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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Is it weird I don't even care about this whole waifu war thing anymore? It just seems pointless to have a contest based on points when you then give more points to the losers so they don't lose.

It defeats the whole purpose.

Yup it's completly retarded idea. This shit would never fly in sports. We banded togheter and chosen her for reason, and it's basically interfering.
So hey nutaku maybe next time put people from top 2000-2100 into top 100 and put people from top 1-100 at their place... because fair play.

So because a group banded together, everyone else can go to hell? Peoples have different interest, just because a group nobody else can get the chance to get what he/she want?
That's why this system, to give anyone the chance who doesn't want what the group want. In basic it's easy to manipulate the final score with "group banded together". Who cares what other want, right?
I mostly understand the problems here and sometimes my voice is the biggest when I see an idiot update. I was angry in this case because the support tried to look me like a fool. But I don't agree with your opinion now. Your precious princess doesn't have 3x point even if you banded together? So what? Of course if the other two princess had the high point and yours was on the bottom, you will be very happy of this system.
And you don't have minimum another 3 SR from the event, right?
If my lose and I only get an N card? Who cares, I get the princess what I wanted.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

So because a group banded together, everyone else can go to hell?

Pretty much, life's not fair :p

There can be only 1 winner and we took our time and effort to organise so it would give us advantage.

Of course if the other two princess had the high point and yours was on the bottom, you will be very happy of this system.
And you don't have minimum another 3 SR from the event, right?
Then i would know that i choosen poor group and would look on other forums next time. On 2 forums my card was chosen as favourite so i gladly joined this group effort.

Bottom line: Players banding togheter is good, organiser banding against players is not. When you organise competition you don't try to rig it just so you can make more money.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Pretty much, life's not fair :p

Because we took our time and effort to organise should give us advantage.

Then i would know that i choosen poor group and would look on other forums next time. On 2 forums my card was chosen as favourite so i gladly joined this group effort.

Bottom line: when you organise competition you don't try to rig it just so you can make more money.

Time and effort... A few post. Yeah, that was a hard work.

You know, when half of the group think (both on ulmf and harem-battle) "I don't care, I'll just go with others", I can hardly call that "the voice of the community". So no... I don't think you need advantage. And what's the problem? You're a group, right? Work as a group and keep the first place.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

And what's the problem? You're a group, right? Work as a group and keep the first place.

Quick this soccer team is winning 9:3 let's chop their legs and arms off. Whats that they started losing? Well then they should work as a group to not loose.
Makes sense? Not to me.

So no... I don't think you need advantage.

Neither do i but i would be glad if we didn't get massive dissadvantage don't you think?
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Quick this soccer team is winning 9:3 let's chop their legs and arms off. Whats that they started losing? Well then they should work as a group to not loose.
Makes sense? Not to me.

Neither do i but i would be glad if we didn't get massive dissadvantage don't you think?

No, I don't.
You know the first 2 day was buggy, right? So your x3 advantage based on a bug. This event was not developed for groups so everyone else get fucked, it was developed to pick your most liked card as a person and work for it.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Time and effort... A few post. Yeah, that was a hard work.

You know, when half of the group think (both on ulmf and harem-battle) "I don't care, I'll just go with others", I can hardly call that "the voice of the community". So no... I don't think you need advantage. And what's the problem? You're a group, right? Work as a group and keep the first place.

Man you sound salty as fuck.

Let me break it down in very simple terms.

In a contest that is based on a team effort (aka this), organizing en mass to get a greater point accumulation is just smart. What they did was pretty much rig the system so it does not matter who you pick, the end of the event is decided in the final hour and not the week the event was going on. I'm not complaining that who I chose is not leading by 50% now, it's the principle behind it.

If I had picked the waifu with the beach balls on her chest I would still think this is a bullshit system. I don't want to win anything out of fucking pitty. They pretty much decided "Ok if we do it this way we can milk idiots for more pudding sales!" when in reality how much you do before the final hour of the event has NO effect on the point standing.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

No, I don't.
You know the first 2 day was buggy, right? So your x3 advantage based on a bug. This event was not developed for groups so everyone else get fucked, it was developed to pick your most liked card as a person and work for it.
Ok i might've been semi trolling before about "group effort" because i was bored, but in all seriousness: so 100 people banded to choose same card, do you REALLY think it would make that big of a diffrence considering number of players?

"Fair play: Respect for the rules or equal treatment of all concerned"

When we were playing fair aka everyone got same ammount of points doctor smoked everyone play and simple. Now we are not playing fair. If you think that's ok then fine, we have to agree to disagree, because i will not argue with fellow player over hentai game.

... if it was uncensored though we would have WAR good sir :p (joking)
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Man you sound salty as fuck.

Let me break it down in very simple terms.

In a contest that is based on a team effort (aka this), organizing en mass to get a greater point accumulation is just smart. What they did was pretty much rig the system so it does not matter who you pick, the end of the event is decided in the final hour and not the week the event was going on. I'm not complaining that who I chose is not leading by 50% now, it's the principle behind it.

If I had picked the waifu with the beach balls on her chest I would still think this is a bullshit system. I don't want to win anything out of fucking pitty. They pretty much decided "Ok if we do it this way we can milk idiots for more pudding sales!" when in reality how much you do before the final our of the event has NO effect on the point standing.

I'm a little mad, you're right. I saw enough "We are the group so fuck yourself you don't get anything"
Nevertheless, there's a little problem. What I've read and heard, that contest not based on team effort. It was this way in the JP version too. I don't played enough with the JP version to see that event, but everyone told that.
And I have a guess peoples doesn't use the puddings because this contest. The TOP100 have the priority and that update developed for milking peoples, not the contest.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Yeah it is a system in the JP version too, it does not make it any less of a dumb system.

As for the whole "group mentality" system. That is just how it works, people band together in events in all "faction wars" to get the best results. That is what a faction war is in essence, a group banding together for a cause.

It might be silly in a hentai game, but the name still fits. If you happen to be outside the group hivemind so to speak, it's not really our fault and it's nothing you can help. Just cut your losses and wait for the next one. I would have the same feeling if I picked one of the other two girls who should rightfully lose, I would take my N or my R and be content with my choice, no reason to yell at the large group who do not have my taste.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Different way to see gives different right. I understand what you two say and in basic, if the rules are not what are actually, maybe I give the same opinion too. But:

1. The rules was originally this way
2. Mostly it is seen that "group" "group" "group". But the truth is half of the group doesn't even care about it.
3. Even with the rules are the same as in the JP version, somehow I understand why you are mad, but the
"It just seems pointless to have a contest based on points when you then give more points to the losers so they don't lose."
"So hey nutaku maybe next time put people from top 2000-2100 into top 100 and put people from top 1-100 at their place... because fair play. "
"Pretty much, life's not fair :p"
was a little too much for me.

I was wrong to getting mad, that's for sure. But the original anger was a little over-dramatized too in my opinion.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

If all three cards were made available down the line (like whichever two you didn't pick ends up in a gacha a few months later), this would be much less contentious an issue.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

If all three cards were made available down the line (like whichever two you didn't pick ends up in a gacha a few months later), this would be much less contentious an issue.

They are though.

Sort of, but not exactly.

You get the card of the girl whose team you join, guaranteed. However, all three girls show up in a gacha later on down the road, often one that you have to pay for. (JP anyway)
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

If all three cards were made available down the line (like whichever two you didn't pick ends up in a gacha a few months later), this would be much less contentious an issue.

Iirc you can but they are behind a pay gacha, though I only heard this is the case so I can't confirm it or anything. Edit: Rawr too fast :p.

I'm of mixed feelings about the system since I am not that bothered with a catch up to try to make it close. But like Justin said it makes for the most part the entire thing pointless since they are all even anyways so the last 10 minutes will be what matters. Not to mention that 3rd place is actually at the advantage if they are indeed all tied.

If everyone is tied at the very end, 3rd place has the huge advantage of having their points tripled at the very last part of the event. Meaning they can just spike with puddings to be in first and that will be it.

I think rather than the extra points maybe account for the top x players for each girl. This way at least each team would have same participants in points regardless and while it would still facilitate puddings maybe would be more fair. Or maybe the bonus points go away once within a certain percent. That is just a rambling though I guess.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

You're missing the most important part of that.

There's no reason for them not to release them since you know they'll only be in Event Gacha. Unless you're trying to say they don't want to make money. :p
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Oh no, I'm not saying they don't want to make money. I'm just insinuating that they might not be very good at it.

You don't know that for sure since you only hear what people on the forum say though. They could be making a killing from people who only know about the game through facebook and stuff. :p
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

You don't know that for sure since you only hear what people on the forum say though. They could be making a killing from people who only know about the game through facebook and stuff. :p

Derp. Deleted the message too late, I kinda' realized what he said was true before he posted this, so anybody reading this later on, Rawr neither double-posted nor put words in my mouth.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Princess championship was fun idea, but somehow they managed to fuck it up. Never seen competition as stupid as this. :rolleyes:
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Sad thing is it's not even a contest anymore, it's just a scam to get people to buy puddings under the guise of a contest, the ranks are always going to be even no matter if you buy puddings or not.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Princess championship was fun idea, but somehow they managed to fuck it up. Never seen competition as stupid as this. :rolleyes:

If it had worked properly from the get-go (instead of two days late), it would probably -seem- less dumb, but with how it happened, the artificial parity became blindingly obvious.

I wouldn't get so worked up about it, really. It's a 10k SED difference between N and SR.. drop in the bucket in the long run.