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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

God damn this is so sad, in the year I was playing Pero in DMM I would have never let slip the oportunity to help someone kill a SEG, because everybody won, everybody got EP, everybody got the SEG kill.....

Now I don't give a flying fuck about SEG anymore, there's literally 0 in it for me, a lot of people hasn't received the support EP (I'm still waiting for the support EP for a normal EG), only finder and last hitter get credit for the SEG (now we know is intentional) and the random rewards for killing a boss are usually shit. We have to give it to Nutaku, they've managed to turn a cooperative multiplayer focused event into a competitive multiplayer focused event.

Why would they want to make it -more- limited? Fewer than 25 people got the last one out of over 3000 that participated. This also isn't how it works.. AT ALL.. on the jp version. Why would they want to alienate 99% of their players by saying "there are cards you will never ever get no matter how hard you try"?

The EP cards aren't -supposed- to be super rare.. they're supposed to be attainable pretty much by anyone that consistently participates. The SEG cards are supposed to somewhat rare, but nowhere near to the degree the last one was due to support not counting.

Szarala, you want to know the reason? $$$$$$$ <--This.
They don't care if 75% of the playerbase abandons Pero as long as there is a sweet 25% that will continue to pay. But eventually the migration of players will hit hard the whales and they will be forced to abandon the game since the new influx of players won't be able to maintain it alive.

Yup, the best way to run a business is to effectively make almost all of your consumers go away with a loud ``Fuck you´´ and say to the ones that remain ``You will get fucked eventually´´.

I think this is going to be my last event in Nutaku in general. Probably go back to DMM.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I "like" how they ignore every single mention of lags/SEG on their facebook.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

well something amusing I just discovered..

got full credit (count, EP, rewards) for killing someone's zombie SEG
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Hell they blocked me on twitter for simply asking them if it was going to be fixed.

Funny thing is it still shows you in their top 3 observed on right side or whatever is is :D

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

So after an hour of bashing my head to a wall thinking what to do with Pero and Nutaku in general I have decided to call it quits and don't come back to Nutaku ever again, I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore.

I don't tolerate the lack of SEG support recognition, I don't tolerate the money-grabbing practices they have (slayers everywhere man), I don't tolerate the bugs, glitches and lag problems, and I just WON'T tolerate Nutaku anymore, they can close the company for all I care.

It wasn't an enjoyable experience in the end, well except when Pero was launched and when we were discussing Pero in the forums, those were good times, but the last neuron on my head is telling me stop, I can't afford to get another bleeding ulcer due to anger, like when I bought Dragon Age Inquisition for the PS3.

Good luck chumps. Let's all hope this shitty situation changes for the better.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

So after an hour of bashing my head to a wall thinking what to do with Pero and Nutaku in general I have decided to call it quits and don't come back to Nutaku ever again, I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore.

I respect that, only reason i havn't followed you yet is that i threw some money on pero so i do wan't for it to unfuck and unshit itself... but to be honest my patience is wearing thin.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Good luck chumps. Let's all hope this shitty situation changes for the better.

Well, I'm a really new player, but I don't have to much patience. If this is continued, I will follow you soon. Hope you find something better, or some day someone do this better than Nutaku.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'm super close to calling it quits myself with Nutaku in general. They started out with me having amazingly high hopes but holy shit how they ruined that. I can only hope DMM starts doing their own translations. I seriously hope they stop using Nutaku as the middle man when they could very easily just do it themselves.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

... and they completly ignored everything wrote by people on facebook and posted some waifu war bullshit :/
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Literally the only thing keeping me in the game right now is a mild degree of curiosity regarding the character bios on the cards. I've already seen most of the cards on the JP version, and you can find a bunch of them yourself if you know where to look. Even the Facebook players are becoming increasingly vocal about the PPS issues.

And I just saw the link in Justin's sig about the Osawari edits.


And to think, I was somewhat looking forward to that game.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

... and they completly ignored everything wrote by people on facebook and posted some waifu war bullshit :/

That's not the only problem. The other is, peoples think that is good and playing with Nutaku while a little group write it on the left side over and over and over again "Everytime i try to last hit a Boss the game starts lagging".
But hey, who cares? Nanali, no, Sybillia, no, Nanali, no, Syberia, no, Lucifer, Lord of all sin.... ehhh >.>
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Akie got eliminated, screw Waifu Wars.

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

The lag has become less for me just now.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'm super close to calling it quits myself with Nutaku in general. They started out with me having amazingly high hopes but holy shit how they ruined that. I can only hope DMM starts doing their own translations. I seriously hope they stop using Nutaku as the middle man when they could very easily just do it themselves.

Funny thing is, several of the problems (impossible to know how many for sure) are the fault of DMM to begin with. Like the lag issues, I assume, are on DMM (Pero lagging but nothing else). Not sure about the money-grubbing, but my experience with Japanese developers in the past makes me assume it's DMM at the root of it. Nutaku gets less of a pass from me on Pero since they've stated they have more (any) sway over it, but they're directly responsible for a lot less than they're blamed for, which is why I'm still playing. I'm definitely not going to support DMM over Nutaku after the way they've treated the western players in Aigis.

As for the Osawari edits, I can only assume that someone said 'make the characters look older so there's no chance of trouble' and whoever was in charge of that figured that big eyes contributed to them looking younger. Hopefully that gets fixed.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

As for the Osawari edits, I can only assume that someone said 'make the characters look older so there's no chance of trouble' and whoever was in charge of that figured that big eyes contributed to them looking younger. Hopefully that gets fixed.

They just yesterday put in more edits that are just as bad, it's not getting fixed.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

They just yesterday put in more edits that are just as bad, it's not getting fixed.

I'd imagine all of those were done already for release with how soon the event came out. I'm certain they'll still still be edited but my hope is they'll at least fix the eyes (or stop editing them in the first place)