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[Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Wonder when we'll get the IWZ tickets

SR hime event ticket got me (a new) Oberon and her craptastic bow :/
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Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Who are you on Kami again? Idk if you're even on my list.

I forgot my name ingame and had to relog in after like a month or two but then I saw that SSR Guaranteed pull for fifty dollars. I'm kinda tempted to be just semi inactive now at least and enjoy the storyline lol.

Ingame name is Ericridge, I typically have that eidolon that boosts droprate up.

In the list of SSRs, it looks like its about 50% chance that I'd get someone I'm interested in and not. Since Senran Kagura Peach Beach didn't come out for PC this summer as I hoped it would, I might do one pull.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Looks like a good event to use a MLB Prison of Wind as your main eidolon huh.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

so, anyone without mordred or andromeda/sol had a chance to beat ragnarok? guess a combination of those 3 are necessary for this.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

so, anyone without mordred or andromeda/sol had a chance to beat ragnarok? guess a combination of those 3 are necessary for this.

I could tell you if I had multiple chances to test things out. It's not exactly a run I can do on the first try. :p
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Got Uranus from the first Premium Ticket from the event. A good start :)
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

^ The SR+ is a 1 time deal anyway
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

It was the regular ticket not the Kamihime one, that's why I said it was a good start. If I can get a non-dupe from the Kamihime ticket then this event will be #worth :D

Anyway I tried using Balor against the Ragnarok boss and failed spectacularly. The boss resisted every single damn debuff.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

It was the regular ticket not the Kamihime one, that's why I said it was a good start. If I can get a non-dupe from the Kamihime ticket then this event will be #worth :D

Anyway I tried using Balor against the Ragnarok boss and failed spectacularly. The boss resisted every single damn debuff.

Balor is basically lotto attempt. If you land her stun it's 15 seconds of guaranteed boss not moving. And chance of it succeeding is pretty low, especially if you're not using lowered debuff resist from Mordred.

Edit: Here you guys go, finally made a strategy that worked for me on rag. No SSRs used.

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Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Yeah I should've just tried like normal to be honest. All I need is a few more skill levels on my wind weapons and it should be doable. And because I have Chronus I can still keep Ambush on Andromeda.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Seems like event rewards are a bit cheaper this time.
Second event eidolon on at 10 gold items where in prevoius would've been at 25 already
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

my concern are the other materials, the gold ones are the only ones i have on mass after an advent event...
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Still no info about the IWZ closing tickets being handed in Kami ? Or it's buried in random Discord chat nobody bothered to sift through :rolleyes:
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Thread is dead and event ends in ~3 hours.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

well yeah, not sure what to post about atm, waiting for the event to end and the next one, according to the jp wiki its the fight against the quetzalcoatl-like boss and we get some new fire kamis in the gacha?

looking at the wiki all fire ssr look viable with one exception, svalog, hope its not her turn to show up next...

this raidboss was somehow pretty dull compared to the last few events i ve seen, on the other hand, ragnarok difficulty, really not a fan of that one....
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

^ Isn't it the Phoenix/Apocalypse re-issue next ? Or maybe it's the next-next :confused:

EDIT : NM, maintenance is done and the next event is indeed wind
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Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

as of the ingame news the next event will be something of a crossover with dragon providence....not sure if i take a look at that game..

still, looks like its that aztec boss...compared to the last ssr we could get i really like this one. the ssr weapon...not so much.
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Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

was this crossover in the jp version?

anyways. i would suggest we make a good guild with members here. since in three events we get the guild war one.

i had a good guild, then everyone left
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

on the jp wiki are some crossover events but i doubt one of them had dragon providence (art?) on a banner, my best guess is that we get some side events that give rewards for the other game if completed.

e: thats still about a month time until the event hits...
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Siegfried, Mordred or D'artagan? Not really interested in Joan or Solomon (lol) atm