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Overwhored RPG Maker Game FULL GAME UPDATE!

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Cool, but what I mean about the teleportation bit is specifically that I'm not a fan of having to free those persons who aren't chicks of age, before I can proceed up the northward stairs.

As to the purge spell, that's good to hear about; I suppose I never ran into it because I don't grind in these demo versions - no sense in "overdoing" something you'll have to "do over", right? XD.

Also ... OH, right, I didn't check the servants' quarters (by which I assume you mean the "bond slave quarters").
EDIT: Nope... they're... not anywhere in the tower.
Dunno if that's a "Not yet implemented" thing or a bug, but there ya go.

The Overmind has a personal reason for doing it, but I can understand the annoyance. You'll understand why he does it later.

Also, the Servant's quarters aren't implemented yet.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Is the new story supposed to start by talking to the blonde eyeglasses woman (I am bad with names)?

I'm still having her tell me that it is the end of the adventure and I'm wondering if my save file is broken. If so, anyone has a save file with everything up to the end of 0.2.6 completed?
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Is the new story supposed to start by talking to the blonde eyeglasses woman (I am bad with names)?

I'm still having her tell me that it is the end of the adventure and I'm wondering if my save file is broken. If so, anyone has a save file with everything up to the end of 0.2.6 completed?

This version isn't really a new section, so much as an extra path. Previously you could only side with Princess Tasa. Now you can side with Princess Melita. There are a number of other changes as well, such as the upgrade system being implemented at the Orb of Dominion.

Unfortunately you can't explore the Melita path if you've saved after the "Choose Princess" section in Sayda without restarting.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Also, the Servant's quarters aren't implemented yet.



Whenever you're having a bash at the game again, feel free to consider keeping a changelog updated at the same time, I guess, for posting with the general release.

Anyway, good luck.

Probably check back in on this in a couple months.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Game links updated:
Ver 0.3:

MD5: 59CB6F872D537AA371682E7DC2FC65ED
SHA-1: 10C79243DC7DF1FAD95B1016825BC3C44838EB58
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

This version isn't really a new section, so much as an extra path. Previously you could only side with Princess Tasa. Now you can side with Princess Melita. There are a number of other changes as well, such as the upgrade system being implemented at the Orb of Dominion.

Thanks, that explains it. I thought that the update was a new section.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Hello to everyone! You've all probably been wondering where the new update is. I have been on a short hiatus for a while but I have been able to resume work!

I've given full details and shown what work needs to be done for the next version to be complete on my blog. This new version will be a huge improvement when it's out. Take a look!

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Get rid of that sendspace installer on your blog page. its a spyware bonanza.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Get rid of that sendspace installer on your blog page. its a spyware bonanza.

To clarify, there is no AUTOMATIC installer on my blog page. No popup or anything like that. Instead, one of the links to download the game is on Sendspace, and there is an option to download from sendspace without using the installer, which I'll agree is a piece of crap.

Generally speaking I just throw the game at a bunch of download sites so if one of them goes down you can still download the game. Not all are going to be great, though I won't link to one that isn't at least safe to visit.

If I'm made aware of any particular dangers on a site, I will remove it.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Hi everyone - I'm bumping this thread to let you know there will be a new release soon. The maps for the game have been completely remade, there will be a full section with a brand new heroine and a bunch of new sex scenes, filled in content that was missing before and so on.

It would have been out on the first for donators, but I came down with bronchitis - then came down with bronchitis AGAIN, so I had to delay it. I'm feeling well enough to work on it now so work is resuming.

I'm going to tentatively put the donator release on the 10th; then the general release not long after.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Ver 0.4 Beta1a:
- Lots of bad walkpaths, especially around the home base tower. You can walk off to the side and fly through the black void. Also could walk over impassable tiles with small plants placed over the impassable terrain. Alchemy lab had some walkability issues, but most of the time there is cutscene so it didn't make a huge difference.
- When you revisit Nanshe's lair and head back out (to get the potion), only the left of 3 exit squares was walkable. They were all stairs, leading down to the first room full of coffins.
- Some fires morphed into unlit campfires when you interacted with them.
- Siding with bandit princess, if you go left into the training room as soon as friendly troops arrive, then right back into the entry hall (screen is still tinted red, you are supposed to be fighting Rubati the priestess), you are warped to a black void outside a goblin house, 2 squares left of the top of some drawers. This is a serious issue, since you are stuck in place and would probably mess up plot flags even if you got free.
- Revisiting the home base (all upgrades but throne) after you got to the desert town, you have a bunch of friendly NPCs who thank you for rescuing them, such as a baker in the kitchen. They've been flagged early, without the protagonist even interacting with the corresponding NPCs in the town. I haven't checked to see what happens when the protagonist actually does save them.

And that's all for bugs so far. Interesting new music, and an impressive job adding all the new messages for examining random objects.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 06/24/13 Ver. 0.3

Just a quick update for everyone - the public release should be out on Monday provided all final beta testing goes smoothly!
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 20/FEB/14!

Alright all, the release is free! This version has new art, new music, new maps, a new heroine, a bunch of new dungeons and more!

I'm going to update this post with more download options as the file is uploaded to places. The available options are currently below:

There is also a torrent link on the blog. (Not shared because I'm not sure how various sites feel about torrents, even though this one is totally legal.)
Nab it here!

I've also created an irc if you want to get ahold of me or discuss the creation of H-Games:
#HGameDesign on irc.rizon.net
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Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 20/FEB/14!

So I tried the torrent link, i get a dlsecureTB_1. file is that it?
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 20/FEB/14!

So I tried the torrent link, i get a dlsecureTB_1. file is that it?

The file you should be getting is "Overwhored Ver 0.4a Public Release.rar".

You download a torrent file and open it with a torrent client, like Bittorrent.
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Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 20/FEB/14!

Well, I guess I'll take a nap and set alarm for 2AM. :p

My ISP provides unlimited unmetered downloads between 2-7AM - otherwise limited to 500MB/day (and I share with 2 other heavy users).

Thanks so much for the share! :D
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 20/FEB/14!

This is a nice game!
Thanks for make my day:D
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 20/FEB/14!

Cypress, I just finished my first playthrough and must say that I really enjoyed it. I love your sense of humor! I did miss a couple things and want to try the other path so will be playing again. :D

One bug. If you try to reenter sewer from jail, you end up at mimic. :eek: I THINK that this is only after defeating heroine.

Are there only 4 save slots? If so, can you please provide more? If not, can someone tell me how to access the rest? :confused:
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 20/FEB/14!

I love the updates. I probably haven't played this game in a year or two... or three, but i remembered the game was very good but goodness this is AWESOME.

I agree i love your humor, and Overlord was also one of my favorite games;
I love the detail and effort in the art and the gameplay (;such as the guard who has the money under the bed to escape the island while your in the vents. And you can go retrieve the money;) or the scene for bringing the coffee back to the castle, i like the different choices you can make, and generally most of the conversations.

Each party member adds a different personality and humorous moment and they have their own specific skills. Again I absolutely enjoy this game it leaves me wanting more and not just because of the sexy art and sex scenes, but the hilarity from everyone in the party, everyone having different skills, and being able to choose who you want in your party is also an underated aspect that makes me enjoy the game even more.

I cant wait for future updates. Even if the full game is in a year or three ;p
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 20/FEB/14!

Cypress, I just finished my first playthrough and must say that I really enjoyed it. I love your sense of humor! I did miss a couple things and want to try the other path so will be playing again. :D

One bug. If you try to reenter sewer from jail, you end up at mimic. :eek: I THINK that this is only after defeating heroine.

Are there only 4 save slots? If so, can you please provide more? If not, can someone tell me how to access the rest? :confused:
I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

Hmm, didn't catch that bug. Thanks for reporting it, it actually only happens after you've defeated Branda.

As for the save slots, I'll have to see if I can find a script for it. It's an RPG Maker thing.

I love the updates. I probably haven't played this game in a year or two... or three, but i remembered the game was very good but goodness this is AWESOME.

I agree i love your humor, and Overlord was also one of my favorite games;
I love the detail and effort in the art and the gameplay (;such as the guard who has the money under the bed to escape the island while your in the vents. And you can go retrieve the money;) or the scene for bringing the coffee back to the castle, i like the different choices you can make, and generally most of the conversations.

Each party member adds a different personality and humorous moment and they have their own specific skills. Again I absolutely enjoy this game it leaves me wanting more and not just because of the sexy art and sex scenes, but the hilarity from everyone in the party, everyone having different skills, and being able to choose who you want in your party is also an underated aspect that makes me enjoy the game even more.

I cant wait for future updates. Even if the full game is in a year or three ;p

Yeah, I don't remember what inspired the scene with the guard. I'm glad I did it though. I like little touches like that.

I think I just needed a way to show that Branda's guards weren't all really behind her.

I still feel like there's a lot I need to improve but I always love seeing people enjoy it.