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[Nutaku] Idol Wars

Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

Can people screenshot their trees for quest/DF/scouting?
I'd like to see what others are doing.
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars


Just wanted to say a job well done to everyone on Ulmf that is in our production. We took 1st place on the east side and by a large margin. We can't drop our guard though. We may have to face a tuff opponent any time.

i just don't understand what is so interesting about this game

Its more about social/ Dream Fest. If your not in a good production, the game can't be anything but boring. Building one up from scratch wasn't easy, but we came this far. DF requires every ounce of attention for 30 minutes. Those 30 min always go by quickly.
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Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

do we get the grand prix rewards at the end of the week? Missed the first battle tonight due to school :eek:
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

^ Yes, rewards are handed out after the event.

edit - The west side's 1st place got over 900m in score lol They put a lot of money into it I'd say. Looks like I made a good choice picking East.
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Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

My productions first opponent did 500m.

Yea, 500m is nearing our limit as well.


Some production got 600m. Probably just more URs and characters with "late" vs "normal" and "early." Ofc coordination plays a big role.

edit - No, that's not it. It really depends on the opponent. Some will stay down and not get up lowering overall score since only miracles can be used on exhausted opponents which aren't as strong as ACT. That's what happened in the last match we had above.
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Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

Yea, 500m is nearing our limit as well.


Some production got 600m. Probably just more URs and characters with "late" vs "normal" and "early." Ofc coordination plays a big role.

edit - No, that's not it. It really depends on the opponent. Some will stay down and not get up lowering overall score since only miracles can be used on exhausted opponents which aren't as strong as ACT. That's what happened in the last match we had above.

What's the diff btw late normal and early?
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

What's the diff btw late normal and early?

Stat growth. Early gets more stats at lower levels, normal is about equal through all levels and late should get more the higher you get. Ish.
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

Lets just keep this up for a couple more days and collect our loot <3
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

Someone quoted this in the production

"man, that saying of a defeat being worth a hundred victories, while I've known it to be true for a long time, it had never felt so real as after coming back to defeat Meow after last time"

I can't agree more. After we were stomped by Meow the first time, we learned so much from them. So with the greatest respect, we can only thank them with the best fight of their lives.


If we didn't run into them before Diva, we would never have won. Such a close match. A very unexpected match as well. They decided to put the east vs the west today so our next opponent may also be tuff. Don't let up!!

Update Sept 19th - Last day for the Diva event. I wanna thank everyone who participated. We have secured First place even if we manage to lose. But since we've come this far, lets shoot for a perfect victory :)
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Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

Diva Grand Prix was pretty fun. Ulmf_Dscrd undefeated for 16/21 east.

How did other people fare? Looking forward to the special stage?
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

Production i am in finished 7th on both. Im happy with that result since only 4-5 of us showed up for it and i'm pretty sure we ran into one or two cash shop productions that or all their members turned up.
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

Ulmf_Dscrd has 2 openings. See Op post for details on how to join. You must have DF performance of 700k or more.
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

Ulmf_Dscrd has 2 openings. See Op post for details on how to join. You must have DF performance of 700k or more.

It's a tempting offer but i think you guys are in the US timezone?, if that's the case that's no good for me.
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

We ended 11:00 - 24 rank, 21:00 - 18 rank with 3-4 active members for 11:00 and 2 (me and one more prod member xD) for 21:00.
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

Members of ULMF!

No doubt you all know who I am, if you play Idol Wars anyway. You would also know BunnyDols, the production currently dominating the 1600 and 2100 time slots, and the main rival of the ULMF_Discord production (we won west, they won east). As such, I have come here to inform you all that we are recruiting at the moment! A momentous occasion for up and comers or established players!

What we offer:
-Top-tier production striving to be the best in our time slots
-DP experienced players, able to help you with any questions you have about IW
-Nice discord environment with lots of cute bunny/loli pictures :3
-Easy loot in DF event weeks if you do your job properly

What we want:
-800k DFP+, ideally more, in your DF deck (not rec)
-Commitment to at least 7/14 DFs a week, ideally more
-People with the ability to follow strategies, adapt, and take initiative
-Discord is a requirement and we encourage people to join voice during DF

Anyone that is interested can find me on the public Discord server for IW (in OP post). You may PM me here but I don't check often so might be a delay in response.

Also while I hate to brag (not really):
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Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

It's been fun fighting BunnyDols and other active productions. I would recommend smaller productions with only a few active members to merge or find new ones. This game is no fun without an active production IMO.

Ulmf_Dscrd is full but always the opportunity to join/create another pro especially for other time slots.
Re: [Nutaku] Idol Wars

This game is a joke. My production placed top 10 in the Backdance DF but then i get here and you guys hit for easy 1kk per skill, while we barely go for 50kk each DF and no-one can tell us what we are doing wrong, even though we play by the book by switching and buffing. Just today we had our complete production active and had a 30kk lead and then the enemy production hit one skill for 7kk (sing and wink + level 7). It's a joke.
And no. We didn't switch unbuffed members to the front, we had 5kk buffs, which they also just shredded through.
I would post a screen but you guys hit for more anyway and i haven't hit my 15 posts limit yet.

Even their buffs hit for 400k and up without combo. I don't get it and i am starting to hate the game. The most frustrating thing is we don't know why they do so much more damage.
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