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Overwhored RPG Maker Game FULL GAME UPDATE!

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

I dunno if someone has mentioned it yet, on ship wreck island, there is a bug going into one of the areas on the west side where entering the zone causes you to stick in place like you are trapped in a wall
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

another bug, in the golem town, where you take the appearance of a repairman to get by the guy in the bar, if you approach him from the side, the game freezes. I assume its because you were expected to approach him from the front and he was to step to the side to let you pass
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

There's another bugfix release going out today! This should be the last one for a bit. The next one will focus on making combat fun and adding things like the big battle and the Cowgirl Farm/Sayda Princesses scenes!
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

I found a bug. There's a sugar salesman npc in the entrance screen to sayda on the left side who when spoken to acts like you've already conquered the town and you even get lines from servant Branda even though you haven't even met her yet since the game started.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

Another bug is after you leave the Goblin Island and arrive at the dwarf island, you can still enter the captains cabin at the ship and after you leave it, the scene with the Goblins attacking the ship repeated again and after its destroyed the game freezes.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

Can someone please tell me how to find princess tasa in sayda...ive spent forever...
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

Can someone please tell me how to find princess tasa in sayda...ive spent forever...

House north of where the kids are playing. You must speak to Melita until you get diplomatic pass to gain entry.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

Finally got around to trying your game (I thought an Overlord porn parody was almost redundant).

You did a really good job on the dialogue - your Tower Mistress character does a seemingly-perfect Gnarl imitation.

The difficulty is just about perfect for the game type, at this stage. The only reason I could see to change it would be for an optional hard mode.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

I don't know if its a bug or unfinished but I can't enter the dungeon and fight Bilbao's heroine. To clarify this errors pops up after you walk into a white cave entrance. Which is past most/or all of the monsters. The moment you hit the entrance, Bang! the game crashes.

Error Message: Unable to find file: Graphic/Tilesets/Dungeon_A1

Can anyone confirm this? Is it a bug or something else?
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

This may have already been covered somewhere but how do you change party members? Or can you change them?
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

This may have already been covered somewhere but how do you change party members? Or can you change them?

You can change the formation (order) via the menu. Only the first 3 followers will be active in battle. You can't remove any girl from party and Master is always in front.

Several possible strategies come to mind:

Use the weaker slaves as cannon fodder and save heroes for big battles. However this results in low XP for the heroes. Not good given you can't grind XP as mobs don't regenerate (except in arenas).

Use your strongest heroes (allowing for different abilities for different enemies) most of the time. The newest hero will for the most part be weak compared to the others but will eventually succeed one of them. If one has depleted most of her magic, I may replace her until the tower keeper restores all before boss battle. I mostly keep healer slave in rear with good armor - you can use up her magic instead of the Masters to heal between battles.

You will lose the blonde and the slaves after battle in dwarf town. You may want to strip them of equipment before confronting mayor on top floor of prison. Slaves become maids and baby makers, Blonde commands your other forces.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

all the equipment gets put in your inventory after they leave.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

Just a quick heads up: I'm gonna be releasing a new version tomorrow. It'll include the monstergirl village, a big multiparty army battle scene, and the princesses as cowgirl sex slaves.
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Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

An interesting bug I found all the way at the beginning of the game.
First village, after you defeat the Militia Captain
There are two girls with the same sprite.
When you capture one of them, the game breaks. Character can no longer move. Accepts Menu commands, Music plays, no movement.

Verified on Win 8 64, Win 7 64 bit.
Also, when you get the girl with the Blonde pigtails, appears to break movement on the rest of the NPC girls in the space.

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 1/JAN/2015!

Apologies, folks. I'll get a fix up soon, but I've got to have a programmer look at it.
Okay, I'm gonna parallel my blog post here so everyone is on the same page. There's a bugfix version out today.

This one should solve the game breaking bugs, let me know what else you find. It doesn't solve everything, so I'll have plenty more work to do.

During this month and part of next, most likely, I'll be doing rewrites, bug fixes, and so on to shore up the game before the last two chapters.

So it'll go like this:

- Bugfixes and rewrites
- Luonnotar's chapter
- Bugfixes and rewrites (Mostly final)
- Final Mystery Chapter (This will be a short chapter)
- Final polish for the game

I'll discuss my future plans once Luonnotar's chapter is done. For now, let me know if there are any other game breaking bugs. Overwhored isn't far from being done.

Sigh. Nevermind. Another day or two of fixes, then.

Okay, the version that is up now should work fine. Some people are having issues with old saves, but I'll fix that in time. Also new games should work without any major bugs.
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Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 13/MAY/2015!

Put up a new version today that fixes the inescapable barn issue. Ver 0.5.3 Fix 4.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 13/MAY/2015!

So I'm working on re-balancing the game and making a bunch of other changes. Farming is dropping as a workload issue as the heat wave here takes effect and it becomes too hot to work outside.

That said, I recently got an offer to have body-pillows made of Overwhored characters and I...

Body pillows? Really?

I guess I just have to ask - is that something you all even want? If so, it's no trouble to get them made. But I don't want to waste my time making chibi-overmind body pillows (or more likely, full sized Nanshe and the like ones) if no one would buy them. It wouldn't be a problem to get the art done for it. But will anyone even buy it?

Yes? No? Maybe so?
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 13/MAY/2015!

Uh, that is kind of a creepy honor...

Unrelated: should I be openly happy that the weather is making your job harder and herding you back to the pc? I'm weirdly concerned about that atm. That might just be a side effect of the heat over here though.