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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island


Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Hey guys,I just started playing that game a few days ago,and i have to tell,I realy like it.

I was wondering if there were any others guide aside the one made by Astearic and Rawr1125(thanks to you 2 btw),such as alchemy for example.

I have seen some post where you guys posted some recipe and linked to a japanese site,but I can't really read moonspeak so its kind of hard to understand it.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I have seen some post where you guys posted some recipe and linked to a japanese site,but I can't really read moonspeak so its kind of hard to understand it.

Well first . There really isn't any guide but you can for the most part tell what things are. Towards the top you can see the units that can be made through alchemy. The ones that you want to look at are the HR-L (except last 3) and to a lesser extent HR-SSR.

You can click on the units to see there page and select there stats (and looks), using google translate you can figure out what there stats are and an idea of their ability. Quickness is speed and dexterity is provocation (crit).

Once you have a unit in mind you can look more on the alchemy page to see what formula you want to try (SL formulas will be towards the bottom) to try to get a unit you want. You will not get the unit you want guaranteed since there is a mix of things in that formula. You can see what others have gotten, if the formula has been used before, to gain some insight.

The stones are separated in quality tiers of 1* 2* 3*. You need 3* to make SL and SSR. 2* can be used to make SSR as well but have less chance than 3* but in exchange not using gems that would be used on an SL.

Hopefully this helps a little, good luck getting what you want from alchemy :p.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Wow thanks a lot,thats really helpful.
Its a nice idea to use google trad,why I didn't tought about it,silly me. x)

I think Im gonna try to get Nicola,since she seems to be one of the best SL,or wait there is also Garett and Mishia who looks awsome.
Well,anyways,its random so i just hope i wont get gems x)
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I think Im gonna try to get Nicola,since she seems to be one of the best SL,or wait there is also Garett and Mishia who looks awsome.
Well,anyways,its random so i just hope i wont get gems x)

Nicola yeah has solid stats but Garett, Mishia, and Dahlia may not be in our alchemy yet (unless you see someone has gotten through the obtained alchemy list/ someone here finally confirms its possible) so just keep in mind prob will not get those 3. And it is random but you can help lean towards least a few rather than all of them.

Hopefully you don't get gems (low chance but can happen). Good luck :p.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

this last boss is like hard really hard for a basically full thunder team.....
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

this last boss is like hard really hard for a basically full thunder team.....

Yeah you prob don't want to have full topaz against her lol. Having a Ruby or 2 would help.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

(...) and dexterity is provocation (crit).

I'm honestly stating to doubt that provocation has anything to do with criticals. Been doing some tests and even with high power prov up skill used 3 times my girls still land crits very rarely. Dunno, maybe it's like it increases from 1% to 3% so the difference is difficult to notice but if that's the case then it only proves that provocation raising kills are total trash.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I'm honestly stating to doubt that provocation has anything to do with criticals. Been doing some tests and even with high power prov up skill used 3 times my girls still land crits very rarely. Dunno, maybe it's like it increases from 1% to 3% so the difference is difficult to notice but if that's the case then it only proves that provocation raising kills are total trash.

Yeah, usually my go to stat for stat downing so I can raise something. Crits are nice but not that easy to have on command anyways. If it doesn't effect crit I wouldn't know what it could do. Someone could always do some tests, but that will not be me lol.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

600K EP?! How many Stamina flask did you drink?

Im only at Rank 33 350k EP.

Not a whole lot. Maybe like 10-15 total. But i have +80% ep bonus so despite having started playing the game 1 day into the event, I'm up there due to frequent leveling and my bonus.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I've been having a good couple of days with the Gacha :D
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Omg guys, thanks for using my friend code, currently at 9/10!! One more yayy~
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I wonder why.... reminds me of (and makes my face go )

Unlimited *shivers* Works!
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I wonder why.... reminds me of (and makes my face go )

Unlimited *shivers* Works!

Your eyes are too big, must be a loli...
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

i do not care anymore, screw this game =-= . it just wont load. my internet connection is fine, i an watch video in HD or upload stuff. but as soon as i start osawari speed drops to something lik 0-50 kb/s and stays like this. already lost 6 hours of stam recovery, and with it probably my place in top 500. it was always a problem but today it's especially bad. if i am out after a week of methodical palying for this event - than screw this game once more.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Sorry to hear you're having difficulties, and I understand your frustration as I've been playing since before the event, and struggle to keep in the top #1000, let alone 500.

Regarding not getting Lady; apparently some event girls in the Japanese game become available after a period of time, which makes sense as not having a mechanic like that would turn away potential customers who are completionists. However, this may be incorrect info.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

i have question

when the legendary girls respawn

or what time they reset in 1 or two day

thank you
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

hm, there is no respawn for legendaries they just have very low chance to appear while you going on quest
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Sorry to hear you're having difficulties, and I understand your frustration as I've been playing since before the event, and struggle to keep in the top #1000, let alone 500.

Regarding not getting Lady; apparently some event girls in the Japanese game become available after a period of time, which makes sense as not having a mechanic like that would turn away potential customers who are completionists. However, this may be incorrect info.

This is not a question of getting her. This is a question of "i spent a freaking week playing this game, i hold ~300 place despite being freemium player and not haveing Eromons with bonuses. if now i am loosing my position not by my fault but since pakages lost on the way or something, then why should i bother playing at all"