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RPG [ ONEONE1 ] Yuno Fantasy ユノファンタジー RE101268 RJ101268 RPGMaker


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 2, 2011
Reputation score
Hello once again, Fellow Ulmfians. I have a sweet drop for ya'll. The company Oneone1 has released a trail of their new RPG, Yuko Fantasy. Like Breeding soldier Sera, but EVEN BETTER! Though you only screw townsfolk in a town entering cutscene, it is obvious that this is going to be one awesome game. Here's the trial.
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Re: Yuko Fantasy

It does seem nice, I like the art. Going to try it before I make a let's play for Element.
Re: Yuko Fantasy

Hmm, see I WANT to like these games cause they seem REALLY well thought out, the problem for me is the boob art, it's too, I dunno, whimsical? (That is NOT a word I thought I would use to describe boobs ever)
Re: Yuko Fantasy

182 MB's for a demo seems kinda heavy... Why do they include the RTP :(
Re: Yuko Fantasy

Art looks nice.

...Then I looked at the nipple area.
Re: Yuko Fantasy

Oneone1's stuff is always good
Re: Yuko Fantasy

Hmm...looks good except for the boobs...those are weird.Still i might give this one a chance.
Re: Yuko Fantasy

Tentacle's rule: All holes can be and shall be penetrated.
Download anyway.
EDIT: game downloaded, and yeah, those don't look like boobs to me anymore. Just some huge lumps of flesh attached to her chest area.
I like boobs, but only those that look like boobs.
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Re: Yuko Fantasy

Tentacle's rule: All holes can be and shall be penetrated.

As somebody who knows a bit more about human anatomy than most, that's one of the things that really aggravates the hell out of me. Human nipples don't have holes in them. Rather, the areoli are semi-permeable, and that's how the milk gets through.

But hentai artists don't care about more than basic anatomy, so them's the breaks.
Re: Yuko Fantasy

The image is enough for me to not want to play the game already :p I hope that's the main fetish type of his game, so at least he's bringing in the right people to play it and it's not just something that happens like once, or he's turning away potential buyers. Not many things that turn me off that quickly from a game.