then forget I asked if it's impossible for you." he stated in reply to what she said regarding pretending to be married. Moreover, he seemed to completely breeze over what she said in response to him not saying harsh things about her. "It was just an idle thought." he said, taking the tea, and sipping it with his eyes closed, looking calm and composed, as if meditating, maintaining his cold aura as he remained motionless except for the occasional sip of tea.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna sat and stared into her almost empty cup of tea for a while after the Griffin stopped speaking, thinking. He won't accept what I say unless I show him the Great Hallow... I hadn't really planned on going back, at least not for a while. She drank down the last of her tea and began rolling the cup between her hands idly. Gren will go utterly insane if she sees the two of us together pretending to be husband and wife... maybe she won't have gone home yet though. Or maybe she'll at least contain herself around mother...

Mother. What would she think if I showed up at home all of a sudden? We were getting along very poorly towards the end... but maybe having a man with me would validate me in her eyes. Especially if people think he's strong.
The lizardgirl finally looked up at the human sitting against the wall of her cave, still frowning, but a little less so. "It's not impossible" she said finally, setting her cup down. "It's just not the easiest thing for me. If you really want to see how things are with my people, though, it's probably the only way."

Jenna sighed heavily as she looked at the Griffin, her tail lightly slapping against the ground in anxiety. "If it's what you want, I'll take you home and pretend that we're a couple" she said, a nervous blush on her face. "We had better get our story straight before we leave. How did we come to be mates? Will we say you defeated me in combat and then accepted to be my husband?"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin suddenly launched himself at Jenna, pushed her down, and raped her on the stone floor of her den.

Or so it seemed like he would do when he opened his eyes suddenly and leaned in towards her boldly. "You would lie to your own people simply to satisfy my curiosity?" he asked with sudden aggressiveness, although he halted his words for a moment as he reached down, brought his tea to his lips, took a light sip, and sat it back down before continuing. "This has nothing to do with you convincing me of anything, keep that in mind as I let you reconsider your stance on going through with this." he told her with a firm tone, as if testing how much she'd waver.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna raised an eyebrow as the Griffin leaned in towards her, questioning her with a sort of aggressiveness she hadn't seen him use for a while. She felt like he was probably testing her somehow. "I don't like lying, but I think this is part of convincing you. Maybe with more time in a more conventional setting you'll see that these things can work, and that our kinds can work together. Besides" she said, the last bit causing her to turn away, "I wouldn't mind being your wife. Maybe you'll see that I'm wife material if we pretend for a while."

The lizardgirl looked up at the cave ceiling after that last line, thinking for a moment as she waited for his reaction. I should go home for a while anyway. I probably need to try and patch things up with my family eventually... she thought, other motivations starting to poke at her. The incident with her little sister and what she had said had bothered her quite a bit.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

He looked like he wanted to say something in reply to her saying otherwise towards convincing him, but his eyes turned away from her as what he said earlier clearly came to mind. And so, he remained silent; that is, until she said that she wouldn't mind being his wife. He lowered his teacup down to the table, and gave Jenna a considerate look while raising a curious eyebrow. "... I have done nothing to be kind to you, and scarcely friendly. Where is this kind of talk coming from? You wouldn't mind being married to a man who infuriates you and treats you coldly?" he asked her, clearly not understanding why she said that as he sighed and pushed an armored glove through his jet black hair.

"Don't be so pathetic with such poor standards... You're not bad looking, so it's not like bachelors would run from the sight of you," he told her before taking another sip of his tea, and setting the empty cup down after making what seemed to be an attempt at a compliment.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna sat quietly and listened to the Griffin as he spoke, looking at him with the slight blush on her face, which only got deeper as he complimented her, kind of. She waited until she was sure that the soldier was done speaking before she began her reply, taking a deep breath first. "Not everyone has a kind and cuddly personality" she said, a careful and probing tone of voice, "but they're kind in their own way. That compliment, for instance. Most people wouldn't think of it that way, but I have a hunch that it's just the way you are. Besides that, you're handsome yourself, and I can tell that you're skilled at combat. It's important to have someone to share your training with..." The lizardgirl took another deep breath, looking him in the eyes as she formulated what she wanted to say. "I think that, even if you are a little abrasive, I could deal with that, and the two of us could grow together. It might not always be easy, but when is anything that's worth doing?"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin leaned back, and sighed with apparent frustration. "You are far too much okay with this thought, and all of that praise is all the more baffling. But I suppose I shouldn't pursue your reasoning any longer so long as you are okay with the plan." he said, before taking on a serious expression. "Greetings, wife." he announced suddenly, before blinking. "How was that? I'm not sure how endearing I can pretend to be..."

"Good morning... Darling..." he twitched as he said 'darling,' a bit of his cold tone faltering upon his attempt to sound like a doting husband. "... It's a bit strange to be calling a member of a different species my wife..."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The Griffin seemed frustrated, but that didn't really phase Jenna. He was resistant to the idea of a genuine, affectionate relationship with a monster, and she could understand that. She would just have to chip away at his resistance until it didn't seem so odd to him. When he suddenly practiced calling her his wife, she actually giggled at it. "That was terrible" she replied, meaning it to lightly poke fun at him. "No emotion at all, just cold and robotic."

He paused for a moment, trying again, this time calling her "darling." His tone was a little bit better, though he twitched as he said it. "It's not odd at all, honey" the lizardgirl replied, not batting an eye or seeming uncomfortable, despite the fact that it was slightly strange. She extended a claw towards the soldier, clearly intending for him to take it in his hand as she smiled at him. "If we want people to think of us as a couple, we'll have to do more than just talk like a couple as well, dear."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin lowered his head with a low growl at Jenna's responses to his attempts. "How annoying, to be judged by you... A formal relationship is good enough, wife." he addressed Jenna the way he did at first, going back to being cold as he raised his head, and cocked it to the side, raising an eyebrow at her outstretched hand.

His eyes went half closed when she suggested doing more than just talking like a couple. "You're getting carried away, pervert." he said in reply. "Holding hands... In front of other people... It's like... Boasting... And it's indecent, informal... People who do that kind of thing should be punished." he stated firmly, even though his eyes were closed and he was blushing a bit as Jenna put the thought of doing such an 'indecent' thing with her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna grinned, taking in the Griffin's annoyed reaction to her assessment of his attempts to be warm. "If you don't like being judged, then get better at it. That's how these things work" she replied, unable to stop grinning. She was a tiny bit surprised at the strength of his condemnation for hand-holding, but not that much; he seemed to condemn everything, after all. "Holding hands is not perverted or indecent. It's an innocent outward expression of affection that's quite appropriate for a husband and wife. People will think we're weird if we won't touch each other in public." She kept her claw extended, waiting for him to take it.