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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Um you can have much more cards in your hand. There is a second page if you press the button under your hand if you have more cards that are shown. Though never seem to go above 7-8 cards in my hand at a time since things tend to die quickly.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

If you collect 10 tickets does that let you pull from the 11-draw?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Things I dislike of found lacking so far:

1)Grindy and horribly time-consuming nature of Arena. I would like it much more if it were PvP - cpu is dumb as a log and there's no interest playing against it at all. If there's any element of the game able to burn players out of it - it's this one.

2)I don't know if it's connection timer set low or game behaves like this due to day 1 overload, but it seem to lose connection when I leave it for around 30-60+ minutes. For browser game it's way too fast.

3)UI is terribly undeveloped. No indication of how much exp is needed to lvl a card, nor how much exp cards you selected will bring. Card sorting breaks to default after any action. Not even touching deck builder design and usability.
This is hardly acceptable in a game where dealing with hundreds of cards is daily if not hourly task.

4)Battle mechanics seems.. lacking. This is coming from long-time fanatic of both digital and physical card games, so it's at least 50% rant and should be taken with a grain of salt due to semi-casual browser nature of AS. But having a maximum of 5 cards in hand with 2 drawn each turn is terrible for any sort of planning and tactics. Add to that self-healing of attacking and defending cards to maximum at the end of turn and the game comes down to vomiting your hand on the field as soon as possible and pray that opponent is unable to do the same. There's some interesting spells and effects, sure, but their role in gaining momentum is tertiary at best, after quality of cards and simple luck of draw.
Basically, by stripping the game of its h-nature (which is not that wide and impressive in the first place) you will find it severely lacking as a card game.

Oh, and that's not me hatin' or anything. Just a bit of constructive criticism.

Most of my complaints are UI-based, particularly the sort function resetting after every action. The disconnecting is also a minor annoyance.

..and yes, the AI is dumb as a bag of rocks, and I know arena feels grindy, but tournament mode (which starts next week) is against an actual human with ratings and everything. You get higher rewards, most notably more medals per match, at higher ratings.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Most of my complaints are UI-based, particularly the sort function resetting after every action. The disconnecting is also a minor annoyance.

..and yes, the AI is dumb as a bag of rocks, and I know arena feels grindy, but tournament mode (which starts next week) is against an actual human with ratings and everything. You get higher rewards, most notably more medals per match, at higher ratings.

Hoping you get at least 50 medals or something, because the rewards require so many.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i'm a bit hesitant to waste my upgrade materials, so i need something clarified.

do cards gain extra att/def aside from the increased max level once they have been upgraded to + or ++?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i'm a bit hesitant to waste my upgrade materials, so i need something clarified.

do cards gain extra att/def aside from the increased max level once they have been upgraded to + or ++?

Nope, just increased max level and new haircolor/clothes.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

the timeout issue should be fixed by Friday according to the facesbooks
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I was wondering do anyone else here fought ppl in arena that have tons of SR SSR card ? + with high lvl too -.-
I just meet another guy he got 2 SR card + 1 SSR card..... damit money spender !!!.
Luckily his high rare card is on the weak side... so i'm still ok, but if i meet someone with crazy stat again..... Brrr....
(already got 2 lose cuz of this -.- / no the guy i post in this screenie card lvl pretty low so easy win with 1 card (shown in pict))

I'm starting to hate this game already how cash user have way huge advantage specialy later during tournament

PS: just meet ppl with upgraded tons upgraded card even Normal card with all element too (i think he bought those element droplet, but again the AI is stupid so yeahh easy win)


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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Um you can have much more cards in your hand. There is a second page if you press the button under your hand if you have more cards that are shown. Though never seem to go above 7-8 cards in my hand at a time since things tend to die quickly.

Oh. Another stone to the UI then - who the hell makes tabs for the cards in your hand? They could easily make place for 3 more without resizing them just by moving elements on the left and right from player's hand somewhere else - plenty of space for it.

Still not changing all the other bad aspects of the system they designed. Too little is based on your skill, too much on luck and money invested. Funny thing is, high-spenders will come to hate it, too - no one likes to be screwed over by luck of the draw.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

When are tournaments usually held? I always seem to miss them. Are they held only once per day or something?

Tournaments will be open on Tuesday (Aug 4th). They didn't want to open them right away because they wanted to give everyone 1 week to build their decks, figure out the game, and to just get comfortable with the everything in general :)
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Things I dislike of found lacking so far:

1)Grindy and horribly time-consuming nature of Arena..

2)I don't know if it's connection timer set low or game ...

3)UI is terribly undeveloped. ...

4)Battle mechanics seems.. lacking. ....

Thank you Gromelon. This is just the feedback we need to pass on to the developers.

I can't promise everything will be changed immediately, but a lot of these things I can really concur with and will definitely voice. A lot of people have much of the same criticisms so it would be nice to fix a few of these things up.

The "response error" was fixed. When I spoke to the dev's about it they said we should see the fix by Friday morning. Now, hopefully, when you're AFK you won't have to restart the page each time you come back.

The card sorting jumping to default is one of my peeves as well, and I think a fix for that may be attainable, so I'm going to push it.

As for the other comments, I'll compile them and pass them along and continue to check on the status. Of course, I will keep everyone updated.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I wonder..

As I progress through the story, the AI seems to make fewer dumb moves.
Is this:

A) coincidence/I'm seeing things
B) the AI was tweaked over the past day or so
C) a sliding scale of difficulty as you progress
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Nope, just increased max level and new haircolor/clothes.

It's ridiculous. Laziness to a huge n'th level - no new art with upgrade/training? Just pallet swap? Bah.

**EDIT** Also for live matches - I hope there's a time limit per player round, 'ala hearthstone. Ain't nobody got time for you to fap off while we wait for you to click end turn.

And as much as it sucks, I hope lost connection/disconnects = automatic win for the other player. I imagine there will be quite a number of rage quitters.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

@Nordland: Do we see our opponents turn in real time, or do they decide what happens, and then it plays out for us all at once? Right now I see no reason for maximum mana to be hidden, we see every time they sacrifice for mana. If turns play out in real time, we might as well be allowed to see current mana as well.

If turns play out real time in tournaments, and current mana was known, we could figure out the costs of face down cards against AI too (in turns where multiple face down cards are played). It would just add more strategy to the game imo.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

there is more going on then just color changed. for example, take a look at my favorite card. she grows hair, more tattoos and more blood. the dagger and clothes change a bit from first to second and slightly from second to third.

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I tried the current Limited Quest. Earlier today I completed the first stage, and it was pretty easy (though I had to fight the boss twice because the first time I had terrible luck with my cards). Just now I finished the second part, defeating the boss on the first try, and boy was it a different experience. For the curious here's what the boss played in order it was played:
Name of unit - Level - Attack/Defense
Queen of Pillaging Theresa 60 970/680
Queen of Pillaging Theresa 60 970/680
Luminous Lightfoot Tanya 60 1500/880
Mountain Goddess Huan Lu 70 1880/1440
Queen of Thieves Nina 60 2160/1820
Bloodthirsty Berserker Sylvie 60 2340/480
Archelf Lily 60 1240/800
Bloodthirsty Berserker Sylvie 60 2340/480
Beast Master Anastasia 60 2160/1780
Luminous Lightfoot Tanya 60 1500/880

All cards are upgraded to the third stage.

The ONLY reason I won is because I managed to play "Royal Guard Onyx" (level 60/60, 1860/1700) before the really strong units started showing up. Even so I had to sacrifice a unit nearly every turn, even after I managed to play one of my "Berserker Sylvie" (40/40, 2080/460).

So if you're planning to fight that boss without high-level cards I wish you luck - you'll need it.

P.S.: The rewards I got for beating the boss are 1 Cerulean Essence and 1 The Philosopher's Stone. For beating the regular monsters you can get Cerulean Essence, Cerulean Crystal or The Philosopher's Stone.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

@Nordland: Do we see our opponents turn in real time, or do they decide what happens, and then it plays out for us all at once? ..

The tournament section has not been opened yet for us either. Hopefully we'll get to test it before it goes live. I'll ask the developers to let me know anything they can in the meantime. Hopefully I'll have word by tomorrow :)
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

For leveling, at the confirmation prompt, there will be red text that indicates that you will reach the level limit if you use the selected card(s)
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Not sure if it's just me, but I get the feeling that defensive decks get rewarded a lot more than offensive decks. Mostly because of the whole you lose LP if you attack a defending card, but defenders have no penalty at all. Plus there seems to be a lot more spells/traps for defending than attacking.

It's a lot harder to break through some defenses because of cards like Never Give Up which will prevent you from breaking through a high defense target by healing them full after each attack. Using weaker targets to trigger traps isn't really an option since you take massive LP damage if there's a huge difference between attack and defense. On top of that, if you trigger a chain reaction you're taking up to 1.5k more lp damage on top of that.

There's a limit to how many traps we can disarm, assuming we even have cards to do so. Revealing the face down trap won't necessarily help you since you still have to trigger/destroy it. The only way to really counter this would be to have a deal direct LP damage card, but those require you to be in offensive mode. From what I've seen so far, most of the cards with direct LP damage have rather low offensive power making them rather easy to kill.

So am I missing something cardwise or is defense just superior to offense?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Not sure if it's just me, but I get the feeling that defensive decks get rewarded a lot more than offensive decks. Mostly because of the whole you lose LP if you attack a defending card, but defenders have no penalty at all. Plus there seems to be a lot more spells/traps for defending than attacking.

It's a lot harder to break through some defenses because of cards like Never Give Up which will prevent you from breaking through a high defense target by healing them full after each attack. Using weaker targets to trigger traps isn't really an option since you take massive LP damage if there's a huge difference between attack and defense. On top of that, if you trigger a chain reaction you're taking up to 1.5k more lp damage on top of that.

There's a limit to how many traps we can disarm, assuming we even have cards to do so. Revealing the face down trap won't necessarily help you since you still have to trigger/destroy it. The only way to really counter this would be to have a deal direct LP damage card, but those require you to be in offensive mode. From what I've seen so far, most of the cards with direct LP damage have rather low offensive power making them rather easy to kill.

So am I missing something cardwise or is defense just superior to offense?

Well, there are spells and abilities that force a card to switch stance. Also, you can "offensively defend". Line up high ATK cards in offensive stance and.. don't attack. Make THEM dash themselves against them.