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Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Sadly I've witnessed too many things surrounding Nutaku ever since the launch of LoV that made me highly skeptical of their business decisions/practices and their stance towards their customers/consumers.

Luckily there isn't a single game in their catalogue that would even tempt me to get it and if that's the kind of line up -in terms of genre as well as quality- they're going for, there never will be any.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Partnered with Japanese gaming giant DMM, Nutaku currently serves as a conduit for overseas game developers whose products are considered too controversial or explicit for traditional North American game distributors.

*looks at all the content censored [by being replaced with other visuals] in their online games, and fetishes they avoid* .....to quote a part of one of George Carlin's acts: "that is what's known as being stunningly, STUNNINGLY full of shit".

I've "known" Nutaku since they released Lord of Valkyrie [for example, some of the cards in that game have been edited, and one was even "accidentally" added without its image, then removed and never released again], so what I'm thinking at this point is: "what can their most "explicit" offer at the start be - Brave Soul's Ruby scenes?"
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Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

I was looking forward to buying a game or two (Brave Soul is such a classic), but then I ran into this blog :(

If only gaben would release "dark steam" or something, separate steam client for only +18, which can access "dark store" :D
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

nutaku has always been known for having the worst sense of censorship. i've always felt their sense of "tentacles are animals" stance to be stupid. i feel that if they don't change their practices soon, no one will be spending money on their games anymore. they'll have the player base sure, but not the support of their pockets.

i myself have spent $2,000 already on nutaku, but after so much bullshit. i was able to charge back $700 and will not spend another dollar on them. we need more people so stop supporting them financially. if people keep spending money on them while they are like this, they will see it as us telling them "you are doing fine, we support how you work".

remember, nutaku is a company. if they aren't making money, they WILL change in what ever way will bring the money back in.

until then, people need to stop whining how bad their censorships are, but still keep buying their gold out of addiction to their games.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

I was looking forward to buying a game or two (Brave Soul is such a classic), but then I ran into this blog :(

If only gaben would release "dark steam" or something, separate steam client for only +18, which can access "dark store" :D

You should be fine buying it (brave soul), don't think any of games sold in shop were edited by them in any way (and i doubt they could).
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

nutaku has always been known for having the worst sense of censorship. i've always felt their sense of "tentacles are animals" stance to be stupid. i feel that if they don't change their practices soon, no one will be spending money on their games anymore. they'll have the player base sure, but not the support of their pockets.

i myself have spent $2,000 already on nutaku, but after so much bullshit. i was able to charge back $700 and will not spend another dollar on them. we need more people so stop supporting them financially. if people keep spending money on them while they are like this, they will see it as us telling them "you are doing fine, we support how you work".

remember, nutaku is a company. if they aren't making money, they WILL change in what ever way will bring the money back in.

until then, people need to stop whining how bad their censorships are, but still keep buying their gold out of addiction to their games.

As a company, they have to abide by laws of the governing country they are located in. Most times laws don't align with your specific beliefs, that is when you need to VOTE if you have the power to. Not spending money does nothing but hurt the industry which you are a fan of. We as developers are subjected to the same "stupid" laws. If pricing/direction was an issue (such as more of a certain fetish/niche/game type that you don't like) then not buying can influence. But if you want loli/tentacles know you are in a losing battle vs LAW MAKERS not game devs/distributors/publishers. If you compare them to other companies then look to where those companies are located and the laws that they SHOULD be obeying, if they are not then they are operating illegally. Lastly, you must also realize that these laws are usually written in ambiguity so that the law enforcers can manipulate/apply the law how they feel and let a court judge the outcome (not favorable for a company), such as loli (if the character's age isn't stated they are allowed to assume an age!). Nutaku is doing more for H-games in the last several months than any other company, I for one applaud them for it.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

During Nutaku's last interview they clearly stated laws were not the problem. They specifically blamed their credit card processor. Which is a bogus excuse since other publishers do just fine with their credit card processors. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, if something is blocking your business, get rid of it.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Should the discussion of Nutaku's cencorship policy be in this, or will it be better in it's own dedicated forum?

Or we can ask Nutaku on twitter and see what their official stance is?
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

As a company, they have to abide by laws of the governing country they are located in. Most times laws don't align with your specific beliefs, that is when you need to VOTE if you have the power to. Not spending money does nothing but hurt the industry which you are a fan of. We as developers are subjected to the same "stupid" laws. If pricing/direction was an issue (such as more of a certain fetish/niche/game type that you don't like) then not buying can influence. But if you want loli/tentacles know you are in a losing battle vs LAW MAKERS not game devs/distributors/publishers. If you compare them to other companies then look to where those companies are located and the laws that they SHOULD be obeying, if they are not then they are operating illegally. Lastly, you must also realize that these laws are usually written in ambiguity so that the law enforcers can manipulate/apply the law how they feel and let a court judge the outcome (not favorable for a company), such as loli (if the character's age isn't stated they are allowed to assume an age!). Nutaku is doing more for H-games in the last several months than any other company, I for one applaud them for it.

like the post below you said. in an interview they said the law wasn't the problem. it was the credit card companies that wouldn't allow it. they are just being thick headed. sure they downloaded games aren't censored, that's because they specifically said they WON'T pick up any games that needs to be censored. so vanilla only games will be downloadable, just like their web games. face it, defending them just says you're ok with the way they operate. ultimately, they could move their base of operations to america and lets face that, they do have the money will how successful they've been. in the long run adding more games with new fetishes will increase profits. you have to spend money to make money.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

Speaking of Brave Soul, JAST made an interesting comment about their relationship with Nutaku.

Nutaku has backing from both DMM and MindGeek (i.e. PornHub). They are able to leverage these connections to pull in Japanese developers through DMM, and internet traffic through MindGeek. It's a pretty powerful synergy.

That being said, their revenue sharing agreement will make it harder for publishers, like JAST and MG, to break even. Hopefully they will invest those funds into building a site with a good customer experience. We're watching to see how sales turnout.

We were just beginning talks with MG about more cooperative efforts when Nutaku was launched. We'd still like to pursue something, but now everyone in the industry is putting their energy into Nutaku.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

you mean the website or as a source to get H games?

former, yes the website is working.

ladder, no. they only do vanilla and i'm already bored with the same old pure love games. i need something with a fetish, at least a god damn tentacle for christ sake. but no, nutaku says tentacles can't give their consent and is seen as bestiality and they don't do bestiality.

so yeah, bored with everything they have to offer. i'll play their new free games for a bit at launch since it's nice to try something new, but once you've seen a few scenes, you seen them all.

something they can do is try going into darker routes. they won't do rape, they stated that already, but maybe willing NTR is the only fetish that can possibly be done. that and pregnant sex, but they haven't picked anything up that has pregnancy yet.

sorry for the long reply. just needed to get that out.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

they only do vanilla and i'm already bored with the same old pure love games. i need something with a fetish, at least a god damn tentacle for christ sake. but no, nutaku says tentacles can't give their consent and is seen as bestiality and they don't do bestiality.

so yeah, bored with everything they have to offer. i'll play their new free games for a bit at launch since it's nice to try something new, but once you've seen a few scenes, you seen them all.

sorry for the long reply. just needed to get that out.

It's k, we all understand how you feel =/
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

ladder, no. they only do vanilla and i'm already bored with the same old pure love games. i need something with a fetish, at least a god damn tentacle for christ sake. but no, nutaku says tentacles can't give their consent and is seen as bestiality and they don't do bestiality.
They're apparently limited by the standards of credit card processors, but this isn't an ironclad law. I got away with a scene including magic shadow tentacles in one game, and they seem very open to sentient nonhumans in sex scenes. When I pitched them a potential game that would actually test those boundaries, they were open to the idea.

Right now, developers are either following the DMM formula or playing it safe to avoid their work being restricted. But there's more variety available even within the limits of current laws.
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

what is the dmm formula?
Re: Nutaku’s Dedicated Adult Games Store Launches

what is the dmm formula?
I only mean how many of Nutaku's Japanese games come from DMM.com, which frequently has gacha-based games that fall into similar genres. These tend not to be fetish-based, but instead focused on a variety of player characters who have unlockable scenes.