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[Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

First ever gold item lottery, legendary sword right off the bat.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Is it just me, or does the game have a serious one-track mind with mega boss spawns? They always seem to come in clusters. Yesterday there were 4 dreadnaughts at once. Right now there are 3 fire glimmers. What are the odds of this ALWAYS being a coincidence. It makes me wanna save stamina/force for when a dreadnaught spawns and then try to bait out one of my own.

I've often wondered the same. RNG is often limited in its randomness for the sake of speed, but since it's supposed to be random it can be difficult for users to determine whether streaks are just coincidence (gambler's fallacy), deliberate (WoW, LoL, DotA2 all use a weighted PRNG), or if it's actually a bug in the code (Warframe).

Warframe illustrated their problem:
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

From my own experience and seeing the card choice of the top players it seems that lower physical damage and higher magic damage is almost always ideal. This would probably be because most of the mega bosses with the best loot all have such crazy-high armor. Even a card with relatively high damage does ZERO with basic attacks. So cards like Sophie, Madder Naga, Marin, etc. that have somewhat low physical damage and very high magic damage are the most desirable.

However, looking at the 3 SRs I have come across so far, all are either balanced in their damage or (most commonly) have relatively high physical damage and mediocre magic damage. I just maxed out my (SR++) Sandra, and she's definitely better than any of my maxed out R++ cards...but just barely. Are magic damage oriented SRs not in the game yet?, or is the trend towards more even stats as things get closer to SSRs?
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

I think you might be confused about phys/magic damage, A card either does magic or physical not both, same with the player. The balance between a normal atk and skill atk usually determines a cards main role later but ofcourse there are exceptions to every rule. For example high initiative and more balanced cards are usually better for pvp even if they dont have highest skill damage because it dosnt matter how hard you hit if you never use your skill. High skill damage is usually reserved for mega bosses because you get several chances to atk negating low init. Low cost cards are good for investigations and quest damage is normal + skill so the higher the better there. Most of the SRs that drop currently are physical while a few of the lotto are magic.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Yeah. I meant attack/skill and not physical/magic. You did seem to answer my question in regard to mega bosses suggesting that skill > attack.

I already usually mop the floor with anyone in PVP that doesn't have a HAXsklepios staff, and the rewards in PVP are pretty bad even at rank 9.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

the implication that agent smith has a H scene terrifies me xDDD

Guess you didn't see Cecil scene then... take my advice and skip it when you level this particular card :p
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

I'm trying to get a handle on the final stats of a max level SR++ where the 4 component cards were never leveled before evolving vs. a SR++ where all 4 components were max leveled and then the 2 primarily evolved cards were also max leveled before again evolving and then max leveling the result (7 total max levels).

The only formula I've seen for this was in moon runes so I didn't really understand it. But if someone who has done it on a Japanese server, understands the Japanese formula, or has possibly even done it already on the English server already could give me a basic idea of the difference I'd really appreciate it. Is it a COLOSSALLY HUGE difference or just sort of a min/max deal?

For the record, I read that max level cards get 10% of stats while others only get 5%. That obviously doesn't really cover it, though.

On another topic, 21-2 (Altar of the fallen god, stage 2) is AMAZING for getting fodder cards for leveling. All 3 rewards are L8 cards, and it costs 27 stamina (9x3). I haven't seen any other place that comes close in terms of stamina/experience value.
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Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

A fully maxed card (maxed base cards combined into + cards, maxed, then combined into the final ++) will be about 65% stronger than a card that's rushed straight to ++ with no leveling. Alternatively, a card that's rushed straight to ++ with no leveling is about 40% weaker than a fully maxed card.

A partially maxed card (unleveled base cards rushed to +, maxed, then combined into the final ++) will be about 42% stronger than a card that's rushed straight to ++ with no leveling. Alternatively, a card that's rushed straight to ++ with no leveling is about 30% weaker than a partially maxed card.

This is just based off shoving numbers from the wiki for a few cards into the wiki and trial-and-error until the percentages are almost there.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

I just fought a Silver Dragon from 83% to 1%.. and my comrade was afk and dont killed him -.- what the fuck is this? e.e

why is someone asking for help wenn he dosent end the fuckin tard boss?
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Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Maybe someone broke into his house and tortured him while you are crying about such pointless things.
You don't have to be so rude just bcs you're online.
Quallitypost here. xd
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

i just used 4 force recovers for his silver dragon.. e.e and why is he asking for it when hes going to get raped after this?
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

A fully maxed card (maxed base cards combined into + cards, maxed, then combined into the final ++) will be about 65% stronger than a card that's rushed straight to ++ with no leveling. Alternatively, a card that's rushed straight to ++ with no leveling is about 40% weaker than a fully maxed card.

A partially maxed card (unleveled base cards rushed to +, maxed, then combined into the final ++) will be about 42% stronger than a card that's rushed straight to ++ with no leveling. Alternatively, a card that's rushed straight to ++ with no leveling is about 30% weaker than a partially maxed card.

This is just based off shoving numbers from the wiki for a few cards into the wiki and trial-and-error until the percentages are almost there.

That's because not all cards share the same percentages.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

I just fought a Silver Dragon from 83% to 1%.. and my comrade was afk and dont killed him -.- what the fuck is this? e.e

why is someone asking for help wenn he dosent end the fuckin tard boss?

I generally don't do all the work on any single thing. Its just too annoying when it doesn't pay off. Sadly, the only thing you can do is keep track of players that ask for assistance and then don't deliver the finishing blow. Then if they do it too often just get a different comrade. I've already deleted two comrades for this, myself, and a couple others are right on the edge.

It would be a big improvement if you got your focus back if the mega boss of an ally wasn't killed...or at least a percentage of it. There's nothing in the long run (that I can foresee) that will be more harmful to this game than at some point never being able to kill any mega bosses.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Thanks god my comrades rule :D Well I did kick a couple, which I still like and I'm sorry about that, but they were not that active and were low levels ( no more evil eyes muhahahaha )
The game overall rules ( I've been addicted to web-based games, but not that much ) and when u add more content it will be even better :D
Sooo any news about the new content? Like what to expect at least :)
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Thanks god my comrades rule :D Well I did kick a couple, which I still like and I'm sorry about that, but they were not that active and were low levels ( no more evil eyes muhahahaha )
The game overall rules ( I've been addicted to web-based games, but not that much ) and when u add more content it will be even better :D
Sooo any news about the new content? Like what to expect at least :)

The Dev popped into our channel to discuss some of that. There is no solid date for a content update just yet, they are still waiting for word from Japan to get some more solid dates. Mostly wanted to thanks those that are working on the wiki and that they have some of their artists working on some graphical content for the wiki.

They also mentioned that Aegis was looking to be a Jan 15th release. So look forward to that!

On a personal not I think the update may be taking a bit, due to the fact they are trying get some of our Valkyries in that didn't quite make it over yet. If they pop back in with any more info someone shall let you know.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

well i'm glad we can expect aegis soon so i'll finally have something to fill in my force and stam regen time a bit :D
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

The Dev popped into our channel to discuss some of that. There is no solid date for a content update just yet, they are still waiting for word from Japan to get some more solid dates. Mostly wanted to thanks those that are working on the wiki and that they have some of their artists working on some graphical content for the wiki.

They also mentioned that Aegis was looking to be a Jan 15th release. So look forward to that!

On a personal not I think the update may be taking a bit, due to the fact they are trying get some of our Valkyries in that didn't quite make it over yet. If they pop back in with any more info someone shall let you know.

Yeah the Aegis one looks good from what I saw and I like tower defences, so it may occupy some more of my time xD
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Maybe u guys can add me? im really really aktiv :)

ingame name : kasuro99 (im lvl 40)

well .. force back if the boss alive is a great idea.. but in think it will never happen D:
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