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Overwhored RPG Maker Game FULL GAME UPDATE!

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

there's gonna be a use for the conquered cities?like management,build buildings,etc...?
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Alright everyone. Here's the new version.

You WILL need the VX RTP in order to play it, as this version doesn't include it. You can get it here.

Some people have had issues getting the RTP to work. I figured out a way to fix the issue, BUT apparently the Rapidshare download didn't work. So now that the second castle has sunk into the swamp, here's a third.

That link has the RTP with it.
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Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2


I do like the Nanshe script rather better now, and while I still think it's really quite unlikely that "one of the most powerful mages in the world" would go down that way, I suppose it's just one of those videogame plot things that a person has to most regretfully shrug off, and move on.

I noticed the little touches in the graveyard map design, such that the maps now connect in a sensible way. I'm a fan.
...Also Nanshe is still the most awesome slave ever oh god.

The Bat conversation in the chapel is also hilarious, and the Statue scene was surprisingly awesome.

In less pleasant news, I can't wait to get hands on the person responsible for what happened to the monstergirls. Hell, I dodged fighting all but the compulsory ones, in hopes that we can go back and re-recruit them after we either capture or preferably kill (a rare preference, in my case) whoever rigged our grand-daughters to explode into flames upon defeat. I'll be happy to see the one who caused that, but he/she/it won't be happy to see me.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

Well Lucky 777, I listened to the feedback you all gave. I redid the maps based on that. So even when I don't respond to everything people say, I DO read it and make changes based on it!

There's also some new concept art from a new artist on the blog. Here's one of the pics!

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

Just wanted to say I played through this and had fun, though it felt more like a comedy than a H-game most of the time. Looking forward to the next parts, whenever they will be ready.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

You might want to tone down the new hero gal. When I fought her, she blasted me and killed everyone but the Overmind. I still won the fight without them, but she was hitting so hard and fast that I couldn't revive the slaves. Also, why do you have a useless warning in there? You are told that she's powering up her big attack, then she moves a second time that very turn to blast you, which is what killed everyone. You should work on that.

Still a fun game, though.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

You are told that she's powering up her big attack, then she moves a second time that very turn to blast you, which is what killed everyone.

Same thing for me. When I got the warning about the big attack, I told myself I would guard the next turn only to see the heroine blast you to oblivion on the very same turn...still won though. It made for an interesting fight with a real sense of doom for my characters.

Also, jut one little thing that annoyed me. I like to press shift to run through the world maps but when you come in contact with a character that sprouts dialogue automatically, you miss the first few lines of text as the shift key will speed up the dialogue.

Despite these minor things, it is an interesting game. I commend you on your work and hope for more regular updates in the future.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

Interestingly enough, I think I had either 1 or 2 full turns before the chick used her full power attack.

(It may not be at all relevant, but I had set the turn-order-thing to manual.)

I mean I still failed to set peeps to guard properly because I didn't know WHEN the attack was coming out, so I lost 2 chicks and had to revive them, but still.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

Ver 0.2:

Or with RTP:

MD5: 57206e8cf68cfd60c0f8d502feb045cc
SHA-1: 164d0b53a79d531b2c887831f842ba38fd3ef5ba

Also sorry about the attack thing - she's SUPPOSED to do nothing that turn. I'll have it fixed by the next release.
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Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

This game is awesome!The art is nice but more importantly the settings (you are an overlord and enslave villages around you) are really interesting!
One question though, are the coffee beans from the drug dealer used in anything cause i bought them and didnt get anything back in the tower as my "assistant" said.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

This game is awesome!The art is nice but more importantly the settings (you are an overlord and enslave villages around you) are really interesting!
One question though, are the coffee beans from the drug dealer used in anything cause i bought them and didnt get anything back in the tower as my "assistant" said.

The content in that regard is currently unfinished, but WILL exist as soon as I can get an artist to draw it.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

Thanks for clarifying that.
I am looking forward to your next release! :D

btw. If you could do anything about shift skipping text dialog would be great.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

As someone that has played the overlord games I do like this game. I played through it before reading the thread. I think that the battle pit is a good idea since enemies don't respawn, but you should make it where a battle pit can be put in the tower. I wish you luck in this project if you decide to continue, and I give this demo a 4 out of 5, for now.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

First off, have to say I love the game. Great dialogue, great characters, and has good humor. Looking forward to the next update. About the battle system, its great and all, but I'm really wishing there was some way to see what the stats actually do and how much they affect attacks. SPI(rit) I'm guessing affects magical attacks but it seems like when I cast spells as Nanshe they're doing less damage that the Overminds spell "Shade" and the Overmind has a lower SPI stats. I know there's RES(istance) and all that but Shouldnt the Overmind do less spell damage than the Mage? All things aside, really enjoying the game and can't wait for the next update.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

I'm really wishing there was some way to see what the stats actually do and how much they affect attacks.

I've always been a fan of knowing exactly how stats affect things under the hood, so I'll second this guy's request.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

I should make a blog post about stats sometime.

First thing, stats are often a bit confusing for people since they hide their effects a bit.

But here's a simple breakdown. You have six primary stats.

Max HP
Max MP

These stats do for the most part exactly what they sound like, except Agility. Agility is almost useless in VX. It only determines who goes first in a fight, and nothing else. Attack is raw fighting damage. Defense is how much damage is reduced when an attack hits you (the Overmind is fairly tough). Spirit is the magic equivalent of strength AND defense rolled into one, just for the purposes of magic.

The reason that Shade hits so much harder than Nanshe's attacks is twofold.

One: Shade is a more powerful spell than Nanshe's current spells. Spells have "base damage". Stats add to it.

For instance, Shade has a base damage of 400. (I may tone this down later)

Fire has a base damage of 150. When Nanshe gets Fire II (not yet in the game), it has a base damage of 400.

Given spells of equal power, Nanshe will outdamage The Overmind every time (At level 10, he has SPI 48, she has SPI 75, and the gap only grows). Even more so as they level, because the Overmind has a fairly average spirit stat on a flat leveling curve, whereas Nanshe is (as one might expect) an A-list mage, and she'll get more boosts from Spirit enhancing equipment as she levels and recovers her heroic abilities (if not the calculating mind).

The second factor is elemental resistance. You almost certainly got Shade in the chapel or just before. I planned it that way. The enemies there (including Rubati) are weak to darkness damage, making the spell extremely useful in that location.

When you later encounter creatures that are strong to darkness, you'll find that spell is much less useful.

I hope that cleared things up! Let me know if you have any other questions.

EDIT: Oh, on the shift skipping thing - not sure if I even can do anything with it. The sprinting and text skip functions are bound to the same key by default, and I haven't yet figured out how to separate them or found a script that could. You can change what keys are bound to your keyboard by pressing F1, but it doesn't look like you can do much about the functions. Believe me though - I read the posts talking about the issue it and I've been looking into it. If anyone else knows how to fix it, let me know. I'll implement it immediately.
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Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

Thanx for the breakdown for the stats. But about skipping text: I thought you already added that. I can hold left shift key (QWERTY keyboard. I don't know who else uses what layout) and it skips most of the text. It might wait for about a half second here and there but it skips. Anyway, keep up the great work.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

Thanx for the breakdown for the stats. But about skipping text: I thought you already added that. I can hold left shift key (QWERTY keyboard. I don't know who else uses what layout) and it skips most of the text. It might wait for about a half second here and there but it skips. Anyway, keep up the great work.

No. The general complaint is that you can hold down shift to sprint across the map, but people accidentally end up skipping dialogue when they run into areas that have text come up automatically because that key both lets you sprint and skips dialogue.

For instance, you run into an area with a boss battle and end up accidentally skipping most of the big speech.

Right now I have no way to fix that particular issue.
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Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

It also speeds up battle text and - in the case of the Rubati boss fight - the mage lass' warning on her special move. Which isn't a big deal in this case, but might prove annoying in a boss battle where their advice might actually matter.

I don't suppose there's any way to designate select text boxes as unskippable until they've been confirmed with Enter or the like?
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 2/12/13 Ver. 0.2

A way to get around this problem is to use a third party program to increase the speed of the game itself. I personally use Cheat Engine to make games that are heavy on the grinding just a little bit more bearable.