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NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Oh no, they wouldn't break your mind, only make you want to have sex with them. Mistress Hazel's servants are all usually pretty nice about most things, but if you try to hurt any of us or especially mistress Hazel then we'll ferociously fight to the death if need be. We take care of each other,” Sylph replied to Winter's comment about the mind breaking.

After Sylph had picked the lock and everything, Winter found that she could see through the keyhole and that inside there was a bit of light, though it was quite dim. She wouldn't know just how dim without opening the door, so she did just that while holding the torch and preparing to toss it into the room to light their way.

When Winter opened the door she and Sylph would see that it was very dim, but not so much that you couldn't see without the torch they had with them. However it would likely blind anyone in the room for a couple of moments, so once Winter tossed it in they would see the room light up a bit more than before. Once they stepped inside afterward, they saw waiting for them a large creature, at least twice the size of Winter. It had large horns and a bulls face and Winter could tell it was very muscled and likely not going to go down easily.

Oh that's one of mistress Hazel's minotaurs, it's okay he won't hurt you Winter,” Sylph said and started moving over to the creature. She was about to speak to it and ask it what it was doing there and all, when it lifted a large axe and swung it at her.

Eek... what are you doing? Wait... Winter, he's been corrupted, he isn't mistress Hazel's servant anymore. Something really bad is going on, I can feel it. We need to hurry and get to mistress Hazel's palace, but we need to take care of him first,” Sylph yelped and said to Winter, jumping back just in time to avoid the axe, and then sending out several of her slimy tendrils to grab the weapon and quickly disarm the thing, sending the axe across the room behind them. Sylph then took a few steps over to Winter and formed a thicker tendril from either hand like whips and got into a battlestance.

They would see the large minotaur stomping towards them with a very angry look on its face, looking ready to pound them into the ground.

Winter - HP: 5/5, AP: 0/10
Sylph - HP: 6/6, AP: 0/?
Minotaur - HP: 10/10
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“That's one of Mistress Hazels, huh?” Winter asked, examining the powerful looking minotaur before her. She watched warily as Slyph approached the hulking form while keeping her spear gripped tightly in her hand. Something felt wrong to her and her concern was justified when the minotaur swung his axe at his supposed ally. She instinctively fell into a stance with her spear pointed at the mad creature.

“He's been corrupted? By what?” Winter asked, as she stared down the minotaur that seemed ready to tear them apart. While Slyph got into her own stance, Winter waved the glowing red tip of her spear at the minotaur trying to provoke it into charging her. If it did, she would dig the butt of her spear into the ground and crouch in an effort to get him to impale himself on her pole arm. If not, then she would bring the pointed end to him instead.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Round 1:
Winter - 14 vs 9 M, hit
Sylph - 18 vs 6 M, hit
Minotaur - 12 vs 14 W, miss

Round 2:
Winter - 4 vs 8 W, miss
Sylph - 12 vs 13 M, miss
Minotaur - 3 vs 15 W, miss

When Winter asked Sylph what he had been corrupted by, the slime girl glanced over to look at her for only a moment.

"He's been corrupted by mistress Rose's power. We have to take him out Winter, don't hold back okay," Sylph cried out and whipped her slime whips at the minotaur, as Winter got ready to attack as well when it closed the distance between them.

Winter and Sylph both attacks the minotaur coming at them, the slime girl whipping her slimy whips across the things legs, while Winter stabbed its side when it came too close. When Winter stabbed it in the side, she noticed the glow in her spear dissipate until it was gone completely, then when she glanced back at the minotaur, she'd see it stumble a bit as it tried to attack after that by swinging its massive fist at Winter, thankfully missing her. The two attacked again with Winter stabbing, and Sylph whipping her whips again, but both missed that time around, but so did the minotaur thankfully when he tried to punch Winter again.

After that little scuffle with their enemy, the minotaur stepped back to get ready for something.

"Winter, watch out he's getting ready to charge us!" Sylph cried out to Winter.

Winter - HP: 5/5, AP: 0/10
Sylph - HP: 6/6, AP 0/?
Minotaur - HP: 8/10, confused and takes -2 to attack and defense for the next turn.
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“She can do that?” Winter didn't have much of a chance to say anymore as the minotaur attacked them. As it came close she ducked low and rolled to the side before lancing her spear into it's side. She had only a moment to consider the dulling of the red glow from her spear before she was forced to withdraw as the beast threw an ill aimed fist in her direction.

She noticed that it's already dull eyes took on a look of additional confusion and she took this opportunity to attempt to stab it again but it's confused flailing turned away her strike. She withdrew as it threw another ill fated punch.

Winter heard Slyph's warning and affirmed it with a nod as she braced herself for the Minotaur’s charge and ensured her spear was ready to strike it if it came after her. “Come on! Bring your ugly face to my spear!”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Round 3:
Winter - 6 vs 19 M, miss
Sylph - 1 vs 4 M, miss
Minotaur - 3 vs 5 W, miss

Round 4
Winter - 10 vs 8, M hit
Sylph - 16 vs 10 M, hit
Minotaur - 19 vs 11 W, hit

Round 5:
Winter - 5 vs 11 M, miss
Sylph - 10 vs 6 M, miss
Minotaur - 14 vs 7 W, hit

"Yeah she can do that, all of the mistresses in here can, but mistress Hazel doesn't unless she has to," Sylph replied to Winter.

When the minotaur came in close, Winter stabbed at it again, but somehow missed its bulky form, as did Sylph when she whipped her slime whips at its legs again. The minotaur missed its punch on Winter though thankfully.

"Come on Winter, take out its legs! If we take them out it can't fight!" Sylph shouted as she tried to circle around behind it.

Winter's next stab at its legs struck true as the head of her spear buried itself into the things left knee, while Sylph's whips, smacked it along the back of the same knee to force it down. This attack however brought Winter close enough for the minotaur to hit her, and she was knocked to the ground by one of its massive fist that slammed into her gut, knocking the wind out of her as she fell. The minotaurs hit forced Winter's spear out of its knee as she fell too.

Winter was able to catch her breath enough to stab at the minotaur again, though she still hadn't regained enough strength to really cause any damage. Sylph tried to get its attention by hitting it with her slime whips, but her whips did much the same as Winter's spear and didn't cause any harm to the beast. The minotaur then grabbed Winter from the ground where she lay in one massive hand and squeezed her body, causing a bit of pain as it drained her strength to continue fighting.

"Hold on Winter! He may be strong, but he can be beaten!" Sylph called out to Winter as she was grabbed, ready to aid Winter in getting free.

Winter - FP: 3/5, AP: 0/10, grappled -1 attack
Sylph - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/?
Minotaur - FP: 6/10
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter could briefly see stars before her eyes and she felt the air being forcefully evacuated from her lungs. As she struggled to regain her breath, she could only weakly attempt to stab the minotaur again and couldn't muster the strength to pierce it's thick hide.

She could barely squeak as the beast picked her up and tried to squeeze the life out of her. She wiggled and writhed in it's grasp before realize that her arms were still free. She viciously stabbed the face of the minotaur hoping that one her strikes would hit it's eyes in an attempt to struggle free and potentially blind the beast.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Round 6:
Winter - 15 vs 12 M, broke free from grapple
Sylph - 3 vs 13 M, miss
Minotaur - 1 vs 2 W, miss

Round 7:
Winter - 18 vs 5 M, hit
Sylph - 2 vs 5 M, miss
Minotaur - 14 vs 7 W, hit

Round 8:
Winter - 13 vs 11 M, hit
Sylph - 3 vs 11 M, miss
Minotaur - 20 vs 3 W, crit hit on Winter, knocking her out of the battle.

Winter's struggles proved successful as she managed to somehow break the hold on her by the minotaurs large hand, falling the the floor and landing on her feet. Sylph made a follow up attack on the massive thing's legs again, but it simply didn't do anything at all as the minotaur took a swing at Winter again and missed.

Winter then thrust her spear at the minotaur, which thanks to her being able to get the full force now she was free from its grasp, she was able to pierce its hide this time. The minotaur threw its head back and howled in pain as its thigh was pierced by Winter's spear. Sylph again tried to use her slime whips and hit the minotaur in the legs, trying to trip it up, but failing. The minotaur then swung its massive fist again at Winter, catching her this time in the right shoulder and knocking her down again.

Winter would see the minotaur about to step on her after she was knocked down and thrust her spear up into the bottom of its foot and forcing it back as its blood fell down onto her from the wound. Sylph again failed to deal any actual damage, and simply discarded the slime whips and reformed her right arm into a large slime hammer. The minotaur managed to recover after Winter's spear was pulled from its foot and howled in anger as it grabbed her again and slung her across the room, slamming her into the wall and banging her head against the wall, knocking her out cold. The last image she would see was Sylph looking angrily at the minotaur and swinging her slime hammer at it.


When Winter woke, she'd notice her body ached all over from the beating she took as she slowly opened her eyes. Through the sleepy haze in her eyes, Sylph's face would swim into view, which had a very concerned look on it.

"Winter... Winter are you okay? Come on please be alright, I'm going to need your help," Sylph said in a worried tone.

(Sylph managed to finish the fight in victory for her and Winter, though it took a few more rounds, she didn't take any damage at all really. I won't bother showing the rolls unless you just want me to.)
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter could feel the impact of the unforgiving ground through her legs at the same time that she could feel herself capable of breathing freely again. She didn't have time to celebrate her legs or mourn her knees as she had to throw herself to the side to dodge the lumbering fist of the minotaur.

Recognizing an opening when presented with one, she dug the tip of her spear into the thigh of the minotaur. She was caught a glimpse of Slyph trying to make another attack before she felt a giant fist impact her shoulder sending her spinning to the ground.

As her vision stopped resembling a tilt a whirl, she become aware of the fact that the minotaur was about to use her as a stepping stool. In a blind panic, Winter thrust her spear up into it's foot and was rewarded with a small shower of blood. She had no time to celebrate as she found herself picked up and unceremoniously thrown against a wall.

Slowly, Winter's vision came back out of the darkness and Slyph's face came into focus.

“Did anyone see the number of the train that hit me...?” Winter groggily asked, trying to sit up and being rewarded with her body's reminder that it just got the shit beat out of it. With a wince and a groan she managed to force herself to an almost sitting position. “Oh... right, minotaur.”

I was so tempted to use the 'My player makes poor decisions.' line there.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

I thought that minotaur had killed you when it flung you away like that. I... I kind of lost control and went berserk on it,” Sylph said, throwing her arms around Winter and hugging her tightly after making certain she was alive and okay.

Winter would be able to see the dead minotaur behind Sylph while her chin rested on Sylph's shoulder as they hugged. It looked like Sylph had decapitated the thing and continued pummeling it even after it was dead, for its head was laying several feet away from its body and it was covered in many more wounds than it was before she'd been knocked out, and there was also a large amount of blood pooling around the corpse.

Are you sure you're okay Winter? Do you hurt badly? If you do I can carry you for a few minutes if you want me to so you can rest and we can keep moving,” Sylph asked, offering to carry Winter if she wished for her to do so.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Hey... I'm alright.” Winter rubbed Slyphs back reassuringly as she tried to ignore the relatively gory remains of the minotaur. The Slime Girls embrace was both cool and comforting to her aching form and she felt tempted to linger in it for a while longer.

“I think I'm okay to walk.” Winter stated uncertainly, as she tried to pull herself to her feet. She managed to stay upright for a moment before having to lean on her spear. “But... a shoulder to lean on would be nice.”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Alright Winter, I can do that for you at least, come on we need to try and keep moving. But first here, swallow this down. It'll taste weird but I promise you that it'll help you recover faster,” Sylph said to Winter as she put her hand to Winter's mouth and pushed a finger inside where a small clump of her slime broke free from the rest of her in Winter's mouth.

Once she swallowed it down, Winter would feel her strength begin returning to her quite fast. While it returned Winter's strength back to her, Sylph helped her to her feet and offered her shoulder to Winter. Once Winter was up and on her feet again, Sylph glanced to the southern doorway, which was the only other way out aside from the door they came in through, which led back west.

Well Winter, would you like to go back to that other room we passed on the way here? Or would you rather keep going on the same path we've been on?” Sylph asked her companion.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“This is...” Winter couldn't say anymore as she found Slyph's finger inserted into her mouth. She could feel a piece of her friend break off in her mouth and while she couldn't say she disliked the taste it was very weird. Forcing herself to not think about where this morsel came from she swallowed the slimy treat. Immediately she began to feel her strength return to her limbs and the pain from her limbs dull.

“I think that minotaur was guarding something... let's find out what's further down this path.” Winter stated, leaning on Slyph's shoulder. She probably didn't strictly need to lean on her after Slyph's Medicine but, on some level, she enjoyed being so close to her friend.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

"I'm not so sure he was actually guarding anything of any real value, but he was definitely here for some reason or another. I don't know what but I'm sure it had something to do with keeping anyone from making it to mistress Hazel's palace. Let's go then shall we," Sylph said, grabbing the torch before they left and supporting Winter by letting her lean on her shoulder for a while as they walked.

They eventually made their way down a long corridor, which took them the better part of three or four minutes as they had to go slowly so Sylph could help Winter along. When they finally did make it to the next room they found the door open wide and inside they found something that made Sylph gasp, but quickly moved back behind the corner of the door way to peek around the corner with Winter.

They saw in the corner of the room past several dead lesser succubi, a lone angel girl laying on the floor surrounded by three lesser succubi and a slime girl like Sylph, though she was considerably smaller than Sylph was. One of the succubi was straddling the angel girl and bouncing up and down over what looked to be a very large and very erect penis. The succubi merely giggled at her while she moaned and didn't say anything yet.

"R-Rose will n-never... get away w-with this.... even if you m-make me fall... there are plenty m-more... of my k-kind that will f-fight her... and put an e-end to her..." the angel girl said, stuttering and giving soft little moans. The other two succubi were both holding the angel girl down, one holding her ankles, while the other held her wrists down above her head, keeping her immobile. Sylph looked back at Winter with a concerned look on her face.

"Winter, we have to help her. We can't leave her to be corrupted by Rose's people, she may be able to help us get to mistress Hazel's palace and help us fight Rose's forces," Sylph said in a whisper to Winter, forming her slime whips again and getting ready to rush in and attack whenever Winter was ready. It would seem to Winter that Sylph was going to go in and fight in whether she was or not.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter could scarcely believe her eyes as she peered around the corner with Slyph. The Angel looked like she had put up a considerable fight before being taken down by the remaining succubi and the odd one out slime girl. She found her eyes transfixed upon the image of a pure Angel being ridden and defiled before forcing her eyes to focus on the defilers.

“I think I'm good to fight.” Winter whispered into Slyph's ear, her grip tightening on her spear. Her eyes fell upon the only enemy not currently preoccupied with the Angel. “Let's focus on the slime girl first. Then let's try to take them one at a time.”

Winter crept around the corner in an attempt to not draw attention to herself as she tried to quietly approach the enemy slime girl. If successful, she would attempt to sneak attack it without drawing the attention of the succubi. If not, stabbing always seemed like a good plan.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

I'll tell you what Winter, I can handle the slime and once I can knock her out I can absorb her into myself and get a little stronger. You just focus on keeping those succubi off of the angel, just keep their attention off of her which shouldn't be too hard being as pretty as you are, because the longer they rape her the closer she'll come to falling, and we can't allow that to happen. Mistress Hazel would disintegrate me if I didn't save this angel. Besides, she may be able to help us fight if we free her first, and she may help mistress Hazel too once we get there,” Sylph whispered before Winter went into the room, stopping her for a moment before proceeding. If Winter agreed to her new plan, then they would creep into the room to attack.

As they went in, they would see a very large sword laying near where the angel was being raped. While they crept into the room, they heard the angel squeal out lewdly as she thrust her hips up unconsciously when her peak hit her, her seed uncontrollably spurting out of her member and into the lesser succubus riding her.

Oooo, so much cum. Just a few more times like that one and you won't be able to resist us any longer cutie. Go ahead and just give in cutie, you'll make a powerful succubus when you fall, and you'll just love it,” the succubus riding the angel cooed out to her, then the three succubi began giggling uncontrollably as the one on top of the angel started back up again to work her towards another orgasm.

N-No... please stop... I don't w-want this... g-get off,” the angel whimpered, moaning out more again.

If Winter agreed to her plan, then Sylph would creep up close enough and rush the other slime and attack her, swinging her slime whips at the other slime to try and knock her out so she could do absorb her like she said she could. While Winter went at the succubi to free the angel.

(Battle will start next update, just to give you time to make your decision on Sylph's suggestion. It doesn't really matter honestly which you choose, she isn't going to get mad at Winter.)
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Alright, then the succubi are mine.” Winter nodded her assent. Trying to keep out of the slime girl's line of sign in order to preserves her element of surprise. Keeping low, she crept toward the corner where the majority of the action was taking place.

When she heard the sound of Slyph attacking the opposing Slime, Winter gave a loud war cry and thrust her spear into the succubus riding the angel.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Stealth checks:
Winter - 13 vs 5 for stealth, passes
Sylph - 12 vs 7 for stealth, passes

Sylph – 8 vs 4 Sg, hit with sneak attack and dealt 2 FP dmg instead of 1
Winter – 12 vs 9 Ls(A), hit and freed the angel girl, dealing 2 FP dmg from her sneak attack

Slime girl – 18 vs 3 Sylph, crit hit on Sylph
Lesser succubus (A) – 16 vs 13 W, hit 1 FP and 1 AP dmg
Lesser succubus (B) – 14 vs 15 W, miss
Lesser succubus (C) – 10 vs 11 W, miss

Angel girl – stunned for now, can't act

Sylph – 9 vs 8 Sg, hit
Winter – 22 vs 2 Ls(A), crit hit 2 FP dmg

Slime girl – 9 vs 5 Sylph, hit
Lesser succubus (A) – 17 vs 19 W, miss
Lesser succubus (B) – 4 vs 18 W, miss
Lesser succubus (C) – 20 vs 19 W, hit 1 FP and 1 AP dmg

Angel girl – forfeits this turn to attempt getting her weapon back

Upon Winter's agreeing to her plan, Sylph nodded her head and went for the other slime girl, creeping in low and stealthily towards her, then as soon as she was close enough, Sylph jumped out and let out a shout at the other slime girl, swinging her slime whips at her back. The other slime girl yelped as Sylph's whips hit her across the back, then quickly turned around and made a quick attack of her own, catching Sylph off guard a little as the other slime girl's slime whips hit Sylph across the chest.

As Sylph began her own battle, Winter shouted her warcry and stabbed her spear right into the side of the succubus riding the poor angel girl, knocking her off. The angel girl breathed a sigh of relief as she was freed and though she couldn't really help Winter just yet, she still began reaching for the great sword laying near her. The succubus that Winter knocked off of the angel girl came back with a shout of her own and brought her fist into Winter's stomach, which began feeling quite warm just like in her battle with the succubus before. Winter would be able to tell that the succubus that she'd knocked off of the angel girl here was slightly stronger than the other two succubi, though not by much.

Take this you sorry thing, FOR MISTRESS HAZEL!” Sylph shouted and whipped her slime whips at the other slime girl again, knocking her back a step or two.

The slime girl Sylph was fighting managed to get another hit back on Sylph, though she was more ready for this one and took it in stride as they kept fighting. Meanwhile Winter jabbed her spear at the lesser succubus that had been riding the angel girl again, the point of her spear plunging into the right shoulder of her target and coming out through her back, a good deal of blood streaming from the wound. While to a normal human such a wound would be deadly or at least incapacitating, to this succubus it was a very bad wound, but nothing she couldn't shake off enough to keep fighting as she tried to punch Winter again and her hit failed to connect, though she did look like she was on her last legs now at least. The other two lesser succubi both tried to hit Winter also, with the first one of them missed as she ducked under it, while the second one of them manage to bring her hand around and slap Winter very hard across her rear, leaving a red handprint and a very warm feeling across her butt.

The angel girl managed to roll over and begin crawling towards the great sword laying a few feet from her, her movements seeming to go completely unnoticed while Winter's and Sylph's distraction attacks seemed to be doing their jobs in taking the enemies attention away from their attempting to corrupt the angel.

Winter - FP: 3/5, AP: 2/10
Sylph - FP: 2/5, AP: 0/10

Angel girl - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?

Lesser succubus (A) - FP: 1/5
Lesser succubus (B) - FP: 4/4
Lesser succubus (C) - FP: 4/4
Slime girl - FP: 1/4
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter could feel a small sense of satisfaction as the force of her blow knocked the succubus off the helpless angel. That feeling quickly vanished as she felt a warm fist impact her abdomen. As she tried to get herself back into a more stable stance she was dimly aware of Slyph declaring her loyalty to Hazel.

Winter had her own troubles to worry about as she plunged her spear deeply into the already wounded succubus' shoulder. She quickly back stepped to avoid the predictable counter attack before having to duck out of the way of an attack from the other succubi. Ducking under the first swing she felt a burning sensation as a hot hand print appeared on her partially revealed buttocks. She didn't have much time to do more than give a quick glare at the offending demon girl.

Winter dashed toward the already wounded succubus and swept her spear at her feet in an attempt to knock her down. If she could take her out of the fight now, then she could turn her attention to the others. If not, then she would follow it up with another strike.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Sylph - 20 vs 9 Sg, hit and finished her off
Winter - 7 vs 19 Ls(A), miss

Lesser succubus (A) - 3 vs 16 W, miss
Lesser succubus (B) - 11 vs 15 W, miss
Lesser succubus (C) - 19 vs 20 W, miss

Angel girl - 19 vs 1 Ls(B), crit hit, dealt 2 FP dmg

Sylph - spends turn to absorb the slime girl and recover her FP
Winter - 9 vs 7 Ls(A), hit and knocks out

Lesser succubus (B) - 19 vs 3 W, crit hit for 2 FP and 2 AP dmg
Lesser succubus (C) - 11 vs 3 W, grappled and pleasured, takes 2 AP dmg instead of any FP dmg

Angel girl - 5 vs 8 Ls(C), miss

Sylph continued her battle with the other slime girl, hitting her across the face with one of her whips and knocking her back against the wall where she then fell to the ground and splashed back into puddle form. Winter then went after the succubus she'd already about knocked out of the fight, but missed sweeping her legs out from under her with her spear, the succubus flapping her wings and bouncing over it.

All three of the succubi tried and failed to hit Winter this time around, the one she'd already almost knocked out trying to kick Winter in the side of the head, which Winter ducked under. The second one tried to sweep Winter's legs with her own, but Winter was able to jump over it, while the third one tried to grab Winter and missed her tackle when Winter.

The angel girl continued crawling towards the great sword and grabbed it, where she then managed to pull herself to her feet and swing it at the succubus(B) to Winter's left, slashing a large gash in her side after she went after Winter's legs.

Sylph glanced over to see Winter kind of getting overwhelmed and looked back down to the slime puddle at her feet. If Winter took a moment to glance over, she'd see Sylph step into the center of the puddle which began literally being absorbed into Sylph's being and regenerating Sylph and healing her wounds, which she had a few places on her slimy body that were split open and there were clumps of her slime that were strewn all about he on the floor that had hardened and became useless.

While Sylph did that, Winter would bring her spear around again at the succubus' feet and knock them out from under her, where she fell to the floor and landed flat on her face, which must have been hard enough to knock her out as she didn't move again. The other two succubi both came in at Winter, with angry looks on their faces for Winter hurting their comrade apparently. The first of the two remaining succubi brought her tail around and jabbed it in the inner thighs of Winter's legs before she could stop her, causing Winter's body to heat up even more. The second succubus used that moment of distraction on Winter to come up behind her and tackle her to ground, where she grabbed Winter's breasts with one hand and kneaded them a bit, while her other hand went down between Winter's legs as her fingers brushed across Winter's quickly moistening honeypot.

The angel girl moved in to try and get the succubus off of Winter, but was blocked by the other remaining succubus, who managed to bat her large blade aside. From the position she was in, Winter could see that Sylph would probably take a little time before she could help her, but she looked as if she were trying to hurry as fast as she could.

Winter - FP: 1/5, AP: 6/10, grappled by Lesser succubus (C) and takes -2 to attack.
Sylph - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10

Angel girl - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?

Lesser succubus (B) - FP: 2/4
Lesser succubus (C) - FP: 4/4, grappling Winter and pleasuring her
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter flailed wildly as she barely managed to duck, jump and weave her way through the gauntlet of attacks launched in retaliation for her attempted leg sweep. She was deeply focused on her battle and unable to pay attention to Slyph's victory. A flash of steel in her peripheral vision was the only warning any of them had that the angel had rejoined the fight.

Winter took advantage of the momentary distraction to finally sweep the strongest succubus' legs from under her and watched her fall and not get back up. And then quickly noticed that the remaining succubi didn't seem very happy about this. She didn't expect their tails to be used as weapons and was caught flat footed when a tail was jabbed into her inner thigh delivering a warm feeling up into her core. Before she knew it, she found herself falling forward with the distinct feeling of a generous pair of breasts pressed against her back.

As she found herself being fondled, Winter felt her adrenaline level starting to drop and she became painfully aware of her exhausted state as well as the heat flowing through her veins. She was distinctly aware of the soft fingers toying with her breast contrasted with her hardened nipples being pressed into the cold dungeon floor. Her tattered clothing did little to hide the scent of her growing arousal even as she began coating the demon girl's fingers in her juices.

“Do... do you think you're... going to break me just like that?” Winter gasped out, trying not to moan at the very effective ministrations being delivered unto her. She took a moment to try to gather what was left of her strength before attempting to buck off the offending succubus.