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[Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Giving away my account, first ACTIVE person who puts it to good use to message me will get it, it's like, level 85 with good items, cards and what not.

PM me for info.

Bored with game already?
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Bored with game already?

That can't be surprising. To be at his point in progression, he's played for 2+ months in a game with very limited repetitive gameplay.

I am keeping my account, but when I hit Level 100 in a week or two I'll be taking a break if they haven't at least announced some kind of significant content update.

Its really sad. It appears that the Japanese guys who are really controlling the important aspects of this game are throwing it under the bus by endlessly holding back on patches.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

i'm pretty much same lvl (about to hit 86 in 25 minutes) and quite frankly i am getting bored, would prolly take a break but can't be arsed to refill my comrades when they finally release some new content... so i either play it or just drop it and i'm wondering which one should i do:p
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Bored with game already?

That and everybody but two people from my forum have quit.

I gave the account to the user "Bluts".

Thanks everyone who was on my comrades list but, not that it was time consuming, but it felt that any time I was spending on LoV was a waste.

Anyway, gonna make two more posts because max characters (25000) but I'll leave it here: massive credits to RichInsanity, Ultima and Molitar for helping me put that up.
Last edited:
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Here's my partying gift to those who haven't quit:




• Read the entire Wiki until you understand this section.
• Use the referral trick to re-roll (make a new account) until you get Asklepios Staff +20. (VERY IMPORTANT).
• Make sure you love your avatar. Unless you're 100% happy with what you have, re-roll. (Unless you have Asklepios).
• Make sure you love your nickname. (Goes without saying).
• Do not, by any means, use your Wild Cards. You WILL regret this.


Once created avatar cannot be modified. Think carefully while creating it! If you don't like your avatar and your character is still in its early stages, we strongly suggest you change it now.


If you get a good piece of gear or a nice card that you don't want to lose by any means, LOCK IT! It's very easy to accidentally feed or enhance the wrong item, therefore losing it permanently.

COMRADES (Read: Friends... We have those right?)

Make sure to add everyone on the forums, all IGN are in the topic Starke made. Each one will give you a +1 to all stats and help kill world bosses for you, they can also request your help to kill their world bosses and you will have even more loot.


This is up to debate, but generally doing Item Lottery will make you the strongest if you have semi-decent luck. But if you want pretty girl cards instead that's up to you. Getting Tickets apart from referrals/money can be done by logging in continuously (read down for more information.) or events presumably.

The other way is 'Login Proof' which you get after logging in once a day, every day. To spend these you go into the "Items" Tab in town, then the "Trading Post" button down the very bottom. Click "Exchange" for the Login Proof section and you'll see golden tickets. The first time you get proof you can buy 2 tickets because gold tickets cost 8 tickets normally, but there's a one time only 1 cost ticket. At first you will only receive 10, but later on you'll get 20, and eventually 30 so make sure you don't break your login ever, even if you need to ask a friend to login for you.

5th day – 10 proofs
10th day – 10 proofs
15th day – 20 proofs
20th day – 20 proofs
25th day – 30 proofs
30th day – 30 proofs
After 30th day – once every 5 days: 30 proofs.


With this trick, you can get 2200 gold when you're done! First of all, when you make an account, make sure you follow someone's referral link, even if that person is maxed out (20 referrals), you will get an extra 100 gold for a total of 200. So, where do we get the other 2000 gold?

Grab your referral link and start making accounts with your referral on a different browser, do not login in those accounts, you just have to confirm the e-mail. To make 20 e-mails easily, simply go to and it's the easiest thing in the planet, you can make 20 referrals in about 5~10 minutes. Worth it to get 2000 gold which you can use to get gold lottery tickets early on, or storage, or both.

Again, do NOT login in the accounts you make in the secondary browser, once the game realizes you're logged on it doesn't allow you to make more accounts as a referral (to stop this very trick) so to avoid it:

○ Create a random yopmail address.
○ Create an account following your referral link using the e-mail you have "created" before.
○ Refresh yopmail and confirm the e-mail.
○ Repeat the process 20 times without logging in the accounts.


As the game is now, PVP ranks can sometimes DE-activate if there are not enough people at that rank. So when you click "Find Battle" It will come back with an error message. Eventually enough people will come to the rank, just check it every few hours and it will work at some point. (BETA MECHANICS)


The tutorial itself explains the how battle works nicely (and shows you do nothing apart from watch numbers fly and things die~) So not much to cover on that, let's start the the 3 stats of the game. Charisma, Stamina and Force.


Each character card has a certain cost the more powerful ones like SR cost up to 32 per card, meaning to have 3 SR's at once you need 96 charisma points total. So it is important to keep putting points into this steadily. Maximum amount of Charisma required in the game is 174 (to use three SSR's). At first 96 should be enough since there ain't cards with the SSR rarity in the game, note that you start with 10 innate Charisma and every friend gives you 1 point to all stats, so at 56 Charisma with 30 Comrades, you should have 96 points to use cards. (56ch+10i+30co=96s)


This should be your main thing to put your status points in. This stat allows you to quest, which means higher levels faster, a bigger Stamina pool to come back to after you rest (sleep in real life), a bigger gain when you use Stamina recovery jewels, etc.

Keep in mind all stats replenish at the rate of 1 p/minute, so having higher Stamina only gives you a bigger pool for those two reasons, during the day, an active player with 50 Stamina can move as fast as a player with 5000 Stamina.


This stat is for the pvp and world bosses. There's a huge debate regarding this value, early on it doesn't feel very necessary, some players defend that you should keep it low, but others say you should level thigh as high/higher than Stamina.

I personally suggest that you get 10 points in this early on, while leveling Stamina and Charisma. As soon as Charisma is at 56 and the Stamina at 80~100, dish everything into this until it catches up with Stamina, then level them evenly.

There are a few ways known to get golden tickets 'easily.' The first is referrals which give you up to 2,000 gold (100 per referral.)


There's three ways to raise your stats, two of them are "permanent" and one is "temporary".

The two "permanent" ways to raise your stats are:

• Leveling.
• Finishing a quest area. (100% progress rate).

Leveling allows you to allocate 3 stat points, achieving 100% progress in an area allows you to allocate 1 stat point. The reason why they are "permanent", is because you can purchase an item that allows you to re-allocate all of your stat points in the shop. You won't lose any stat points, you will however be able to relocate them again.

The "temporary" one is by adding comrades to your comrade list, each comrade you get gives 1 stat point to all of your stats (3 total). The reason this is "temporary" is because if you remove someone or someone removes you, you immediately lose those stat points so staying at 30 comrades at all times is imperative, for many reasons.


Cards have four elements Wind, Fire, Earth and Water. These elements are strong/weak to each other. This helps since some world bosses also have elements, but more on this later. Right now the only thing you need to know is that: Earth > Water > Fire > Wind > Earth.

Elements are also known by other names! Water is the same as Ice, Flame is the same as Fire, Wind is the same as Thunder and Earth is the same as ground. This might be somewhat confusing at start but in sum:
Your Main Character (hero) can only have one Element, the largest percentage is the dominating Element. If the Percentage is the same, the priority goes like this: Earth > Water > Fire > Wind. One Fire 50 Sword and one Earth 50 Armor would make a Earth 50 Character.


Cards have several ranking and values depending on their strength, for example the rankings below:


Now, what may confuse you is the + and ++ to each rank, each card has the ability to evolve twice. Although to fully evolve a card to a '++' you will need four of the base card, once a card hits ++ rank, you will get an H-SCENE!


Elle of Lonely Fire UC + Elle of Lonely Fire UC = Elle of Lonely Fire UC+
Do this twice as you can not evolve Elle of Lonely Fire UC+ with just another Elle of Lonely Fire UC.
Elle of Lonely Fire UC+ + Elle of Lonely Fire UC+ = Elle of Lonely Fire UC++

Confusing to look at I know, but hopefully it's easy to get the point.

So, how many levels does it take to LvMax a card? Depends on the rarity:

Common - 30
Uncommon - 40
Rare - 45
Super Rare - 50
Super Super Rare - 60

As stated before in the Charisma section each card also has a cost depending on what rarity it is and how many times it has evolved. This cost is your Charisma value from your stats, the first aim should be to get 96 to be able to use 3 SR's at once, there is no rush to do this unless you already have all 3 in your inventory. For there could be nothing worse then finally maxing your character out only to find you don't have enough stamina to use it effectively!

One thing to note is that there are exceptions to the rule of how much cost one has apart from it's rarity, for example Battle Maiden Navi is a UC and only costs 4 instead of 8. Several of the Common cards also have completely different cost values. Thus these are the general values of UC-SSR cards.

UC - 6/10/12
R - 16/29/23
SR - 32/38/46
SSR: SSR values from JP wiki seem to be all over the place, thus probably similar to Common cards, meaning it depends on the card itself for the cost.


Because how fun is a rule without an exception, right? Wild Cards can instantly enhance ANY card you have as long as they respect two rules:

• Same Rarity (C, UC, R, SR, SSR).
• Same Level (Zero or +)

Since ++ means it's already fully evolved, there's no ++ Wild Cards. Wild cards are an exact copy of the you fuse it with.

This means, DO NOT use Wild Cards mindlessly, their value is unexplainable, they can save you a lifetime of leveling cards, so make sure you're 100% sentient of what you're doing.

On to the mechanic. Example: Level 40 Elle of Lonely Fire UC + Wild Card UC = Elle of Lonely Fire UC+ (With level 40 stats).

Simple right? Wild Cards look like this:



The other option for cards is Combination, instead of evolving the card, you level them up making them stronger. One important thing to note on combination is that you will get extra experience if you combined things of the same color, therefore unless you're desperate it's the best way to do just combinations of the same color.

With time you will acquire some cards which are books of a certain element, they are simply good EXP for your others cards. They also have rarities but overall, they look like this:


Colors change regarding the element. Make sure to use matching elements for the best effects at all times!


For a card to get max stats, every level counts at every evolution! Meaning you need to start from +0, which means to get an SR++ with max stats, you need to level two SR's, two SR+'s and one SR++!

It does not matter which order you select the cards in. The resultant card is a completely new one. Here's a table of values for Elle of Lonely Fire (焦熱の幼孤エル), keep in mind that it might be confusing to try and understand this chart at first:


EX1: Base stats at + with both cards used for fusion at level 1.
EX2: Base stats at + with both cards used for fusion at max level.
EX3: Base stats at ++ with all cards used for fusions at level 1.
EX4: Base stats at ++ where all the normal cards used to the Base > + fusion were max leveled but the + > ++ fusion were at level 1.
EX5: Base stats at ++ where all the normal cards used to the Base > + fusion were level 1 but the + > ++ fusion were at max level.
EX6: Base stats at ++ where all the cards used for every fusion were max level.

As you can see by this study, this card can be 64.40% stronger at base level with increments of 5% strength at every level at ++.

So all in all, what do we call these cards? Where, their evolution methods are defined as explained in the following chart:

• P:1 means that the card can still be maxed now or in future evolutions.
• Click to enhance the image.


You have 5 slots for equipment Right, Left, Armor, Ring and Neck (The last two being super rare, if you get one be ecstatic) this will help your Avatar fight and kick ass. Each piece of equipment can be enhanced to +50, although if you have something equipped the enhancement button will not show up.

Once a Item hits Level 20, all the relevant stats (ATK/MATK/DEF/MDEF) get doubled. Once it hits 50, it gets doubled again. It can't go any higher then Level 50. Each enhancement raise it's relevant stats by 5%


Firstly before we get into this, it is very important you lock the gear you don't want to lose! Can't stress this enough, It's extremely easy to click the wrong thing to enhance and your epic loot will go 'poof'.

Similar with the cards each item must be on the same level before it can go up further, so +1 needs another +1. +6 needs another +6 etc. A lot of this gear can be acquired by pvping or very slowly through the quest system. You can also only enhance gear with gear from the same body part.

To enhance, go to equipment, click the enhance button (remember you cannot enhance an equipped item until you remove it), window pops up and click the buttons.

Failing the Enhancement does not destroy the item you are trying to enhance (main one), only the fodder you are using. If you try to enhance Item A from +8 to +9, you will use iA8 + iB8. If you succeed you to get iA9, if you fail you get iA8.

If you want to enhance a Knife+nothing to Knife+1 you need another Weapon with +nothing.
Knife+1 and Oak Staff+1 makes a Knife+2
Sword+5 and Sword+nothing would not work.
Shield+7 and Sword+7 would also not work, you need another left hand item, and Sword is right hand.

Locked Equipment can't be accidentally used as fodder for enhancements, but unlike cards, it is able to be enhanced, so it protects you from the following: Ladle+14 (common item) + Sword of the Damned+14 (rare item) = Ladle+15. Chances are, you'll cry yourself to sleep, again, lock the gear you don't want to lose!


These are the stats of some of the best gear in the game that you can acquire mostly through gold lottery:

Right Handed Weapon


Haunted Soul: 5000patk | 300MP | 7% critical | 20% balance
Rafah Glass: 5000patk | 140MP | 150pdef | 150mdef | 10% critical | 20% balance
Tiger Dragon Sword: 6000ptak | 23% critical | 15% balance
Dragon Slaughter: 6000patk | 180MP | 175pdef | 175mdef | 8% critical | 10% balance
Skeleton Sword: 6200patk | 18% critical | 15% balance
Dark Blade: 7200patk | 12% critical | 30% balance


Shiva's Rod: 5000matk | 300MP | 7% critical | 25% balance
Fracture: 5000matk | 140MP | 150pdef | 150mdef | 9% critical | 24% balance
Seven Star Jewels-Hades: 6000matk | 23% critical | 15% balance
Dominion Zephyr: 6000matk | 180MP | 175pdef | 175mdef | 10% critical | 13% balance | Wind50
Hundred Eye Mystic Staff: 6200matk | 18% critical | 15% balance
Dark Rod: 7200matk | 12% critical | 30% balance
Asklepios Staff: 8000matk | 8% critical | 10% balance

Left Handed Weapon

Honor Bright: 700patk | 325pdef | 625mdef
Eurus: 60MP | 350patk | 100matk | 300pdef | 600mdef
Bronx: 110MP | 150patk | 150matk | 1000pdef | 360mdef
Garuda's Wing: 1000patk | 425pdef | 850mdef
Reincarnation Shield: 200MP | 375pdef | 600mdef
Dark Shield: 400MP | 500pdef | 900mdef
Vai Geneva: 700matk | 625pdef | 325mdef
Hills of the Underworld: 60MP | 350matk | 600pdef | 300mdef
Demon Kreuz: 110 MP | 150matk | 360pdef | 1000mdef
Solomon's Ring: 1000matk | 850pdef | 425mdef
Hundred Eyes Scripture: 200MP | 650pdef | 375mdef
Dark Amulet: 400MP | 900pdef | 500mdef
Hygieia's Cup: 1500matk | 1000pdef | 850mdef

PVP (Player vs Player)

PVP is the big red button in town called 'Matches'. Here you test your mettle against other players in all out brawls and climb your way to the top to receive LOOOOOT!

Depending on your rank will determine who you verse, as you can only verse people in the ranking you're at. To rank-up you must win a series of matches a number of times depending on the rank, which afterwards the "Rank Up" button will light up, allowing you the jump up the ladder.

Be careful of how you rank up, because you'll need the special rank down item which costs account gold (10), if you want to go back down.

Here is a loot table of the rewards.

Rank 1:

Force: 5
Long Wand +2
Large Shield +2
Magic School Uniform +2
Bracelet Agate
Light Mail

Rank 2:
Force: 6
Spear +3
Crystal Bracelet (water) +3
Chainmail +3
Long Wand
Round Shield

Rank 3:
Force: 7
Oak Staff +4
Magic Shield +4
Sorcerer Robes +4
Whip +1
Breastplate +1
Magic Encyclopedia +1

Rank 4:

Force: 8
Knife +5
Medusa Shield +5
Mithril Chain +5
Flail +1
Magician Clothes +1
Knight Shield +1

Rank 5:
Force: 9
Mithril Rod +6
Mirror Shield +6
Vestments +6
Mithril Sword +2
Magic Shield +2
Full Plate +2

Rank 6:
Force: 10
Rapier +7
Bat Umbrella (Water) +7
Immortal Scriptures +7
Mace +3
Magic Clothes +3
Fur Clothes +3

Rank 7:
Force: 11
Staff of Illusion +7
Guardian of Sanctuary +7
Wind Speed Garment (Wind) +7
Diamond Bracelet (Earth) +4
Silver Breastplate +4
Rapier +4

Rank 8: (Incomplete)
Force: 12
Heavy Axe +8
Pirate Clothes (Water) +8
Heavenly Scroll (Wind) +8
Wizard Rod +5
Gale Breath +5

Rank 9: (Incomplete)
Force: 13
Crimson Buster (Fire) +9
Dragon Shield (Fire) +9
Aqua Robe (Water) +9
Katana +6


These guys appear every so often while questing, ranks 1-3 you generally kill by yourself but later ranks require a lot of damage and therefore your comrades come and help smack it down while also profiting. If you have many comrades the best way to deal with the bosses is attack it once to activate it, leave it to your comrades to knock it down and finish it off as the Force requirement for them to hit it is far lower then your own. It takes about a third of the force to hit as an ally as it does as the person who finds the Mega Boss, however, the person who finds it also generally gets better loot.


There's many things that influence the damage you do on a Mega Boss, believe it or not, the element of your cards is not one of them, their element only comes into play in PvP or should we say, CvC, because it only affects other cards.

You probably however may have noticed that some of the gear that you equip have different elements, wind, water, earth and fire. Equipping gear from that element, will make you do more damage to Mega Bosses. IE: If you equip tons of water based gear and you have a very strong weapon, you will do tons of damage to a Fire based Mega Boss. Usually for the weapon you just want the one that hits the hardest unless you have two weapons that have similar damage and one is of the element the Mega Boss is weak to. Doing Physical damage and Magic damage also comes into play here, but we'll let you figure which bosses are stronger to what.

• The Main Character (You) can only attack 3 Times. If you Fight alone, and are unable to kill the Enemy with 3 Hits, you'll do nothing until you get killed.
• There seems to be a number on how much attacks you do dependent on your team size. Larger Team means more attacks, but its randomized who attacks what.

Solo: 3 Attacks
One Card with you: 5 Attacks
Two Cards with you: 7 Attacks
Full Team : 9 Attacks
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie



Aside from gold lottery, they probably have the best loot in the game hands down.

The person who found the Mega Boss and people who are helping to kill it have different force values: Rank 5 - Roc Birds cost 20 Force to hit for the person who encountered it but only 6 for anyone to help.

Helping has a lower chance to get better stuff since it requires less Force and you not finding the boss. But generally has a similar loot table. At rank 4 is when world bosses start giving decent things, ranks 1 ~ 3 are irrelevant (they only drop commons) and as such, no stats were recorded.

Rank 4: Giant Dark Centipede
Force: 20/6
HP: 56.000
Defense: 640
Time Limit: 2 Hours
Weakness: None
Loot Main: (C) Aion Lv1 or Hero Sword
Loot Helper: (C) Suzaku Lv1 or Hero Sword
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 5.600 (10%)
Stage Appearance: 5. Windy Cave ~ 9. Mirage Tower

Rank 5: Roc Bird (Elemental)
Force: 20/6
HP: Earth: 70.000 / Water: 75.000 / Fire: 60.000 / Wind: 65.000
Defense: Earth: 760 / Water: 800 / Fire: 680 / Wind: 720
Time Limit: 2 Hours
Weakness: Earth > Water > Fire > Wind > Earth > ...
Loot Main: Element Common card or Lv. 1 or Grand Mail Armor (Element) or (Element) Sword or (Element) Shield
Loot Helper: Element Common card or Grand Mail Armor (element) or (Element) Sword or (Element) Shield
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: Earth: 4.900 / Water: 5.500 / Fire: 6.000 / Wind: 4.550
Stage Appearance: 5. Windy Cave ~ 12. Abandoned Mansion

Rank 6: Evil Eye (Elemental)
Force: 25/8
HP: Earth: 100.000 / Water: 110.000 / Fire: 120.000 / Wind: 90.000
Defense: Earth: 1.300 / Water: 1.400 / Fire: 1.500 / Wind: 1.200
Time Limit: 3 Hours
Weakness: Earth > Water > Fire > Wind > Earth > ...
Loot Main: Uncommon (UC) Card of that element.
Loot Helper: Common (C) Card of that element.
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 8.600
Stage Appearance: 5. Windy Cave ~ 14. Witches Habitat

Rank 7: Wyvern (Elemental)
Force: 30/10
HP: Ground (Earth): 150.000 / Water: 170.000 / Fire: 190.000 / Wind: 210.000
Defense: Ground (Earth): 1.400 / Water: 1.500 / Fire: 1.600 / Wind: 1.700
Time Limit: 3 Hours
Weakness: Ground (Earth) > Water > Fire > Wind > Ground (Earth) > ...
Loot Main: Uncommon (UC) Card of that element
Loot Helper: Common (C) Card of that element
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: Ground (Earth): 10.701 / Water: 11.427 / Fire: 10.248 / Wind: 10.263
Stage Appearance: 7. Temple of Water Spirits ~ 17. Ancient Underwater Heritage Site

Rank 8: Dragon (Elemental)
Force: 35/11
HP: Earth: 330.000 / Ice (Water): 240.000 / Fire: 270.000 / Thunder (Wind): 300.000
Defense: Earth: 2.100 / Ice (Water): 2.280 / Fire: 1.900 / Thunder (Wind): 2.000
Time Limit: 4 Hours
Weakness: Earth > Ice (Water) > Fire > Thunder (Wind) > Earth > ...
Loot Main: Rare (R) card of that element (Quiet Knight Athena, Pure Girl Marin, Mage of Madder Naga or Wind Messenger Sophie).
Loot Helper: All of the above rares corresponding their elements or a Common (C) of that element.
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: Earth: 16.000 / Ice (Water) 12.000 / Fire 13.500 / Thunder (Wind) 15.000 / (5% all)
Stage Appearance: 10. Sacred Mountains ~ 24. Secret Library Room

Rank 8: Dark Giant
Force: 30/10
HP: 250,000
Defense: 2.000
Weakness: None
Time Limit: 2 Hours
Loot Main: Elemental Book (C) Lv. 10, (R) Queen of the Sea La Qua, Eckesach +5
Loot Helper: Elemental Books (C) Lv. 5, (R) Queen of the Sea La Qua
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 15.000 (6%)
Stage Appearance: 18. Paradise of the Strong ~ 32. ???

Rank 9: Silver Dragon
Force: 35/11
HP: 420.000
Defense: 3.800
Weakness: None
Time Limit: 15 Minutes (!!!)
Loot Main: Random (UC) Element Book card Lv. 10 or Artemis Wand + 10 or Myoruniru +10
Loot helper: Random (UC) Element Book card Lv. 10 or Artemis Wand +5 or Myoruniru +5
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 42.000 (10%)
Stage Appearance: 12. Abandoned mansion ~ 24. Secret Library Room

Rank 9: Glimmer (Elemental)
Force: 35/11
HP: Earth: 460.000 / Water: 490.000 / Fire: 520.000 / Wind: 550.000
Defense: Earth: 2.700 / Water: 2.600 / Fire: 2.500 / Wind: 2.400
Weakness: Earth > Water > Fire > Wind > Earth > ...
Time Limit: 2 Hours
Loot Main (Wind/Earth): Black Panther Olga (R)
Loot Helper (Wind/Earth): Black Panther Olga (R) or Staff Officer Salas (UC) or Water/Earth Common Card.
Loot Main (Water/Fire): Crimson Wolf Luca (R)
Loot Helper (Water/Fire): Crimson Wolf Luca (R) or Phil of Fragrant Breeze (UC) or Water/Fire Common Card.
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 18.500
Stage Appearance: 15. Colorful Crystal Cave ~ 32. ???

Rank 10: Emperor Idoneus (Elemental)
Force: 40/13
HP: 560.000
Defense: 3.500
Weakness: Earth > Water > Flame (Fire) > Wind > Earth > ...
Time Limit: 2 Hours
Loot Main (Wind/Earth): Prisoner of War Sandra (SR) or Copper Bars or Silver Bars or Gold Bars
Loot Helper (Wind/Earth): Prisoner of War Sandra (SR) or Copper Bars or Silver Bars or Gold Bars
Loot Main (Water/Fire): Reaper Girl Mabel (SR) or Copper Bars or Silver Bars or Gold Bars
Loot Helper (Water/Fire): Reaper Girl Mabel (SR) or Copper Bars or Silver Bars or Gold Bars
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 23.000 (4.11%)
Stage Appearance: 18. Paradise of the Strong ~ 32. ???

Rank 10: Pandeon
Force: 40/13
HP: 500.000
Defense: 6.000
Weakness: None
Time Limit: 2 Hours
Loot Main: Elemental Book (UC) Lv. 10 or Silver Bars or Detective Girl Sharo (R) Lv. 5 or Battlefield Flower Rina (R) Lv. 5
Loot Helper: Elemental Books (C) Lv. 10 or Copper Bars or Detective Girl Sharo (R) Lv. 1 or Battlefield Flower Rina (R) Lv. 1
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 40.000 (8%)
Stage Appearance: 18. Paradise of the Strong ~ 32. ???

Rank 13: Gold Dragon
Force: 40/13
HP: 1.000.000
Defense: 5200
Weakness: None
Time Limit: 1 Hour
Loot Main: Lv. 5 Icy Soul Rebecca (SR) or Lv. 5 Noble Thunder Marsha (R)
Loot Helper: (UC) Elemental Books Lv. 30 or Lv. 1 Icy Soul Rebecca (SR) or Lv. 1 Noble Thunder Marsha (R)
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 100.000 (10%)
Stage Appearance: 21. Altar of Fallen Gods ~ 32. ???

Rank 14: Black Dragon
Force: 45/15
HP: 1.200.000
Defense: 6.000
Weakness: None
Time Limit: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Loot Main: Random (UC) Elemental Books Lv. 30 or Prisoner of War Sandra (SR) or Judgement Sword Heidi (R)
Loot Helper: Random (UC) Elemental Books Lv. 30 or Prisoner of War Sandra (SR) or Judgement Sword Heidi (R)
NOTE: Apparently you can get Dragon Scale or Giant Bird Feather from this boss, but we are not sure it's in the game.
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 60.000 (5%)
Stage Appearance: 21. Altar of Fallen Gods ~ 32. ???

Rank 15: Dreadnought
Force: 45/15
HP: 1.600.000
Defense: 6.500
Weakness: Water
Time Limit: 2 Hours
Loot Main: Random (UC) Elemental Books Lv. 30, Flame Athlete Hana (SR), Icy Soul Rebecca (SR), Noble Thunder Marsha (R)
Loot Helper: Random (UC) Elemental Books Lv. 20, Flame Athlete Hana (SR), Icy Soul Rebecca (SR), Noble Thunder Marsha (R)
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 80.000 (5%)
Stage Appearance: 21. Altar of Fallen Gods ~ 41. ???

Rank 15: Tsarist Giant
Force: 45/15
HP: 3.000.000
Defense: 8000
Weakness: None
Time Limit: 2 Hours 30 minutes
Loot Main: Random (UC) Elemental Books Lv. 40, (SR) Fortune Teller Melissa, (R) Queen of the Sea La Qua, Eckesach +15
Loot Helper: Random (UC) Elemental Books Lv 36, Eckesachs +10 (Weapon), (SR) Fortune Teller Melissa, (R) Queen of the Sea La Qua
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 150.000 (5%)
Stage Appearance: 21. Altar of Fallen Gods ~ 41. ???

Rank 16: Neo Dreadnought
Force: 50/16
HP: 2.000.000
Defense: 7.000
Weakness: Wind
Time Limit: 2 Hours 30 Minutes
Loot Main: Random (UC) Elemental Books Lv. 36, Prisoner of War Sandra (SR), Reaper Girl Mabel (SR), Judgement Sword Heidi (R)
Loot Helper: Random (UC) Elemental Books Lv. 26, Prisoner of War Sandra (SR), Reaper Girl Mabel (SR), Judgement Sword Heidi (R)
Necessary Comrade Damage For Reward: 100.000 (5%)
Stage Appearance: 21. Altar of Fallen Gods ~ 41. ????


1. Novice Plains
2. Departure Highroad
3. Sunshine Forest
4. Valley of Boiling Sand
5. Windy Cave
6. Forest of Morning Fog
7. Temple of the Water Spirits
8. Coast of Twilight
9. Mirage Tower
10. Sacred Montain of Drifting Snow
11. Fountain of Spirits
12. Abandoned Mansion
13. Heroes' Cemetery
14. Witches' Habitat
15. Colorful Crystal Cave
16. Lost Ship of Temptation
17. Ancient Underwater Heritage Site
18. Paradise of the Strong
19. Purgatory of Boundary
20. Crossroads to the Outside World
21. Altar of the Fallen God
22. Towell Sky Fortress
23. Devil's Tower
24. Secret Library Room
25. Cave Loophole

(Special thanks to Molitar for mapping this!)

Stages 1~5:

Stages 6~10:

Stages 11~15:

Stages 16~20:

Stages 21~24':


Elemental Fountain:
Stage 1 (Earth): Captain Kid, Devilish Priest, Alchemist (Lv 6)
Stage 2 (Water): Siren, Blue Dragon, Aion (Lvl 6)
Stage 3 (Fire): Priestess of Fortune, Sarasvati, Nine Tailed Fox (Lv 6)
Stage 4 (Wind): Chronos, White Tiger, Thunder God (Lv 6)
Stage 5: (Earth): Captain Kid, Devilish Priest, Alchemist (Lv 12)
Stage 6 (Water): Siren, Blue Dragon, Aion (Lv 12)
Stage 7 (Fire): Priestess of Fortune, Sarasvati, Nine Tailed Fox (Lv 12)
Stage 8 (Wind): Chronos, White Tiger, Thunder God (Lv 12)
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie


With this trick, you can get 2200 gold when you're done! First of all, when you make an account, make sure you follow someone's referral link, even if that person is maxed out (20 referrals), you will get an extra 100 gold for a total of 200. So, where do we get the other 2000 gold?

Now you can have only 5 refferals :)
Other than that good job :)
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

They just announced new update next Thursday.
Investigations finally coming in.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

They just announced new update next Thursday.
Investigations finally coming in.

I suppose now we need a player with experience on Japanese servers to tell us what to expect from this and also possibly how we can prepare for it.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Investigations is about sending teams (max 3) to explore dungeons. Each team may consist up to 8 cards. Deployment cost depends on total cost of all cards in team and dungeon lvl. (Your main money sink).
Some cards has investigation skills (not all skills are good tho), like R cards from elemental dragons. This cards must be lvled as 4M, or you can regret it later. Actually all cards that you plan to use must be lvled as 4M, but cards with skills will likely be in your teams for a very long time, since there is no alternatives, unless you plan to spend money/login proofs on cards. Check jp wiki for exact skills of cards. For best synergy team must consist of cards of one element.
Mission success depends on total power (attack + skill dmg) of team, since each dungeon has power requirments to clear it. There is also chance to get great success (25% base IIRC). This chance increases if your team is much stronger than required power to clear dungeon. Obviously you should aim for great success, since it gives best rewards. Also your party get a little xp for participating (depends on outcome IIRC).
Main source of rings and necklaces. Also you can get some cards from there (even SR later). Later dungeons also drop ancient coins that you can trade for rings, necklaces and cards.
For more full/accurate info you can look .
There are maybe changes in eng version.
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Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Done some spring cleaning, need 4 80++ comrades

IGN: same as here i have lvl 87, haxklepios and 4med SRs

[edit] spots filled, thank you all
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Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

New update is live. Just encountered a rank 6 "Wind Behemoth" without knowing wtf was going on.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

are the explorations already active? because I cant find where in the menu are them o_O
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Should be. It was just above the buttons for quests and matches for me. Just sent out a random team of what I had since I really don't have any units that are 4M due to me starting a few weeks ago. Have no clue what I am doing.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Not sure if it's just me, but explore shows up if I use firefox and doesn't when I use chrome.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

If you don't see the update, either clear your cache or hard refresh the page (ctrl+shift+r).
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie


Just a small heads up, the Card List is now up-to-date with the new SR cards.
Want to compare a few Cards? Check if they have any special skills? Check the Card List.

If you think I made a mistake somewhere, there is also the original japanese card name, so you can check the jap wiki for more accurate information.