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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Dropping idle players, 4 free slots.

SED about 600k, id number 972085.

EDIT: Full up, thanks.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

oh wow, lost one..
3 SR slayers.. and the first failure of my surefire system out of over 300, lol

well, now I know at least ONE person to avoid
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

*attacks Rawr for the hell of it*

interesting deck choice
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

2 more slots open, ID 984510. Got a couple more I'll probably be deleting in a day or two, but I'd prefer to give them a bit longer.

Edit: Oh, just as a warning, my deck as a couple slayers in it, so might not be the best to go against if you're working on your streak. If you aren't, defensive victories are always nice =P
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Also have 2 spots open. Give me a shout out so I can delete one of them and add you.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I was literally falling asleep on my armchair but i still wanted to use focus etc. When i woke up today i realised i not only cleaned gold box but i got platinum box SR girl using just 2 tickets... good job sleepwalking blobz!
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I was literally falling asleep on my armchair but i still wanted to use focus etc. When i woke up today i realised i not only cleaned gold box but i got platinum box SR girl using just 2 tickets... good job sleepwalking blobz!

Nice :D grat : )

Prepare your E Gacha Tickets! This weekend only, your chances of obtaining SECs through Event Gacha will be increased!
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I was literally falling asleep on my armchair but i still wanted to use focus etc. When i woke up today i realised i not only cleaned gold box but i got platinum box SR girl using just 2 tickets... good job sleepwalking blobz!

You must have a really comfortable chair! XD Anyway, congrats sleepwalking bobz! :D
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

You must have a really comfortable chair! XD Anyway, congrats sleepwalking bobz! :D

It's an old style armchair from like 70s-80s, it's ugly as hell but damn it is comfortable. You can literally fall asleep in it... and i often did when i was playing LOTRO years ago. It was bit awkward when i've fallen asleep during raiding and people had to shout in their microphones for minute or 2 until i woke up... guess i was decent enough Champion/Captain that they still invited me to raid and didn't mind "let's wake up one of our players" sections during raids :p

[edit] got 9 cards total during this event, no chance for top 100 so this will be it, still pretty happy with all that since i will get 10th card when princess cards are given.

btw nobody seemed to answer earlier: is there someone here who did not spent e-gacha ticket before unannounced maintnance and got freebie e-gacha yesterday?

[edit2] for jp players: what the heck is PeroPero Agura item?
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Increased rates? Sounds like another cashgrab to me.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

btw nobody seemed to answer earlier: is there someone here who did not spent e-gacha ticket before unannounced maintnance and got freebie e-gacha yesterday?

I did not spent and no, I don't get freebie. Looks like it's really a compensation.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

btw nobody seemed to answer earlier: is there someone here who did not spent e-gacha ticket before unannounced maintnance and got freebie e-gacha yesterday?

I used 3 e-tickets when I got home thurs (~6pm EST (GMT-5)), didn't receive any tickets in the mail though. Should I have? I don't really pay attention to what the Nutaku people claim they're doing/are going to do (far less frustrating).

Sza, don't read this...

Out of the 3 I used, I ended up with the 2 new event SR's and a dud though, so can't really complain.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Sza, don't read this...

Out of the 3 I used, I ended up with the 2 new event SR's and a dud though, so can't really complain.
Mine was just as good

Out of 3 used i got new SR Slayer and R Slayer, and 1 past event SR Slayer which i did not have :D

I used 3 e-tickets when I got home thurs (~6pm EST (GMT-5)), didn't receive any tickets in the mail though.
Was it before or after unannounced maintnance to fix "percentage problem with e-gacha"?
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

The e-gacha sec increase, while nice, is obviously meant to attract you to use your tickets on a event that is very short and they are mainly unneeded lol. I would be more interested to know if they will do that kind of thing again on the other 2 types of events.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

The difference in using puddings is amazing. I was like rank 412 and I used 2 full puddings and 6 half puddings and jumped up to 289.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

The difference in using puddings is amazing. I was like rank 412 and I used 2 full puddings and 6 half puddings and jumped up to 289.

Yeah guess means most people are using natural regen, probably why I am still in top 10 atm.