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RPG Loli [Ninetail / Dual Tail] SRPG Venus Blood Frontier -International-


Jungle Girl
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score

JAST USA page:
Steam all-ages page:
Previous ULMF Kickstarter discussion: https://ulmf.org/threads/ninetail-eroge-venus-blood-frontier-kickstarter.12029/

Description of Gameplay:

Hentai-SRPG that is split between three phases: overworld, main battles, and encounters.


Simplified Gameplay loop

The game loops from Overworld -> Main battle -> Encounter battles. You purchase units, buildings, and items in the overworld phase, before deciding where you main battle will take place. The main battle is typically limited to 5 turns (although unit skills can increase, or decrease, this number). If you rout the enemy, you gain experience points, but you need to annihilate them if you actually want to conquer the territory. Encounter battles are an "auto-battle" consisting of a single turn, representing what your secondary squads were doing away from the main battle.

There are two phases: Day and Night. Most units are daytime units that fight normally in the day. At night, your daytime units are nerfed. Ranged units can no longer hit the backline, their defense stats are severely penalized, etc. etc. In contrast, nighttime units receive bonuses during the night (+16% stats across the board) but get penalties during the day. The phase changes every turn.

There are 8-moons: Fire/Ice, Wind/Earth, Lightning/Water, and Light/Dark moons. The moon gives a flat bonus to units that match the moon, and a penalty to units who oppose the moon. For example, ice units will be weaker during a fire moon, while ice units are stronger during the ice moon. The moon changes every 2-turns (once every day-night cycle).

Overworld Management

  • Food -- "Good" units, such as hobbits and humans, will require food to march into battle.
  • Resources -- Resources seem primarily used to buy medallions and for upgrading units during recruitment. More on the medallion system later.
  • Magic -- "Evil" units, such as undead or demons, require magic to march into battle. Most of your starting units are evil.
  • Gold -- Healing troops, purchasing buildings, and upgrading items will use gold

Medallions and Recruitment
  • Medallions are rarely offered as loot at the end of battles. But you start with 20x Unfinished medallions. An unfinished medallion can be transformed into any starting medallion (rarity 1 through 3) if you spend somewhere between 250 resources to 2000 resources.
  • Medallions are roughly correlated to unit types. "Sprite" medallions are required for elves, hobbits and dwarfs. Undead units require an undead medallion. More powerful units require multiple medallions. The "Sentinel", a good starting shield-unit, requires both the Knight medallion and Holy medallion. "Yamato" medallions recruit japanese-themed units.
  • Medallions have attributes associated with them, which change the personality of the units you recruit. These personality changes can result in different stats or different skills. For example, "Weak Multiattack" personalities reduces the attack stat to 1, but adds a 2nd attack-per-turn to a unit. The personality combinations are incredible, and the AI uses them to create quite annoying units. For example, +Attack for 2x attacks per turn, and +Wide attack to attack 3x units simultaneously (resulting in 6-attacks per turn, in the first level!).
  • Recruiting a unit when they match the day/night cycle AND moon of their choice results in sigificant stat bonuses (+4 attack / defense / speed), and significantly lower deployment costs.



An individual battle consists of three decisions:
  • Battle Stance: You can choose to buff offense, defense, speed, or morale across your army. I haven't figured out what morale does yet
  • Enemy target: You choose the single unit your army will try to focus on. Backline units are typically protected by the frontline, but a variety of skills allow you to bypass this basic defense mechanism.
  • Skills: If you have a commander in field, you can choose which skill to use each turn. This uses up "Force", but creates very powerful effects, such as hitting all enemies, poisoning, or hiting particular weaknesses (killing flying units, for example).
The majority of tactics revolves around unit selection and skills. A "Slayer" receives a 100% damage bonus for every enemy they are strong against. For example, Succubus is strong against male enemies, granting a +100% bonus to damage. Tentacles are doubly strong against females, granting +200% damage against female units. Archers tend to be strong against fliers. Each "Slayer" type stacks another 100% per match.

Skills are extremely powerful in this game. There are many, many skills to discuss, but just as an example, "Wide Attack" will turn a singular attack per turn into 3x attacks per turn: once per enemy in a column. Skills can combine with each other: Wide Attack + ExtraAttack will create 6x attacks per turn (2x Wide Attacks per turn). Good combinations will need to be researched: I can't seem to find many guides on this game yet.



Demon Emperor Surtr commands his grandchildren to wage war upon the heavens. Loki is the ostracized, underdog, main character. Loki's father was hanged for treason, while his mother was imprisoned. Most of Loki's family fortunes have been taken away, leaving him with very few resources to wage war effectively.

On the other side are the 5 goddesses, defending against the demonic invasion.


That's all I know for now. I've only completed the first chapter so far. Clearly, there is corruption in the storyline, because all the goddesses have an "evil form", probably associated with after you've corrupted them to your side.


Fetishes: Corruption, BDSM, Tentacles, Rape. And more? (To be completed as I finish the game)
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Instead of making a single post that guides the player, I've created a website to host my guide information.


The Japanese Wiki is a great resource as well:
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Minor additions:

An unfinished medallion can be transformed into any starting medallion (rarity 1 through 3) if you spend somewhere between 250 resources to 2000 resources.

Also medallions with rarity 4, but they have some special requirements:
Champion medallion: probably Fenrir capture.
Soul medallion: Hel capture.
Apostle medallion: Thor's Electric Massage event.

Items with rarity 3 and higher can be bought after sold some amount of ore (10?) with the same rarity and if materials available (1 sold ore gives +1 material). "Auto-sell Ore" enabled by default.

A tutorial is recommended to read because the interface and mechanics not very friendly.
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Don't bother going after loli Odin immediately in your first playthrough, probably meant for a NG+ start considering how ridiculously strong her army is. I tried grinding for awhile but the rate was too slow versus Tyrica. Might dedicate to her first time someday, I do so love 'unwinnable' scenarios/boss fights.
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I figure you aren't expected to get high chapter ranks on the first play through just because of how quickly the game expects you to rush down the capital.
I've managed a C rank from taking Tyrca down in 21 turns, probably could've done it faster if I attempted to rush the capital asap instead of capturing all the territories. Though, since I had to heavily depend on leveling Loki's default squad and his crutch units Imperial Guard to accomplish this, progress pretty much slowed down heavily in the next chapter because I didn't have any additional squads built up properly.
I kinda wish there was tool tips for the skills in-game instead of having to go back to the title screen and checking what they each do from the tutorial menu, but I'm still in the process of getting a better hang of the game.
Been playing for over 7 hours and HOLY DAMN do I find this game very complexing to beat. Even after going through a dreadful tutorial reading for the last 30 mins, I still find the Normal difficulty to be annoying since the enemy troops have an overwhelming advantages on certain times of the days. I had finished Chapter 1: Tyrca in 22 turns, getting a Rank C, but it got somehow worse when I was up against Freya in Chapter 2.
The somewhat saving grace was looking through the Jap Wikia page for this game with rough translations, telling me which unit was better against enemy troops, but its difficult getting those units when facing limited resources like medallions, Magic, Food, and Gold. Hell, I just noticed anytime I use a monster unit, they drain magic reserves which has brought me down to 0. I had to either lay off the monster uses or build more land resources like a Church or a Sage Temple. Now i'm getting to the other chapters, but I need to start taking this a little serious.
Don't get me wrong. Its a fun challenge to actually strategist games, but not on the sense where it tears out your head anytime a enemy unit has a hidden advantage and suddenly turns the tides on you. I had to restart almost 30 times just to redo a battle I could've done better.
Now I'm kinda wishing there was a full save or a cheat engine so I can quickly get through this game (easy mode is one option, but there isn't any game progress other than CG collection).

This 2nd post reserved for tactical guide. To be completed after I complete the game.

Loki's Imperial Guard:
Starting the game on "Normal" mode gives you Loki's imperial guard: 5 units in "Squad 2" which are deceptively powerful, and almost compose a good nightime team. These units are incredibly powerful, and a good tutorial on skill usage.

View attachment 28119

Class: Shield
Type: Undead, Female, Mechanical, Knight, Nighttime.
Slays: Humans, Holy, Knights

  • Defense Only (does not attack).
  • Defense Tactics 12%: Protects allied units on the same row at this %
  • Pierce Null: Enemy pierce attacks are ignored
  • Counter Amp 3: 300% damage on counterattacks
  • Dragon Scales: If Dullahan deals 60% of the damage the opponent deal to Dullahan, Dullahan instead takes 0% damage
  • Recovery: Gains 50% of HP every turn

View attachment 28120

Class: Sword
Type: Female, Demon, Lightning, Mechanical
Slays: Humans, Flying, Water

  • Added Attack: +1 Attack per turn
  • Lightning Blast: 12 lightning damage per turn to all enemies
  • Attack Tactics: +12% attack bonus to all squad members
  • Parry: 50% chance of ignoring physical attacks
  • Flank Attack: 8% chance to attack backline "through" an enemy's guard
  • Helmet Split: Ignore a portion (25% ??) of enemy's defense
View attachment 28121

Class: Destroyer
Type: Female, Demon, Fire, Flying, Mechanical, Night
Slays: Flying, Material
  • Range Attack: Can attack backline unimpeded, enemy counter-attacks do not happen.
  • Wall breaker: Reduce enemy "Land Bonus" by 75
  • Fire Field: Damage
  • Troop Carrier: All squadmates ignore terrain penalties
  • Boost Mechanical / Flying: Boost the stats of flying and mechanical allies.
View attachment 28123

Class: Caster
Type: Female, Demon, Water, Poison
Slays: Males, Females
  • Defense Only: Does not attack
  • Poison Field: Area-of-effect poison damage at the end of each turn
  • Demon Medic: Heals evil-type enemies each turn
  • Absolute Cure: Allies are immune to Poison, Curse, Stun, and Type-Debuff
  • Boost Poison: Increases stats of poison types
  • Strat Barrier: Take less damage for special attacks from enemies
View attachment 28124

Class: Archer
Type: Undead, Female, Flying, Night
Slays: Human, Male, Holy, Knights
  • Range Attack: Can attack backline unimpeded, enemy counter-attacks do not happen.
  • Helmet Split: Ignore a portion of the enemy's defense
  • Parry: 60% chance of ignoring a physical attack
  • Boost Undead: Boost undead squadmate stats
  • Recovery: Gain 50% HP each turn
  • Sap Squad: Enemy stats are all weakened
For the Tyrca chapter, the Wikia also recommends hiring a Bouncer with a Horse Stab Ability or a Vampire that obliterates anything at night time during this chapter (but she's pretty damn pricey).
I figure you aren't expected to get high chapter ranks on the first play through just because of how quickly the game expects you to rush down the capital.
I've managed a C rank from taking Tyrca down in 21 turns, probably could've done it faster if I attempted to rush the capital asap instead of capturing all the territories. Though, since I had to heavily depend on leveling Loki's default squad and his crutch units Imperial Guard to accomplish this, progress pretty much slowed down heavily in the next chapter because I didn't have any additional squads built up properly.

My first attempt was 20 turns at B rank. I used my vastly improved game knowledge and rushed-down the capital to achieve... 19-turns my 2nd time through. Fuck, this game is hard to optimize. I think I like it on legitimate grounds, a good level of complexity.

I kinda wish there was tool tips for the skills in-game instead of having to go back to the title screen and checking what they each do from the tutorial menu, but I'm still in the process of getting a better hang of the game.
That's actually kind of why I started this topic. I hope to collect a decent amount of resources here that will help everyone optimize their runs. This game is clearly very complex and pretty well done. But we need to research and work together as a community to make some progress.

For now, I've taken screenshots of the tutorial pages regarding skills, for self-consultation.

For the Tyrca chapter, the Wikia also recommends hiring a Bouncer with a Horse Stab Ability or a Vampire that obliterates anything at night time during this chapter (but she's pretty damn pricey).

Bouncer has +300% (4x damage) bonus from anti-air, anti-knight, and anti-something else slayers vs Tyrca. So Bouncer is the natural, and cheapest, choice as an anti Tyrca (and anti-pegasus) unit. EDIT: Sorry, Bouncer is +300% vs the Galeritter unit, which is commonly with Tyrca. Definitely good for this chapter, and relatively cheap to get. Buy him on a Lightning Moon during the daytime so that he deploys cheaper and has +stat boosts.

The Demons are all anti-holy as well as night-time. So a squad of Demons + Dullahan stomps Tyrca at night, while Bouncer helps break through her chapter in the day time. The entirety of Squad2 hits Tyrca for +100% damage actually (Dullahan is a beast: 300% damage from Counter-Amp+ multiplied with +200% (3x damage) from anti-knight and anti-holy).

I had to either lay off the monster uses or build more land resources like a Church or a Sage Temple.

Human / Sprite units really benefit, because there is plenty of food in this game, but not enough magic. So you definitely need to be more selective about your magic. It sounds like you just start spending gold if you ever run out of magic or food however... do you know how much gold is used in that situation? If its 1-to-1, maybe its more beneficial to instead max out gold. But if its 1-to-2 or 1-to-3 ratio, then increasing magic reserves may be important...
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Is there a way to expand the screen ratio for window size on this game? Every time I try to boot it up in a window format, its ratio is almost like 360x360 size.
For now, I've taken screenshots of the tutorial pages regarding skills, for self-consultation.

The game page on Steam has a link to in pdf.
You could also just farm Tyrca, ignoring the capital and build resources endlessly. You'll get the worst rank available but the reward doesn't matter if you can build a team to stream roll the rest of the game with. It's pretty tedious, but it works. Except, It seems some enemies are just too OP on your first playthrough. They firmly expect you to do everything by the book at the beginning I guess.
You could also just farm Tyrca, ignoring the capital and build resources endlessly. You'll get the worst rank available but the reward doesn't matter if you can build a team to stream roll the rest of the game with. It's pretty tedious, but it works. Except, It seems some enemies are just too OP on your first playthrough. They firmly expect you to do everything by the book at the beginning I guess.

I mean, if you want to just beat the game, Easy-mode has the "I win this battle button".

I presume the "challenge" of the game is to beat it at a reasonable rate without grinding overly much. But it is a sandboxish game, so you can certainly play however gives you the most fun. If that is fun for you, feel free to do it :)
That's true as well, makes sense why score and time based rankings matter, though I still would imagine NG+ to inflate your scores later on. It also doesn't help the enemies get stronger as you get stronger so grinding is less effective till you reach max level.
So out of curiosity, does anyone know how many individual endings there are in this game?
One corruption and/or one Light ending for each of the Goddesses. I don't think the demonesses have an ending individually. Also, the extra content that is in the game seems to have more content with Rigret and Odin, not sure if it's ending based. There's also the obligatory harem ending/CG.
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Freya Notes:


Female, God, Night, Natural.

As a night-unit, Freya is weaker during the day. As such, you'll want to build a good daytime team during her chapter. Loki has "Slay Female / Slay God", so is +200% damage vs Freya (and all goddesses actually). Sprite -> Hobbit and Sprite->Pixie both slay natural and are very cheap to buy. Incubus is a Slay Female x2 unit, but Freya has +200% damage against Incubus too.

Loki has the following skill at some point. I grinded pretty hard this chapter, but this skill helps very much vs Freya:


Naturally, after winning the chapter, you gain Freya, who will be a "Food-based" night unit. So your night-time team will be significantly better.
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If anyone wants the OFFICIAL 9tail / 2tail discord, here is the link

The Useful Resources Tab in the discord has a useful guide on how to get red medallions, routes and such.

Some of my tips on Early Game Economy & Hiring (Hiring info is also in game tutorial & discord guide)

1. Hire Units with a Purple/Pinkish Smiley Face = Best growth. The 2nd best growth is a yellow smiley.

This is usually based on the Element of the Day & whether it is Day or Night.
Element of the day & day/night will sometimes affect the growth of other elements. Such as Earth-Day Cycle, Water & Ice Element Humans will have best growth as well.

Monster types prefers being hired at night, while human types prefers being hired at day for best growth.

2. Buy 1 of each green medallion of the line to unlock the unit roster

A waste of medallion materials but it helps expand the hiring roster for decision making on what to hire.

3. Hire Units with Treasure Hunter & Bounty Hunter
Treasure hunter provides increased drop rates for medallions and items.
Bounty Hunter for Ores which will be automatically sold for gold by default and is also used to CRAFT equipment (10 ore for 1)

Loki's elite army will start with a Cat Spearman with it.
Increasing the number of units with these passive will improve the quantity & quality of loot obtained after destroying an enemy in battles.
Rarity of gear usually depends on how POWERFUL the enemy defeated was.
You can obtain such traits by providing them with medallions but that might be abit costly in the early games if 1 isn't careful.
Important: Units with these Traits MUST BE ALIVE for the increased loot rewards to take effect.

Noteworthy medallion Units with treasure hunter / Bounty Hunter Units: Leprechaun, Thief, Phantom Thief, Hobbit Hunter, Hobbit Scout, Nekomata, Pom Poko Ninja

Patch file that replaces the translated opening song with the original one. Now you can have a translated opening with the original song as the default one (meaning, that it will be played on the start of a new game).

Installation: place patch2.xp3 into the game folder.
Uninstallation: remove patch2.xp3 from the game folder.

If, for some reason, you already have patch2.xp3 file just rename my file into patchX.xp3, where X is the number of patches present + 1.
been ages since i play the jp ver that i forgot some stuff here..
if i remember right there some choice so u can recruit loki sister (the loli 1)

as for ending light route for individual goddess ( normal x corrupted - different ending)
evil route only single ending with ---spoiler--- / and also allowed to unlock the girl 3rd form

heard interntionL release got added more event and additional stuff, so what is it ? And how to get it ?

ps: simple game strat i use in venusblood game.
1 hero - 1 family unit (all dragon / all machine / etc and so on) preferable the 1 that buff the other as well.
method always work to streamroll most stuff - later on reminder day / night fight as in fight angel at night / undead at day or else these will streamroll u insead
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Building / Resource tips (Draft):

* Sending units off to battle doesn't technically require Food or Magic. If you "run out of food", the squad will simply use gold (1-to-1 exchange ratio). That means that the Temple (30,000 Gold, +1000 Gold/turn, +5 Heal/turn) can sustain battles the best.

* Running out of Food or Magic will prevent you from hiring new units. Plan ahead: if you know that the next turn has the moon for a unit you've been waiting for, save up Food or Magic so that you can successfully purchase it. Simply deploy fewer units for a turn to save up Food / Magic.

* Repairing damaged units costs 4Gold per HP per unit. This makes the Hot Spring (10,000G,, +50 Heal/turn and +150 Gold/turn) extremely useful for prolonged battles. If you have just 12 injured units, the Hot Spring will provide 2400G worth of healing per turn. (4G x 12 units x 50HP restored each). Early in the game, use Healing House (1000G, +10 Heal/turn) as your healing centers.

* Early on, before you have sustainable income, you will not be able to afford the 10,000G buildings. Since Gold is the most important resource, focus on Gold-efficient structures, such as the Ranch (1000G, +150G / turn), early in the game. Once you conquer Freya's territory, you'll have many, many "Plains" to build Colosseums (20,000G, +500G/turn).

* Food is easier to get than Magic. Build as many "Good" squads as possible consisting of elves, hobbits, dwarves, humans or goddesses.


Effective Cores:

A "Core" is a set of 2 or 3 members who work well together.

* Core Loki / Tyrca / Rigret are all knights, with Tyrca offering +Knight boost, and Rigret / Loki offering Boost Squad (Boost anybody, regardless of typing).
* Fena / Garm / Lupoid Lancer / Kobold Engineer are all beastmen + nature types and are available from the beginning of the game! Add Beast Rider for +Nature and +Beast boosts in addition.
* The "Amazon" line are all Human, Lightning, Women, Nature types (Amazon, Amazon Blader, Amazon Sniper, Amazon Druid). Thor's +Women boost works with all of them.
* Freya / Incubus are both night-units with Boost Man / Boost Women. If you corrupt Freya, she'll gain the Demon type and effectively work with the +Demon boosts from the demon family.
* Tyrca / Rigret / Templar Captain / Quester / General are all God and Knights units, and a large set of "Human" as well. All the +Human, +God, +Knight and +Squad boosts creates a powerful team.


Strong units to focus on:

* All of Loki's Imperial Guard
* Ladyhawke
* General
* Musketeer Captain
* Elf Fencer
* Vampire
* Elementaler


Important Medallions / Attributes

* Astonishing -- A simple +3 Atk / +3 Speed / +1 Morale. If you don't have any other plans, might as well go with Astonishing / Astonishing
* Round -- The defensive-equivalent to Astonishing: -3 Atk / +3 Defense / +1 Morale.

* Shield 2nd slot / Kind -- Provides "Defense Only" (+50% defenses)

* Undead 2nd Slot / WTF they're all good -- Indestructable for +self heal, Ghost for self-revive, Night Creature to get more bonuses at night
* Magic 1st Slot / <Elements> -- You can change the moon of a unit using Magic 1st slot
* Giant 2nd slot / Powerful -- Provides +5/+5 attack and defense and Forward Guard
* Giant 2nd slot / Massive -- Provides +10/-20 defense/speed and Hardy Physique 20, extremely good for tanks (Hardy Physique cuts damage and healing by 20%)
* Knight 2nd Slot / Talented -- +3 to all stats and "Elite", doubling exp gain of the unit

* Fauxmon Any Slot / Redstone -- +4 Attack / Day-attuned. Make your night-units into daytime units
* Blood 2nd Slot / Killer Deal -- +12 Attack / -12 Defense Lethal Critical 30. Turn your DPS units into stronger DPS.
* Hero 2nd Slot / Dual Wielding -- +Extra Attack

There is an unlock guide at the Discord:


The "Meta" discussed on discord seems to be:

* Field Burn: 5x "Field" units + 1x Tank to protect them all.
* Bait + Forward Guard + Pierce Null / Wide Null -- Low-defense, low-hp unit draws all attacks, but Forward guard protects that unit perfectly. Apparently there are some titles that can make a more effective bait (maybe Killer Deal?), and the AI is apparently pretty "dumb" with its selection. But I haven't figured it out yet myself.
* Brute Force DPS -- Standard DPS builds. Helmet Split, Extra Attack, Critical Boost, Lethal Critical.