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Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches


Demon Girl
Jan 25, 2015
Reputation score
Its finally out guys! This is a pretty fucking big deal!

Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Holy shit, Brave Soul?!? Ive not heard of that game in like FOREVER. They picked some interesting games to start with.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Interesting... But...

Why is Vanguard Princess there? That's a game you can definitely buy on Steam, uncensored. Doesn't quite fulfil the "too hot for Steam" remit. There's also quite a few games marked "contains no nudity" as well which don't really appear to be "adult" games - or at least certainly not by Japanese standards.

Not an entirely convincing launch, to be honest. Lots of old games in there. Also, I don't see that there's any real advantage over other places, and the Nutaku gold thing at the very least obfuscates what the actual prices are.

Time will tell if this is a workable store or not, I guess.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Interesting... But...

Why is Vanguard Princess there? That's a game you can definitely buy on Steam, uncensored. Doesn't quite fulfil the "too hot for Steam" remit. There's also quite a few games marked "contains no nudity" as well which don't really appear to be "adult" games - or at least certainly not by Japanese standards.

Not an entirely convincing launch, to be honest. Lots of old games in there. Also, I don't see that there's any real advantage over other places, and the Nutaku gold thing at the very least obfuscates what the actual prices are.

Time will tell if this is a workable store or not, I guess.

To be fair I don't really see a problem with them selling ecchi material. They have two version of their store for these kinds of reasons already. It would be interesting to see titles like Senran Kagura and things of that nature making it there.

There are a lot of games that come out in the US where the Adult bits are taking out. With this system, if it picks up steam, (there is a joke somewhere there) we won't have to be dealing with that bullshit too much in the future.

A good example of a game that could benefit from this Eiyuu Senki which was originally an adult title but had to have the porn stripped out of it to be sold in the west on PS3. If anything we have to start somewhere and we HAVE to encourage devs to strive for higher quality titles in the WEST for this industry to grow. If this storefront proves to push big sales then this might be the change around we need to encourage people to finish their games and give them the funding to work on bigger and better projects.

Not saying that these guys might not make some mistakes and thier still western censorship laws and credit card processors that might make some content hard to get by (unless you have a patch to take care of that), but for right now this seems like a good first go around considering the mass audience they already have.
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Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

a few games on there that caught my attention.

now one thing that bothers me is they mistook "censored" when asked on twitter.

on twitter a user asked will their games be censored and they replied "no, none of the games will have any kind of censorship".

well yeah... they chose nothing but safe games. there is no loli to censor, no bestiality to censor, no gore to censor. heck, no NTR. nutaku really likes to play it safe on their game choices. the user pretty much meant is there any fetishes that are getting censored. we already know they do "uncensoring" which is different from content censoring.

but hey, the way they answered it was pretty much a way to lure people in. when another user asked if loli will be censored (before the store launched) he didn't get a reply.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

On the positive side, the presentation is pretty good. I hope that they'll be successful and prosper.

... On the negative side, the game selection really doesn't match my taste at all.

Let's take a look at what's available:

- 13 Visual Novels
- 1 Action RPG
- 1 Fighting game
- 1 Puzzle game

Fighting game: Of particular interest, the original Japanese game (as well as the Steam version if you add the "director's pack") have explicit content... Which the Nutaku version doesn't have based on the description (???).

Puzzle game: Not only is there no nudity, it's not even an ecchi game from what I can see: it's super tame and not something ala Senran Kagura. Reviews are positive on Steam, but since it's something that'd be rated as T at the highest it's an odd inclusion in the "hentai and adult games" section.

Action RPG: Brave Soul is a full, proper game, but it's pretty old (13 years old to be precise). It certainly does merit its place on the list and is a good addition, but it's unfortunate that it's the sole "h-game" (ie. not visual novel) available currently.

Regarding content variety, 14 out of 16 games have male protagonists (both games with female protagonists are also non-h). Different people have different tastes and interests of course, but I personally much prefer games with female protagonists so the offerings are extremely slim for me... Plus 100% of their online games are with male protagonists too (of the self insert variety if I read their info page right).

Out of that game list, Brave Soul is the only one that interests me (even with its male protagonist), but I already own the game from it's original JAST release... So while I do hope that Nutaku's shop will be successful and that I am willing to purchase games from them, there's just nothing that interests me at the moment.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Marketing-wise, just to note, there's probably a lot of reasons they released with only this many titles, but a good reason is exposure of said games.

Namely, it's likely that most of the creators of the games here signed up for this setup willingly as they were confident/expecting that their games would get some significant sales.

The best way to do this is to only release with a set number of games, so that these games are always visible at all times (as in, all of them are visible on one page). If they released a flood of games, then some of those games might never get seen, the purchases on them stay low, and then the companies behind those games don't invest with/trust Nutaku for any future games they release.

Additionally, there's also statistics/analytics to take into account; by releasing a small group of games, they can get a good read on what ones sell the most, which will then probably key Nutaku to be like "hey, we want more of this game", or alternatively, to judge market response/comments/requests for games like what Ayra talked about in their post, and then adjust what games they get signed up to Nutaku through that.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Not sure, but I think in the comments in that article they mentioned they are adding more games tomorrow or later on this week. Kind of wonder how often games are going to be added. Hopefully they will make searching the game list easier when they start to get more and more games. As it is now it can be hard to find specific game types.

Anyway I am going to wait and see what else is put on the store. Might grab Brave Soul. Really hope to see more RPG type games though.

As for the updated site. It looks nice, but I kind of liked how before they did have that small description next to the game icon.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Marketing-wise, just to note, there's probably a lot of reasons they released with only this many titles, but a good reason is exposure of said games.

Namely, it's likely that most of the creators of the games here signed up for this setup willingly as they were confident/expecting that their games would get some significant sales.

The best way to do this is to only release with a set number of games, so that these games are always visible at all times (as in, all of them are visible on one page). If they released a flood of games, then some of those games might never get seen, the purchases on them stay low, and then the companies behind those games don't invest with/trust Nutaku for any future games they release.

Additionally, there's also statistics/analytics to take into account; by releasing a small group of games, they can get a good read on what ones sell the most, which will then probably key Nutaku to be like "hey, we want more of this game", or alternatively, to judge market response/comments/requests for games like what Ayra talked about in their post, and then adjust what games they get signed up to Nutaku through that.

I completely agree with everything you said there, but there's one problem that I see in the whole thing: the current selection is HEAVILY skewed toward one single type of title.

If you want to gage potential interest toward different types of games, then you need something to be able to gage interest with. Visual novels with male protagonists in a contemporary setting covers the vast majority of the games being offered. How do you gauge interest for other types of games if people do not have the option to show their interest by buying those games?

Platformers (along with RPGs) are likely the most popular types of h-games. Platformers requires low translation time compared to most other types of games, so are less risky and costly to port over. Yet not a single one is on offer?

How can they gage interest for non-visual novels h games when the tiny handful of games that aren't visual novels are either extremely old or non-h in the first place? It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy: "Well, we sold 1000 visual novels, 10 action RPGs and 0 platformers, so we better just sell more visual novels".

I'm honestly not terribly hopeful based on their online offerings. They have 17 online games, which were developed over the years. Not a single one has a female protagonist, and the majority of the newer ones seem to have nearly identical gameplay. I did check every few months in case they ever added one with a female protagonist or a different playstyle, but nope. No questionaires either for us to give suggestions. If the downloadable store follows the same pattern as the online one, well... Let's just hope I'm wrong on that. It's obviously way too early to judge, and even if they never offer anything I like and just focus on visual novels, I'll still wish them success.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

a few games on there that caught my attention.

now one thing that bothers me is they mistook "censored" when asked on twitter.

on twitter a user asked will their games be censored and they replied "no, none of the games will have any kind of censorship".

well yeah... they chose nothing but safe games. there is no loli to censor, no bestiality to censor, no gore to censor. heck, no NTR. nutaku really likes to play it safe on their game choices. the user pretty much meant is there any fetishes that are getting censored. we already know they do "uncensoring" which is different from content censoring.

but hey, the way they answered it was pretty much a way to lure people in. when another user asked if loli will be censored (before the store launched) he didn't get a reply.

They still have to maintain appearances that they aren't openly supporting loli.

But a few of those titles have deflowering, which is apparently a no-no in their book, but is fine in these VNs. They can probably stick to their "no censorship" clause there. Maybe we'll even get a tentacle game down the line to strike another bad thing off their list.

And of course, if they ever get to adding loli games, I'll support them. Even if I already bought Imouto Paradise and Sweet Sweat in Summer.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

How do you gauge interest for other types of games if people do not have the option to show their interest by buying those games?

By seeing how much people ask for said games in the comments/message boards/forums like this :p

Platformers (along with RPGs) are likely the most popular types of h-games. Platformers requires low translation time compared to most other types of games, so are less risky and costly to port over. Yet not a single one is on offer?

This is likely because they realize they wouldn't make much sales on translating a platformer when people can already buy it as is and not have to worry much about the storyline on other places (for platformers that have a lack of storyline, I mean).

Maybe we'll even get a tentacle game down the line to strike another bad thing off their list.

Unless some sort of disaster happens, I've been working with Nutaku to make sure Reclaim Reality ( the game I've been working on with and ) is going to be on Nutaku, and it'll have tentacles and such in spades, so that's definitely gonna happen!

That said, they're robot/machine tentacles, sure, but... hey, ya gotta start somewhere!
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Unless some sort of disaster happens, I've been working with Nutaku to make sure Reclaim Reality ( the game I've been working on with and ) is going to be on Nutaku, and it'll have tentacles and such in spades, so that's definitely gonna happen!

That said, they're robot/machine tentacles, sure, but... hey, ya gotta start somewhere!

My understanding is that the entire objection to tentacles is the implied bestiality, so, machines and plants are okay.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Hmm well they added in 3 more games from Denpasoft. More VN to the store. Kind of was hoping for Nekopara.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

well for those of you guys who haven't played deardrops. it's a great visual novel. it's music based too and the songs are very good.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

To be fair I don't really see a problem with them selling ecchi material. They have two version of their store for these kinds of reasons already. It would be interesting to see titles like Senran Kagura and things of that nature making it there.

There are a lot of games that come out in the US where the Adult bits are taking out. With this system, if it picks up steam, (there is a joke somewhere there) we won't have to be dealing with that bullshit too much in the future.

I didn't mean to imply that there was a problem with them selling ecchi material. It's just that with a remit of "too hot for Steam", selling a game which is literally on Steam, uncensored, is a bit odd. I'm not convinced that they'd be able to sell much for such a game, given that most would prefer to buy it on Steam.

As other people have mentioned, the actual lineup of games is fairly one-dimensional (highly skewed to VNs), with quite a lot of very old content. I would like this experiment to succeed, but the selection of games to start off with does not really inspire confidence. Basically, I'm trying to spot what Nutaku is bringing to the table over, say, Mangagamer (or even Steam in some cases!). And... well, I just can't spot it for the download games model. Coupled with the Nutaku Gold thing... I'm really not convinced by the offering.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

I didn't mean to imply that there was a problem with them selling ecchi material. It's just that with a remit of "too hot for Steam", selling a game which is literally on Steam, uncensored, is a bit odd. I'm not convinced that they'd be able to sell much for such a game, given that most would prefer to buy it on Steam.

As other people have mentioned, the actual lineup of games is fairly one-dimensional (highly skewed to VNs), with quite a lot of very old content. I would like this experiment to succeed, but the selection of games to start off with does not really inspire confidence. Basically, I'm trying to spot what Nutaku is bringing to the table over, say, Mangagamer (or even Steam in some cases!). And... well, I just can't spot it for the download games model. Coupled with the Nutaku Gold thing... I'm really not convinced by the offering.
I was under impression that VNs are the most popular Eroges in Japan, so IMHO it would explain that Nutaku store is flooded with them.
As for Nutaku Gold... I get the feeling that along with non-AO page it's meant to get around restrictions of some payment processors, like Paypal, etc. - you buy Nutaku Gold on non-AO page, so it's not against Paypal ToS, and then you can use it to buy stuff in AO page - same thing you can, or at least could, do on DLsite.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

about the prices of the games and nutaku gold. they will be altering prices to match nutaku gold purchasing packages. so that may mean some games get a price decrease (and may some increase?) to get exact prices.

that way after a purchase you aren't left with $1, $2, $3, $4 etc and then not be able to buy anything.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

As for Nutaku Gold... I get the feeling that along with non-AO page it's meant to get around restrictions of some payment processors, like Paypal, etc. - you buy Nutaku Gold on non-AO page, so it's not against Paypal ToS, and then you can use it to buy stuff in AO page - same thing you can, or at least could, do on DLsite.

This is almost guaranteed what it's for, which is awesome. :D
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

i found this funny

says "really, absolutely, completely not censored. For real. 100%."

very first post is a guy screen shot'ing a game with mosaics. nutake says those censors don't count =p

so that's cool. they get to cherry pick what they consider is censored and not.

so i guess i was right. they themselves understood what the guy was asking when asked if they would censor any games. no they wont censor any games because all the games they chose are vanilla and have nothing risky to censor to begin with. the only games i would have bought off them were sakura swim club and deardrops. already got them from mangagamers on release though. other then that they took no chances on their titles and nothing interest me.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Well its not really nutaku publishing many of these vns these are independent developers or existing publishers we know operate around steam its not their full catalog as many of those guys are testing the waters along with this not intended to be a flood. I also imagine they don't want some of their flagship titles on here yet. & Its who they get to work with since its a new side of things.

Its going to be a lot easier to get vn/western vns as they are much easier to finish. I don't think we'l see nutaku translating non online games for a while as they are significant money makers for them. But we'l see plenty of other companies/studios/publishers get involved in this store over time I imagine.