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[Nutaku] Shooting Girl


Sex Demon
Dec 27, 2011
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Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

ah, thats a pre-registered team, probably by the staff or something. Its possible to win since lvling (he was 40) doesn't give you any additional hp. Also, he used a team of LMG/SMGs and an AMR which with his set up isn't too hard to beat. Those wep users seem to be "late bloomers." is my guess. In this game, you'll find some 3 stars weaker then 2 or 1 stars cause rate of growth happens different for each character.

No equips either. At that lvl, having additional 20% def or something should of been possible.

At any rate, its impossible to be at that lvl within the starting time frame. There are a few teams like this.

edit - I do wonder why I often see him. I kinda want to see how well my team does against other players.
Oh, I forgot about the different stat growth rates. I think the game tries to match you against people above and below your levels, so you get a lot of repeat matchups this early in the game.
Feb 13, 2016
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Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

^ yea, not reading that. Move along. If you don't like it, remove yourself from this topic. If you changed your mind, sry, as I said, not reading that xD
There was a TL/DR at the bottom basically if you don't want to read a long post you just read that to know what the fuck the post is about.

I was completely dead wrong about you to, after I read this whole thread I really thought you would be like the forefront person to discuss the game with, you seem to like this game the most out of any other poster in this thread. I thought you would jump for joy when I dumped that wall of text which 98% of it is on topic about shooting girl the game you said you love.

If you just simply said your not gonna read my post and then you went back on topic, I would not even be replying right now but nope that's not what you did.

You chose to be childish, not even hear what I had to say but just continue to do what you even told me not to do, and i even apologized right in the beginning on my post for doing it. looks pretty hypocritical but if that's the life you wanna lead then that's you.

don't bother, he "pretty much" just smack talked us and the ULMF site.
you don't know what smack talking is if you think that is what my post is, and its funny because in the last 4 years you made at least 1 post a day on average. you should know the difference between speaking about an idea or opinion etc, and simple smack talking by now.

Ironically the only reason I even quoted you in the first place was because you were smack talking me and accusing me of shit that you don't even know for sure I even did because you didn't read my post.

I replied to another users post with my thoughts on this game, I gave opinions yes but I gave a lot of facts and backed them up with lots of examples. That's just how a basic discussion is formed, which its clear now neither one of you actually want to discuss this game in a deep and meaningful way with me at least and that's perfectly fine.

Don't get it twisted, just because I think the game is shit doesn't mean I cant talk about it in this thread with everyone else. I can go on about why I don't like shooting girl for hours. That post I posted would have been just a small taste in comparison had this conversation, which I honestly thought was a healthy one continued but nope, the person I replied to chose to me immature.

98% of my post is about the game shooting girl, 98% of my post is on topic. The other 2% is just random humor I toss in there for who ever appreciates it.

My post breaks shooting girl down to the molecular level.

Just because my posts are slightly longer than normal posts doesn't mean they're to intimidating to intelligently reply to.

I want you to show me where in my post I slandered the ULMF site.
not that it matters because freedom of fucking speech but if your gonna accuse me of shit you better back it up.

There's nothing in my post that slanders U L M F. In fact I typed the letters "U L M F" only once in my post towards the bottom and all I said was "U L M F" will lock the thread, which is a joke obviously but I guess not so obvious to anyone who doesn't actually read shit and doesn't really have a good sense of humor.

as xellon said, if you don't like it, don't play it.
You clearly did not read my post at all either because I stated in my post that I am gonna be playing this game. I'm open minded enough to still give this game 5 minutes of my time and hey if the game just sticks in those 5 minutes great if not oh well I'm not expecting it to because I already know what type of game it is.

I hope there isn't some one pointing a gun to your head and forcing you to play it.
if you are trying to be funny then you really need to go and actually read my post because you'll learn a thing or two about humor.

otherwise, leave this thread
are you a moderator? no? ok then don't tell me where to go on the forum.

quit the game and
Had you actually read any of my posts you would know that I never played this game once, and I wont play it until its at the very least released to everyone. Its not worth vpning into canada to try I'm sorry but its not and that's not even my opinion that's just a fact.

stop complaining. you clearly don't enjoy the game and are just being a masochist if you are still playing it at this point.
Ive already told you that I never once tried the game so the masochist joke you went for honestly just fails because anyone else who actually does read my posts and then reads your post most likely will think that your not the sharpest tool in the shed. Not to be blunt about it but I'm pretty much right.

Also I'm not complaining, I came here and stated and opinion.

saying something sucks isn't the same as complaining about something.
It doesn't even make sense to complain about something that sucks because guess what, it sucks. Can you complain when a girl sucks your dick well? no? Then how could I complain about a game that does a good job sucking? oh that's right I cant its not even possible to do.

if you do continue to play,
I really should not have to say it a 3rd time but I guess 3 times the charm for some. I never played this game once.

you are just a hypocrite and anything more you say will hold no value.
Do not use the word "hypocrite" ever again, you don't know what it means to be a hypocrite.

your own post paints you as a hypocrite. you came out of nowhere took a side that shares the same opinion as you, and accused the other side (me) of talking smack. meanwhile your whole post is nothing but talking smack.
Your a hypocrite, and I bet if I dig a little bit into some of your old posts Id find a lot more evidence of your hypocrisy.

I see you for what you really are, and anyone who actually reads and comprehends my posts will also see you for what you really are.

and wow another large ass post, what can I say? I'm just that damn good to be able to just reply to 200 words with 2000.
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Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

I want you to show me where in my post I slandered the ULMF site.
not that it matters because freedom of fucking speech but if your gonna accuse me of shit you better back it up.

Had you actually read any of my posts you would know that I never played this game once, and I wont play it until its at the very least released to everyone. Its not worth vpning into canada to try I'm sorry but its not and that's not even my opinion that's just a fact.
"Ill give you until this whole thread is locked to accept my wager. You don't have a lot of time to accept obviously because U L M F will realize how dumb this game is and just lock this thread."

right here. you're claiming that ULMF has an obligation to close the thread because you don't like the game. you don't claim it "might", but it WILL close down because of how "dumb" the game is.

the very game you JUST CLAIMED you never played. if you did, you would have KNOWN that at lvl 5 the girls learn a new combat strategy that gives the PLAYER choice on which unit should be attacked as you click on them.

and freedom of speech does not give you the right to tell talk down on people just because you want to. saying we never played an RPG just because we like how shooting girls plays? you don't have a right to claim that.

"Mission 3-3 isn't hard at all"

how can you even claim this? you haven't played the game. so stop spouting BS.
you would also know that formations DO matter. as hangun and smg units have the lowest healthpools, it's not always best to have them directly in front, but the next in line with snipers behind them.

long post don't always mean more creative. it can lose the attention of the reader some times.

finally, i did read your first post. it was so anger filled i just don't get why it was made at all. applying some rpg law you're making up as if it applies to all RPGs. what i'm not about to do is read all of your last message. that multi-color and random bolding is annoying to read.

if you want to talk about the game, i'd be happy too. at the very least play it first and get your facts straight. you are going on information that early players have released and have yet to update like the discovery of control of your girls on the battlefield.
Feb 13, 2016
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Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

"Ill give you until this whole thread is locked to accept my wager. You don't have a lot of time to accept obviously because U L M F will realize how dumb this game is and just lock this thread."

right here. you're claiming that ULMF has an obligation to close the thread because you don't like the game. you don't claim it "might", but it WILL close down because of how "dumb" the game is.
really quick b4 i sleep cus this is actually important.

I had just got done telling you in my previous post 40 something minutes ago that that statement was a joke, if you look at any of my posts in all my history using this site thus far, anything I type that could potentially make someone crack a smile, Consistently gets highlighted (in red) and/or BOLD Italic

so for example, if i call a group of ppl retards, you might not find it funny but other ppl sure as fuck would.

its just the way its typed out that literally you can just tell there's comedic tones in the way i type if you cant then my god you must be like idk made of stone or some shit

do you understand a little bit better now?

That large ass post I did, post number 93 explains why mission 3-3 isn't hard

hypothetically your playing an rpg game that we will say will have 10 levels, if you are not strong enough to beat a boss on say level 6, what do you do? its an RPG game so what do you if your not strong enough? its not complicated to figure out and guess what, that applies to this game to u know why? this game has levels and stats and exp to level up thats why.

i said im gona solo the game wit riena the 3 star useless ar girl, it will be harder to do cus its not a good idea to only play with 1 unit but, a max level riena should be able to solo mission 3-3

im not saying a max level reina can solo mission 10-3 (if they go up that far)

I'm not speaking in any cryptic language or anything everything i'm saying makes perfect sense.

The law I made up on the spot, which btw that law is fucking hilarious I don't care what anyone thinks, That law explains why the game isn't hard. RPGs just aren't hard. all they are time consuming the more time you spend the higher your stats go and eventually your stats hit a cap and in a lot of games that cap allowed you to one shot shit, im not saying you can one shot everything in the game but stage 3-3 is way to early in the game to not one shot eventually. and yes that's something i can say wit out playing this specific game but have played countless carbon copies of this game which ive stated.

now your telling me that you unlock the RTS elements this is news to me if its true that would make this game a lot more bearable. I'm assuming you still have a link to the reliable source that told you that you unlock RTS elements in shooting girl so show me that please so i can see for myself.

I never posted more than two times in any given day or week rather. I post once a week on average actually today is a new record for me.

the past 2 posts we posted have not been on topic, lets just mutually agree to drop this conversation
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Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

The law where something is very hard to kill, come back later to kill it at higher level is very true. Only time it didn't apply is is the accursed old PS1 rpg named Hoshigami.

I still need to beat it.

..... okay I"m going in for other attempt after I finish up on xenoblade chronicles.


Tentacle Monster
Apr 23, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

I'll try to make this short......

I'm all for arguments and debates. I always show respect for other people's opinions and thoughts and acknowledge if they have proven themselves correct. But in this case, you get no respect from me @Angelic

Long drawn out posts, red text, one sided opinions, assumptions, profanity, etc. I read a little bit of your posts just now and I'll debate against 1 of your points.

First, I have owned every game console up to the xbox 360 all the way from atari and played tons of rpgs and mmos. I'm well aware of rpg elements and how" if you can't beat an enemy, lvl up. In shooting girls case, lvling seems to take a very long time (going from lvl 8 to 12 takes time) and you get bonus stats depending on the girl. You never get additional hp and defense may vary hence why a lvl 10 squad can beat a lvl 40 squad as proven already. You seem to have ignored that statement.

If you kept playing, you would of known this.

Your point about formation making no difference: Each formation has different stats on each panel. It also effects where the girls end up. Strategies such as "follow mid range" can become a problem if you don't place your mid-range well. If you placed them on top of each other for example, you'll lose a move since she has to follow behind/under. Also, if the one in front gets blocked off, you lose another move.This can cause a distance in your formation where your dps gets left behind while your tanks just get shot up.

Now then, you seem to love pvp. If its an mmo based pvp game your interested in with a more interactive skill approach, I recommend elsword (u can check my channel in my sig, first one). Competitive pvp which hold tournaments quite often and players always compete for cash. I've retired from elsword but will come back to see how its changed eventually.

Elsword isn't the only one either. Blade & Soul seems to be getting heated up with pvp although the bots can get annoying. Dragon Nest seems to be a pvp based game focused on air combos. Go play those and just stop posting before the mods decide to delete/lock this topic.

now then, I apologize for going off topic there. I respectfully ask that everyone don't post about this again and get back on topic.

edit - Not much longer till launch day.
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Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

If you kept playing, you would of known this.
he actually stated, 3 times. that he has not played shooting girl yet. so most of his opinions and thoughts on the game are irrelevant. we were arguing for nothing.
Feb 13, 2016
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Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

It's baffling that the two of you after all the the shit I said still don't get it.
but idk I guess you just crave getting schooled on the forums you post on.

as for darted I already outed you for being a hypocrite.

ON TOPIC everything you see below this line, is ON TOPIC so don't get confused.

where is that reliable source that darted brought up that stated that RTS elements get unlocked in the game? cus until I see that the game is nothing but clicking 1 button and u win. shooting girl also does not have REAL PVP, your claiming otherwise so prove it to me now. its on you to back up what you say with facts and evidence just like I do.

Its an rpg whether the two of you like it or not, wanna believe it or not, or don't wanna admit that I'm correct or not, RPG LAW applies to shooting girl.

take a unit to end game then u take that same unit back to the start of the game or in this case mission 3-3 and that unit will solo that mission that's just how rpgs work. There's no difficulty level whats so ever its purely time you spend.

You can test my law out your self, how many times did u even clear mission 3-3? did u just do it once? and never tried it again?

well I guarantee you if you go back to mission 3-3 once a week it will get easier and easier and easier to beat.

eventually you'll have a unit that will be able to solo that mission. That's as simple as I can explain it and that's the last time I'm gonna explain it to either of you, and most likely both of you still wont get it or just refuse to admit it.

the game isn't complex at all you can figure it out just from watching a few game play videos and already having a reference for these types of games which aren't console games btw flash fucking games that's what shooting girl is a flash game its not the only one of its kind there's countless games that are carbon copies that shooting girl most likely took some inspiration from.

ill go back to some of those old sites and pull up a few examples it wont be that simple cus there's like thousands and thousands of new games and shit now assuming any of those old flash game sites are even still around.

Newgrounds has to still be around and they 100% have at least 100 shooting girl type games.
There was one that I liked a bit back in the day but it was wit like bows and arrows and swords and shit but still basically the same fucking game.


Tentacle Monster
Apr 23, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

Hey look its shorter and a bit more on topic. Aight..

ON TOPIC everything you see below this line, is ON TOPIC so don't get confused.

where is that reliable source that darted brought up that stated that RTS elements get unlocked in the game? cus until I see that the game is nothing but clicking 1 button and u win.
RTS? Real time strategy? Nah, I have to disagree on this. Its not an rts since its not in real time but the strategy element exist.

First off who do you you think won in this fight?

The winner was the one on the left. Notice how lvl 40 and 10 has not much differentiation in hp. This also brings up the point of still losing in 3-3 after a week but I'll quote on that later.

He won cause the set up on the right is awful. SGMS/LGMS is no good in this fight and to make maters worse, he choose a lower ACC formation to an already low ACC unit hence this was pretty much an easy win for the lower lvl person.

Ofc, the person on the right is not a real person, probably a pre-made team. Also, no equipment. I don't think at this time, things like 20% bonus armor exists so we are able to win right now.

shooting girl also does not have REAL PVP, your claiming otherwise so prove it to me now. its on you to back up what you say with facts and evidence just like I do.

Its an rpg whether the two of you like it or not, wanna believe it or not, or don't wanna admit that I'm correct or not, RPG LAW applies to shooting girl.
pvp elements. Pvp means player vs player. Its a little different for this game. Its gonna be player team vs player team but not in real time. Hopefully in the future they will provide us with a feature where we can see our matches against players. They already have replays so it could happen.

Here, uploaded a match with Drgn

While its not your typical pvp where both players are present, the winner will be the one with the better set up obviously. Eventually within 3 months, they can be outplayed by gear like any other game.

A few things to look at. I can ctrl my units using the strategies you gain as u lvl. For example, my AR's are sticking together, my HG is rushing out, and I have my SG tanking. Ofc I set my sniper in the back. You can tell her to go north or south and aim at someone specific on the other side if things go according to plan. My SG however is too far down and wasn't a good tank here so next time I'll put her at the top formation. If she was there, I might have gotten a better rank, possibly an S.

The formation set up increases sniper range, eva on my HG and I decided to avoid the panels that give +- stats in the middle formations cause I felt lowering def wasn't a good idea.

I feel being able to see how you set up what your girls to do and see if they win is the fun factor in this auto match up. RNG plays a big role which makes things a bit interesting. Unfortunately as you see in the vid, my HG unit died from a crit. If it wasn't a crit, I might have been able to absorb some dmg with her high eva and skill (her skill has a chance of lowering acc).

It may of even been better to have 2 SG's while the dps dmgs from a distance instead of relying on eva. But yea, as you can see, we're about even in lvl but things didn't go well for Drng (not that lvl matters too much).

edit - oh, didn't talk about my opponent. His mistake was using 2 HG's and 2 SMGS. Ofc, at this lvl, its possible that rng failed him/her and he/she didn't draw any other units from the gatcha.

take a unit to end game then u take that same unit back to the start of the game or in this case mission 3-3 and that unit will solo that mission that's just how rpgs work. There's no difficulty level whats so ever its purely time you spend.
I said I was going to quote you on this. 1 unit won't be able to do anything no matter how strong they are. again, lvl 40, same hp and you can probably increase your eva but a sniper bullet will still hurt. You will still need a team to beat 3-3. The RNG is also funny on here. I had a 99% chance to dodge but I still got hit (I've only seen it happen once). In other words, if you set up 1 unit to have high eva, your only chance of winning is luck. You won't be able to 1 hit anyone at lvl 40 either. so these snipers will get off...... 60 shots before this 1 unit will be able to kill them off. Assuming you use a close range unit, even longer since the snipers will back up and shoot while you try to run towards them 1 panel at a time. In other words, you won't hit them till they are backed up to the very top right/bottom right of the map.

What sets apart lvl 40 and lvl 10's will be equipment and the amount of anri's used on characters. for ex, 1 anri can give you +50 hp (rare drops). There is one for 100 hp but even harder to find. I'm sure if u played mmos you know how hard it is to grind for a rare item. In this case its only for 100 hp.

Your claim that you can get to the end and come back with one unit to win is incorrect. Ofc its will be easier when you have your whole team on 3-3.

Here is my win on 3-3 -

I also want to complain about why quest missions move slower then the practice mode against player teams. Because of that, the video is long. As you can see, my EVA on Kyoko is quite high. If it not for her, I would of lost. But rng won't let me last forever. And ofc, the fight ended up at the top right as I said.

You can test my law out your self, how many times did u even clear mission 3-3? did u just do it once? and never tried it again?

well I guarantee you if you go back to mission 3-3 once a week it will get easier and easier and easier to beat.
No kidding. It gets easier if you change your set up obviously but not rly from lvling. You reach 3-3 at lvl.... 5? 8? don't remember. People still can't beat it at lvl 15. It takes days to get from 8 to 15. The reason I won is due to eva bonus, and the fact that I was lucky to draw a 4 star HG. Without her, I honestly don't know what I would of done. Maybe gone 2 tanks (SG's) get the SG's to take the shots. Add some long range anti vests for extra def. But they aren't stupid, they won't just aim for your tanks.

eventually you'll have a unit that will be able to solo that mission. That's as simple as I can explain it and that's the last time I'm gonna explain it to either of you, and most likely both of you still wont get it or just refuse to admit it.
again, incorrect, already proved it. However, what you say is correct about most rpgs and mmos. Your also correct to say that its easier once you lvl higher, just not as easy for this game.

the game isn't complex at all you can figure it out just from watching a few game play videos and already having a reference for these types of games which aren't console games btw flash fucking games that's what shooting girl is a flash game its not the only one of its kind there's countless games that are carbon copies that shooting girl most likely took some inspiration from.

There is nothing wrong with using flash as a basis for game development. Its not about what software is used, its about how fun the game is. For example, between the amazing looking black desert online that I have and this, I'd rather play this. other games I prefer over BDO is mercs, that old game on genesis, I even prefer playing tetris or more modern, blackops/call of duty,halo, etc. BDO just isn't a good game. Thats my opinion. I reapeat, my opinion. I respect yours, respect mine and we'll be a ok from now on.

ill go back to some of those old sites and pull up a few examples it wont be that simple cus there's like thousands and thousands of new games and shit now assuming any of those old flash game sites are even still around.

Newgrounds has to still be around and they 100% have at least 100 shooting girl type games.
There was one that I liked a bit back in the day but it was wit like bows and arrows and swords and shit but still basically the same fucking game.
No need.

Conclusion, its not a simple 1 button click game, it requires more depth. You can't go end game and go back to 3-3 and win with one unit (proved it as the lvl 10 beat the lvl 40 team), pvp element does exist, just not in the normal sense of it being in real time, and its not an rts, but it does have strategy elements.

Now then, all of this is just how I feel about the game. Its not the best game, but it is fun. For me from time to time, I like to take a break from all the competition that Elsword, street fighter, super smash bros give and just play something more simple.

sigh, ended up being long and took longer then usual but out of respect for actually staying on topic, I did this for you. No disrespect in here at all so I expect the same treatment now that I'm giving you a chance. Honestly I didn't have to prove anything cause u never even gave the game a try. Again, out of respect, I answered you. Also, please do not come to discord and cause trouble again.

what do you say?
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(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

Someone's gonna need to shut the fuck up before I put my big boy pants on.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 18, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

Yeah, shut the fuck up and tell me if this game is worth it or not.
I'm getting discouraged trying to roll for Kyoko. :(


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 13, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

So nice to see everyone excited o_o
Feb 13, 2016
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

Someone's gonna need to shut the fuck up before I put my big boy pants on.
If users are on topic do they still need to shut the fuck up?

Oh shit, apparently they do? I just read the rules, and now I understand them better
A: The Laws of Moderation
1) The moderators are always right.
2) If the moderators are not right, rule 1 applies.
3) Any complaints about the staff should be PM'd to Nunu.
4) When a moderator steps in to say something about a topic (in an official capacity obviously) you are not to help. Thats why they are moderators and you are not. This is because we can end an argument faster if only two people are talking instead of 23.
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Tentacle Monster
Apr 23, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

Game launches for everyone in 1-2 hours :)


Tentacle God
Aug 6, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

I can finally see my P90 girl. \o/


Tentacle Monster
Apr 23, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

And its global. Have fun. It will be announced in another 4-5 hours. Those in discord knows first xD


Tentacle God
Aug 6, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

Hmm, well some things looks somewhat familiar. Must be from the same devs as Kancolle, not that I have a issue with it. Though, when I first saw the girl's cards I had a slight feeling. I wonder if we'll be able to marry girls. :V


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jan 30, 2014
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Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl

There's a lot of numbers to wade through but this looks interesting so far.

Any tips for leveling campus buildings? Is there a discord channel setup for this game yet?


Tentacle God
Aug 6, 2011
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Re: [Nutaku] Shooting Girl
