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Orchrios - Old Version

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Re: Orchrios

Anthony walked over, sitting down in the chair next to the instruments. He spotted Bell reaching for the black bag as he did that. "That's my electric. I'll probably have to tune it as well. Haven't played in about a month, so..."

He shook his head at some thought he'd had, probably connected to his not being able to play, and added, "Go ahead and sit in the recliner if you want...And apparently, you've seen me in some dream?"

While he waits for a response, he goes back to tuning the guitar. At this point, Bell can see that he's going by ear, rather than using a tuner.
Re: Orchrios

"Oh," she says, looking at the bag again before sitting down in the offered recliner, placing herself on the edge of the seat for fear of getting too comfortable. "You're taking this all rather calmly. I know I must sound crazy, but you just sit back and take it in like it happens every day." She says apoligetically.
Re: Orchrios

Anthony shrugs as he tunes his guitar. "Blame it on some training I've had. After my parents died, I was raised by a family friend who was really into the whole martial arts stuff. Kind of rubbed off on me. Of course, parts of that are good, all things considered...Anyway, your dream?"

'Maintain composure...Try to ignore how she arrived...Try to focus on the instruments, rather than how attractive she is, and the fact she's not wearing much under the robe...' One of the times Anthony was grateful for his training. He highly doubted that he'd have been able to react in anything remotely approaching appropriate if he hadn't had it.
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Re: Orchrios

"It was sword training, wasn't it? But yeah, my dream..." She says, taking a moment to collect her thoughts before continuing.

"There were two men on a tower, one was you, I think. The other one spoke of a master, and voices, and called you by name, and you seemed confused about it. Then he attacked you with a sword, a larger double-edged one, but you had a sword too, it was curved and long too, with an edge on the outside of the curve. You two fought for maybe a minute, and it was raining. It was so fast I couldn't even make out what was happening, but then you both jumped back, and he had a bunch of slices, including one in his eye, left, I think." She says, then stands up again and walks over to him. "You had a big cut too, right where that scar is now." She emphasises this by reaching around his guitar and tracing the part of the scar visible with a finger, leaning over a bit to do so, though she keeps herself covered.

She stands up straight again, and finishes. "And then I woke up. You called the other man Vincent, I think. There's too many coincidences there for it to be random, so now I think it's your turn for an explanation." She says softly, no real force behind her words, making it sound more like a request than a demand.
Re: Orchrios

By the time that Bell was getting up to point out the scar on Anthony's chest...He'd simply froze.

When she stepped back to ask about an explanation, she'd notice him staring at her...And not in the usual way men stared at her. This was more of a "How the hell did you know that?" stare. There was a long pause, then... "That happened ten years ago...And you're right, there's way too many 'coincidences'..."

That said, he set the acoustic back on its stand, before standing up to pace, half-muttering to himself. "Master Shiraishi needs to hear about this...I've got to go speak with him tomorrow morning..." As he's pacing, his right hand shifts up to run along his chin, and the sleeve on that arm falls down, revealing the scar on the back of his arm.

Finally, he turns to face Bell. "I don't have any explanation for you having that dream...yet. I'm hoping that my former instructor, the 'Master' spoken of in that dream, would know. The short version of that fight is this: A friend of mine from that training started complaining of hearing strange voices. Every check Master Shiraishi had done, however, showed that there was no reason for that...And apparently, the strain of it all caused Vincent to snap. I honestly don't know if he survived that night. If, by some strange event he did, then he'll definately be missing his left eye. I'd watch out for someone like that."

He shook his head, then continued. "I'd be inclined to just go about your normal business. I'll ask Master Shiraishi about this as soon as I can tomorrow. Hopefully, he'll have some more definative answers."
Re: Orchrios

"Whoa, hold on there, you want me to act as if nothing is wrong?" She says incredulously. "I had a dream, it turns out to be someone's memories from a decade ago, that same person moves into my apartment building the same day, who warns me to watch out for a one-eyed man while he consults his old kung-foo master, and you want me to continue as if everything is normal?" Sha asks calmly, ticking the points off with the fingers of one hand. She sits back down on the recliner with a thump. "I think I should come with you tomorrow." She states matter-of-factly.
Re: Orchrios

Anthony shrugs. "Well, I suppose you could...It's just that he'll probably have to spend time doing some library research, or the like. At least the previous times I've had to ask him about something, and someone had come along, they ended up incredibly bored while waiting."
Re: Orchrios

"Well what else am I supposed to do, go for an afternoon stroll and see if I can spot any crazy people with eyepatches following me? I'll bring a book or something." She says, leaning back in the chair and crossing her arms in front of her chest. This causes the robe to shift and exposes one of her legs from just above the knee down. She doesn't bother fixing it, just stares an him petulantly.
Re: Orchrios

Anthony shrugs again. "Like I said before, I don't even think that Vincent even survived, but it's your call."

With that said, he walks back over, and resumes tuning the acoustic.
Re: Orchrios

Bell's eyebrow twitches a little, and she stands up again, arms still crossed. "Okay, so it's decided then. I'm borrowing this," she indicates the robe she's still wearing, "and I'll be right back." She says, then heads out of his apartment, heading back to her own.

Aaah! Males! So hard to deal with!
Re: Orchrios

Once Bell had left, Anthony let out a long breath, then set his acoustic on its stand. He then stepped into his bathroom, and shortly after that, his shower could be heard.
Re: Orchrios

Bell runs back to her apartment, thankfully unseen, and changes into actual clothes. That done, she grabs the top blanket off her bed, a programming book, and the borrowed robe and went back to Anthony's apartment, knocking twice before just walking in, as she hadn't locked his door after her. She put the robe on a hook by the door, sat back down in the recliner under her blanket, and proceeded to read her book.
Re: Orchrios

After a bit, Anthony steps out of the bathroom holding his shirt in his hand, as he heads off to his bed. It's obvious he just showered, and Bell might notice a distinct lack of steam.

Before long, both would have fallen asleep. The next thing Bell would be aware of, it's very early morning, with the sun just starting to rise, and Anthony is already moving around in his bedroom.
Re: Orchrios

When Anthony leaves his room, he finds Bell in the kitchen rummaging through the bottom shelf of his fridge, bowl full of cereal minus the milk on the counter. She's wearing a tank top, and a skirt just long enough to cover her behind when she is bent over double, which is exactly how she is standing at the moment. Without turning around or stopping her search, she starts talking in a rather cheery tone.

"Bout time you decided to get up! Where's the milk?"
Re: Orchrios

Cross, who was dressed in a red shirt similar to the one he had on last night and brown jeans, stopped and thought for a moment. "May not have any yet. I haven't had a chance to stock."
Re: Orchrios

"Yeah, I thought you were going to say that." She says, closing the fridge, grabbibg the bowl, and eating it dry. "So, we're off to that creepy castle, right?"
Re: Orchrios

Anthony nods. "Avarras, yes. And I wouldn't exactly call the place creepy. It's got an oriental flare to the architecture and decor, but it's kept up."

He waits until Bell is done eating before grabbing his coat, and oddly enough his guitar bag, then holds the door open. Once Bell was through, he'd lock it and leave.
Re: Orchrios

Jack had everything set finally. New weapons shop, all he needed for his creative hobbies, and his apartment, all in one building. He had woken early this morning, and then went down stairs to open shop.

A quick breakfast of bacon, eggs and ham and he was off. The shop opened at exactly six AM, countless weapons of various kinds up for sale. As he ate, his mind kept returning to the dream he'd had yesterday. Something about it just seemed odd.
Re: Orchrios

Bell just shrugs. "Everyone else thinks it's creepy, you should hear some of the rumours going around about that place."

She finishes her breakfast quickly, leaving the bowl in the sink and her blanket still on the chair. Book under arm, she walks on out and follows him around, pointing out interesting places here and there, her favourite bar, just making general small talk on the way.
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Re: Orchrios

((Thread change for Anthony and Bell.))
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