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(Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Hey guys!

I just checked with the testing team, they're going to look into this for you so we can get you the proper rewards. Can you both let me know your Nutaku ID #'s if you don't mind?

My ID is 26486. Thanks for the help. : )
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

738715. Good luck! And tell 'em 6k points for 11mil hp is animal cruelty.

Thanks, though. Chick+Lady daily had no troubles.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Midterm period has now passed for the current Anri Okita event, but I did not receive any midterm rewards at all. Anyone else get the same?
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Midterm period has now passed for the current Anri Okita event, but I did not receive any midterm rewards at all. Anyone else get the same?

Yeah I'm really confused right now, and worried as I am sitting at rank 20
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Midterm period has now passed for the current Anri Okita event, but I did not receive any midterm rewards at all. Anyone else get the same?

This has been fixed (for me) after the last emergency maintenance, thanks.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Anyone know for the US version in the current event is having the event girl from the previous event an antiraid card intentional? It seems like its seriously screwing the event scores and anyone who placed poorly last event. I sent in a support ticket asking them and they just deleted it without responding. (not complaining I placed well enough in the last event, but I feel for people who did not place well)
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

now its not an antiraid and those that did place well or get lucky just have a normal card now thx
is the switch from not antiraid meant to happen?
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

-slow clap-

I... don't even know what to say. What possessed them to switch the antiraid properties off after the event has already been running for several days? The damage has already been done. (I can't have been the only person who was only beating 20 bosses per day, right?)

There goes any chance I, or anyone else like me, has at placing anywhere worth mentioning in this event. Also teaches us a future lesson: exploit everything to its fullest. Just so many things wrong with their decision, I don't even... Ugh.

EDIT: Not even a notice or announcement or anything.
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Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

It's a weird decision, the damage is already done. Not sure who this will benefit.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

this really should be a thng if you place well you should be able to continue to do so yes this will breed a top 20 cult or something but those ppl will be in that spot no matter what cause there those ppl
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

It's a weird decision, the damage is already done. Not sure who this will benefit.

From a money-making standpoint, I'm guessing they want to persuade people to actually spend money on lotto for the actual antiraid cards.

As for benefit to the players, obviously those who took full advantage of the "mistake" and spammed bosses now have an insurmountable lead over those who didn't/couldn't.

Incoming rant about why I think this decision was utter idiocy:
This decision doesn't make much sense at all. Allow me to provide my (possibly flawed; I'm no economics major) interpretation/prediction.

Those of us stuck behind are 99.9% not likely to bother spending money to catch up because the gap is too wide and not worth it at all.

Those who are already in the top are stuck at insane boss levels. To make a dent in their bosses, they'd also have to spend tons to get enough antiraid cards. They also have little to no incentive to do so because of how the rewards are structured. #1~20 all get two ULs. #21~70 will end up with at least two Ls by the end of the event. #1~100 all get at least 2 URs and SRs at the end of the event. This basically means the only incentive to advance is from #71~end up into the top 70, or from #21~end up into the top 20. By the halfway point. A couple of days away.

Nobody is going to spend the amount of money required to do either of those things. It's not worth it. In addition, people who have already spent money on antiraid lotto have no incentive to spend any more than they did before this change. This basically results in nobody spending any more than they would have if they had left the antiraid alone.

My guess is Nutaku is betting on people actually willing to spend a ton to advance their ranking slightly.

tl;dr Nobody is really going to spend any more money. The only thing this change did was piss people like me off for not taking advantage of it.

Have fun with the event y'all. I'm just gonna go grind missions with my stamina and maybe pick up the free 2000 gacha points per day.

EDIT: I am now much calmer. There is a point to be made that Nutaku may actually be acting in order to restore the element of "fairness" to the event. I definitely think this was (ironically) an unfair way to do it. Penalizing the players for the developers' mistake is a surefire way to encourage players to exploit game mechanics and bugs even more in the future. A better way to go about this would have been to let the event progress until the interim ranking bonuses are awarded, then remove the antiraid properties and reset event progress. #1~3 might start at boss level 100 with all of the points from beating bosses lv1~99, while #4~10 might start at boss lv80, etc.

Note that there is no real good way to about something like this, but at the very least, put up a notification so people have advance notice.
It's the abruptness of this change that really gets me and just screams "unfair."

this really should be a thng if you place well you should be able to continue to do so yes this will breed a top 20 cult or something but those ppl will be in that spot no matter what cause there those ppl

This is counterproductive to the aim of having players spend money to acquire the new antiraid cards. And in the end, this game is a business for Nutaku.
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Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Well. This event is done for me. I can't beat any boss at level 93 without sensivity bonus.

Lol. I've got 169 mini stamina V left ....
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

I was lucky enough to beat a lot of bosses before the fix, but yeah I won't be spending anything else this event. With my current setup a lvl 200 boss would take 15 hits to bring down and that is just way to expensive. Guess its back to questing and leveling cards.

And yeah, I am assuming it was a mistake, though it's weird that it took them so long to fix it.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

It's a weird decision, the damage is already done. Not sure who this will benefit.

Yeah, I regret not pushing my way to the top 20, looks like that ship was has sailed for me this event.

Idk how this is going to end, but it's already a mess

Wow, the anti-raid cards in the gacha I would have paid for, but with these screwed up rankings, no chance...
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Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls


I completed the Teen daily mission and instead of the R or higher reward, I got a broken placeholder card:


It's not the first time I've received these broken cards:



It's been about two weeks now, and I have not heard anything about a resolution to this issue.

I've since received more broken cards:


Is this issue still being looked at?
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls


It's been about two weeks now, and I have not heard anything about a resolution to this issue.

I've since received more broken cards:


Is this issue still being looked at?

hmmmm, this is quite strange. I have passed this along to my tester, I'll let you know the resolution.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls


It's been about two weeks now, and I have not heard anything about a resolution to this issue.

I've since received more broken cards:


Is this issue still being looked at?

Can also confirm receiving the same cards during the teen missions, lost out the lvl 12 boss reward to it.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Yeah, I regret not pushing my way to the top 20, looks like that ship was has sailed for me this event.

Idk how this is going to end, but it's already a mess

Wow, the anti-raid cards in the gacha I would have paid for, but with these screwed up rankings, no chance...

Really disappointed by how the situation was handled. I've spent a lot of money on both versions of this game and seeing them do this is disappointing. I will not be spending any more money on either versions for any of the events.