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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

I like the kuei-jin. I'm into the 'eastern' style World of Darkness stuff, including the hengeyokai shapeshifters and the Dark Kingdom of Jade for the wraith side of things. As long as you recognize that they're not vampires and are their own brand of crazy monster goodness, then it's fine. Just something else that goes bump in the night.

I also like the Laibon and Nagaraja. :eek:

Not that you need any of them to have a good western vampire game. They're useful as things to throw in for players that are so familiar with the main clans and bloodlines - but dark ages doesn't make much sense for them, what with all the difficulties of long travel.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah the Romani do have to put up with a bit too much IRL. Though I haven't entirely rainbowfied the clans, they are vampires after all. A bit hard to make them too rainbowy.

He did appreciate it but I'm not sure my dad did.

I like the kuei-jin, I just think they would have been better off if the book had been called Oni: the Second Breath as opposed to Kindred of the East. I think they just tried to hard to tie them in with VTM instead of making them their own game line.

Laibon are pretty cool since for the most part they're just variants of the western clans. Not a big fan of the nagaraja though, they seem to step on a few too many toes for my taste. Oh and the hengeyokai are awesome.
Re: OOC thread

Not sure if I ever posted this but I saw it again and made me think it could be like a modern Eliza or something. ^_^

Re: OOC thread

Posted this with my character, but here as well for the enjoyment of all:

Re: OOC thread

So Eliza is Cindy Lou Who, there's an image that won't be going away any time soon.

I love Nebelhexe.

Everything checks out, sounds more like what you really wanted with Anabelle towards the end there. I was also serious when I said you should think about trying a Lhiannan instead of a straight Gangrel. I'll get to starting soon but right now I'm working on finishing up my character for DotD.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, a little bit of what I wanted with Anabelle towards the end. And I'll have to do some research on the Lhiannan before I decide that.

*edit* after some research... yeah, I be highly intrigued by them. Only thing that gives me pause is the territory bit. Otherwise I'd be jumping ship for them.
Re: OOC thread

Shhh Ronny it's a secret! But wow, haha. That is really weird. Especially seeing the before and after pics.

Re: OOC thread

She also likes being choked... found out when Marilyn Manson choked her on stage.

The more you know.
Re: OOC thread

Going by the book the Lhiannan have a territorial range of 50 km, so it's not exactly a small area they end up confined to. Though it is of course up to you and I don't fault you for wanting to turn into a wolf.

That's what happens when you get stuck sitting near the Malkavians for too long.
Re: OOC thread

Kind have got it stuck in my head now. I'll give the Lhiannan a shot. Just seems cool. Though, that territory better not be Northern Scotland or I'll be screwed for the game.
Re: OOC thread

Leaving their territory just weakens them by causing them to lose their Ogham blood magic. Which does make sense as they're controlling the nature spirit of said territory. They don't have any rituals listed in the book for ogham but I would think they would have a few such as for consecrating a new territory. So even if you end up getting embraced somewhere like northern Scotland you should be able to move south eventually.
Re: OOC thread

Convinced me. I suppose we can... come up with some temporary spirit guest rituals or some such.
Re: OOC thread

I think I have a perfect idea for how to work it. Now to just get the time to write it. I'll probably get it up tomorrow night sometime after it's had time to churn through my brain a few times.
Re: OOC thread

yeah, that's all I got.
Re: OOC thread

And I'm spent. Tomorrow I will update everyone on anything that has been retconned aside from the stuff that you already know about.
Nope, just Gaelic though it's Irish as opposed to Scot's. Hopefully there isn't that much of a difference if there is any, the spelling is probably horrible as well.

Merge: Alright quick explanation of retconned things at court, all of the NPC's are still the same Cainite that you've possibly already dealt with. No change at all to Mithras (prince), Valerius (seneschal), Aethelwulf (warmaster), Rodger (Chamberlain), Richard (sheriff), or Muirne (Scourge).

The main change is that the primogen council now represents the five baronies making up the Baronies of Avalon. So you have Pallas representing the Baron of Lincoln, Donegal the Baron of Carlisle, Isleena the Baron of Bordeaux, Guy the Baron of Canterbury, and Bayard the Baron of York. Pallas and Guy on one power block which is the most loyal to Mithras, Donegal and Isleena on the other, with Bayard being the wild card. Nothing else changed in regards to their personalities or relations though.

Jourdain and Daniel have the title of ambassador, which in some ways is similar to primogen though they don't have an actual vote. Jourdain represents the Lord Montano and Daniel represents Matriarch Salianna. Neither of them are very good ambassadors in the political sense. Jourdain follows the Road of night where it is a minor sin to involve yourself in the affairs of kindred overly much and Daniel for much the same reason just with a much different world view. Basically one is judgmental puritan and the other is a judgmental paladin. Though they are both a bit more in touch with the mortals of the city than anyone else at court, if you can manage to put up with them log enough to get the information.

No changes to any of the minor NPC's you've run into either.

The Baronies of Avalon have a rather long standing alliance with both the Courts of Love and the Sea of Shadows. Seeing as they recently invaded the Midnight Crescent along with their two allies, they have bad relations with them. They don't agree with the invasion of the Tzimisce Voivodate by the Fiefs of the Black Cross, nor do they condemn it. They have a somewhat strained relationship with the Second City.

Hmm, did I miss anything? It mostly affects Vezina right now since the other's haven't had the chance to learn all of that yet.
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Re: OOC thread

Does that mean that Vezina is considered more an ambassador than an actual voting primogen?

Also, in the retcon, do the former PCs still exist? Have they accomplished the actions that were in the threads?
Re: OOC thread

Well, I guess that depends on if you want to try and pursue that route. It's possible that you could convince the other members of the court your an ambassador from either the Voivodate or one of the independent tyrants. You are technically an ambassador for Gyulu but his name might not mean much except to Jourdain and Rodger. So depend on if you want to try and make yourself one or not.

Unless I get told otherwise by said player, all the other PC's existed. They'll just be keeping an incredibly low profile, traveling, or even in self-imposed torpor. I see no reason to change any of the events they may have caused or discovered so yes everything happened.
Re: OOC thread

So probably coincidence, but I just googled "vampire lasombra" and one of the pictures near the top was the pic I used for Eliza!! *huggles her*

And unrelated but this music video is pretty cool: